Valentines Babies, 2013!

The nurse from my OB's office just called with the test results of our Abnormality blood work. Everything came back completely negative. No spinabifida, no Downs, no anything. DH is very relieved. He has a 1st cousin with Downs and wanted to make sure that we were prepared should anything like that be happening to our baby. But nope, we're in the clear. I knew everything was good, but it is always nice to have that reassurance.

Also I've been told not to plan anything for our anniversary on Friday. Apparently DH has a surprise in store for me. I think he is still making up for his bad behavior last Monday.
I'm so glad your results came back clear, Kellen! :happydance: It also sounds like your anniversary should be wonderful. Good job DH for planning something for YOU!

My DH still can't feel LO kick from the outside. He tries once in a while, and I have to tell him, "you won't feel it, it's super light! Wait a week or two." He says it's his favorite thing about pregnancy and makes the baby seem more real. I can understand that. Come on baby, step up the kicks!

How was everyone else's weekend? I haven't heard from some of you beautiful ladies in a while, and just checking in to make sure all is well :D
So glad to hear everything came back negative, Kellen!

Sorry I've been missing for a few days...haven't been on the computer much. My birthday is this coming Thursday, so we went out to my favorite restaurant to celebrate on Saturday. I was a little disappointed, though, as they undercooked my steak...some of it was very rare, and I had to give it to DH. My doctor told me I can eat steak cooked however I want, but I prefer it a little less raw. DH said I should have sent it back to have it cooked more, but most of it was fine, so if they cooked it more it would have overcooked the better part of it. They also had run out of bread (??) so they gave us some dinky little dinner rolls that weren't even warm. Normally this restaurant is consistently excellent, so I was pretty surprised. Apparently they had been extremely busy that night and were rushing everything.

I'm leaving tomorrow morning on my very first business trip! It's only one night, but I'll be presenting some stuff to a very important new client (i.e. they are going to be bringing in million$$ for the company). My portion of the presentation is relatively small, but I'm still so nervous! I've never done anything like this before, and I've never even met the other people I'll be presenting with (they are based all over the country). I'm also a little concerned about how I'll feel after traveling for 5 hours to get there. Wish me luck!!
Hello all!! *knock on wood*, things are looking a little brighter at work today! :) So, I had time to read all of your lovely posts! :)

I performed an all-weekend music festival this weekend, and boy am I feeling it today! My whole pelvis ACHES! Must have overdone it! :(

I'm feeling baby more often but once in a while I'll have a day or so where I don't feel it---I may be too busy to notice or maybe it's not moving as much. . .but today is one of those days and it SCARES me! Anyone else not feeling the baby regularly?
I'm feeling baby more often but once in a while I'll have a day or so where I don't feel it---I may be too busy to notice or maybe it's not moving as much. . .but today is one of those days and it SCARES me! Anyone else not feeling the baby regularly?

I'm exactly the same. I usually have a time each day when I'm sitting still, like reading or sitting at the computer and drinking a tea, when baby will get really active for 20-30 minutes. Then there will be a LONG stretch where I feel nothing at all and get worried. I'd say total I probably feel about 10-20 movement a DAY, which isn't much. I know it will get stronger and more frequent, but for now it can be scary!

DragonflyWing, your trip sounds exciting! Sometimes the things you are most nervous about become the things you are most proud of, so this should be great!! I hope it goes well, and can't wait to hear about it.

Sierra, I'm glad all is well with you. An all-weekend music festival sounds awesome!! Hopefully now you can take some time to rest and relax, though.
Sierra I'm not feeling my LO move much at all, its only once in a while and I never get any big movements :( also I'm barely showing and I'm 19weeks today it is my first but does anyone know if this is normal? Hope everyone is ok and how are the pregnancys coming along? Ps I find out the sex of my baby tomorrow! Wish me luck! :) xx
Sierra I'm not feeling my LO move much at all, its only once in a while and I never get any big movements :( also I'm barely showing and I'm 19weeks today it is my first but does anyone know if this is normal? Hope everyone is ok and how are the pregnancys coming along? Ps I find out the sex of my baby tomorrow! Wish me luck! :) xx

