Valentines Babies, 2013!

Too cute Dragon! Sooo excited to wait with you!

wamommy--sounds like Max is growing so well! I hope they figure out the tummy issues--or that it's just a dislike for the doctor! ;)

Kellen---what a fabulous typist Teagen is! lol SO cute!!

Did I tell anyone that my sister is pregnant with her second child? I'm so excited because it is due in January--so that means it will be less than a year younger than Camden! It'll be so fun to have them so close in age!
Last night, we put Gunnar and Lily on our bed for tummy time, and they were army crawling all over the bed! Lily needed something to push on with her feet, but Gunnar didn't need any help at all, he just scooted across the bed lickety split! Then they stumbled across each other and had a slap fight, which was really funny, but then Gunnar accidentally scratched Lily and made her cry, so she smacked him in the face.

I see shades of the future! :haha:
Yay Dragon :D So glad your DH is on board! I'm excited to see what next month brings.

Sierra, how fun about your sister! Does she live near you?

My little brother is getting married in May (woohoo!) and will probably start a family soon after, but it's still a ways away. He's 6'4" and his fiance is 5'11", so I can't wait to see if they have a giant baby!

LOL about the slap fight :haha: Get used to it!
Oh my gosh--- so cute Dragon! Yeah, I think you can count on a few similar instances in the future! haha!

Wamommy---she lives about 45 minutes away! So not bad at all!

Giant babies would be cute! haha My other sister is 5'3" and her husband is 6'7"--their 4 year old is off the charts for height!
"Lickety split" lol. First time I have heard that!
Well done moving twins! X
I'm starting to think helena was right about the chemical...this period is BAD. I had endometriosis, so I've had painful periods, but this is one of the worst I've had. I almost had to leave work today because of the cramps and dizziness. Can't wait to get home to the heating pad!
Sorry to hear your period is so bad Dragon. :( Hopefully it lets up here for you soon. :(

What is up with men and not being able to say no to their moms! So, we agreed to tell MIL that we are busy this weekend (partly because we are busy, and partly because she has poison ivy all over her body---and I've heard conflicting evidence. . .that it is contagious to others and that it isn't contagious to others. . .all I can say is that I always get it if someone else has it. . . so I'm extra paranoid about Camden getting it). So, I told mil that we are busy, then DH to her that we are busy. Now she comes back with "Can't we just do lunch or dinner?" That aggravates me SO badly because we told her we're busy already! It's a holiday weekend--we have plans---even if some of those plans are doign yardwork. . .we still have made those plans. Now DH is like--well lunch or dinner wouldn't hurt. Arghhh---stand up to her! Gah--makes me so mad! And nothing is worse than her inviting herself into our schedule. Wait for us to invite you instead of just assuming we want you over every time you're up here! ARgh. .. sorry. . .just had to get that out. :flower:
Yikes! I wouldn't go near her if she's covered in poison my experience, it's usually contagious.

I don't know why some men can't say no to their mothers! I guess that's a small upside to my DH not being on speaking terms with his mother. :shrug:
Yikes! I wouldn't go near her if she's covered in poison my experience, it's usually contagious.

I don't know why some men can't say no to their mothers! I guess that's a small upside to my DH not being on speaking terms with his mother. :shrug:

Thanks Dragon! I started a thread on it in the baby club, but there were mixed reviews on whether it's contagious. It always has been in my experience too. I even called Camden's pediatrician this morning and they verified that it was contagious if she scratches it and touches Camden or he touches the spots on her arms or something. . . I texted DH that and he hasn't replied back. . I think he's mad at me for saying no to his mom and not agreeing to go to dinner with her. Arghh. . I'm a bit jealous that you don't have this problem! ;)
MIL can be super annoying. My DH usually can't say no to his mom either. That is why I was so proud of him for not immediately rushing off to Texas to see her when she had the mini-stroke.

I wouldn't want anyone with poison ivy near my baby. On an odd note my mom was researching goats (which we plan to get in the spring) and she said that when goats eat poison oak or ivy it passes into their milk and if you drink it you can gain a temporary immunity. Which led my dad to ask if that meant I should go it eat it so Teagen will be immune. :dohh: Thanks, thanks dad.

AF sort of tried to show up last night? TMI but I wiped and there was a bit of blood. Yet this morning there was none. I've been having O type of pain for the past couple of days. My body is all confused. And I thought that it must have been AF because Teagen cluster fed from 5-8 last night, which has only happened when my supply dropped a bit during AF in June. I offered solids, but she didn't want them.

Last night was horrible in terms of sleep. She refused to go to sleep nursing so I finally put her in her crib and had to walk away. I then broke down into an emotional pile of noodles and sobbed into DH. Then at 1am Teagen began waking up every hour on the hour and screaming. This morning DH found another tooth that is trying to break down (he lets her chew on him... I'm not so nice so I don't know about the teeth until they are visible!). I am hoping that was the reason for no sleeping last night. Tylenol... that's all I'm going to say.
Kellen--oh my goodness, your dad sounds hilarious! I didn't know that about goats! How very interesting! I wonder if it works for cows, too?

I heard that when AF makes an appearance finally it can be months before it gets normal again? Maybe that's what is going on?

