Valentines Babies, 2013!

I'm feeling slightly better today. The same emotions are still there, but the edge is taken off a bit, if that makes sense. I think the hormones are bringing things to the surface that I've worked hard to suppress or just "deal with." I think my maternity insurance covers marriage counseling, so I might bring it up to DH today. Also, what Helena said is probably true. I'm terrified! Everything seems a bit impossible. The first couple days were just full of shock and a bit of adrenaline and excitement. Once I actually sat and THOUGHT about another baby, I started to feel like I'm drowning.

Thank you for your encouragement about going back to work, Kellen! I hope you're right. I DO feel lucky to get to spend so much time with my kids while they're so young. It's a luxury in many ways. It's also tough, though. I miss feeling intellectually valuable and productive. I get a TON out of raising the kids, but once they start school it's a huge priority to me to get back out there and be part of the work force again.

Dragon, I'm glad DH just needed cuddles :D Silly men... why couldn't he just ask? :haha: The FRER does look negative, but what a convincing blue dye! I don't understand why they make those, either. If I hadn't started reading BnB I would have no idea about blue dye, and those tests would be so meanly convincing!! It seems like pink dye can't be THAT much more expensive, since the dollar store ones are pink! Any signs that AF is near?
I'm glad you're feeling somewhat better today!

Yes, I have cramps today and feel like AF is imminent. Most of my other symptoms have lessened, which usually happens the day I get my period, all my PMS symptoms start to resolve. I bet it will show up this afternoon.

DH and I agreed to dtd every other day this month...not to TTC, but to stay connected and close. So I suppose we'll sort of be NTNP.
I'm so glad you two are making closeness a priority, and that you've worked out a way to make it happen! I'm sorry AF may be on her way, but I would be happy for you to have some resolution to a very confusing month. I should research if there's something in a person's specific urine that can cause evaps. I've never seen a single one when I was TTC (except for evil blue dye).
I hope your DH wants to do counseling wamommy--I think it'll help so much! I hope you are feeling better today---- Ican't imagine how overwhelming this all is for you!! :hugs:

Dragon--yay for NTNP!!! There will be a pink line before you know it! ;)

So.. . MIL wants to come over this weekend. I don't mean to sound mean, but I'm so tired of her inviting herself over or inviting herself to see Camden. It'd be one thing if we asked her to come see him or if we went there to see her, but she always just TELLS us she's coming up. Grrr. .. .and I've seen her half of the weekends we've had. And I just want to be with my DH and Camden. . I don't want to have to schedule time with MIL. Since DH and I both work, weekends are the only time we get to do whatever we want to do as a family. . .and I just feel that MIL doesn't realize that and we have to include her in on our weekends part of the time. They have a cottage near us, so I know it'll lessen in the winter time, but during summer, they want to come up ALL of the TIME! And it wouldn't be so bad if she was more bearable around Camden. . .but she's LOUD (which scares him), she doesn't listen to me at all when I say things about Camden, and she is very anti-breastfeeding, which just upsets me soooo much because I'm very pro-breastfeeding. I understand differences in opinions, and I accept that, but I don't think it's appropriate for her to suggest to me EVERY time that I give him a bottle! (She called me this afternoon to tell me that she thinks a bottle will help him nap better!) :growlmad:

And I'm sure you ladies understand, but DH doesn't care how much his mum comes over. . . he says she wants to be a part of Camden's life and is trying to make that happen since she lives 3 hours away. But, gosh, my Mom lives 30 minutes away and probably sees him the same amount as MIL does--maybe even LESS! And I know I'm biased, but my Mum is just so much more easy to be around with---maybe because my Mum doesn't force her parenting opinions on us. Grrr. . . . Sorry for the rant. . .I just don't want to spend ANOTHER holiday weekend having to deal with her taking my baby when I want to hold him or when he is crying for me. . .or her trying to feed him things I don't want him to have or "mentioning" again that he should be having a bottle or that he can eat ice cream now. . . etc.. . . :(

Oh, and we're going to a festival in a couple of weeks, where I have my friend and my Mum to help watch Camden (it's a music festival and we are performing--so we need people to watch him during our show).. .and MIL just told me she booked a hotel for it! So now, we'll have like 7 people (including spouses and friends) who will be fighting over who holds Camden! Poor baby is going to be exhausted. :(
How frustrating, Sierra! I can totally understand not wanting to share every other weekend with you MIL. I'm a fairly private person in a lot of ways, and while I love to socialize, I really need the quiet time when it's just our family in our comfortable routine. Whenever we have house guests (no matter how much we love them!) I'm always a bit relieved when they leave. I can't imagine having someone over every weekend, much less someone who judged how I parent.

What does your DH say when you tell him how much it bothers you? Will it get better once the fall/winter comes and she doesn't want to go to her cottage so often? Could you tell her you all have an awful stomach bug that you don't want to spread to her? :haha: That always works! I'm sorry it's so difficult :hugs:
Yikes! I don't blame you for wanting a weekend without your MIL. I'd be very frustrated as well.

