Valentines Babies, 2013!

Anyone else hot? Like really hot? And not even in a good sexy lady way. Just in a big sweaty lady way?v:wacko:
I keep asking for windows to be opened. And tight clothing is out, it's awful, such sweaty not enjoying this!?....:blush:

And while I am talking embarrassing, I did my first accidental pee of the pregnancy the other evening when a sneeze caught me off guard....oops! Time for a spare pair of under crackers to make their way into my bag!...pregnancy is SO glam!
Good Morning Everyone!

Last week was crazy with the conference and all. This weekend (Monday counts too as it was a holiday for me) I didn't even bother to crack open my computer. Everything went really well at the conference and I got a ton of comments about how adorable my bump is and how tiny I am (really? Because I don't feel tiny... I feel like a manatee).

On Saturday DH went with his cousin to a renewable energy conference and he is learning how to be a rep for them to make us some additional money on the side. Neither of them wake up to an alarm very well so I was up at 5am prodding them to get in the shower, drink coffee, eat breakfast, get dressed and get out of the door. Finally they left and 8am and I went back to sleep until noon. DH had been a dear and cleaned the whole house while I was away. Unfortunately nesting mode hit hard. So I did a deep clean and brought out the steamer and furniture polish. My kitchen is sparkling and woe be it to the man who disturbs my awesomeness.

Then we had planned to go to church on Sunday. At 8am (really? We don't have kids yet and church doesn't start until 11am...) DH's SIL calls and asks if he can come over and help her move furniture to their new house. So off he goes and I tootle along to church where I am sure everyone believes I lock my HD in a closet and only let him out for special occasions.

After church I make my way over to SIL new house and "supervise" the unloading of the truck. Because apparently I'm breakable and cannot be allowed to lift anything over a 1lb. It was annoying and I felt useless. Then they leave to pick up another load and I'm left with my 9 year old and 4 year old nephews who were super cranky from having been out late the night before. 4 year old napped while I supervised the 9 year old on clean up duty (room, laundry, dishes). So right as the second load was finished and DH and I were able to head home so he could change into clean clothes for Bible study a huge CRASH sounds from the kitchen. The 9 year old dropped three ceramic bowls and managed to cut a huge gash in the palm of his hand.

So my emergency training kicks in. Apply pressure. Escort hysteric child and mother to my car. Hand DH the keys. Type in address to GPS and away we go to the kids ER where 4 hours later the 9 year old emerges with 7 stitches and a story about how he was bit by a shark.

Yesterday his parents decided to keep him home from school so he stayed with us all day. Which meant we got nothing done that needed to be done (including going to look at a potential rental that is a lot bigger than where we are now). This annoys me because my BIL was off yesterday. Given he works nights and got home at 9am, but he still could have and should have looked after his own son.

Baby news! Our little girl almost has a name. Right now we are thinking of Aari Quincy or Aari Garey (my maiden name), even though I'm still thinking Quincy Rae is cute. She is a very active little girl. Any time my stomach growls or I eat she starts kicking. Thankfully she normally sleeps the night through. Except for last night she didn't want to settle down. Whenever DH puts his hand on her she stops kicking. The moment he moves it away she would go crazy. Finally he just ending up spooning me and wrapping his arms around so that I could go to sleep.
Also sciatica has been a constantly companion recently. I've had to deal with it before due to a nasty slip and fall a couple of years ago. But now I can't bend down to put my socks on so DH has to help me.

But anyways... Congrats on the :blue: and :pink:. At least the numbers have evened out a little bit. Aari is kicking away due to a rumbly tummy so I think I'll eat some yogurt. We have our 22 week appointment with the midwife this afternoon and then get to go tour the hospital. Am I weird to be looking forward to getting all the paperwork to fill out for February?
Oh my goodness Kellen! That's crazy all that happened! Wow!

I LOVE the name Aari! That's super gorgeous! Also glad to hear that I'm not the only one whose child stops kicking the moment Daddy tries to feel it!
Congratulations on team blue, wamommy! That's so exciting!

Wow, Kellen, you had an eventful weekend! Aari is a lovely name :)

My sore throat has developed into a really awful cold! Feel like a truck hit me...not quite sure how I'm going to make it through work today.
Thank you for all of the congrats, ladies! I'm still floating on cloud 9.

Jo, I can't WAIT until Friday!! If you turn up :blue: we'll be almost even. What do you think it is?

DragonflyWing, I'm sorry you feel sick! NOT fun being sick, and especially while pregnant. I hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

Helena, I'm not hot all the time, but I get freezing cold, then over-heated, then freezing cold again. Everywhere I go I take an extra sweater just in case, and my DH looks at me funny when we're driving in the car on a cold day and I MUST have the window open. :dohh:

Kellen, it sounds like quite a weekend! I feel a little lazy after reading all that you do! On Sunday I sat around watching football with DH and the kids, haha. My 4-year-old does all of the penalty signs along with the ref, it's too cute. I love the name Aari, too! It's different without being too out there.

