Valentines Babies, 2013!

Yip, my 4 year old chose Kiara from Lion King 2! Hehehe. I love it.
Simba's daughter don't you know :)
Congrats Helena!!!!! :yipee: :yipee: Kiara is just gorgeous, and I LOVE the name!! I can't believe you went early. I was JUST telling DH last night that I kind of wished we had a scheduled birth so that I could know when he is coming, but I suppose even that isn't a guarantee! Kiara was ready to meet the world early :D I hope your recovery is going well. How do the boys like her? Oh, this is so exciting! How much did she weigh?

I had my baby shower last night. I was incredibly touched by how many women showed up, and it was really sweet. We got mostly clothes, which is great, since we didn't have a lot. Mostly, I was just touched by how many women wanted to get together to celebrate this baby. I've been stewing a bit lately, feeling like no one cares about this pregnancy (being my third, and Grandma's 6th grandbaby) so having people dote a bit was just what I needed!

Sierra, I didn't gain any weight this week, so I'm sitting at just under 30 pounds total. Honestly, I think I would have gained a couple of pounds, but I've had diarrhea (sorry, TMI!) for a couple of days and I think it knocked a pound or two off. As gross as it is, it's kind of nice after months of having problems going at all!

I still can't believe another baby has been born! Don't worry, ladies... we're all going to pop soon!
Wow!!! Congratulations Helena! She's perfect and it really brings home how real she is and therefore, how real ours are! That's what I have in my stomach! :saywhat: I still can't get my head round it!!!

Who will be next!?
It's like symptom spotting in first tri again, I'm terrible though. Every little niggle or pain I analyse lol.
^me too! I've been worrying about amniotic leaks lately! I'm sure I'm just slightly incontinent :rofl:
^me too! I've been worrying about amniotic leaks lately! I'm sure I'm just slightly incontinent :rofl:

LOL :haha: Made me laugh!

Sierra, I'm hoping diarrhea is a good sign! I think I may have just eaten something bad! I sure hope not. :dohh:

I'm with you guys on symptom spotting! I just can't imagine that all of these cramps and pains aren't doing anything... so I've convinced myself that I'll magically be 5 cm dilated at next week's appointment. Wishful thinking!!! It keeps me sane, though :haha:
I keep waking with awful hip/back pain in the night, but before I wake i keep dreaming that I'm in labour and its contractions. Then I roll over and it goes away! Haha
I'm the same way wamommy! I can't be in all of the pain for NOTHING! It's at least had to dilate me more! lol . . .

I've started getting random work people telling me "tips" on how to go into labor. . .They're all ready to see me pop, I think! And apparently I look huge lately and like a torpedo! lol. . .I think that's a good sign of popping! haha. . . Two people today have asked if I dropped---I have NO idea anymore. . .but hopefully their asking means that I HAVE!

My bosses are kind of freaking out and telling me that I need to finish up on my paperwork and get my emails caught up---they're afraid of my going any day now. :haha: I seriously doubt that for the next few weeks of waiting, that I'll have my desk 100% clean and have NOTHING to do! So, I'm assuming *something* is going to still be on my desk whenever I go into labor---regardless of when it is!

I want to go for walks and active things in order to encourage labor, but I just don't FEEL well lately (still fighting a cold and baby pains), so I end up on the couch all evening. :( I hope sitting on the couch encourages labor! :rofl:
Sierra - have you got an exercise ball? Sitting on one of those can help to bring baby down and into position and encourage labour apparently. It's all to do with the natural urge to squat or something like that :shrug:
So girls, my signs yesterday were...nausea, strange stabby pain in my boob and top of bump. And that was it. I think my coughing may have helped.
Or the sitting on the sofa eating pizza and chips (fries)!
I also spent some time mopping the floor...maybe it was that!? Oh, and a hot bath.

Wamommy, she was 6lb3. 2.86 kilo.i can't believe she was inside me this time yesterday. That that bump tha moved was her. Crazy. So Jo I understand your confusion! :)
Sh is so cute, making lots of squeaky noises as he sleeps.
I feel ok, a bit of pain, but ok. Mostly just tired, it's 10.30 and I have been awake since 4.30am...
Bum very achy and numb from sitting in bed ;( though I have been walking twice already, just a few steps, but I am really pleased. Also have eaten and boobie fed baby so it's all good. Hoping tomorow will be less pain and aches.

Hurry up, who is next,?......x
That's amazing Helena! No matter how many babies are born, it's just a miracle I will never cease to be amazed at :cloud9:

How was te c section? Are you dosed up now? Achey?
Jo---I don't have one. :( I think my sister has one in storage, though--so maybe I'll ask her to dig it out for me! Thanks!!

helena---so glad that you are doing so brilliantly! That's great to hear! Rest up when you can---you deserve it! Pizza and chips sound amazing! :) I told my DH that I've been nauseous for two days! Didn't know that could be a sign! let's hope so! :)

So happy you have your little girl!! :hugs:
Helena - congrats. She is absolutely beautiful, as is her name. I cannot believe that she got here so quickly. I'm glad that you took your symptoms seriously and made it to the hospital in time for them to get you your c-section.

