Valentines Babies, 2013!

Let's hope it's the shower! But we all know what women can be like!

Oh well, it's not your problem if she's jealous. Sounds to me like you've earned whatever you've got fair and square!
DH hasn't been able to feel the babies move yet, even though I've been feeling them for over 2 months! It was mostly little flutters and pops up until last week when the movements started getting stronger and more frequent. On Saturday I was feeling them all day! Hopefully DH will be able to share in the fun soon :)

Glad it turned out to be something good at work, Kellen!
Don't worry Kellen, they are either just horrid girls or pregnancy hormones gone mad. You will be on maternity leave in a few months anyway cxxx
Helena, I'm SO glad baby has started making him/herself known! What a relief!

Kellen, I'm glad your boss told you what a good job you're doing. Whatever the lady was gossiping about, at least your job isn't on the line! Hopefully it is a shower.

Well, I had a not so fun day yesterday. I had a really, really, scary episode. We stopped at the grocery store to get some cookies and a card to drop by for a friend's 91st birthday. As soon as we got in the car and I was writing the card I felt tightening in my chest, and my heart started to race. I started to freak out and told DH I was scared something was really wrong. We went straight to emergency, with our DDs in tow, and told them I was pregnant and afraid I was having a heart attack. They started monitoring me, and my heart rate was 207!!!!!! I could barely breathe or stand up. After some further tests they say I have Supraventricular tachycardia :( IT sounds way worse than it is, and they say it "shouldn't" be dangerous as long as the episodes are short. Yesterday's was about 2 hours like that. Apparently the medicine to treat it is dangerous to baby, so I just have to deal with it. They said if heart rate goes about 240 it becomes dangerous to the heart muscle.

Really?? I mean seriously, I can handle weight gain, acne, nausea, fatigue... Those all seem like "normal" yet uncomfortable things we all go through. I just don't get why my heart is freaking out. I've NEVER had a problem. My blood pressure is low. I'm a normal BMI. I just don't understand, and they can't tell me why it's happening.

Sorry, a bit of a rant. I'm having a hormonal "poor me" morning. I may spend the day curled up with my girls watching Disney today! :D
Oh wamommy, how frightening! Is this a problem that affects just pregnant ladies or maybe you had it before?
2 hours! Must've been terrifying. And for yor girls too.
Anything you can do to void another episode?
Enjoy Disney, you deserve a sofa day for sure!
Wamommy, that sounds horribly frightening. I am glad that you and your LO are okay. Hopefully it was just a one time thing and it won't happen again. I don't blame you for taking the day off and just relaxing with your kids. It seems like everyday is a poor me hormonal day for me... So go ahead and give yourself permission to relax and be self-indulgent.
Thank you, Helena and Kellen.

Apparently it's not isolated to pregnant women, but can be aggravated by increased blood volume and hormones. They don't really know what brings it on, and can't tell me how to avoid another They said 1 in 8000 women get it at some point in pregnancy, but most of those are in reaction to the drug they give to induce labor? I don't even drink caffeine, so they really couldn't figure me out. They actually gave me a test for "Street drugs," which was a little humiliating, before diagnosing me. :dohh:

Fingers crossed it doesn't happen again, but for now it's a great excuse to have a lazy lazy day! I hope everyone else it enjoying their day (and their little kicks!).
:hugs: wamommy, that's pretty scary. I'm glad the doctors told you it shouldn't be dangerous!
Oh no! I'm glad you went straight to hospital and got it diagnosed though :hugs: Disney should raise the heart rate, so go ahead and chill out xxx
Gotta love the Pacific Northwest. That was one of the most interesting things moving from California to Georgia... the knowledge and acknowledgement of recreational and illegal drugs. Here (Georgia) if I refer to someone as a "tweeker" or "doper" I would need to give an explanation. Can't say I'm sorry to be a bit further removed from the drug culture given that my only experience came from the law enforcement side of the house.
1 in 8000 chances of having that? Wow. Start playing the lottery, small odds mus be working for you. Rest up xx
Check up this morning, all good, 2 kilos (4.4 lbs) gained this month. And doc says we are most likely team pink!
But the big scan is still next Friday (5th) so we are going to wait until then before we tell people as " most likely" doesn't seem certain enough for me! But it seems probable as he said that and the woman at the 13 week scan guessed girl too. But time will tell..
Still, very happy, my 4 year old desperately wants a sister!
Great news helena!! I'm so glad to hear that everything is going well! And team pink! YAY! :) I will find out our team a week from today!
Congrats on your maybe team Pink, Helena. That sounds very exciting! I am very glad to hear that both you and your LO are thriving. I am anxiously awaiting tomorrow when we find out for sure. I love seeing what everyone else is having. If you are team pink our current gender ratio is 50/50... wonder which way I'll tip the scales?
So. . .my life has gotten interesting lately. Long-story-short, our basement is out of commission due to mold growth that wasn't reported to us when we bought the house a year ago. Needless to say, we have an attorney involved and my DH is the only one that goes in the basement to do laundry. :( They said it's okay for us to live there, but advise I stay out of the basement.

