Valentines Babies, 2013!

My placenta is anterioir this time Helena so was told i was feel much less until later on. Maybe yours is the same?

Me too, although this is my first, the scan notes say anterior and I've only had lots of tickles for ages now. I am really hoping I feel something properly soon as it would be nice to know he or she is ok in there.

it is freezing today!!! xx

It is freezing! I am working from home, I think the heating might have to go on!
Yep, I had mine on when I got the kids up for school earlier else they wouldnt move! Definitely need to invest in some nice cosy pjs and jumpers I think x
I was looking at those onesies the other day. I think they look so cosy! Not sure if it's worth getting one now though. I really can't wait to get some lovely nice big long chunky knit jumpers to wear with my leggings and ugg boots this winter! I just want to be snuggly and comfy. I wish I had a log fire to light too! Maybe toast some marshmallows......:cloud9:
Kellen: Me too! I am using Northside Hospital- They are wonderful for delivery. I was raised in Atlanta and almost everyone delivers there. They are also right across the street from Children's Healthcare of Atlanta at Scottish Rite- which is the best children's hospital in the South East- God forbid anything go wrong, it is a great place to have nearby!

We are going to be at North Fulton Hospital doing a waterbirth. They have the lowest C-section rate around and that is one of the important things for me. My co-worker just had her little girl at North Fulton though. We are still looking for a decent pediatrician though. We're up in Cobb if you happen to know anyone good in that area. We just moved from Nor Cal a little over a year ago so we're still getting used to the area.
wow it sounds so different in america!

Log fire would be awesome, unfortunately we dont have one :(

Bored today, just got back from annoying OH at work!
It's amazing how different it is and yet we all sort of know what each other is talking about :haha:

I don't have a log fire either :( Just a radiator, but it's not the same when the dog wants the door open all the time and I end up heating the garden :dohh:
Thank you for the birthday wishes! Yes, I had been worried about the presentation, but it went pretty well. Glad it's over!

Both of my placentas are anterior, so even though I started feeling flutters REALLY early (11 weeks), they're getting stronger very slowly. I can't wait until I can feel them all the time! I didn't feel anything all day yesterday and I was getting worried, but then I when I got in bed to go to sleep, there they were! :)

It's really cold here, too! I think we'll have the fireplace on today...although it's not a "real" woodburning fireplace, it runs on gas. Still warm!
We have a wood burning fire :) but it is downstairs which is unlivable at the moment, full of tools and plasterboard, so I too am dreaming of a cosy fire! So close yet so far... Is cold in the mornings then hot in the afternoon here. 8 degrees when I took my eldest to school, then 25 this afternoon. He wears shorts and a big thick fleece to school!?

Doctors office called today and wanted to move my appointment to next Tuesday morning, great! Should hopefully set my mind at rest a few days earlier :)

Friday night approaching, and nothing nice in for dinner...:( what's everyone else having? Need inspiration.
Dragon, I'm glad to hear that your presentation went well. And that your little ones are letting you know that they are exercising.

Helena, no idea what we are having for dinner. It is our anniversary tonight and I have been forbidden to make plans. I had a nice romantic evening planned and DH told me that he had everything taken care of and that it will be a fantastic surprise. I'm excited, but a little scared too... He took the whole day off so that everything will be ready when I get off work early this afternoon.

It is finally beginning to cool down here. We have a lovely wood burning fireplace in the living room. Last year we moved in in December so we never had the chance to get wood and use it. We are planning to start stocking up over the next month or so to try to keep our gas bill down during the colder months. I think it will be nice to be able to be on the floor with the baby and a lovely fire.
Ohh enjoy your surprise Kellen! How exciting!!!..I wonder what it will be!
Thanks, Helena. I have absolutely no idea. I tried to pry for hints... So, my dear, what should I wear tonight? Answer: Oh, anything. I like you just the way you are. Should I wear sandals or closed-toed shoes? Answer: It doesn't really matter. Whatever makes you more comfortable.
He knows I am terrible at waiting for surprises. Sneaky man even deleted the browser history so I couldn't see what he had been searching for for the surprise. Tricky, tricky... All I know is that there is a surprise waiting between 1pm-7pm because after that we have concert tickets. lol
oooh how exciting Kellen! I'd be the same though. What are you going to wear?! I guess if you are going to a concert afterwards you would know what you should wear roughly. I'd be in a state not knowing whether to take jeans or a jumper or what!

Hope you have a fabulous time!

Helena - are you doing up a house over there then? Will you have this wonderful log fire at some point? And can we all come to stay!!??!
I'm making a mushroom soup, then we are having homemade pie and mash :thumbup: with purple carrots and french beans (veggies came in my veg box this week)
I'm going to try to get DH to go to a Chinese buffet tonight :) He felt like his birthday gift to me wasn't enough (he got me a magazine subscription lol- he tries), so I think I have some leverage ;)
Oh Jo I want your pie! I opted for jacket potato with cheese and tomatoes and onion, but yours sounds better!! DH is off having a guitars lesson so it's jacket sud for 1 here with emmerdale (we have a UK satellite dish!)

