Valentines Babies, 2013!

LOL Max does this. He kind of smiles and growls while he's doing it, too. Then he dramatically inhales through his mouth like he's gasping for air. :haha:

Pilates: done. I like the dinner idea. I'm about to reheat a leftover buffet for lunch. Once a week I take all leftovers out of the fridge, heat them all, then put them on the counter. Everyone grabs a plate and chooses which leftovers they want. Anything not eaten goes in the garbage. :D
Wamommy, you need one of those digital ones with the conception indicator. Only when mine moved to 2-3 weeks did I believe I was actually pregnant with Kiara. Lines darker or lighter are so subjective. Get conception indicators. Two of them. One now one in a week xx
I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think they sell the ones with conception indicators in the US. At least, they didn't a year ago.

I'm getting cramps like AF is about to start. If nothing else, that will end the suspense!
7 months old today! How did that happen!?

Had her 6 month check up the other day, at 7 months. She is very much average on all measurements. 67cm and 7.9 kilos (17.4 pounds). Considering she was 2.5 kilos (5.5 lbs) when we left the hospital i am very happy. especially considering she is being fussy lately and only having about 350-400ml milk a day... She just prerfers food :)

The doctor also listened to her chest and said she has some bronchiolitis :( I had no idea. No treatment, just some ventilin if she is breathing too fast. I guess it is maybe why she is waking a bit more often, but really she seems fine (I had no idea!) and eats well and is smiley and happy as always.

Kiara wore shoes out today for the first time :)
Sorry about your cramps :(.. Bt I had them and my bfp before....xx

If you want conception indicators sending I can!
Wamommy, I agree with everyone else. I worried about that too when I was pregnant... I bought dollar store tests and only allowed myself to test once a week after that.

Helena, Kiara is just gorgeous! Love the picture!

We spent half of the morning trying to figure out what to do today... it's so hard with Camden because he's so fussy. Dh finally decided we'd go to a street fair with my sister and her family. He was grumpy the entire time there and when we finally got home he started complaining about how he realized today that he has no life-- (because we can't do what he would like on the weekends because Camden wouldn't tolerate most things). So the entire day he was moody because of something we can't change. He does this quite often and I don't know what to do about it.... I mean, there are loads of things I'd love to do but I know I have to sacrifice for Camden... so I try to just enjoy what we can do...and honestly I just appreciate any chance to get out and about on weekends. He loves Camden I know but he keeps saying how he's not free any more and tied down. I don't know what the heck to do with him... it always makes me stressed when we're out because I know he's mad... so it just makes it hard for all of us. I think he needs to stop being so pessimistic but he gets furious whenever I mention that and says I don't understand.... arch... any advice or know what works for you guys dhs?
Sierra, I'm so sorry things are tense with DH :( I completely understand. We have fights about different things, but I understand the stress it can cause. After all, being married should be a true partnership. Perhaps he doesn't realize the things you've given up? Maybe an honest conversation about how hard everything with Camden's fussiness has been on you would give him some perspective. Also, it's not permanent! To everything there is a season, and this one is just particularly hard for you guys. Either way, I hope it gets better. :hugs:

I WISH they sold those conception indicators here! I just looked and they're $20 PER TEST on ebay... haha. Way to take advantage of the manic testing lady :wacko: I talked to DH about it today... my fears that this isn't a viable pregnancy. My guilt over a tiny part of my brain feel like if this pregnancy doesn't work it's my own fault for not "wanting" this baby... even though I do, on some deep level. Ugh... so complicated. Anyhow, he said we'd buy more FRERs tomorrow, since HCG should have more than doubled by then. He says if it still isn't darker than I may have room for concern, but not yet.

Kiara is so beautiful! She looks like a little doll :D I'm loving the shoes. Max can't wear shoes, because his feet are so small, but fat, that shoes slip off of his non-existent heel! I hope her bronchilolitis clears up, poor girl... although it sounds like she's quite a trooper!

Dragon, I have cramps now, too :shrug: I wouldn't think it's conclusive! I agree, though... even if AF does come, at least it would end the misery of not knowing. I still think you aren't out, though. Do you have a test for the morning?
Thanks, yes I have a FRER for the morning, but I almost don't want to use it... I've wasted so many tests over the past few days. I don't want to see another negative or " maybe" result heh.

I've been unbelievably tired today, and I've gotten dizzy several times... just not feeling my best. I'll see how I feel in the morning. Maybe I'll just wait and see if AF shows up, and if not, I'll test in a few days.
I got this on an IC a few minutes ago, but then it disappeared! What the heck?


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Helena - Kiara is getting to be such a big girl! She is absolutely beautiful.:) The shoes are adorable. Happy 7 Month Birthday! That is so awesome that she loves food. Sorry to here about her minor breathing trouble, but it doesn't seem to be bothering her too much.

