Valentines Babies, 2013!

I can still see the line on that first frer without even squinting...and with all those "evaps," I find it hard to believe that there wasn't SOMETHING registering on those tests. I suppose it could be a chemical, or at 11dpo it may just still be too low to register on most tests. Maybe that first frer picked it up early for some reason?

I don't know, but I'm still having symptoms. Last night I had to go to bed early because I felt SO sick. I still have that pelvis pain, too.

DH made me feel a lot better last night about telling him if I do get a positive. We were talking about what I want for my birthday, and he said he was terrible at getting gifts. Then he said "Hey! Maybe I should just give you babies as gifts, I'm pretty good at that!" I laughed and said that that would be good, except I wanted a birthday gift more often than once every 2-3 years, and he said "Well, every 9 months if you're doing it right!" :haha:

Later when I felt really sick, DH mentioned that it was the second time in the last few days that I've felt really nauseated, and then he said "Remember when we were joking about you being pregnant?" and raised his eyebrows. This morning, I told him my period is due tomorrow, and he asked if we've dtd since my last one.

So he already suspects.
Aww that's cute that he suspects! I say buy a frer pack tomorrow if af doesn't show! It's looking positive with your symptoms!
I really don't think ALL of those tests could be evaps...I took out the first three frers, and I can clearly see the second line on all of them. I tried to get a picture of all three, but I'm not sure you'll be able to see it. However, in person they are visible. I took another IC about 30 minutes ago :haha: and I see something on there too. It doesn't show up well in pictures.

Do you think these could all be in my head? I'm losing it :wacko:


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In my experience, whenver I thought I saw a line, it was a real one---but took a week or so to get very dark. . .that happened with both my pregnancies. . .because I tested soooo early. I woudl say go with your gut. I definitely see the lines on the frer. . . and I think I see something on the new one. Hopefully by tomorrow you'll see something more definite. Remember, if it's just one in there, your hcg levels won't be rising as much as they did with the twins. . .so it'll take a while longer to get a dark line. :)
You aren't losing it! I see it on all of the FRER, and the most recent IC. Maybe at 11 dpo it's just too early, too? Also, I see why people buy FRER. Yes, it's ridiculously expensive, but I took a dollar store test and a FRER this morning to compare, and they are SO different. I agree with Sierra. Since your DH already suspects, jokingly tell him you guys should stop and get a box of tests. Chances are he'll be on board, and maybe even excited! Men don't get to live the ups and downs of this part of baby making, so it might be fun for him :)

My FRER this morning looks identical to the one a couple of days ago. I need to just stop testing. I remember driving myself crazy comparing lines and worrying they weren't darkening fast enough. I honestly believe that there is a plan out there greater than my own, and I need to learn to let some things go. I do solemnly swear to not test for at least 2 days!!

I'm going to call the DR. today. I'm dreading the conversation, honestly. We had a talk recently (when I switched birth control) about being finished having kids, and how I can't handle any more. I see concerned looks in my future. :dohh: Ah well... it's important. I also need to call my insurance. Ugh. Yesterday DH drove out to a vitamin shop a half hour away from our house to get the prenatals that I took with all 3 other kids. They are incredible (and expensive... *gulp*) but they were the highest rated prenatal that didn't make me want to puke right after taking them. Luckily I've been taking a super cheap prenatal already! I bought them when I was breastfeeding to make sure I was getting enough nutrients, and it's a 200 day supply. I didn't want to waste them, so I've been taking them in place of my normal daily vitamin.

In other news... anyone else's LO really into pulling hair lately? It's driving me nuts. Max grabs on and laughs and yanks incredibly hard! Maybe it feels nice between his fingers? I've taken to always wearing a pony tail to avoid it. He also ripped off my necklace the other day :dohh:
Oh wamommy--I totally see how that conversation will be interesting. But how exciting too to be going through the pregnancy process again!! So happy to hear that your dh is so thrilled! I know it'll be a lot of extra work and stress on you, but I'm sure you will fall into the role of mum to 4 very easily and quickly!

As for the hair-pulling---yes, Camden LOVES to pull my hair. . .every time I carry him. . .And he EATS it every time he pulls it. Needless to say, I've seen a few come through his digestive tract! :blush: :haha:
As for the hair-pulling---yes, Camden LOVES to pull my hair. . .every time I carry him. . .And he EATS it every time he pulls it. Needless to say, I've seen a few come through his digestive tract! :blush: :haha:

Eewww... :rofl: That's too funny. Just wait until they start eating solids!! I remember the first time I fed DDs blueberries... good times :haha:

Thank you for your kind words about having 4 kids! I think I can handle it. I have no choice, right? AND I keep telling myself I have a long time to get used to the idea and get better at 3 kids before adding another.
Exactly! And we're all be here for you the entire time whenever you need to vent! :)

So, you and DH better get working on names again! ;)
Oh noooooo, not names!! :dohh::dohh: :dohh: :dohh: I hadn't thought about that. I better start now, since it will probably take the entire pregnancy to agree! :haha:
lol... I remember the hard time you had with finding Max's name! Hopefully it'll come easier since you're more practiced at picking names now. ;)
So, the test dried a little, and looks a TAD darker to me? What do you think?