My sister didn't start showing until 19 weeks. . .so I'd say that's normal. I popped early and everyone is suprised. It sounds like a lot of people don't start showing until aroun 18-20 weeks. Congrats on finding out gender tomorrow!! :happydance:
Sierra - I am still hardly feel baby at all!! One big poke a few days ago and a few light feelings which may or may not be baby....:(
Glad you had a good weekend, the festival sounds fun!! Do you have any clips of your USC? YouTube? Would love to see.
Good luck on your trip dragonfly!!!! Et us k ow how you get on. I wouldn't worry about beng tired - you will be running on adrenalin I bet!!
Kellen, great news in your tests! Even though I felt everything was ok for my baby having the blood test for spina bifida and downs come back with good results was so reassuring. And enjoy your anniversary!! I wonder what he has planned. Seems his grumpy behavior was well timed as he is making up for it nicely now :)

Sierra - I am also getting pelvic pains. Well, more in the top of my leg, the tendon between my leg and body (is this what's called the groin?) and I was reading about SPD today. Seems to get worse after sitting but I get tired really quick standing..hoping. Have just strained something and it will get better and isn't SPD. I have an exercise ball and I read sitting on that helps a lot so I am dig it out.

Wamommy - in my first pregnancy I think it was only a week between me feeling baby kick and DH being able to feel it on the outside. Hope your DH gets a good kick soon!

My energy is on a high right now. I am still occasionally having a power nap for 20 mins in the afternoon, but otherwise I am doing well energy wise. Today I took eldest to school, dropped youngest at nursery, came back,hovered and mopped living room / kitchen, hovered kids bedroom, tidied kitchen, collected kids, made lunch, took eldest back to school, took youngest to park for 2 hours (I did sit for some of it!), went to supermarket, collected big boy from school, came home and fed them, bathed them and put them to bed, now going to make dinner and watch some tv. And I don't feel too exhausted. Yet! :) :) I have been busy like this for the last 3 days...dare I suggest I am blooming?! Mabe not blooming to look at but certainly firing on all cylinders energy wise!
helena, I wish I had some of your energy! I would drop dead if I had to do all that :haha:

I have a friend who is 26 weeks pregnant with her first baby, and she's not really showing at all. All is well with the baby, some people just show much later. Nothing to worry about!
Yay for your cleaning efforts! After last night I feel pretty shattered but am cooking DH a special meal tonight as he has been a good boy this week, selling his speed demon boy racer car for the good of the Family, a big deal for him. M making this: mmmmmm

Yes I feel the same - if we end up with 3 boys that's fine, and so so very practical!

My 4 year old was super sweet yesterday, as little boys can be occasionally, and when I got dressed to go out with friends he said "mummy you look beautiful in that, like a shooting star!" awwwww I could have eaten him all up!

Thats so sweet of your son.mine goes to extremes he can be super nice sometimes but its the bad habits that I am struggling with, I think its just me and being horman but he just annoys me most of the time .......Thank God he doesnt see this
I think they all drive us up the wall a lot of the time Kim! Lol. Mine is such a sweetie but also very strong willed and very very active. Takes a lot patience which is so hard when pregnant... But he can turn on the charm when he wants that's for sure! X
Midnight: CONGRATS on your little girl! How exciting!

& Welcome to our lovely new members!

Jade: I can't wait to hear you gender, congratulations either way!!

Dragonfly: SUCH sweet pictures of your sweet babies, how wonderful.

and YAY for everyones positive news on scans and test results! Always great to hear.

I love coming to check in and reading about all your lovely experiences. Unfortunately my schedule is PACKED, but this is always a nice break for me. I have been in and out of the hospital for fainting and low blood pressure- at least 2 appointments a week! :nope: Have to see a neurologist to make sure everything is okay. Had a conference over the weekend, but it was just more stress than anything. Hoping for a bright side soon!
I did get a little nervous reading through the posts- I have felt NO movement and am very petite (104 lbs pre pregnant). Does anyone know if this is normal? Helena, I know you said you didn't feel much either. Has that changed any?

