Valentines Babies, 2013!

Sierra, I've never had anyone else put Max to bed, but it KILLED me when I was in the hospital with Max knowing that DH was going to put the girls to bed without me, and they're older!! I totally get it. I trust DH (and a couple other people) but I have this maternal fear that it won't be done the way I would have it done, or that he'll be left to cry, etc. I'm SURE Camden will be fine, and if you feel more comfortable, ask your Mom to hold him or put him in his swing in the living room or something, and save the actual "put down" for you when you get home.

We have to go run some errands (which will no doubt include buying more tests!) but I will be looking forward to checking on your tests, Dragon. It's fun to have something to look forward to, lol. I DO think it would be amazing to have a buddy in this strange twist.:thumbup:
I almost want to leave work early lol! I'm really not getting as much work done as I should be, because I'm so distracted. I'm basically sitting here refreshing bnb, looking up pg symptoms, staring at all the pictures of my tests, and freaking out about telling DH if I get a positive.

Any suggestions on HOW I should tell him?

Edit: more symptoms. I'm feeling the same type of pain in my pelvis that I felt when I was pregnant and had SPD. I haven't felt that since the day I had the babies. Weird! Could I already be producing relaxin?
Thanks wamommy... I needed that reassurance. :flower:

Dragon, this one I can't see much on... but I'm assuming the ic is less sensitive than the others?
They say accurate at only 10 vs 25 for frer, but I have my doubts. I guess I'll be testing again tomorrow!
I actually think I might see a little something on that test, but it's so hard to tell! How frustrating :(

I just walked in the door. I had to run to Costco and of course I stopped at Walmart to buy a FRER for tomorrow morning and a couple 88cent tests just to get my fix :dohh: :dohh: I already took the test, and it's setting right now! I'll take a pic and post in a minute.
Oh, also... while I'm waiting. I was thinking my dollar store tests looked SO light that I dug up old pics of Max's Dollar store test from 9dpo and 10dpo, and they were way DARKER than this mornings'. Queue a deep sigh and feeling stupid. THEN I looked closer and realized the tests were different. The dollar store has changed their tests! Ok, now I feel like maybe it is still a positive? Maybe they just went to a cheaper test that isn't as sensitive?
Sierra - Whenever DH and I go out on dates (the whole two we've gone on!) we wait until after I've put Teagen to bed. I find that it is easier on everyone if we do it that way. She likes to nurse to sleep or if she won't go down that way we do a gentle CC, but my mom can't stand hearing her cry so neither options work! Thankfully she is normally asleep by 7 or 7:30.

More tests tomorrow! Hooray! I can't see much in the last picture, Dragon. I think you'll get the best results with the morning one.

Went to the doctor this afternoon and left Teagen alone with DH for 2 hours... for the first time. My mom had an appointment right before mine so we went together and left the "boys" in charge of the baby. Apparently my grandma had to step in and tell them that no, it is not a good idea to put the baby in the Ergo carrier and climb at ladder to clean gutters :dohh: But anyways... I get to go back to the doctor in a week to have a cyst removed. Oh, and Teagen hasn't had a nap since 1pm and it is now 5:30. We are trying to keep her up until 6:30. If she naps now she won't be sleepy until 9 or 10.
Here is a picture of Teagen with teeth! She was giggling at my mom. It is the first picture we have taken that you can actually see her two bottom teeth. My grandma was thrilled that I finally dressed her in pink... lol I tend to go with blues and greens.


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Hmmm...still light, but these tests stink. That's what I get for paying 88cents I guess!


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That's pregnant wamommy! :)

Kellen- she is so cute!! Love those little teeth!

I thought about waiting until after I put Camden down tomorrow but I'd miss opening pitch and dh really wants me to be there for it I think I shall be a good wife and pay attention to dhs needs this time. :).

Did you find your test Kellen?
Wamommy - There is not getting around it. There are TWO lines. It is positive.

Sierra - I completely understand about not wanting to miss the opening pitch. I love baseball. And no, I only found two bathroom boxes and neither of them had the test in it. DH found what he needed before I could convince him to open more boxes. He would have thought I was batty looking for the test if I had said anything.
Kellen, I just saw the pic of Teagen. So cute!! I love the outfit. She so tall, too! The image of her in the Ergo with your DH on a ladder is hilarious :haha:

I think I'm convinced now that I'm actually pregnant. That sounds insane to say, and I think I've known since the FRER (come on... I live on BnB and have seen a thousand tests... ) but I've been in some denial here. I may need some time to get used to the idea!
That's completely understandable wamommy!!! I'd be the same way! Congratulations!!!! Now make a doctor appointment so we know how far along you are! Can't wait to find out the gender too!
I'd be in a bit of shock and denial as well if I suddenly discovered I was pregnant. But congratulations! I'm on board with Sierra... get to a doctor so we can have more news! Do you have any prenatal vitamins left over from Max?

Dragon - I can't wait to log in tomorrow morning and see what your next test says.

I think Teagen looks slightly goofy in the picture. She was wearing a red shorts outfit, but I didn't realize it was raining and 62 degrees outside. Hence I added some sweats and a jacket over the top because my sense of style is rockin'.

Helena - I find it amusing that our Americanese is rubbing off on you. I guess it didn't occur to me that "freakin'" is not a widely used word elsewhere. It is interesting how many words are used in different context based purely on location.

But anywho... I am procrastinating doing my homework. Teagen is in bed. DH is playing video games and I'm writing gibberish about policy analysis and how pre-existing knowledge is both good and bad. Now to shift my paradigm and view doing homework two hours before the deadline as bad...
Oh Dragon are you sure? I swear I saw those lines, too. When's your period due? Maybe it's just the ICs? Can you spring for another FRER?
Period is due this weekend, so if it doesn't arrive by Monday I'll get a frer.

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