Valentines Babies, 2013!

Oh, I've heard the full moon myth as well. I hope that it isn't too busy when you go in and that you are able to get a big room.

Since we are scheduled for a water birth there are only three rooms that they use and they are all really nice and roomy. Thankfully my DH is #4 of 6 and has 20 nieces and nephews that he was around when they were babies. I think he has probably changed more diapers than I have. My only concern is the stump of the cord.

No contractions yet, but my feet are asking for a rest. I think I'll eat in the living room and pop in a movie. I have done my duty... besides putting clean sheets back on the bed. That needs to happen.
Oh that's great Kellen! Yay for experienced Dh! I think you definitely deserve that rest and movie- enjoy!
Sounds like nesting to me, Kellen :D

I've heard the full moon thing too, and wonder what would cause that? Too weird. I hope you make it to your show, Kellen! My Mom bought me tickets for Christmas to a Broadway Show here in Seattle, but she bought them for February 27th :dohh: DH told me, "you want to leave me alone with a newborn, a 3-year-old, and 4-year-old??" He kind of has a point, especially if I'm breastfeeding. In theory, the baby could only be a week or two old.

I'm going to go walk the mall :D It makes me so tired, but I think it helps my hips and back at night.

TMI question for you Sierra... How's your diarrhea? I still have it, and don't know why. If it was something I ate, surely it would be gone by now? If it was a sign of labor, surely I would be in labor? 4 days just seems like a long time. who knows...
Hi all. My auntie died the same day Kiara was born. I just found out yesterday, my dad didnt want me to know yet. And unknowing, we called baby Kiara from Lion King, whose song and theme is "circle of life".. How fitting is that.
Feeling quite sad, something so deep mixed up with post partum hormones is a bad mix, but thought I would share. Life really is amazing.

Have a good day all, rest! I managed 3 hours sleep last night...little madam has day and night mixed up...will fix that ASAP!

Wamommy- does walking really help your back at night? I can't get comfortable at night because my back hurts so badly! Maybe I should get out and walk today ! My diarrhea has turned more to loose stool now... but definitely not the constipation I've dealt with the rest of the pregnancy! Is the clean out supposed to last a while?

Helena, I'm so sorry to hear about your Auntie. That's so hard- but Kiara's name seems just perfect.And fitting. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Dh and I dtd for the first time in over a week. I'm super crampy right now! I told Dh that he did a good job because I want this baby out! :haha:
Helena - sorry to hear about your auntie :hugs: but the circle of life couldn't be a more apt way to describe it. I'm sure she is watching in some form and is really happy for you and your family xx
Thank girls.
And yay for being crampy Sierra!!! :)

I have another slight issue now. The inlaws. Remember we limited everyone's visits / stays as we are determined to do this OUR way? Well...the in,was moved their date t visit because Kiara came early. Wich is handy for helping with the kids while I am not home. BUT the haven't changed their return hope to be here for two weeks. Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrgh!
They are being nice saying that hey will do whatever we want, help out where've or give us space, but in the next breath mother in law tells my husband she would like t stay wo weeks as she doesn't get to see a lot of her grand children.
Aargh, emotional guilt. Don't need. I is about us not her. She may not mean to be mean but it makes it so hard for DH to say will clearly upset her if we ask them to leave earlier. It is a stress we don't need. Really it drives me mad.
What to do....I could just toughen up sit it out...but two weeks! DH has three weeks off, I so hoped I would be quality bonding time. Nt stressful...
I just want my house to myself and my babies... My boys are high maintenance and full of energy and I don't like the pressure of Telling they should calm down and listen more. It's not fair on them really, its their home, boys will be boys and this is a hard time for them too so i shouldnt feel pressured..but I can't help but feel it when we have guests the pressure to keep a perfectly clean house, clean well behaved kids etc..
And things have been so stressful in the past with my FIL that he doesn't need to do much at all now to annoy me..

On a positive, i can probably go home tomorrow or Tuesday. :)
Oh Helena! I would be in exactly the same frame of mind :( it kind of feels like they have won by your little lady arriving early too!

What does hubby think? Would he be comfortable telling them to either change their dates to go home or to keep all dates as they were?
Wow, Helena. That is a super tough spot that they have put you in. I would continue on with normal routine and if they aren't pleased with how it works then they can leave. This has to be really difficult dealing with grief, a new baby and now the additional stress of company. Good luck!
Helena, I'm so sorry to hear about your Aunt :hugs: :hugs: The timing is amazing, especially with Kiara coming unexpectedly early. Perhaps there is a plan we don't know about. Either way, I'm so sorry you're having to grieve right now :(

The in-law situation would drive me mad! I agree with Kellen that you should go about your normal routine and if they don't like it, pssshht. To expect you to keep a clean house, clean, well-behaved kids, AND look after a newborn is WAY too much. Perhaps talk to DH and tell him how much this is stressing you out. Maybe he has better ideas to deal with them without causing conflict? Oh, good luck, Helena.

