Valentines Babies, 2013!

DD#2 had horrid thrush in her mouth. I didn't know what it was or what to look for, so I think I let it get really bad before recognizing a problem. :( Anyhow, I tried a bunch of medicines that made things worse (the one the Dr gave me had sugar in it... which yeast feeds off of! didn't make sense.) until I finally found the wonder solution.
Grapefruit Seed Extract. You put a certain amount of drops of it into water and wipe it around the effected areas with a Qtip a few times a day. It was gone in a few days. I just bought one of those little glass vials to mix it in at a local vitamin store. I hope it clears up soon!

Sierra, I'm sorry the meds haven't kicked in yet :( I hope they do soon!

Kellen, aren't giggles the best? Even my way-too-serious DH can be caught repeating ridiculous noises over and over if it makes Max laugh. Lately he like certain words repeated loudly. I keep meaning to try and catch it on tape!
They've put Camden on another antibiotic today- trying to clear it up before it gets worse. :(
Oh, Sierra, I am so sorry for you and Camden. I hope that this antibiotics takes care of the infection right quick. At least the doctors are now on your side. Thank goodness you are such an involved mommy who fought for her baby.

Helena - Thrush does not sound fun. Hopefully you'll be able to get it cleared up.

Teagen has decided that rolling from front to back is for babies and now enjoys showing off her new skill of rolling from back to front. The first time she did it she was asleep. We heard her moving about and suddenly she let out a wail as she frightened herself (but never woke up). This morning she rolled from back to tummy three times for her great-grandma at breakfast. She is also now able to consistently hold her teething ring and bring it to her mouth.
Seems like the thrush cream is already working :)

8.30pm and all three kids asleep in bed. Kiara is unfortunately in my bed it a least she is asleep :)

How is Camden doing?

Well done Taegan on rolling! Great stuff. None of that here yet. What a clever strong girl.

Oh yes wamommy you must catch the laughter on tape ("tape"!.. How old fashioned are we! Lol). I keep trying to get K but she is just mesmerized as soon as a camera is pointed at her.

Today Kiara shows signs of bonding with the duck toy I would like to be her comforter. I am happy. Is a duck by Beatrix Potter, if you have heard of her? Wrote a set of beautiful animal stories, Peter Rabbit being the most famous. My second son won't sleep without his Peter Rabbit soft toy and it really helped him comfort-wise when he started nursery, and to be independent in general, so I got Kiara another Beatrix Potter character (just because I love them) - Jemima Puddle Duck. It is so pretty.
Kiara has generally ignored the duck until today when she kept trying to grab its hat and sucked its beak like a dummy! :)
I wanted to get well known charactor toys so if lost I can ge another. My son already lost his first Peter Rabbit. Lost forever in Ikea. He was so sad. Luckily Amazon hurriedly delivered me a new one!
Anyone else hoping to tent baby to bond with a favourite toy? It really helped me son. M first son didnt have a special toy and he was a pain to get to sleep on his own. I really think a little fluffy friend helps them :)
So glad the thrush cream is working! Love the toy story- I keep trying to get Camden interested in toys but so far he is just fascinated with his fist!

He's much the same today. :( on two antibiotics now so hopefully by tomorrow he'll be a bit better. Last night he was inconsolable... crying so hard he worked himself into a sweat! :( I just want the time to go quickly until his tests- I'm so worried something major is going on! :(
I'm so sorry, Sierra. Poor Camden :( I wish they could do his tests sooner! Hopefully the antibiotics will start to help. I can't imagine how hard that is for the both of you :hugs:

Kellen, I can't believe Teagen is rolling! When I put Max on his tummy he lifts his arms and legs off of the ground. Picture a skydiver in mid-flight :dohh: I can't wait for him to roll over so that he can be put to bed on his tummy :D Well done, Teagen!

Helena, I love Beatrix Potter! I'm so glad Kiara is bonding with her duck :) My girls didn't bond with anything until about their first birthday. DD#1 chose a monkey (she named it "Dada Monkey" and it still sleeps with her) and DD#2 chose a tiger. She holds it by the tail and rubs it on her face when she's nervous or tired. So far Max doesn't show much interest in toys. His favorite thing in the world is his textured burp cloth! He holds it and feverishly shoved it into his mouth and gums it. He also loves one of those toys where you pull the leg and it vibrates for a second. I pull the leg and then put it on his tummy and he laughs like crazy. Unfortunately it only lasts for a couple of minutes before he is SO over it and gets irritated. :haha:
Lots to catch up on here :)

So sorry to hear about Camden's infection, I sure hope the antibiotics start working soon!

Congrats to all the rolling, grabbing, sitting, giggling babies...way to go! My two are grabbing at things, but no rolling or sitting yet! Gunnar has laughed several times, but I've only seen it twice...DH seems to get all the giggles from him. Lily has not laughed at all yet. Any suggestions on what I can do to coax some giggles out of them? They both give me huge smiles and delighted squeals when they see me (I think I'm somewhat of a novelty...on work days I only see them for about 1-2 hours :(), but I can't seem to make them laugh!

