Valentines Babies, 2013!

Max is getting so big! What a cutie! And way to go to your girls on their training wheels :) Just wait until they don't need them anymore...I remember that being just about my proudest day ever lol

Kellen- good luck with your cyst removal, I'm sorry you've been so stressed :hugs:
I remember not needing training wheels too, and being SO proud! :haha: I guess it's a pretty important milestone. For now, they both have elbow pads and knee pads and snell approved helmets :dohh: It's a good thing, though, because I've learned my 5-year-old is a daredevil. She likes to get out of control and "flip" the bike. I wish it weren't raining here today so that we could go out. It's a great walk for me, too.

What are everyone's Labor Day plans?
Well, I plan on avoiding the MIL. . .:haha: And other than that, just a quiet night tonight, then probably the farmers market and a maybe the park tomorrow, then a cookout with my family on Sunday, then on Monday we have left it open to do whatever we please! :) I'm looking forward to it! How about you wamommy?
Wamommy - Your girls look like they are having so much fun. I love biking and can't wait until Teagen is big enough to attach to the bike with me. That is what I have requested for my birthday, lol. Max is a good looking little man! Such a cutie jumping at the camera like that.

Dragon - Your story about L and G having a slap fight is priceless! It is stories like that that make me wish Teagen had a twin. Then I slap myself back into reality and thank the Lord I only have one!

The cyst removal went perfectly. The doctor even let us look at it after she took it out. Because I'm weird like that... DH was interested too and even watch the whole procedure. Yet he couldn't handle the epidural? Now I have one stitch that gets to be taken out next Friday.

I am trying to take deep breaths throughout the day and not let things overwhelm me. I tend to focus on the big picture instead of small things, but I realized that right now I have to take it a minute at a time. My uncle will be here this afternoon which will help calm my grandmother. I have banished my father from nursing duty and sent him to clear a fence line. Tomorrow is DH's last day at the job he hates so that is a blessing. He is thinking of calling off. Teagen has hit the clingy I only want mommy stage.

Each morning she watches a bit of "Baby Signing Time". One of the signs is for banana. Today she started babbling "nannnanannaaa..." when the banana was shown. Apparently, according DH and my dad, they had her out on the porch a couple nights ago and some birds flew past and she said "brr" several times. Now she is calling for "mommommum" I guess that is my cue that break time is over.
Plans for the weekend: Pack for DH because the man is hopeless. How did he survive 36 years without me? Love him to pieces, but his version of what he will need for a week away is not mine. Toothbrushes are not optional.
Sierra, your weekend sounds great! We're not doing anything until Monday, when we'll go see my Mom and some family about an hour north of here. I miss my Mom a lot, so I'm looking forward to it.

Kellen, glad your procedure went well! It's funny that your DH could watch it but not the epidural. :haha: Yay Teagen for starting to use words! How exciting :D I often wonder what amazing things lie behind Mr. Max's eyes, and can't wait to see what he has to say. Right now he babbles a ton, but I'm still not sure if anything is intentional. I thought he was calling me Mmamamamamam, but then today he says "Naynay" every time he sees me :dohh: We'll get there...

The sun just peaked out from behind the clouds, so I might try to get a walk in! I certainly feel better about everything with a little fresh air and nature :)
That's so funny, wamommy, Lily calls me "naynay" too! She's been saying that non-stop for about a week now, and we couldn't figure out what it means. She's very insistent about it, so we thought it meant she wanted something...but then we noticed that when she's saying it and she sees me, she smiles and does this little coo noise like "there you are!" So we think it's her version of mama for now :)
Wow on the words, guys! Camden only squeals really loudly--no other syllables or anything! Should I be worried?!
No, I wouldn't worry, Sierra. Gunnar doesn't say all that much, either, except "ning" for his pacifier, which he's been saying since he was 3 months old. He squeals a lot, and whines :haha:, but he doesn't do all that much babbling.

Lily, on the other hand, never stops! Dadadada, nananana, she says "hungry" and "change," which sound more like "undee" and "dane." She almost always tells us when she has a poopy diaper by rubbing her hands together like she's washing them. Sometimes she even does this right before she poops to give us warning! :haha:

We've found that when she says "change" she usually just has pee and wants to go on the changing table (she has always loved being on the changing table), but if she "washes her hands" then she means business.
Sierra, I wouldn't be worried. Every baby starts using language at their own pace and in their own way. Each of my 3 were totally different. My first was the most talkative, my second barely babbled at all, and made this squeeky coo instead until she was almost 1. Now she never stops talking!! Max is the most expressive, I think, but his "language" has way more grunts and wails than the girls. As long as he's interacting with you, laughing and stuff, I'm sure he's fine! I know there are a ton of stories out there, but my brother didn't barely say a single word until he was THREE... and then has tested above average IQ since then. He still doesn't talk much. When he was about 10 I asked him why he never talked, and he said, "I don't have anything to say. I'd rather listen." He's such a cool guy. :D