Sierra, walking really seems to help me! During the walk it feels pretty awful, like my belly is going to fall off right as my back gives out, but I sleep better. For some reason I cramp up less. I also do some severely unattractive stretches before bed which seem to help. I got to the point where I would cry before bed time because I dreaded the night so much, so I've been trying anything that might help.

Yay for cramping! I know DTD is supposed to help! I broke down and asked DH to DTD a few nights ago, and he was shocked. "you must REALLY want this baby out," he said... :rofl: He knows how uncomfortable and unattractive I feel, and was surprised that I would even suggest it. I'm not sure how much it helps, but at this point I'll try anything! (short of castor oil)
helena, I agree with the others. However, I also think your DH needs to step up and make some clear cut decisions on when they can arrive/depart. This is not the time for them to be making the decisions about YOUR life!! I'd be furious if DH just let his mum make the rules about how long she stays to see the baby (which very well may happen, but I'm hoping I've said it enough times that he knows what boundaries to put into place).

wamommy--I've heard marching up and down the stairs helps. . .so with every load of laundry I've done today, I've put an extra "march" to my step! :rofl: Ridiculous, I'm sure. .. but I want this baby out!

I'm sitting here waiting for DH to come home. He was going out for a drink with a friend. I asked him how long he would be gone. . .he says--oh, an hour and half --two hours TOPS. Well, it's been THREE hours, and I just NOW get text-- "Sorry taking a bit". WTF!? I mean, I know time flies sometimes, but seriously---you couldn't text an HOUR ago to let me know?! And no indication about how long it would take---just "taking a bit". Maybe it's the hormones, but this just ticks me off! And, the fact that he said he was only going for ONE drink! There is no way that one drink takes three hours!! Arghhh. .. so now I'm deciding whether to brush it off, or be mad the rest of the night. . . :( Am I overreacting?
Thanks. Well they already arrived..
It's not that they expect a clean house or well behaved kids. It's just that I feel the need to provide them...if you get what I mean. I feel the need to make more of an effort with guests there. It is probably in my head..

But I kind of agree Sierra, but I do feel for DH..he did say no, it is too long, we had all agreed the length of stay, and yet still his mum heaped guilt on to him...not fair. dH is such a nice man, he won't want to upset his mum, who is very sensitive and cries easily..but what choose is left...I don't know..maybe I should just get on with annoyed at DH being put in this position.

On a good note, baby just slept a whopping 2 hours ad 40 minutes in a row, at night!..she hasn't done that before. Haha, you know you have a newborn when 2h40 minutes is worth getting excited about!
Helena - I feel you completely. My MIL is a very nice person, but she somehow has the ability to make DH feel guilty about everything. It drives me batty! Congrats on your little one getting over two hours of sleep.

DH decided that today should be picture day. He had a lot of fun doing belly shots and playing with filters and stuff. So here is just one of the pictures that he took this morning.

Had a bit of a freak out this morning and DH actually called the doctor's office. We got up, had breakfast and took a shower. As I was getting dressed I realized that my toes were completely number and I couldn't feel the tops of my very swollen feet. Talked to our midwife and she advised drinking at least two glasses of water and elevating my feet for two hours. If it hadn't gone away by then we were to go to the hospital for blood pressure monitoring. Thankfully it abated after about an hour and a half. She said she wasn't too worried as I said the baby was very active and I wasn't experiencing any headaches or blurred vision. It was still not cool. :nope:


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    Thanksgiving, Savannah and 38 weeks 050 (2).jpg
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Sierra, I would be irritated too! I think that at this VERY difficult time for us, DHs should be exceptionally understanding. It's NOT the time to bend rules or take extra time away to have drinks. Hopefully you two worked it out, and I'm sorry it caused you stress :(

Kellen, you look great! What a beautiful belly!! I don't know where in the heck the 40 pounds went!! You look all belly to me :D I have NONE of my bare belly... and I know I'll wish I did someday. With DD#1 I wouldn't let DH take any pictures of me at ALL. Once I went into labor I realized this was my only shot to have any pics of me pregnant. So the only pics I had were labor pics, where I look horrible and miserable!! You've inspired me to let DH take some tomorrow :D

Helena, what a tough situation! I remember you saying months ago that you didn't want to share your first weeks with LO... I'm so sorry it's not the ideal situation you hoped for. Ugh... families are wonderful, but so hard to please everyone!! I hope it gets sorted so that you get what YOU need too.

I went on a mild nesting frenzy today. I cleaned my whole bedroom top to bottom, including closet and drawers. I reorganized all baby clothes by size and put them in the appropriate drawers. I vacuumed the whole house and cleaned my computer desk! I'm so proud of myself, but totally exhausted.

Sierra, I'll try your marching trick, haha. The mental image is pretty funny!
Kellen,, beautiful pic! I had a scare with my feet, it's crazy how they can just swell up like that! Water and elevating above your waist seems to be the best trick.

Sierra, Hope hubby isn't planning any more drinking sessions :trouble:

Helena, that is really tough. Honestly, there's not much you can do and that would make me more angry. It's not like realistically, anyone is going to ask them to leave earlier than they plan to. It makes me so angry on your behalf. