Valentines Babies, 2013!

Still have my weird foot thing, is getting worse not better since I saw the GP who had o idea on Thursday. Think I will find another doctor on monda, I hate the idea of being pregnant and having an untreated infection..
Especially as I am still not definitely feeling baby yet s can't be sure he or she is ok. I THINK I felt baby on Thursday but couldn't have been gas...and sometimes I wonder if I can feel a very faint rummaging in there,,,but so faint I may be imagining it!.
Super tired today but off to a BBQ at a friends house In half an hour so very happy about that.
Oh, and very happy with DH who went out for a curry with the boys last night and came home at 10 with an extra Korma and rice for me! I had already eaten dinner much earlier when he was out..but managed to polish off a fair bit of curry too!
Then this morning I had a cuppa and toast brought to me in bed and time for a big long lazy afternoon nap today. Definitely a gold star for him this weekend! Xx
Kellen- I have also been super itchy!! I have found using a TON of lotion helps and will prevent stretch marks also.. fingers crossed.
Is anyone using anything special for prevention yet? I have read about a few online but they seem to all be wishful thinking!

Sierra: SO glad to hear your appointment went well! I ended up doing the quad screen, mainly so I wouldn't have any worry in the back of my mind! However, I don't think it would have mattered in the end. Just enjoy the ride & everything will work out beautifully, no matter what. Sorry you were having a rough time with DH! :hugs:

Dragonfly: You are not alone in the crazy dream world! I have found it so hard to sleep due to my insane dreams- all very vibrant or very scary :cry: Definitely kidnap/murder dreams in full swing! Absolutely awful.
And what a lovely bump you have! Those two little ones are coming along nicely.

Wamommy: YAYYY for your test results, I'm sure that was very nerve racking! So glad everything is progressing nicely. And the fair- how fun! Ours is coming soon and I am definitely looking forward to some good clean fun!

Midnight: Welcome and Congrats!!
I am right there with you with the blacking out fits. I know I am eating enough (and some extra) and drinking tons of water, so I am getting very concerned. :wacko: My doctor wants to see me Monday- It happens about every other day: Ringing ears, hot flash, tunnel vision... along with migraines and stiff neck pain. I am hoping everything okay and maybe my blood pressure is just low, but who knows?!

I absolutely love everyone's baby gear! We have not invested in anything yet.. just scouting online! Anyone have suggestions for a great carseat (we were thinking Graco Snugride?)
I also saw someone ask if I had any gender signs, and the answer to that is YES!! Almost all of them. I am team blue and had: Salty sour cravings, low heart rate (134 at 16 weeks), high bump, blue on the chinese gender prediction, no skin breakouts, hair growing faster, and not much sickness after the first few weeks. May all just be my mind though! :shrug:

How is everyone doing this weekend?!
I had some more crazy scary dreams last night, and I've felt a bit off ever since I woke up, because of them. Just feel kind of disturbed and sick.

helena, I've had that faint rummaging sensation too! I don't always feel definite movements, but if I lie quietly, I often feel a faint sensation of motion in there, like they're jumping around, but I'm only feeling a hint of it. Hard to explain!
Hey. I'm due 16th feb 13. I'm looking for a bump buddy to share experiences with too so let me know if anyone interested! X
Were all here sharing Debs. :) my edd is 13th too.

I have one word....HEARTBURN!!! :(
Good Monday Morning Everyone,

Just as a *warning* this post is a bit of a rant. Because why would things run smoothly on a Monday morning?

Last night DH did not come to bed until 2am because he was up playing computer games and watching new TV episodes that we just got. During this time I was up and down several times. I asked him if he would please be ready to get up in the morning to take me to work so that he can get the car assessed (we still need repair work from the accident last month). He said, sure, that would be fine. I reminded him that I get to work around 7:30 so he would need to get up early with me.

This morning our alarm goes off so I get up, eat breakfast, take my prenatal, get dressed, brush teeth, feed the cat, print off coupons... and he hasn't moved. I go in the bedroom to turn off the alarm and ask him to get up. He didn't even wake up. Mumbled "I love you be safe" and rolled away from me. This really makes me angry (although I know I'm most likely overreacting from baby hormones). I asked him - in a louder than needed voice - "Well, are you getting up to take me to work? We need to get the repairs assessed? If you don't do it today I don't know when it is going to get done." Silence... "I don't even know why I'm bothering to talk to you since apparently this isn't important enough for you to even partially wake up for." Que slamming doors on the way out to the car.