Soooo sorry that Teagen had a bad night of sleep---that is soooo hard! :( Must be the tooth. We haven't experienced that here, but I've heard horror stories about teething and sleep. I hear the Tylenol usually helps them sleep a bit more when they are teething, but again, I don't have any personal experience.. . Can't wait for more teeth pictures though!
Sierra - Thanks. I think part of it had to do with DH being away for most of yesterday. We went up north with a friend to finalize his arrangements for the next 8 weeks. When he got back last night I tried to give him Teagen so I could do somethings (namely fix dinner) and she started screaming bloody murder. He hadn't taken his shaving kit and was scratchy, which she didn't take kindly too. Then he tried to put a bow in her hair. Why? No idea... It made it her mad though.

Yesterday was also the first full day my mom had been home since having knee surgery. My dad was stressing and hovering, which made my mom pissy so I sent him away to mow the lawn while I took care of her. Ended up having to make two trips into town to get meds for her that the hospital forgot to send home with her. Then my grandma found out she has skin cancer. :( Pretty sure my body hates me for being stressed. This morning I go in to have a cyst removed... fun times. Teagen is the only girl in the household who doesn't get sliced on this week.
Oh my goodness Kellen---that sounds sooo stressful! I'm sorry..I hope things calm down soon! All of the slicing sounds awful. :(
SurelY she won't want to come if you tell her what the doc said?
Or is she not that reasonable?
SurelY she won't want to come if you tell her what the doc said?
Or is she not that reasonable?

You would think she would understand, but she's the type of woman that pretends she just has allergies when she has a cold---just so she can hold Camden anyways! :( DH and I have gotten several colds/flus because she has said "Oh it's just allergies" or "I'm better now" and we catch it from her. So, I'm actually afraid to tell her that we don't want to see her because of the poison ivy because I'm afraid the next time she won't tell us and will just show up and expose us all to it! Stupid and inconsiderate, yes, but their family has never been concerned with germs---I basically had to teach DH about germs and how he can catch things from other people! :rofl: And I'm the exact opposite---I fear germs SO much! I had a compromised immune system when I was younger (due to cancer and chemo, etc.) so germs wrecked havoc on my body. . .and I still don't have the immune system I am supposed tohave. . .So, I'm always ultra paranoid about catching things. . .be it poison ivy or the flu. . . And DH's family just doesn't worry about those things. . .
That makes total sense, Sierra, and I'm sure it's doubly strong (germ fears) once you're given the responsibility of protecting your little one! I'm the same way, and wash hands obsessively and always carry hand sanitizer. The pediatrician's office is actually where I have the hardest time. I sit there and think about all of the sick kids that have been in that room all day :dohh: :dohh:

Have you heard back form your DH? Hopefully he'll just tell his Mom that you'll have to reschedule. If he doesn't want to breech the poison ivy subject, maybe he could stick to his guns about your plans? How tough! Like Dragon, there are times I feel lucky not to have MIL worries.

Kellen, I hope your surgery goes well today :hugs: Your body is probably trying to start AF, but stress can make it all wonky. It sounds like you have your fair share of stress lately! Also, once my AF came back it took 3 cycles to be "normal." The first 2 were super light and only 1-2 days long.

Dragon, I'm sorry to hear your AF is so bad :( Maybe it was a chemical? Either way, I know it stinks. My Mom used to tell me to take 4 Advil and a glass of wine and a hot bath. Boy, does that work well!! She told me this when I was like 15, though :dohh: Just the lessen a teenager needs.

I am very ashamed. I took my last FRER. I wasn't going to, but it was sitting in the bathroom cupboard taunting me. Now I'm out of tests, and I won't buy any more. With Max, I tested until the line was darker than the control. Today, the line is WAY darker than the control, so I guess that's it. Max slept terribly last night (I think he's getting a tooth too and was up every hour) and I sat in the dark in my room, rocking him and I was swept over with such a strong love for him and gratefulness to have him, that it made it seem like everything will be ok. Each child I have was put here for a reason, and I am so very lucky to have them. I need to focus on this new baby in THAT light, and remember that emotion.

Here's what we do with our days!


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Oh wamommy---Max is growing so big! Look at that hair! I have those moments in the night with Camden too---they are such little blessings. I'm so glad you have that to remember when you get worried about this new little one.

The bike ride looks so fun! And that line is super dark! YAY! When's your doctor's appointment?

I think DH is going to stick to our busy plan. . but he sounded very hesitant about it when I talked to him at lunch. He just feels bad because he knows his Mom really really wants to see Camden. (I'm sure she'll live without seeing him this one weekend though!) ;) I'm hoping the issue is taken care of. Now, as long as she doesn't drive by this weekend and see us mowing the lawn! ;)
Picturing your MIL driving by and seeing you mowing is like a scene from a movie! It makes me laugh! :haha: Sorry, probably not super funny to you :winkwink:

My Doctor appointment isn't until September 5, but I think I will go in earlier for a in-office pregnancy test. My insurance requires "proof" that you're pregnant in the form of a signed note from your Doc. So weird.

The pic of Max is a little weird there, because he's jumping toward the camera so his head looks HUGE! He has a big head, but not THAT big :haha:
:haha: it is a little funny wamommy--I'm just hoping it doesn't happen! :)

That IS weird that your insurance requires proof! Like the bills from the doctor aren't enough!

Camden has a big head, so I didn't think anything of the picture. . .haha. . .but I can clearly see that he is jumping towards the camera. What a sweetie!

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