Valentines Babies, 2013!

Happy Anniversary, Jo! and those booties are beautiful. Lucky u, u can do things like those ,I did some for my nieces 10years ago and now I cant remember anything!
OMG I didn't check BnB all day, and I missed SOOOO much!!!!

Kim and Kellen, welcome to team pink!!! The pinks are overtaking blues for now! I wonder if we'll have a rush of boys next week? (secretly hoping so :haha: ) I updated the first page with gender and your new due date, Kim.

DragonflyWing, I'm glad the babies look happy and healthy in there :) I think the shot you got of the girl is just beautiful.

Jo_Bean and Blue_bear, I can't wait to hear all about your scans!! I can't tell you how fun it is having all of us get scans back to back, and having people to share the news with who GET it. SO cool.

Helena, I'm so glad hubby has come around :) He sounds like a keeper.

HAPPY 20 weeks, everyone!!! Half way there, phew! I think I'll have DH take a pic tonight (or maybe tomorrow morning, since I've been eating like a pig all day and look a bit...ummm... like I'm going to explode?).
Helena: So glad the doctor was able to tell you the real problem with your foot! How it is doing now? Better I hope! And how exciting for hubby!!! I finally saw my SO for the first time in month this weekend and he still couldn't feel it :shrug: Of course baby was being shy in the 2 days we had together! Stubborn already lol. Hopefully next time! Great news everything looked good at your scan and how exciting for a possible TEAM PINK and little sister for your lovely daughter. :kiss: Very sweet- can't wait to get a confirmation.

Kellen: I am so glad to hear everything worked out at your job! There's nothing worse than feeling like people are talking behind your back- glad that weight is off your shoulders!! & What a great idea to read to LO. My SO is also very shy about talking to my tummy, so we will have to try this. Very sweet. Your water birth sounds so exciting, I cannot wait to hear all about it. Anything that can decrease tearing is well welcome in my book :thumbup: I think it should be very calming and nice for baby- you sound very well looked after. Last but not least, CONGRATS ON TEAM PINK and your wonderful update- I am so happy for you! :hugs:

Sierra: No baby movement felt by my SO yet! I can't wait to share that with him, it will make it seem very real for the first time I think! Any updates on your end? What a relief that everything worked out with the house- I'm sure that decision was weighing heavy on you... as if you don't have enough to think about! :wacko: Only 4 more days until your big scan, so think happy thoughts until then- I'm sure baby will show itself to hubby in these coming days... a lot of excitement coming your way! :flower:

JoBean: Sounds like there are a few of us why shy babies- it makes me feel much better! And HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I hope I am lucky enough to make it to 15 years, be pregnant, and still want to cook- you are a true super woman, hubby is one lucky guy!

WaMommy: LOL! I feel your weight gain pain! I weighed myself today also... 20 POUNDS since the beginning. TWENTY!! I could not believe it- however, I was very small before this... that's what I keep telling myself! :rofl: I am also SOO sorry to hear about your health scare BUT SOOO glad to know everything is okay! I bet that was terrifying & of course just one thing on top of another. It is so stressful to not be able to take medicine for these things, but better in the long run. We do have to put up with so much physically, I know when LO is in my arms I will forget it even happened though :)

DragonFly: What a lovely pic of your little girl!! And always great to hear positive scan updates about your little ones. I still can't imagine what it would feel like to have two inside- truly incredible. I bet they are giving you a lot of wiggles!

Kim: I am with you on the lack of energy!! I feel MORE tired than the first trimester. But how exciting for you- TEAM PINK and a perfect scan! So happy they were able to find the 4th chamber and that everything went well. Congrats!!

BlueBear: I hope your impatience brings us good news ASAP!! I can't wait to hear updates from you!!!!

WHEW! I hope I got you all in there- we are some busy bees these days with so much good news pouring in! I have my anatomy scan tomorrow, but since I know gender I am just hoping for all good news!! (Who knows, with my luck- they will tell me LO changed teams or something wild like that!).
Also, we are officially 20 weeks.. you know what that means.... HALFWAY BUMP SHOTS! I want to see some bellies up in here- mostly out of curiosity to see if I am as big as I feel; I mentioned I have put on 20 lbs! Anyone else climbing up there rapidly with me?
I will post new pics as they come tomorrow and can't wait to hear more great news as it comes!
How great does it feel to have made it HALFWAY?!? Go us. :happydance:
Glad to read of the successful scans yesterday!! And more team pink! Congratulations!!!
Ooh we can seriously start thinking names now!..

