Valentines Babies, 2013!

Well, before I had the twins, my luteal phase was 11 days long. If I ovulated on August 12th, AF should have arrived the 24th. I'm pretty sure I have O day correct, because I felt distinct ovulation pain that day.

I suppose my luteal phase could be different now, but I'm on CD 30 today, so shouldn't be much longer to wait if AF is coming.
How long have your cycles been since you got AF back after the twins? Have they been pretty consistent?

Looking back on my cycles, I should have known something wasn't "right" with my birth control. I was on Micronor when I was breastfeeding, and then switched over to Ortho Tri Cyclen 2 cycles ago (this would be my 3rd pack of pills). The first cycle seemed pretty normal, but my AF was only 2 days long. The second cycle AF didn't come as she was supposed to, but was 4 days late and SO heavy. Then this happened... so I don't think it ever worked as it's supposed to. I'll have to discuss it with my Dr once I can see her.

Are you still having cramps? Any other symptoms?
Nothing really except sore breasts today, but I did sleep until noon, and I was SO tired yesterday afternoon. I was exhausted for no good reason, and several times I got really dizzy.

I'm beginning to accept that AF is coming. I think I was really starting to hope I was pregnant :(. Well, maybe DH and I can start thinking about actually trying in the next 6 months or so.

How are you feeling, wamommy? Any symptoms yet?
At the very least you realize where your mind and heart are, and that you really want another baby. That's huge. I think if AF comes you should NTNP and let nature decide :D Easier said than done, I know. I can understand the change in emotions, though. The terror of another baby quickly subsides when faced with the reality of it, and it's amazing how it changes to an attachment. I went from wishing I wasn't pregnant :)blush:) to fearing losing this baby in a day. I can imagine your pattern went somewhat the same. The terror turned to hope, and I want so badly for this to go your way. If not, perhaps the "scare" had a purpose after all, ya know?

I don't have any symptoms still! Too weird, right? When I was trying I had every symptom in the book. Actually, the only real symptom is that everything really stinks to me. I can smell the cat box when I walk in the front door, and it's clear on the other side of the house. The car, the carpet, the kids :)haha:) all kind of stink at the moment. Hopefully it passes!
Just told DH that I am having fairly bad O pain and that if we didn't have an IUD in we could make a baby. He then replied: "Well, pop that sucker out. I'll go drop Teagen off at your parents and we'll make a baby!" :dohh: Not exactly what I had in mind...
:haha: Kellen! My dh is the exact opposite right now- he is trying extra protection and even bought me some tests today so I can test once a month just in case my birth control fails like wamommy's! :rofl:
And I'm kind of the opposite and all of this pregnancy talk is making me anxious and itchy to grow another life! :). So happy I can live that through Wamommy and Dragon right now. :)

I'm wondering if AF is about ready to finally come for me... I've been crampy and sore... I haven't missed it this last year or so though!
:rofl: Kellen, that is too funny!! Good to know that whenever you're ready, he's on board!

:rofl: Sierra, that's too funny that your DH bought tests! I would say, "awww... don't worry, birth control won't fail!" but now I know that it just might!! I didn't know you hadn't had an AF yet. Fun, fun! In a way it's nice, though, to get back to normal.
Yeah no AF yet! Am I the last one to get it? I'm hoping it returns back to normal soon but so far nothing... which worries dh even more because we don't have that as a sign that birth control is working... lol...hence the tests! :rofl:
LOL I see! That makes total sense. In theory, you could be months pregnant and not even know :haha: I know that isn't funny, but it kind of is. The tests are probably wise!
Yeah that's what we think- i just don't want to be taking birth control for months if we do end up pregnant! BTW, you have stopped yours right?!
Oh ya, lol. I kind of freaked out about that and went google crazy! I think it's fine, especially since I found out fairly early. (Insert another huge thanks to Dragon!) I actually asked the nurse about it when I called to make an appointment, and she said it's really common :wacko: Nice.