I feel like to do so many things for him that it would be nice if something I needed done could get done on my timetable. For example, this weekend I got up at 5am on Saturday (my day off, yesterday is our day off together, and today is DH's last day off) and drove him to an event for his work. I then went home cleaned house, did laundry and worked on my doctorate. In this midst of all that he called because it was raining and they needed my car to haul and nasty, wet tent back to the store. Does it really seem like a hardship for me to ask him to get up at 7am, drive me to work and then sometime before 4pm take the car for a repair assessment?
Oh man, Kellen, I would be angry too! Honestly, I would have dragged him out of bed lol. I bet when you talk to him later, he will claim he doesn't even remember you waking him up. DH does that sometimes, so I know that I have to make 100% sure that he's awake and comprehending what I'm saying. That usually involves poking and prodding him and saying "get up, wake up, come on, get up" until he's so annoyed that he can't help but be awake ;) Then I usually make him stand up and walk around a little to be doubly sure. That way he can't claim he was asleep and has no memory of it!
Oh, I know he remembers last night, but I am 100% sure he was 100% asleep this morning. It would literally have taken me 20 minutes to get him out of bed. He is prior army so I have to be very cautious about what angle I approach to wake him up or suffer bruises (he doesn't do it meanly, but training kicks in and he attacks his unknown assailant -ie ME!- until he realizes who it is).
He has the ability to only wake up if it is his idea. Apparently his idea was to stay up until 2am and then sleep until who-knows when. I'm still a bit ticked off at him. And I think he knows it because he has yet to call or text me at work. Yet I feel schizophrenic because I'm looking at nice places to take him for our 2 year wedding anniversary in a couple weeks. Today he needs to be punished, but in 2 weeks he deserves to be rewarded? I think I've lost it...
I'm so sorry Kellen, how frustrating! Hopefully he will give you a huge apology tonight, since you deserve it! As for your anniversary, I'm sure this will all wear off by then. Maybe he should surprise YOU with something amazing :thumbup:

DebDebs, this is a great group! You're welcome to hang out and share with us :)

Helena, how are you doing today? How is your foot? Your DH sounds like a keeper. I'm admittedly jealous, lol.

DragonflyWing, I'm with you with the dreams. I've had some that are so bad that I wake up crying and shaking. I was actually afraid to sleep for a few nights after one last week. Hopefully this will subside! With achy hips and not being able to sleep on my back, the last thing I need is something to make it harder to sleep.

Up until now I have only felt slight flicks (I compare it to lightly tapping the back of your hand with one finger, it's so subtle) and a couple of rumbles. Yesterday at church I had my first real kick, I think. It felt different than the rest, and surprised me enough that I kind of jumped in my seat. I want more of those!!! I forgot how wonderful feeling the baby is, and I can't wait for more. It will balance out how absolutely huge I feel. My DH told me yesterday that I look like I did when I was 7 months along last time :cry: I'm going to be a house!!
Hi ladies! Kellen, I would be mad too! Are you serious in that you can't wake him or he goes into combat mode?? Wow. I thought in the army they would have been used to being woken at the crack of dawn by a big voice shouting? Or maybe that's just in the films!!!

As my foot has been getting redder and more swollen despite the GP last week saying " I don't know" I went to the hospital emergency section today. I explained I didn't know if it was an emergency or to, but my doctor had been true,y unhelpful and I am pregnant and worried about infection. Turns out they agree I have an infection of some lower level of the skin or other, and am now on antibiotics (pregnancy safe ones they tell me) for 7 days, with warning to monitor it and to go back to crap doctor in a week. I asked if the infection was a danger to baby and she didn't really say no, just said to take the pills and said we need to make sure it doesn't become a bigger problem. Am so annoyed with the GP who did nothing for me!! Grrrrr

Am still not definately feeling baby so it worries me.. Though DH tells me it's fine, still OB appointment two weeks away :(

Oh wamommy, so excited for you and your kick!!! Xxxxx
Hi ladies! Kellen, I would be mad too! Are you serious in that you can't wake him or he goes into combat mode?? Wow. I thought in the army they would have been used to being woken at the crack of dawn by a big voice shouting? Or maybe that's just in the films!!!