Yes, congrats everyone on making it to week 37. Only 3 more weeks to go until we can officially begin going crazy if our little one's haven't made an appearance into the world yet.

Please feel free to skip this next part as it is just me being mopey and random.
Last week I volunteered to go get an army friend of my husband's and my SIL so that he could see our 9 year old nephew test for his black belt. However, at the time, I did not realize that the trip time from where we live was the same as where I am away at training. Geographically I am much closer, but there is no major road that runs between here and there. Now I have upset everyone's plans by refusing to spend an additional 3 hours on the road. I'm sorry, but if I had known it would take me 2 hours to get there and 2 hours to get home I would have never volunteered. SIL and BIL are from here you would think they would have said something...
I feel like there is too much going on right now. My boss has a new job. I have a new office mate. I have to give an hour long presentation tomorrow. I've been told once I pass the presentation I will be made an official instructor once I come back in addition to my normal job duties. My grandma wants me to live with her. DH doesn't know grandma wants us to move 4,000 miles. Minor financial concerns while on maternity leave. DH hates his job. I've never been a parent before, will I be able to do it? I feel overwhelmed and depressed and am crying all the time.

Okay, the "woe is me" is over. I agree that I too have been trying to symptom spot. Every little twinge or "period type pain" that I feel means I must be going into labor. Hopefully we will all have beautiful babies in our arms sooner rather than later.
Congratulations, helena! She is beautiful! So happy for you!

The babies had a weight check this morning...Gunnar is 5 lb 14 oz and Lilja is 5 lb 1 oz, she's my little peanut. She looks so tiny compared to her super good eater brother lol. She's a slow eater and sometimes forgets how to eat, so we have to keep a close eye on her weight.
Helena, I'm so glad you're enjoying your little princess :cloudnine: I can't believe you've been up and walking already. You're a pro! When do you get to go home?

As for symptoms, I'm all over the map. I have felt really "off" today, but DH thinks I ate something bad which is making me mildly sick. I've just felt dizzy, diarrhea, and a bit hot. Also, like I'm about to cry all day, which is totally unlike me. I think I've cried 3 times this pregnancy. Today I was walking in target looking at lip gloss with my girls and suddenly had the powerful urge to cry! WTH??

Kellen, I'm sorry you're having a rough time :hugs: You DO have a lot going on right now! It's understandable to feel a bit overwhelmed. I think you'll do great as a first-time-Mom, and your living situation will work itself out. For now, just make sure to take time for you and de-stress.

Sierra, I've been trying to walk to bring on labor, but it's exhausting! I think I have an exercise ball in the garage somewhere... maybe I"ll dig it out tonight. I'm so ready to meet this kid :D

Dragonfly, the babies are getting so big! I'm so glad they're doing well!!!! :D
Thanks all. I couldn't not take my symptoms seriously kellen, was so much pink water. After I put a panty liner on at 5am I went into the bedroom and wanted to show DH the waterwas pink, to get his opinion, but (tmi?) as I moved my undies I left a big gush of water on the bedroom floor! Oops. Filled a nightime panty liner in seconds.
Can't help but feel you need maternity leave now Kellen, eliminate so,e of your woes. Xx

Wamommy, sounds like some good symptoms to me!

I fear I am he until Monday. Sunday would be normal, but I need my doc to sign me out and I doubt he will work a Sunday...
Hoping to have a shower this morning tho :) that's my current excitement. That and the fact that I can hear breakfast coming down the corridor.
My little angel was a bit of a night owl. Just wide eyed and looking about a lot of the time. Like a little frog, all big wide eyes. Calm, not crying, but more awake than in the day. And she likes feeding!..maybe I got 4 hours of sleep. I even asked midwife to take her for two hours so I could sleep. I hated that with my first baby, I wanted him here all the time. But last night I just needed sleep :)

Have. Good day all, make sure your bags are ready. Mine wasn't and I just realized I need to call DH to get him to bring in some trousers for me! Doh.

Goodmorning all. I am home from work today because I fell sick with ANOTHER cold last night. I had the last cold for two weeks, then just when I thought I was feeling better, BAM--this one hit. :( I took it as a sign that I need to stay home from work today and sleep---obviously my current schedule isn't keeping me healthy! :(

I am absolutely miserable. There are only certain positions I can lay/sit in that I can actually BREATHE, but those positions hurt my back and bump. :( On top of that, my Braxton Hick contractions are going CRAZY all night and all morning. And, I have diarrhea (which I was hoping as a good sign, but now I dont' want to go into labor while I'm sick----I dont' have the energy to do it!). .. So. ..that's where I am at this morning. . .no fun. :(

Dragon---your babies are growing fast---how cute!

Helena---it's so good to hear you are doing so well. I hope they serve an extra good breakfast for you this morning!

Kellen, I agree with the others---take some time for yourself. . if you need to go on maternity leave early, do it. Everything will sort itself out, but you need to take care of YOU.

wamommy----sounds like you are getting some good signs! I can't wait to see who is next!!

Okay. . .now it's time for a nap. . .

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