Valentines Babies, 2013!

wamommy---how are you feeling? Did you get the official test from the dr yet? When's your appointment again?

I don't know if I mentioned that my sister is expecting? She goes in for her gender ultrasound today---I'm soooooo excited!!
How exciting for your sister! Do you have a feeling either way about what she's having? I was totally wrong with 2/3 of my babies, so I don't trust my own intuition :dohh:

I'm feeling alright. Thank you for asking :D I'm totally exhausted, but that might be just from giving up caffeine :haha: I have my Doctor appointment tomorrow, but I don't know what they'll do. I think it's just a "pee in the cup and talk" appointment, where they say, "yep, you're pregnant, now let's schedule more appointments." They will probably test thyroid levels and stuff, but I'm not expecting much. I'm just hoping she's not too upset with me for being pregnant again!!

I'm about to get my DD dressed and out the door for her first day of Kindergarten!!
I'm guessing it'll be a girl for my sister. She has one daughter already. . .but girls run in my family. Camden was such a shock that he was a boy .. .because my parents had three girls, and each of my sisters have girls. . .so I think the odds are towards girl. ;)

Aww---so exciting (and emotional) that your DD is starting kindergarten! Ahhh! Good luck!

Glad you're feeling well so far. Exhaustion was a huge thing for me when I was pregnant. I'm sure your dr. will understand tomorrow. It'll be interesting to see what she says though! Keep us posted!
Good luck to your DD at her first day of school, wamommy! Happy 7 months to Max, and happy 6 weeks to your bean :)
Thanks, ladies! We just picked DD up from school and she loved it! In her words, it was "the best day ever." She's such a star. I knew she'd love it. I, on the other hand, cried as we walked to the car when we dropped her off. Luckily I held it together in front of her as I dropped her in her classroom and chatted with her teacher for a few minutes. When we were walking out I had this overwhelming sadness, and I have no idea why. Hopefully it's mostly hormones, since I'm not much of a crier! Anyhow, DD had a fantastic day and can't wait for tomorrow. We took DD#2 to Chuck E Cheese's and out for donuts because she was so sad that her big sister was leaving. She cried and cried... so we spoiled her. Just for today :winkwink:

I can't believe Max is 7 months! Our little "newborns" are getting so big!! Soon they'll be toddlers... *gasp*

How is everyone else doing? Any more teeth? I'm still waiting for Max's first to emerge! Helena, how did your DS's first day of school go?
No more teeth yet, but Gunnar figured out how to use his first one to munch on a baby mum-mum rice cookie thing. It was so cute...crunch crunch crunch.
Dragon - Congrats to Gunnar on figuring out that tricky cookie. I guess I'm the odd one out and wouldn't have found it all that gross to hand a hair covered toy to a baby. I grew up with dogs and cats and rarely had a non-hair covered outfit. I read somewhere that babies that grow up with pets have fewer allergies and colds later in life. I gleefully allow Teagen to play with and chew on toys that have cat hair on them. Given I try to brush it off, but it isn't that big of a deal to me.

Sierra - Congrats to your sister! That is nice that Camden will have a cousin near his own age to play with. Everyone expected us to have a boy. Both my sisters and all of DH's siblings had boys first. Combing both sides of the family there are 27 grandchildren and only 5 of them are girls.

Wamommy - Congrats do your DD1 on her first day of Kindergarten. I bet it was hard. And good for your for spoiling DD2 for the day. It would be awfully hard to understand why your favorite playmate was missing and had to go to school. Happy 7 months to Max!

I can't believe that Teagen will be 7 months old tomorrow. Today at lunch we had her strapped into her seat. I poured some banana puff things onto her tray for her to play with. Normally she gets maybe one or two in her mouth as she grabs them by the handful and hadn't quite figured out how to get them in. Nope... today she discovered her "pincer" grasp. She has new found dexterity and can pick up a single puff between her thumb and forefinger and pop it in her mouth. I then had to take away a few of the puffs because she was stuffing them in instead of chewing :doh:

Last night she only got me up 3 times... 12, 3 and 5:30. I can deal with that... especially as the last two there was no crying, just restless shuffling. She slept for 13.5 hours last night. I am hoping the same thing happens again tonight. Except if she wants to sleep until 5 without waking up I'd be okay with that.
My biggest boy (5) had his second day of school today. He comes home to lunch and today he kept telling me he "is still a bit scared" but he is managing to not cry and go in anyway. He is actually in the third year of school but we just changed him to the local french school so its all new for him. He can ride to this school on his bike though and he loves that. His old school was twenty minutes away, mostly sitting in traffic :( My littlest boy (3) starts the first year of our local school tomorrow. I can't believe it!

Kiara's big news of the week is that she can clap. And is very proud of herself.

Good luck at docs wamommy xx
Well, my sister is having a BOY! We're all very excited (would have been if it was a girl, too!)--now Camden will hopefully have a buddy to play with!

helena--so cute that Kiara can clap! What a big girl!