AF has arrived! I'm so relieved to finally be finished with all the confusion. I guess my luteal phase has extended to the standard 14 days. That's probably a good thing!

I think I might start charting again so I can have a better handle on my cycle. This last week was completely nerve-wracking! Fertilityfriend has a major discount right now on 1 year vip memberships...$25 instead of $60.
Thanks wamommy. Everytime I say something to DH, he says "well we see your family a lot too!" (Which we see them almost the same amount of time, and I NEVER suggest seeing them. . usually DH asks if I want to take a drive to hang out with them). :doh:

I'm hoping fall/winter makes it a bit better. . .we shall see. . . DH wouldn't go for the stomach flu thing.. .but I so wish I could use that excuse!! We told her already that we're busy this weekend (because we really want to do some work around the house and have friends coming over too), but she said "I just want to see him for a LITTLE BIT!" :doh: This is going to be a battle all of Camden's life. . . .arghh..

Thanks for the reassurance wamommy. . .I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes my peace!
Yay Dragon!! So relieved for you! :hugs: I forgot how to even track my ovulation because it's been so long! haha
See, I must also suffer line eye as I see a hint of a line on the frer!

I think maybe you were briefly pregnant but the little egg wasnt sticky? Good luck ntnp xx
Hurray for AF :D I'm glad for an end to the confusion, and a new start ntnp :yipee:
Certainly possible that it was a chemical...a few of those tests were very convincing. No way to know, I guess.

I have to dig out my BBT thermometer.
When we were TTC Max I never did fertility friend or bbt or anything. I had a bang on 28-day cycle with a day 14 ovulation, so all I did was take an opk on cd13 and then one on day 14. With both chemicals and Max I got a positive opk cd14! Easy, peazy, but I know I was lucky to have a regular cycle! Oh, btw, the Dollar Store has ovulation tests, too :haha: I'm actually really excited that you've started this journey, Dragon! It will be fun for all of us to cheer you on.
The month I got pregnant with the twins, I never got a positive OPK, and FF never gave me definite crosshairs. I thought I hadn't ovulated at all, but it turned out I had spit out not one but two eggs! Apparently my body likes to mess with me.

Oh, I can't wait to hear how Max has grown!
He's not as big as I thought! Max is 19.06 pounds and 27.5 inches long, with an 18 inch head! Everything was fine, except Max cried when the Doctor pushed on his stomach, just like the last appointment, so they ordered a cbc (blood test) to rule out any liver problems. Personally, I think he just doesn't like the Doc, because DH tried to recreate it and Max didn't cry when DH pushed on his stomach. Maybe he just doesn't like our Doctor? :haha:
zaSfcdfdxceSWA~aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanjm bvvg ffvgxzxsdzx` xwXA~waa`ersedswae3Qeswaweqrfdb /kmn7m,hbgft 7vghy eszw evc2f2q2dcveeees12dces1dcvffvgbt xsw sxcfcds ` 4ewq

Brought to you by Teagen the angry typist.
zaSfcdfdxceSWA~aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanjm bvvg ffvgxzxsdzx` xwXA~waa`ersedswae3Qeswaweqrfdb /kmn7m,hbgft 7vghy eszw evc2f2q2dcveeees12dces1dcvffvgbt xsw sxcfcds ` 4ewq

Brought to you by Teagen the angry typist.

Dragon - At least you now know for certain and the rollercoaster ride is over. And it allowed you to speak freely with your DH about expectations in your relationship as well as the possibility of having more children sooner rather than later. Plus we found out that at least one of us truly is pregnant again.

Wamommy - Wow! Max is getting to be such a big boy. I'm sorry that his tummy hurts when the doctor pushes on it, but it is kind of funny to imagine him forming a dislike for your pediatrician. Poor little guy.

I was sitting on the bed with my laptop and Teagen in my lap talking on the phone to my mom to see if she needed me to do anything for her before she came home tonight. Teagen was not pleased that I wasn't listening or paying 100% attention to her. Obviously I was checking on BnB and she decided to leave an angry message.

She is also beginning to develop awareness of strangers. We had a friend come by today that Teagen had never met before. She wasn't quite sure what to do with him. She didn't cry, but she certainly wasn't as smiley or friendly with him as she is with her immediate family members. This is pretty new as just last week she was content to smile at anyone.
I never did temperatures either, I used those clear blue ovulation sticks (poas addict, two times a month was poas time!) I actually bought cheap out of date ones on eBay and they worked just fine. Cheapo me! It was the only way I could get the expense past DH! He was much more into the "let tauter take its course" route . Blah forget that.

So taking your temperature suggests your are actively trying not ntnp.....;) x
Well...maybe a little :blush:

I told DH that I was going to start charting again, and he was all for it. He has always been supportive of fertility awareness :)

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