Yes we are renovating our house. It was a weird design, the downstairs was only ever used for storage so didn't have windows or anything. the front door is upstairs, it's a bit odd. so sees one day the fire will be all mine!! Maybe next winter, mane this depending on how the work goes. Oh yes, you can all come over and we can do a spot of baby gazing by the fireplace :)
That sounds so romantic though, bing a house in France and doing it up :cloud9: and a uk satellite dish! Best of both worlds!
Kellen, I hope your night goes well! How fun to have a surprise to look forward to!

Everyone has much more interesting dinner plans than I do, lol. I think tonight I might just heat up the left overs in the fridge. We have about 6 containers in there that I would hate to waste!

Helena, what a fun project! We have an amazing wood stove that we used to use in the winter to roast out our whole downstairs. Since having toddlers, though, I'm too scared they'll run over and touch it!! I'm thinking this winter we'll have to build an involved fence around it so we can use it without the worry.

I'm also glad we have some scans rolling in! SO jealous yours got moved up to Tuesday, Helena!! Mine isn't until a WEEK from Wednesday... sigh... forever away :dohh:

I'm off to go snack on something. I made spicy chicken soup for lunch (sounded SO good with the cold weather today) and it turned out horribly. Even my husband, who will eat absolutely anything, took a few bites and couldn't finish it. I promised to never make that recipe again!!

EDIT: We were STARVING by 5pm, and went to Chipotle for spicy chicken tacos :D I don't feel TOO guilty, since they don't use hormones in their meat or dairy. YUMM!!
Helena: I came to tell you the same!! Definitely felt baby for the first time yesterday and today again. SO amazing! :cloud9: Amazing what a little bit of patience can do! So happy you got some reassurance too & how nice your appointment got moved up! YAY all around! And your placement sounds just right below the belly button- it should be right at the button at 20 weeks and mine is a little to the right hanging out!

JoBean: That is all I have been talking about! I can't wait to be able to wear sweaters, leggings and boots all day. I dream about how comfortable I will be when fall arrives! And YUM to your pie!!

Kellen: I should look into that! I REALLY do not want a c-section at all. I am very afraid of surgery so sounds like you have a great plan! And water birth, how incredible. What made you pick that?! There are a ton of great pediatricians in your area- I'm not sure of specifics, but I'm sure you will find a great one! You will have to keep us posted on your surprise, how sweet of hubby! I hope you are having a very relaxing evening. :flower:

Wamommy: I for one am jealous of your dinner!! I LOVE chipotle & would not feel guilty giving that to baby at all, they are surprising conscious of healthy ingredients like you said! YUM

DragonFly: Enjoy your buffet date, what better place is there for a pregnant woman?!

Midnight: It sure is different, especially here in the south! I think it was 82 degrees (F) today where I am! I am counting down the days until I can be cold! I am usually a summer girl, but baby makes me want to snuggle down and wear big comfy clothes

BlueBear: When did they tell you about your anterior? I wonder if we have the same, my doctor is not good about letting me know whats going on! Makes me crazy!

Is anyone experiencing belly button pain!? Mine has been so sore, it is bizarre! I can see it stretching already, but it hurts to touch! The symptoms get crazier! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend
On Tuesday it's a normal pregnancy check up then on October 5th its the big scan. Not sure he will tell me the sex this Tuesday, just do his usual urine and blood tests etc.

Yay for movements Nicole!! So happy for us! :)

But am annoyed this morning, my weird swollen red foot thing is back :( so it looks like I will be back off to the doctor this morning, demanding more antibiotics or whatever they decide this time. I have only been off them 5 days... I thought something was happening as yesterday I was so tired I fell asleep in front of the tv agan, and my headache started this morning...then looked down and there it was, a purple tinge and fattish toes...grrrr. Waiting to see an emergency doctor isn't my idea of a fun Saturday morning...but I don't want to wait and let it get worse considering the baby and all. What a pain..
Wamommy - I had spicy chicken soup for lunch yesterday too but I much prefer the sound of tacos :thumbup:

Nicole - exactly! I just can't wait to feel comfy. We are popping into town today for each others anniversary presents and some other pressies I need to buy for people and it is freezing! So I am wearing my boots and a lovely snugly poncho :smug:
I've not had the belly button pain, but yesterday I kept having shooting pains in my lady bits. Like it was tap dancing on my cervix or something! Not the most comfortable feeling ever!

Helena - that's a nightmare about your foot! Did they ever say what it was? It's very bizarre how the same thing is coming back straight away :( poor thing :hugs: I hope you get it looked at more quickly this time!

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