Ladies lets see your BUMPS!! I hope all of you find your energy soon & I can't wait to hear more about genders. Thanks for you patience with my in and outs on the board- this gives me something to look forward to!
Hi Nicole!

I am getting more worried by the day on this lack of baby movement, I just wish I had something I could definitely call baby. It's really starting to panic me, I think about it all day on and off. Have docs appointment in 10 days. Am wondering about trying to bring it forward...though maybe they will think I am worrying about nothing and being a bother. I am not a natural worrier so this is odd...hoping I am not worrying for a reason...
So no Nicole, it hasn't changed. I wake up and feel like there is literally nothing in there! My belly has grown and has a bump, but no movement. Nothing definite. I am not petite, but not huge, was about 66 or 67 kilos pre baby.

Until I feel baby or see heartbeat I don't feel it's real and I can't get excited too much..

Oh, on another note, I was driving along yesterday and saw a bare ish branch of a tree, the first I have seen where leaves are really falling this autumn. And I thought "wow! If all goes to plan, by the time that branch grows its new leaves we will all have little babies living with us!". Hopefully. Amazing!
Helena, try not to worry hun. I felt loads of tickles early on but nothing more and even the tickles are seeming to die down now. I did read through all my doctors notes etc and it said I had an anterior placenta which noone had told me or explained what that meant. Now I know, I think this is why I've not felt it properly yet.

It's hard though as I feel a bit detached from bump because it could just be my imagination and not a baby. But I'm sure we will all be fine and all be feeling them very soon x

Just a bit more waiting! Like we haven't done enough of that for a lifetime!

Nice thought about the leaves :D I love autumn and was thinking similarly about seasons the other day whilst walking the dog. How lovely that by spring we'll all be taking our little babies out for walks in their pram or buggy :cloud9:
Thanks Jo. My brain just goes into overdrive. Like how I have had more energy recently. And what if that's because my hormones have dropped? Or the fact I lay on the sofa on my back...what if that was bad for baby...wish my head would just shut up! You are right, more waiting. Must be patient, must be patient!... Xx
I've been the same. I've had more energy. But I have found that I get tired if I over do it, which I regularly do. But I have really perked up over the last couple of weeks. I haven't noticed a problem with laying on my back. I'm not 100% sure on what this does or when, I would say that now the baby isn't that big it can't really make too much difference. I know in 3rd tri it might do something to blood supply or nerves but surely now there is still a lot of room in there?

Always something to worry about though isn't there! By the time we stop worrying, baby will be here and we'll be worrying about it on the outside! I fear we are destined to worry forever! But I guess that is what will make us good mums :D
I dont have much baby movement at all hun, dont think have felt since yesterday but baby can still move in waters without us being able to feel it at this stage. Try not to worry xx remember when we are moving around, in car etc we will probably miss movements at this stage xxx
Seems to be that from 20 weeks we should avoid laying on our backs and tummies Jo:
I always avoid laying on my back as feel dizzy. On side with pillow between knees feels best x
Nicole, I hope they figure out your blood pressure and fainting spells! How scary! :hugs: I'll try to post a bump picture this week sometime, or maybe at 20 weeks? A halfway pic would be great!

Helena, I have felt little pops for a while now, but only once or twice a day. It was literally only in the last few days that movement became regular and stronger, so that I was absolutely POSITIVE it was baby. I thought for sure, being baby #3, that I would feel it sooner, but I distinctly remember feeling DD#2 at 16 weeks! I guess every pregnancy is different, or perhaps this baby is nice and mellow? I'm not sure, but I certainly hope you start feeling elbows and feet soon. Like Jo said, it could be an anterior placenta. 10 days is a long time to wait for a scan, but if you're really concerned can you call and see if they can move it up closer?

As for sleeping on your back, I've read that it's bad past 20 weeks, so I've been practicing side-sleeping. I almost always wake up on my back at some point, though. I just roll over and try again... lol. Hopefully I'll get the hang of it.

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