DH bought me a pack of FRERs today :) I'm thinking if it's significantly darker than the one 2 days ago, I'll just save the other one or mail it to one of you :haha:

Max has been really fussy all day. Maybe his tooth is ready to emerge? Maybe he has a little bug? I'm not sure, but it's unlike him. Usually he will play nicely in his jumper or exersaucer while I cook dinner, but tonight he fussed and fussed so much that DH took over dinner so I could feed him. Hopefully he'll mellow out soon :(
DH wants 6 kids, in all seriousness. I want just Teagen, but we'll compromise and have one more in several years.

I had a sort of AF on June 28, but it was really light and only lasted 3 days.

Too funny about the tests, Sierra. I guess you won't need to be sneaky about testing.
Dragon, really give up the ICs. Mine didnt show a decent one until a week after missed period. Despite claiming to be super sensitive.
I bought a normal mid range cheap test fom the pharmacy, not especially sensitive, cheaper than frer and it showed before the IC.
You're, I have terminal line-eye. I'm seeing lines on every test I look at, even before I use it! :haha: When I go into the pg test forum, I see lines on everyone's tests, even the ones everyone else says are negative. I don't know what's going on, I actually see it, even though it's apparently not there! I can't trust my own eyes anymore.

AF still hasn't arrived. I guess I'll take my last FRER tomorrow or Wednesday if it doesn't show up.
I would hold off until Wednesday. That way you can be really, really sure. I wonder if that is a diagnoseable disease? Pregnancy Test Line-Eye...
Haha, I think it should be a recognized disease!

DH has been SO crabby the past few days. He was gone Friday night and most of the day Saturday helping his brother move some stuff to storage, and he came home Saturday evening in the worst mood. He was immediately being impatient with the babies, and almost yelling at them to "stop whining" (they were fine until he got home and then they were upset because of his tone of voice, I think).

Yesterday, I told him that my sister and I wanted to leave at 4pm to go grocery shopping. He wanted to empty some stuff out of his van before we left, but he kept getting sidetracked doing other things and didn't start until 3. I went out at 3:40 and reminded him that we needed to leave in 20 minutes if I was going to be able to get back in time to pump, and he got all irritated and said "I didn't even get to start until 3, I need to finish this now." I tried helping him to make it go faster, but we didn't end up leaving until 5:30 :growlmad:

After the babies were in bed, DH was still majorly moody, so I asked him what was wrong. He just said he had had a bad day. I asked if there was anything I could to do help, and he told me to go wash the dishes :huh:

When I left for work this morning, he was still in a funk. All this time he doesn't speak to me unless I ask him a direct question, and then he gives me monosyllabic answers in a very flat tone of voice. He seems really depressed, but I'm not sure why or what I should do.
I don't have much experience with ICs, but I understand line eye. It like, since we've looked at SO many tests our brain inserts a line where we know it should be. That said, I've seen lines on your tests, too! It's too weird that AF hasn't shown up and yet you aren't getting a blaring positive. I think testing tomorrow with a FRER if she hasn't shown up is a great idea.

I took a FRER this morning. It's darker. I guess I better wrap my head around it. I'm actually struggling a bit today. I fought with DH last night (about the usual stuff) and I spent all night awake thinking I've absolutely boxed myself into a life (more specifically a marriage) that doesn't make me happy at all. We stay together for the kids, but disagree on some pretty fundamental stuff. I'm hoping some of what I'm feeling is hormones, because I'm pretty miserable today.

I tried to post a pic of the FRER, but for some reason BnB is not liking me today... the pages keep not loading and I can't upload a pic. Ah well :(
I'm sorry you're feeing miserable today, wamommy. :hugs:

I've been stressing out about financial stuff (right now our expenses exceed our income, and I'm not sure how to fix it.), so I've felt pretty wretched a lot of the time lately. I keep wishing I could win the lottery or something, heh.

It's hard to feel like your trapped in a situation. I hope things improve for you soon.

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