As my foot has been getting redder and more swollen despite the GP last week saying " I don't know" I went to the hospital emergency section today. I explained I didn't know if it was an emergency or to, but my doctor had been true,y unhelpful and I am pregnant and worried about infection. Turns out they agree I have an infection of some lower level of the skin or other, and am now on antibiotics (pregnancy safe ones they tell me) for 7 days, with warning to monitor it and to go back to crap doctor in a week. I asked if the infection was a danger to baby and she didn't really say no, just said to take the pills and said we need to make sure it doesn't become a bigger problem. Am so annoyed with the GP who did nothing for me!! Grrrrr

Am still not definately feeling baby so it worries me.. Though DH tells me it's fine, still OB appointment two weeks away :(

Oh wamommy, so excited for you and your kick!!! Xxxxx

I'm glad that you're finally getting treatment for your foot! Leaving an infection alone is not good. I hope that your new antibiotics clear it up quickly.

Waking up DH :sleep:- He trusts me too much and doesn't respond if I do gentle shoulder or hip shakes and my voice is quote: "Too soothing." Apparently the common way to be woken up in the army is for someone to slap you on your feet! I hate doing this to him because he wakes up super startled and then becomes grumpy. And don't dare try to take the covers away or he will come up swinging! :nope: I have only found one sure way to make sure I have his undivided attention, but then if I stop he calls me a tease :blush:
Sorry for spamming this board with my problems, but this is becoming ridiculous. Apparently it is my fault my DH had a bad day because: "It's funny how you can remember things from when you're waking up." What?! So it is my fault you stayed up late and refused to get out of bed and made me mad? It is my fault you are now refusing to talk to me like an adult? It is my fault you refused to answer any of my texts or phone calls?

DH rides a motorcycle. So as I was pulling into our street I saw him going the opposite way so I followed. We ended up at the chiropractor which was a good thing. But I want to know what I was supposed to do if I got home, didn't see the bike and couldn't reach him on his phone? I would have been freaking out. Now we are going to pretend to be happy and go to our nephew's karate belt test.
Helena, I'm SO glad someone is doing something for your foot!! I'm sure it's better to take safe antibiotics than leave an infection untreated, so hurray for the emergency section. Let us know if it gets better! Just think, you could already be several days into your antibiotics if your GP wasn't such a poo :growlmad:

Kellen, I don't know your DH or you guys' relationship, but he sounds like he's doing what my DH (and a lot of men, well...people... do). He feels guilty and/or ashamed of his behavior last night and this morning, and instead of being able to own up to it he is getting defensive. As completely unhelpful as it is, perhaps it's his way of turning it on you so he doesn't have to feel bad? It's very immature, but he'll probably snap out of it. My 4-year-old does it. She spills her water. She starts to cry, then stops, looks at me and says "It's YOUR fault for giving me the wrong cup!!!!" :dohh: I really hope things get better!
Helena - really glad you persevered and got someone to look at your foot! Let's hope it gets better now :thumbup:

Dragon - I'm having the nightmares too :( and I seem to have got into a habit of waking up about 3 or 4 in the early morning and feeling so wide awake and then struggling to get back to sleep so that when it is time to get up I am absolutely worn out! I'm actually taking a couple of days off work as I just feel exhausted!

Kellen - I wouldn't be worried about being angry one minute and then arranging something romantic the next, it's just because you are being practical and know that something has to be sorted. It's our anniversary in 2 weeks too! I think I will just arrange a dinner or something. I bet my husband will still plan to play tennis with his brother though because he's just that stupid! Our gender scan is the day after!!

Wamommy - that's amazing about the kick! My tickles have been getting more frequent but I've not had a good old kick yet. I bet it was lovely and weird all at the same time!

Debs - I class all the ladies here as my bump buddies! It's a lovely relaxed group so just feel free to join in :thumbup:
Hi everyone, This week is flying by yet again! Really itching to buy more baby stuff but waiting till we know gender now!
Oh I wish I felt safe enough to buy. Am just not believing everything is ok in there. If I could just feel him or her! Really feeling nervous about it all, just not believing it is there...come on baby kick mummy!
I dont feel many kicks AT ALL. This is my 3rd baby but 4th pregnancy. I just cant believe the kicks are not very strong yet!
Good Morning Ladies!

Thanks for all your support! Apparently pizza absolves all wrongs. He confessed (after we went home) that he had no idea why I was mad all he could remember was me slamming the front door. So I explained, he apologized and we're all good.

Jo - sorry that you are feeling so tired due to dreams. It is a bummer that you can't go back to sleep. :(

Helena - I'm sure your little one will start bruising your ribs any day now!

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