Did any of your lo's run temperatures when they were getting their tooth? I'm not sure if Camden is teething or not, but his temp was 100.1F last night. . . odd. . .but dr said it's okay as long as he is acting normal. . .
Yep, Lily sometimes runs a fever when she has teething pain. Funny that she's been teething on and off for months but hasn't even gotten her first tooth yet! She has seemingly random episodes when she chews on everything, drools a ton, and is inconsolable for about a day, and then she goes back to normal. It's like the tooth keeps gearing up to come through, but then stalls.

We didn't even know that Gunnar's tooth broke through until he bit DH with it! He didn't seem to have any pain or anything with his.
Dragon--too funny about Gunnar!

Camden seems to go in spurts where he drools and chews a lot too. . .but nothing. . .And the temperature keeps coming and going too! This week, he's been soaking his shirts with drool. . .unbelievable.. . but no tooth yet!
How'd it go today wamommy? Have you told your daughters that you are pregnant again?
Helena - Congrats to Miss K for figuring out how to clap. That is fantastic!

Teagen hasn't run a fever at all with her teeth. We found out about her first one when she bit down on DH's finger at breakfast last month. The one right next to it came in the day or so after. I think they are almost all the way in. She does get really fussy, whining and stops sleeping so great when one is on the way. I think we'll see or feel one in a couple of days.

Wamommy - Yes, we need some results here.
I threw up this morning out of the blue. The only time that's happened to me was when I was pregnant, but I can't possibly be pregnant right now. I just finished my period last week and I haven't even ovulated yet. So weird! I'm glad this didn't happen before my period, though, otherwise I would be convinced once again that I was knocked up ;)
Good morning, ladies!

I wish I had an exciting update. I didn't end up going to the doctor yesterday :( DD#2 is super sick, and I called and rescheduled for tomorrow. Apparently it's "too hard" to watch the kids while I go to the doctor when one is sick. :growlmad: I will be sure to tell you how it goes tomorrow, though! Sierra, I probably won't tell the girls about this baby until 12 or 13 weeks. I really don't want to have to explain the concept of miscarriage to them, just in case. That, and they're so young that I know they won't be able to keep it a secret, so then everyone would know!

Dragon, that's really weird about randomly throwing up! Are you close to ovulation? Could be a hormonal shift making you nauseous? :shrug: BTW, both of my girls loved those Mum Mum things. The only problem is, if the pre-chewed slime from them gets on fabric and then dries, it never comes off! Just a warning :haha:

I'm so tired this morning. It's almost 8 here and Max got everyone up at 7, which isn't too bad for him. The problem is that he was up probably 5 times last night. How long is this sleep regression supposed to last??
Aww. . .sorry you had to reschedule wamommy. :( How frustrating. :(

I think it's wise to wait to tell the girls. They'll probably be so excited when you do tell them though!

Dragon--sorry you got sick. . .that would have me super confused even after a period! Maybe your body is just preparing you for this month's bfp? ;)
Aw, sorry you had to reschedule your appointment. I hope your DD feels better soon.

I don't think I'm all that close to fertile signs yet. Probably another 5 days or so. When I told DH that I threw up this morning, his eyes got really wide. He remembers that random vomiting was my first pregnancy sign with the twins :haha:. I didn't bother telling him that it's not possible that I'm pregnant now. I figured I'll let him stew in it a bit, maybe he'll get more used to the idea of another baby in the not too distant future.

Thanks for the tip on the Mum-Mums, they do get that goopy stuff everywhere!
I'm so confused. I felt nauseous all day today, and my boobs have been so sore that I couldn't keep my bra on. They're also swollen, so none of my bras fit. Just for the hell of it, I decided to take my last blue dye test... This looks faintly positive to me. It can't be, though, because I just got done with my period.

I'm starting to worry that I have an ectopic or my hormones are all out of whack for some reason.

Can you see it?


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I can totally see it. That's too weird. Maybe you should get some blood work done just to put your mind at ease? It would drive me insane! :wacko: What else could cause hcg in your system and the symptoms you've been having? My vote is for going in to see your Doc, just to make sure all is well :hugs:

I should be in bed. My appointment is at 8am tomorrow. I would have made it later, but they are only open from 8am-12pm on Saturdays :( I'm not exactly sure what to expect, but I think it's just a confirmation and scheduling appointment. I'm still nervous, lol... how old am I? I feel like I've been called into the Principal's office. :dohh:

DD has been so difficult today. I love her so much, and it's hard to see her sick, but the whining and acting out has been really tough today. She JUST fell asleep at 11pm tonight. I've been cleaning up puke and collecting snotty napkins all over the house, and I'm exhausted. Let's just cross fingers that the rest of us (especially Max!) don't get sick.

I hope everyone enjoys their weekend!

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