And 3 sans today? Good luck ladies! Can't wait to read all about them.i woke at 5am today and was thinking about you all and how excited you must be! Sill 1 week 1 day for me :(...still, least I get to share everyone else's excitement while I wait, it is such fun!! 1 hour fr you Jo, bet you are dancing about having breakfast!!

And today we are officially alf way to due date! Amazing! A melon! Tis journey is jogging so fast, seems only a day or two ago I was a plum!? Brilliant.
And considering some of us with be c sections (dragon? Me...) we are well over half way. Woooo-hooooo!
:wave: hi ladies!

So I'm currently still team :yellow: !! The little blighter had it's legs crossed and hands in the way the whole time, I had to go and empty my bladder and jump about and roll on my side and she wobbled my belly but nothing! Baby was so chilled out and comfy that it just wasn't turning over and uncrossing it's legs! It was led face down the whole time! We got a great look at it's spine and it's brain etc, but couldn't measure the legs and couldn't see it's bits!
I have to go back for another scan, so I'm waiting for them to book it in for me and send me a letter.

This is my yellow lazy monster, we only got one pic as she said she'll do them all properly when we go back next time.
Oh I rushed and got online as soon as I could!
Oh naughty baby...But clever baby - you get another scan! Yay.
How do you feel? Bit disappointed baby wouldn't play? it must be a girl - being shy and ladylike not flashing her undercarriage :)
Everything else that she could see all healthy?
Hello All!

Glad to hear that everyone's LO is healthy.

Jo- I'm with Helena is guess that you're team pink too. Our tech said that all the girls she gets are normally not quite as flashy as the boys. They don't enjoy showing off their parts in quite the same way.

Dragon- That is fantastic that both your little ones are fully put together and weigh 11oz. Mine weighs that too. I feel heavy and uncouth... I can't imagine having that times two!

Kim- welcome to pink with me!

Nicole- I cannot wait to find out what you'll be having.

DH is a bit disappoint that it is a girl. He suspected that it was all along, but really wanted a son. He is the first one of his family to have a girl first. My MIL is really excited because she has 2 granddaughters out of 17 grand kids. I'm excited because my side of the family has really strong maternal ties and I cannot wait to share that experience with my daughter. I believe DH is having problems because he was a bit wild with the girls when he was a teenager.
Oh, sneaky baby, Jo! He/she wants to keep you in suspense ;). Happy anniversary!

Nicole- yea they wiggle around a bit, but I don't feel as much as I'd like because both placentas are anterior. Hopefully as the babies get stronger, I will feel more :)

Kellen- Haha, yea I have a bit of the "pregnancy waddle" going on already! You wouldn't think 22 oz would feel that heavy, but it sure does when it's all concentrated in a little ball right in the middle of your body!
hee hee! thanks girls! I was very disappointed this morning I won't lie. I think she could see in my face that I was! We did discuss that if she was a girl at least she will be nice and lady like and demure :D either that or it's a boy who can't stop fiddling! (as one of my friends said!)

Everything else was great, fabulous spine, kidneys, arms, brain, nose, lips and chin! She wants us to go back for proper measurements of the legs and the heart, which is why we get the 2nd scan, so I'm quite proud of my bubba for wanting us to see him or her again - obviously it's going to be a cunning little child! Also I'm liking the prospect of having a chilled out baby, it seems as if he or she is lazy in the mornings and most active in the afternoons!
I'll be sure to take some fizzy drink and chocolate with me next time, to give it a nudge about!

Thanks for the anniversary wishes girls :hugs:
Mine was being a bugger too Jo! Couldnt get correct sight of the heart valves etc but got there in the end. Also we are Team.....PINK!
nicole--DH still has felt baby yet. Someday soon. . .. :)

Jo--that's hilarious! what a little stinker you are growing in there! :) So precious!! I can't wait to find out for sure what you are having!!
Mine was being a bugger too Jo! Couldnt get correct sight of the heart valves etc but got there in the end. Also we are Team.....PINK!

Congrats Blue Bear! Another team :pink:!! SO that's one of each for you then! :happydance: Was everything in the right place?