Last night, I came home from grocery shopping and Lilja was in the swing. DH said she had been cranky and he couldn't make her happy. We have the swing in an isolated corner of the living room, kind of behind the couch so it's a calm, quiet spot for the babies to relax, wind down, and sometimes nap. I peeked around the couch to see what she was doing, and she was staring up at the mobile and babbling at the lights. DH peeked around the other side of the couch and she shot him a decidedly sour look like "leave me alone, can't you see I'm talking to these lights here?" I was trying not to laugh and let out a little snort, and she turned and spotted me. Her face lit up, she gave me the biggest open-mouth grin, and started waving her arms and kicking her legs like crazy and going "huh huh huh!" like she was so excited. It was the cutest thing ever. I just love it when they're happy to see me.

We took the babies out to a restaurant for the first time on Saturday night. DH's brother and his girlfriend were visiting, and they invited us out to my favorite restaurant. We decided to give it a shot, even though it would mean having the babies out past their bedtime.

Luckily, the place was pretty empty, because Lily started to melt down as soon as we got there. As soon as she started to cry, I got up and walked around in an empty section with her, which calmed her down immediately (the girl likes to be on the move). DH's brother's girlfriend switched off with me for a few minutes so I could wolf down my dinner, which was nice. She LOVES babies and I practically had to pry the baby out of her arms so she could eat her own dinner lol.

Then I took Lily down to the end of the bar where there were no customers, and sat on a bar stool and swivelled back and forth to kind of "rock" her, and she started to fall asleep. Suddenly, I felt a really warm spot on my leg and thought "oh shit!" She had peed right out of her diaper, soaking through her clothes and my jeans. There was no changing station in the bathroom, so I had to lay her changing pad on the counter next to the sink to change her clothes. Unfortunately, I didn't have a change of clothes for myself, so I just had to live with pee on my pants :haha:.

Of course, Gunnar was an angel throughout the meal, and DH got to sit and eat his meal in peace with no interruptions ;). Then, Lily fell asleep the minute we got back in the car, and Gunnar screamed the whole way home. :rofl:

Luckily, they both went to bed right when we got home, and slept a full 12 hours. Not sure we'll be taking them to any restaurants for a while!
That sounds like an adventure, Dragonflywing! Two of the many perks of motherhood are wolfing down food and having constant pee and/or barf stains on our clothes. :haha:

Max is pretty good at restaurants, but he's a pretty mellow guy. He sounds a lot like Gunnar. Worst case scenario, I have to hold him the whole meal or feed him, but a lot of the time he'll just sit in his seat looking around. I figure it's my payoff for the sleepless nights! :)

As far as getting him to laugh, it's SO random what works! I can try for hours and get only little smiles, and then a random movement or sound will send him into stitches. He seems to like being startled, though. Big, loud, silly movements make him freeze for a minute and then laugh. I still haven't caught it on tape, though. And yes, Helena, that phrase shows our age! :haha: I still forget my phone has a camera.
Adventures in teething here. Poor Teagen is having a terrible time. Last night she screamed at DH when he didn't hand her over to me fast enough. Right now (at almost 8pm) she is wide awake. She had been going to sleep at 7pm for the past two weeks until this darned tooth started popping up. So for the past three night she has gone down around 8:30 or 9, woken up at 4am and then slept with us until around 7am. Naps have been hit and miss. She just gave me a perfectly formed and unpopped bubble on my hand. Sooooo much drool.

She also loves rolling onto her tummy. I put her in her crib so I could grab her swing and when I came back she was on her tummy looking around. Her sheets have shapes on them which she was scratching at.

We are also now wearing size 3 diapers as the size 2 were having blowouts each time she pooped. I sized up after washing the sheets 4 days in a row.

I just put her back in her swing and she is whining and saying: ", ma mu!" Poor deary is so, so tired.

Helena - Whenever I read "clever" in your posts I hear it as Clara from the most recent Doctor Who episodes where they are consistently saying: "Clever, girl!"

Now I'm off to try to comfort my poor unhappy baby.
Hi ladies and babies

Havent been here of late. Back in work so still trying to manage it all is proving difficult!!!
Loads to catch up here. Sorry to hear about all the sick babies. Hope they get well soon
Congrats on the babies grabing toys and rolling. No rolling or grabing from Brianna yet. All she can do is scratch her legs.... Poor girl has eczma. We have had lots of creams and washing lotions but all dont seem to help she still wakes up 5-6 times a night screaming and scratching. I have got the E45 itch relief and fingers crossed!!
Camden's tests were rescheduled for tomorrow! No improvement- very unhappy baby: (

Kellen, sorry to hear about the teething... poor girl.
Kim- I hope this eczema cream works- how miserable. :(
Camden's tests were rescheduled for tomorrow! No improvement- very unhappy baby: (

The tests were on the 28th, right? So they moved them up? Yay! :D I'm so sorry Camden still feels awful, but I'm really glad they're able to take it seriously and get you in sooner. Poor little guy :hugs:

Kim, I'm sorry to hear about Brianna's itching. I hope the new cream works for her. How is it being back at work?