We're still clueless about a name. I am so used to looking at girl's names that I haven't even thought about boy! My DH likes what he calls "hard" boys names, like Frank and George. I am not so keen. I like names that are a bit more unique, without being too trendy. I LOVE the name Liam, but it's become way too popular.. ugh... this will be hard!
^ Liam was on our boy list! Along with Charlie :) I love Stanley for a boy but thats MIL's dogs name! LOl x
Just got off the phone with the nurse at my doctor's office...based on my symptoms, they think I have the flu! :wacko: That sucks. I've been told to rest and drink lots of fluids, and call them if my temperature goes over 101. Luckily, I have an appointment to see them tomorrow, so they can make sure babies are ok. The little ones haven't been moving much since I started feeling bad. I feel a little shift here and there, so I'm not panicking, but I wonder if they feel as tired as I do!
Helena - yes! I've been getting extreme heat flushes and then freezing cold. I thought I was going to pass out in the office today!

Wamommy - I really have no clue. I did think it was a girl for ages but then lately I've called it he a few times without thinking. So whatever it is will be a huge surprise! I bet it is just as lazy as last time though and I bet we're still team :yellow: after the scan! If I think that way then at least i won't be disappointed :haha:

Dragon - oh no hun! Sorry about the flu, keep hydrated and rest as much as possible. My bad cold last week was awful enough, the flu will be horrible :hugs:

Kellen - You sound like you need to rest a bit more, don't go over doing it!!
Get well soon dragon!! Poor you!

Jo and wamommy - Glad I am not the only sweaty lady xx
The return of the nausea. I'm not sure if I have a sudden recurrence of morning sickness or if I'm coming down with something. DH is concerned because we were around a bunch of germy kids at the urgent care facility. I'm been vomiting all afternoon, but am having DH fix noodle soup. We'll see how that goes... Emailed my boss and told him I feel like I've been hit by a truck and won't be in tomorrow. :(
Oh no, ladies! This time of year is so wicked for bugs and the flu! I got the flu shot this year, but I'm still wary of viruses. Last year our whole family got Norovirus and it was AWFUL. I hope you both feel better soon!! :hugs:

Jo and Helena, at least it will be winter soon enough, and cold out when we're huge! Third trimester in summer heat would be so hard!
congrats on all the gender scans so far!!!! ours is in the morning only 13 hours to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't wait to hear Munchkinlove! It's good to see you here! :D
Oh she's wamommy, both my boys were July babys. It was awful towards the end, so big and so hot.
Get well soon Kellen! My nausea popped back at 20 weeks. I wasn't actually sick, but felt rough on and off. hoping this is all it is for you and it passes soon! Xx
Helena - I am thankful for the fact that the weather has got colder here but not thankful that everywhere I've been, people seem to have the heating on already! The office was like a sauna yesterday! I am wearing less clothes today for sure!

Kellen - I was unwell last week. A bad cold, no energy, feeling sick and no appetite! I think we are more susceptible to germs and viruses whilst pregnant. I wasn't going to have the flu jab but now I'm revisiting that decision as it's not nice to be poorly whilst preggers.

Munchkinlove - Oooh!! Can't wait to hear your gender result!! It's really exciting finding out the sex in our little group, I'm just as excited by everyone else's as I am by my own!! Team :blue: will almost even the scores and team :pink: will tip the scales!! Good luck!
Am deep in thought today. Am hoping to get a DNA test done to see if u have the gene for breastcancer . If i do it means I am more likely to get the disease. My mum, grandma and aunt already had breastcancer so is want to be tested in case it is a hereditary genetic form. If I do have the gene then one option to reduce chances of getting cancer is to remove my ovaries. I am wondering if they could do this at the same time as my c section next year....all a bit scary but I don't really want to be opened up twice if I can avoid it...especialyl when we will have three kiddies running around...but it will mean early menopause maybe...will discuss with doctor! Suddenly I feel really grown up...

And yes Jo, it has softly cooled down here too, but then every now and then the sun will come out and make me melt in my jumpers and boots. I can't trust the weather so have to wear a fleece with a summer vest top under for when I need to strip off!...
Oh, Helena, what a huge decision to make! I can't imagine being faced with it. Let's just hope you come up negative on the test, and you won't have to make that decision!
I was watching something about this on tv the other day and it made me cry, what an awful choice. All I can offer is that the people around the person getting tested were all for it as she could take preventative measures and the fact that they had an option to do things in advance to keep their mum, wife and friend outweighed everything - for them.

Let's hope it doesn't come to that choice, but there are a lot of positives to be had from the opportunity :hugs:

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