Dragon - You have the most odd test results. :shrug: I guess we'll wait and see if AF shows up for you.

Sierra - DH and I have disagreements as well. It is really hard because they really don't seem to understand that they aren't the only one who has had to make sacrifices and change their entire life. Whenever Teagen is taking up a lot of my time (when isn't she?) I try to make it into a bit of a game to divide my attention between the two of them. The other morning DH commented: "When people said life would change after having a baby I didn't believe them. Now I do. I can't do whatever I want when I want to." This was said in reference to wanting to snuggle with me in bed... but there was a baby between us.

Wamommy - I'm glad I'm not the only one with an overly dramatic mouth breathing baby. She doesn't do it all the time, just when she gets super excited or wants attention.

My MIL had what they are a "mini-stroke" yesterday. Although I feel terrible for her I am so proud of my DH. He is growing up. Before if this would have happened he would have been on a plane almost immediately in order to help "Mama" but this time he didn't mention it. In fact, he told me he is still exciting about going to Portland to finish his degree next week. It seems like he is finally letting go of some of the apron strings at 39 and realizing that Teagen and I are his primary responsibilities.
Exactly Kellen- it really does seem like they don't understand that they aren't the only ones making sacrifices... :(
Dragon, that line is clear as day! How strange that it disappeared! Have you asked in the pregnancy test section if anyone else had this happen, and what it meant for them? I'm dying to know!! When is AF due?

Kellen, is your MIL ok? Good for DH for prioritizing you and Teagen :D

Max has his "6 month" appointment on Tuesday, finally! The Doctor has been out of town all month so we'll be almost a month behind like you, Helena. Ah well, I'm just so curious about his height and weight, and it always feels good to have some reassurance that he's doing well.
Exactly Kellen- it really does seem like they don't understand that they aren't the only ones making sacrifices... :(

I sometimes think that they think that as women, it's what we're "supposed" to do. It isn't a sacrifice in their eyes, because it's our natural calling... :dohh: I don't think my DH understands why it's so important to me to finish my Masters and go back to work someday. (Ahhhh crud... didn't even think about that yet... but I guess it's delayed a year) How do I explain that wanting a career DOESN'T mean I don't totally love my roll as Mom? Our life has completely changed over the years, and honestly the adjustment gets easier. Once the shock of giving up your own life and time for the love of your child wears off a bit, it becomes a source of pride (even for DH!) and not contention. I hope :haha:
Yes, thank you, my MIL is fine. I personally think it was more of an attack of exhaustion than a stroke. She was driving, started feeling tired and was loosing focus. The CT didn't show any sign of a stroke and her vitals were all excellent. She tends to be a bit of a drama queen. However, the good news is that we found out the whole family quite smoking cigarettes and move onto electric cigarettes that use vapor. Not the best, but it is a step in the right direction.

Wamommy - What are you getting your Master's in? I'm doing my final year(s) of grad school online. I loved having a career in government, but right now being a mommy is a priority. I told DH that I'd like to go back to work once Teagen goes to Kindergarten.

I agree with your assessment that it seems like we are just supposed to be at ease with giving up some of our perceived freedoms because we were the ones who gave birth. Thankfully DH and I have been very open about this recently and he has started to take a lot more responsibility upon himself. Instead of waiting for me to ask for help he now volunteers. Right now he called off work because I have a 7 page paper (which I'm supposed to be writing right now...) due this evening. But he is taking care of Teagen so I can finish it up.
AF was due yesterday. :shrug:

Kellen, I'm glad your DH seems to be letting go of the "apron strings" a bit... also glad that your MIL is ok. I wonder why they're calling it a mini stroke if there were no signs of stroke?
I think it was to appease the family. She has a heart condition so they gave her Plavix to reduce junk in her arteries. They wanted her to do an MRI, but she refused because they won't have insurance until December due to FIL just getting a new job.

Well, if AF is late I would say those maybe lines are pretty conclusive, Dragon. At least your DH is getting on the bandwagon with you. I'm glad that he is going to be supportive.
If AF is now late, I'd say use a regular FRER in the AM if she hasn't shown up by tomorrow morning!

Kellen, my BA is in English with a teaching emphasis from University of Washington, but I didn't like teaching very much. I don't have a ton of patience for high school (the age I taught) kids who don't want to be there and are disruptive. I may like younger ages better, when they still have a joy about being in school? Idk... there were good things about it too. Anyhow, I went back to get my Masters in Counseling Psychology to switch over to school counseling, and perhaps private practice. I only have one year left to go! My plan was to go back once Max is in Kindergarten, too.
I have one FRER left that I'm saving... maybe I'll take it tomorrow, not sure.

Here's this morning's test after it dried.


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I think you're right wamommy.... thank you.. at least I'm not alone!

Dragon, is AF usually late for you? That sounds promising since she hasn't shown yet!

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