Happy 20 weeks :D

I am definitely team pink :D

The pink are winning for sure! Was everything else ok Em?

nicole--DH still has felt baby yet. Someday soon. . .. :)

Jo--that's hilarious! what a little stinker you are growing in there! :) So precious!! I can't wait to find out for sure what you are having!!

My DH hasn't either, the sonographer confirmed today that my placenta was anterior and that is why we've not felt many big moves but assured us that we will be feeling it in the near future now that baby is getting bigger.

Tell me about it! I can't wait to know either! 2 more weeks for me now :dohh: You'll all know by then! I still can't make my little booties! I went into the wool shop at lunch to get some wool to make my friend something, her baby is due in November, so that will keep me busy for the next 2 weeks.

Update: my scan is now on 12th October, so 2 weeks to wait. I've also booked in a 3D scan for 26th November when I should be 28/29 weeks. So I can't wait to see what the little nudger's face will look like!!!
JoBean: YAYY for a lovely scan & great news all around on development!! I was cracking up reading about your little monkey being so shy- he/she wants to keep you surprised for a little bit longer! I do secretly miss the days where I didn't know gender, so try to enjoy having SUCH a big joy still to come. I vote girl either way ;)

Kellen: I am so sure your DH will absolutely melt when he sees his baby girl for the first time, especially after your magical water birth. And LOL at your theory about his wild days! I have heard plenty of times men thought they wanted a boy & end up with the sweetest daddy's girls that they can't get enough of. I am officially TEAM BLUE & know I am scared to raise the opposite sex- but couldn't be happier. It will happen for him too! :hugs:

DragonFly: I can imagine you have a little waddle with your two baby ducks inside! How precious. How are you feeling with double the love inside? It's like you have all the secrets of what is to come!

BlueBear: CONGRATS ON TEAM PINK!!! And a healthy LO of course! How wonderful, one of each!

Midnight: Yay for your confirmed little girl! I was happy to know my gender didn't switch on me- that would have really thrown me off!! haha

Sierra: I'm sure he will soon! When is your scan coming up? Next week?

-I had my 20 weeks today as well- Little boy was looking wonderful and sucking away at that thumb, hamming it up! Weighs in at 12 ounces with a perfect heart, spine, and no cleft palate! Almost to a pound- incredible!!
I can't believe I am the only one not having at least one girl (dragonfly gets both!). Bring TEAM BLUE on! :blue::pink::yellow:
Congrats on two more girls! We pink teamers are certainly out numbering the poor blues. :rofl:

Jo, at least you have something to keep you occupied. I wish I were crafty, but stick people tend to run in fear of me. I once crocheted... and pretended it was a scarf and gave it to my grandma. DH wants to schedule a 3D/4D scan for sometime in November as well... so we can give out pictures as Christmas presents. Too bad on the newest TTW!

Has anyone gotten serious about names yet? DH and I know we have WAY different opinions on names. So we are each creating a list and coming together over the weekend to at least compare notes... This could get ugly.
Congrats on Team :blue:, Nicole. At least you're trying to even the odds. lol I was almost expecting to be blue myself based on the stats of this thread...
Thank You ladies!! Sounds like me & dragonfly's little men have quite the future dating pool developing :rofl:

Kellen: We are stumped on boy names, but if it were to be a girl I loved Layla! I can only imagine my SO trying to pick girl names :dohh: I'll keep fingers crossed for you- don't forget to pull the "I have to push this baby out of my hoo-haa, I get to name her" card anytime you please!

Sierra: I can not wait for you either!! Do you have any gender preference or hint at which it could be?!
Thank You ladies!! Sounds like me & dragonfly's little men have quite the future dating pool developing :rofl:

Kellen: We are stumped on boy names, but if it were to be a girl I loved Layla! I can only imagine my SO trying to pick girl names :dohh: I'll keep fingers crossed for you- don't forget to pull the "I have to push this baby out of my hoo-haa, I get to name her" card anytime you please!

Sierra: I can not wait for you either!! Do you have any gender preference or hint at which it could be?!

Of course I want either gender. . . and I really have pros and cons to both. I want a baby girl because I've always dreamed of raising a girl and love little girls, but then again I come from a family of 3 sisters, who both have daughters, so it'd be really exciting to have the first boy! DH really wants a son, but would be just as pleased with a girl. DH thinks it's a girl, and I have hunches that it's a boy. :haha: I'm not really sure why I think it's a boy. . .I just have a feeling. We'll see who is right on Tuesday! :)

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