On top of that, my sister just sold their house and plan on building a new house. It takes a bit less than 4 months to build. They have tried to find a place to live in the meantime, but haven't been able to find somewhere to rent for 4 months. So, DH and I are faced with the decision on whether or not to let them live with us (the alternative is them having to pay a year's rent in a not-so-good apartment complex). They have a 3 year old daughter, and her DH works swing shift (so he'll be sleeping during the day sometimes).

Now, our house has enough room for everyone. Their little girl can stay in a smaller room and the only other room my sister and her husband can stay is the room that will be the nursery.

Part of me really wants to help them out (and I'm not sure they have a whole lot of other choices right now), but then part of me really wanted to cherish these last months with DH and I just a couple before our first child is born. I also wanted to have the nursery set up months in advance so everything is ready for baby to come, and also so I can go in there and dream of my baby. . . If they lived with us, we would be able to paint it while they lived in that room, but we couldn't move furniture or arrange the room until they moved out (about mid-January). They have to find somewhere to live in 3 weeks.

I'm just so torn. Especially for my DH. It's not his sister, so it's a bit different.

On the other hand, he loves our little neice and gets along with all of them perfectly fine. And they would be paying us rent---which would help us pay for the baby stuff we need---especially since money has been tight lately.

I just don't know what to do---I mean, it's my sister. But, also, this is our first baby---and our last time as just a couple. And what if I go into labor early? They'd have to move out super quickly so we would have room for baby. . .

Argh. . .I don't know what I'm looking for. . . I guess I just needed to vent. Thanks ladies!
That's a tough one Sierra! I think I would offer them the place especially of the momey is helpful, but kind of put a clause in about having to be gone by the time baby is builds etc often go over schedule.. And guess what you will be doing in 4 months time!'s about 3 months with you and a month with someone else? Parents? Friends? Motel?'s a tough one.
Try and to worry about the nursery, the bonus is baby can't see further than your face for a few weeks!...
Or how about they all share one room, even if it is a bit cramped, so you still have the nursery free? It is short germ after all so even if the space is a bit tight it shouldn't matter so much? So you all get what you want that way?
If it will stress DH out though just explain to your sister you can't?..will she take offense?...Oooh good luck it's this one. Family can be great... I love mine...but. Wouldn't want to live with them!
Sierra, that sounds like a really difficult dilemma to be in. I know I'd want to help my family, but I also know that some sort of homicide would most likely occur if any of my siblings or DH's siblings lived with us for any extended amount of time.
Like Helena said. Set down some house rules before the move in. Let them know that you are not built in babysitters and cannot take care of your niece unless you specifically request time with her. Also be aware of how difficult it is to adapt to someone with a nocturnal schedule. I worked nights for a year and understand how hard it is on everyone tip-toeing around me.
As for the nursery... use them as free labor! Have them help with the painting and decorating if you are feeling tired. Having additional funds is always nice. You could think about setting up a special savings account for the baby and tucking a portion of those funds away. DH and I have set up an account so that $10 from each paycheck goes towards future baby stuff. We'll use this for birthday presents, trips and eventually college. It is a small amount at first, but it certainly grows. Especially since we both get paid twice a month.
Helena, I'm so glad your scan went well!!! How exciting about potentially being team pink :D I can't wait to hear for sure.

Sierra, that sounds like a really really tough decision!! I don't know what I would do, but I'm sure if you and DH sit down and weigh the pros/cons you'll make the right choice. As for the mold, I would be so angry! It can be really tough to get rid of, and you should have been informed before buying the house!

Thank you all for your well-wishes, also. I feel great today, like nothing happened! :thumbup: Let's hope it was just a weird one-time thing. I DID have a great day of resting thanks to it though. My DH even did the dishes (I almost fainted in shock).

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