There can be no doubt surely!!!!!! Woohoo!

Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg I didn't realize that was you wamommy, I thought it was dragon. Oh bloody hell. A fourth!!!! How very very very exciting. How did you go at the doctors?

Oooh i am jealous ;) did you not suspect at all?

I felt jealous last night, so got a bit jiggly with DH but he made sure we were safe...bugger.

Omg wamommy, I can't believe it! :wacko::img::dance::loopy::shock::shock:
Don't give up yet dragon, its not over until the witch has landed x x x x
Haha Helena!! I AM shocked!! I thought my birth control (which I have hated and makes me feel like crap) was the culprit. I haven't had any symptoms, except for a bit of digestive issues (sorry tmi) so I had no idea! I'm actually forever grateful to Dragon... If she hadn't been testing I wouldn't have tested, and I wouldn't know.

It's funny that you're getting broody now, too! It is infectious, isn't it?
I want to test again :shock:

Third morning urine is pretty pointless, right? I'm definitely not going to see more than with FMU. Now that I have all these ICs I'm finding it hard to curb the urge.

It's really an addiction! I can hear the tests calling me from the bathroom! :rofl:

I want a FRER :sulk:. Can't get one until at least tomorrow, more likely Sunday.
Teagen loves to tug on my hair. I did manage to get a haircut this morning so it is a couple inches shorter. She also loves to rub my dad's bald head. Right now she is chewing on my cell phone. I think she is texting my mother-in-law.

Wamommy - I was just thinking about your naming dilemma as well. Are you hoping for another boy to be playmates with Max or a girl? Just to add an even more complex piece to the puzzle.... multiples?

Dragon - Let's hope your DH springs for a box of FRERs. I'm still going with positive though.

And yes, Teagen did call my MIL. :HEHE:
Dragon, it is an addiction. I feel like I've relapsed :haha: I agree that you should get FRERs as soon as possible. Maybe the ICs aren't as sensitive? I still see a shadow on today's though.

Kellen, I haven't even thought about gender preference or anything, yet! I just turned to DH and asked him, and he said he wants to be team yellow :haha: I guess we DO have all of the girl and all of the boy stuff. As Max sits here on my lap grunting and babbling away, perhaps a boy to play with would be best for him? I don't know, lol... I can't believe I'm thinking about this.

I never give Max my cell phone, because last time I did he used data, and we got charged!!! Luckily the cell phone company took off the charges when we explained :dohh: Maybe Teagen is a technological genius?
Ha. No we aren't trying. DH is pretty adamant. Plus with my mum not beng well it isn't a good idea. I need to be flexible travel wise for the next year...and I don't think i could handle the post baby hormones if my mum had left us or was very sick. Or for her to worry about not meeting my baby just in has been great with Kiara. She has been able to see her lots, probably more than either boy, Kiara is our special angel child, sent to make us all smile. See, even just thinking about another is making me sad..

In an ideal world maybe. But three is our magic number :) I just love the adrenaline of finding out you are pregnant, meeting baby is addictive!

Oh wamommy, its still amazing me!

Kiara is also a hair puller. She met another baby today, up close. It's the first time. Se was so rough! Grabbing ears, eyes, the baby's dress and toys! It was commented "oh, I can see you have two big brothers"! Lol
I texted my sister and asked her to pick up a frer on her way home, and she answered "Oh, I have one of those upstairs!" :rofl:

So I don't even have to buy one! :happydance:

I just got a light line on another IC. I think this one might be more visible than the last. I'll try to get a picture.
I didnt get a proper line whe i didnt need to squint, on an IC until about a week after a line on a less sensitive test...
That's how Max is, too. He explores through grabbing. :haha: His big sisters are always hugging and tickling him, so he thinks everyone likes it! We've only seen a couple of babies lately, but he's been VERY curious about them. I haven't let him get close, though, because he's so rough. A good friend's baby is only 6 weeks old, and I can see Max hurting him if left to it!

I understand your reasons for not wanting another, Helena. I hadn't thought of your Mom's illness. :( How is she doing, by the way? Do you have plans to see her again soon? 3 IS a wonderful number, and I love the dynamic with 3. I grew up with an older sister and a younger brother, so perhaps that's why I'm so comfortable in our current set-up?

How are your boys doing with Kiara? Are they gentle with her? I'm a bit worried because as Max gets older and more "fun" for the girls, they are getting a bit rough with him. I turned my back while cooking dinner the other night and Nica (DD#2) was spinning Max in his doorway jumper!! The poor little guy looked completely confused. I take Max to the bathroom with me sometimes because I'm afraid they'll rough house too much while I'm gone :dohh:

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