Dragonfly, any news about seeing a specialist sooner?

Haven't heard from Jo in a while :( Jo, I hope all is well :flower:
Yes they moved it up since he's doing so poorly. I can't wait to hopefully have some answers!
Sierra, you and Camden are on our prayer list here. I am glad they moved the test up. I hope it is something that is relatively easy to fix. Poor little guy. It is tough watching Teagen deal with her teeth. I can't imagine having to watch my baby suffer all day every day.

Kim - I am sorry to hear about the eczema. I've heard that coconut oil can help as well as breastmilk. I don't have personal experience, so I hope the cream clears it all up.

Jo has been absent. I know she has a baby journal on here so I might go hunt her down.

Teagen now loves to be on her tummy since it is her idea. This morning when we woke up she was calmly staring at us from between the slats of her crib where she was laying on her tummy. She had also, somehow, managed to get one arm out of her Zippy. When she saw us coming to get her she promptly flipped back onto her back. Only one fuss at 4am, which I gave her some Tylenol. She never woke up, but contently snuggled with DH for 45 minutes before I woke him back up and told him to put the baby back in her crib.
Thanks Kellen. I really appreciate it. Yesterday Camden wasn't eating very well and only had 4 wet diapers- which is sooo unusual for him. I don't know if it's coo related to what's going on with him or what, but I don't like it!

That's so cute that Teagen had her arm out of her zippy. Camden kept breaking free from his swaddles so this week we switched him to a swaddle sleep sack. It's been great so far! Gives him the freedom to kick his legs which he loves but still swaddles his arms. Eventually we'll switch to a regular sleep sack, but this step is fine by me. :). I can't believe my little baby has outgrown his swaddles! They're growing up so fast!
Hey ladies. I am still lurking. I do read nearly all of your posts but I don't always have advice and usually I am reading and running as I just have so little time these days.

Olivia is doing well. She's smiling and holding her head up now. We even had a giggle the other day.

I have good positive days and some bad when I feel down about her future and the unknown. We are waiting for a muscle biopsy date and that should help. I've had an awful experience with a consultant recently who basically told me that there is something wrong with O, we just need to find out what and then we'll know her prognosis and whether we have to come to terms with a shortened life expectancy. You can imagine how that felt!

We remain positive though and know that whatever her problems, we'll beat them. Or at least do our best trying x
OMG Jo, what a terrible thing for that consultant to say! Why in the world would they want to say something like that when they don't have all the information? I sure hope all the tests come back favorable :hugs:

wamommy, I got an appointment for June 25th, so less than 3 months but still quite a while. They told me they'd let me know if there was a cancellation between now and then.
Oh Jo, what an awful thing to hear. I didnt realize things we so serious. I must read your blog more. Christ, sending you lots of hugs and strength x x x x. X

k is months old today! Trying her on a bit of fruity mush at lunchtime :) our Swiss doc says that from 4 months is fine, am sure it used to be 6 but am excited! Apple, mango and peach mush here we come! :)

Am not sure if I should take her three weeks early into account? Or maybe they don't count as she was considered "term" (by 1 day)... But we will try just a little and see how she goes. She sits up at the table with us in a bumbo style chair with a tray :)
Happy 4 months to Kiara! I think it's really up to your discretion whether you want to start solids now or wait a all depends on how ready you think K is :)

Our doctor told us we could start solids at their 4 month checkup...I was shocked, because they were only 2 months adjusted, and I didn't feel they were ready. I actually planned on waiting until they were 8 months (6 months adjusted), but now I don't think we will wait that long. Lilja especially is showing signs that she's ready (very interested in our eating, seems dissatisfied with her milk in the evenings, has great head control and minimal tongue thrust reflex), so we tried her on some very runny rice cereal mixed with breast milk. She did ok with it, but wasn't that thrilled, so we're waiting a little while longer.
Jo, I'm so sorry! It seems wrong for the consultant to say such a thing before you know for sure what's going on!! I didn't know how serious things were either, and I'm so sorry. I should read your blog more often too. I'm so glad you checked in, though, and I'll be sending a ton of thoughts and prayers your way :hugs:

Helena, our Pediatrician said we could start solids at 4 months too, but I don't know what to start him with! What is the easiest to digest? I think we started with rice cereal with the girls, but they both hated it. I have the cutest video ever of DD#1's first peaches. She giggles after each bite. :) I can't believe all of the babies are getting so big that they're ready to EAT!

We're having a little bit of sleep regression here :( Max was doing so much better and sleeping for 3-4 hours at a stretch. The last 2 nights he back to the one hour down, one hour up, routine. I hope this is temporary! :wacko:

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