Dragon, Lilja is a superstar! I wish Max would give me warning before a poo! :haha: I usually hear what my girls call a "gurgler" and I know it's time for a change :dohh:
I wouldn't worry either Sierra, we don't have words either here. My kids have all been slower at talking but learnt to be physically able quick. It's like they are busy developing one thing, so another thing waits. I remember that by 18 months my boys were both running like kids, not toddling at all, but properly running and jumping off things and moving like older children, but talking little. Meanwhile, a friends daughter of the same age knew heaps of words but was only just taking wobbly steps. It's just the way it goes. They can't download all skills at the same time :)

It looks like Kiara is going to be physical too. I came in to the room yesterday and she was making a bridge, balancing on her hands and feet with her bottom in the air. Uh- oh :)

Hope your weekends are all going well. DH is away here so its been a busy time. But nice. Especially since he is back this evening:)
School starts back this week, its a new school for my boys and my eldest is nervous...eek, hope there aren't too many tears!
Dragon - It is awesome that Lilja is so verbal. Your cuties sound like a ton of fun to be around.

Sierra - I wouldn't worry about Camden's language ability. I didn't start speaking until 13 months. I'm still not terribly verbal with people I don't know, but once I become comfortable I don't stop! I also read somewhere that women have something like 1,000 more words to use each day as compared to men. I wonder if this plays into little girls becoming more verbal faster?

Helena - Kiara is so strong! That is fantastic that she is ready to be starting gymnastics soon!

The weekend is over! Hooray! Teagen has been a terror the past three nights, waking every hour and screaming. On Friday I was taking a nap with Teagen when DH suddenly arrives home and asks: "So, would you like to drive me to urgent care?" A 70lb Golden Retriever sat and bent his thumb backwards in the tub at work. So off we went to urgent care with cranky baby in tow. Four hours later we are home and DH has a bunch of torn ligaments in his hand. The doctor also forbid him from lifting or carrying Teagen for 2 weeks. There goes my nighttime relief... But DH is away this week anyways. Thankfully Teagen settled down perfectly tonight and has been in her crib for over an hour, sound asleep. Here is praying for more than 45 minutes at a time of sleep.
We had lots of night wakings too! I can't identify a cause!?
Night waking here, too! It's been back to newborn-style sleep at night the last few nights. Maybe it's a 7-month growth spurt?

Helena, how funny about Kiara's "bridge." I can picture it! What a strong girl :) My oldest start Kindergarten tomorrow, and I'm anticipating a lot of tears. Mine, not hers :haha: I hope your boys have a good time!

Kellen, it sounds like you had an eventful weekend! Poor DH. Hopefully Teagen will give you a break and some good sleep.

I saw my Mom, godmother and niece yesterday. We had a picnic at the park, and then had a chance to catch up while the girls played. It was so nice to have some time with my Mom. She hadn't seen Max in over a month, and they change so fast! Odd question, but do your babies act "normal" around other people? Max acts SO interactive and talkative and smiley with us at home, and then the minute we're around friends or family he clams up. He just sort of stares at everyone with a blank look on his face. It's not exactly stranger anxiety, since he doesn't cry or get upset, but he certainly isn't himself... does that make sense?
We went to SIL's house for Labor Day yesterday, and once again I got to see just how different my babies are!

Gunnar was slightly reserved at first, but quickly reverted to his smiley self. Lily, on the other hand, just stared at everyone, and cried anytime anyone looked at her.

At one point, my SIL handed Gunnar a little stuffed bear that was COVERED in dog hair. Before I could stop myself, I said "ew!" and tried to grab it away from him. SIL got all offended, and I wasn't in time to stop him anyway. GLOM, right in the mouth. Blurgh.
wamommy-- Camden is like that too! Super talkative at home, but around even extended family, he's super quiet and not really interactive. For Camden, we think it is too much stimulation and noise.. . he's much better at the quietness of our household. :)

Dragon--I would have been the same way about the dog hair. . .yikes!
It was gross! I was picking dog hairs off him (and out of his mouth *shudder*) for the rest of the afternoon :rofl:
ewww yuck! I freak out when ONE of our cat's hairs gets in Camden's mouth---I can't imagine tons like that!
:rofl: Babies get a hold of the grossest stuff. One time, when DD was about 10 months old, grandma was holding her on the couch and said, "oh Hunny, what have you got in your mouth?" and she dug it out with her finger... smelled it... and then freaked out. I said, "what is it? what did she have?" and my Mom said, "it was cat litter... a clump of dirty cat litter." Awesome.:dohh:

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