I'm suddenly developing symptoms...after lunch I got really nauseated, and it hasn't gone away over the past hour. (TMI) I also have creamy cm just like I had when I was about 9dpo with the twins. That's the most significant symptom for me, because that's the only time I've had that type of cm.
Well, the Subway thing isn't going to work. DH vetoed it and said that we should put that money toward bills instead
He wants to make BLTs at home instead, and we don't have lettuce, so I said I'd go out and get some. He also shot that down, because he said I should just walk to the farmer's market on the corner. Pretty sure they don't have pregnancy tests
I'm extra confused now because I stopped at the dollar store on my way home and bought a "couple" tests, and of course I felt the need to take one right when i walked in the door. On 2 cups of coffee and no hold, but STILL, there's just barely a line. It's a squinter, to be sure. So maybe the FRER was bad? Is is pretty old, after all?
If there was barely a line, I'd say you're still pregnant. Dollar stores tests aren't as bright in the beginning.. but in my experience, if you aren't pregnant there would be absolutely no line....
I go to the doctor to get some antibiotics and come back and everyone is pregnant. I better have DH run out and get some tests for me too. Those tests are pretty darn conclusive. I have an FRER left over... Maybe I can find it.
Did you take a picture of your second test, wamommy?
I managed to go out and get a few dollar general tests, plus a clearblue easy. I took one of the cheapies when I got home, and got another inconclusive result. I had to tweak it quite a bit to make it visible on the photo.
The cashier at the dollar store was really funny...they had the tests behind the counter, so I had to ask for them. He was like "It's been a long time since I've taken a test, but something tells me that I wouldn't do too well on this one." and then when I was leaving, he said "Good luck on your final exam!"
I totally will. I'm practicing extreme willpower right now, since I have tests, but really want to wait until tomorrow! I've been out bike riding (well, I walk quickly behind the girls with Max in his jogger) trying to get my mind off of all of this. Ya, it didn't work. I'm totally obsessing and going a little crazy. I just can't believe this. That said, I'm not completely sold, because the dollar store test is almost white. Hmm... I guess tomorrow morning willl tell.
Everyone should go get a test (or use your last FRER from a drawer, Kellen... you see what happened to me!).
Dragonfly, I'll post the test. I took this pic at 3 minutes or so. It darkened a TAD, but then turned yellow (eew). So, this is the best pic I have. I see something on your test, btw!! Also, how do you tweak pics? I've seen people bring out the pink in tests, but I have no idea how?
LOL Sierra! Maybe YOU should suggest subway for lunch tomorrow? Is there a way to get out with Camden tomorrow?
So you guys think it's really positive? Oh my... I'm in full panic mode, tonight! I guess there's no point in stressing out tonight. I'll test again in the morning and give myself a night to let it all sink in.
Dragon, I fully expect a test from you in the AM as well! (and maybe even one from Sierra, and Kellen, too!)
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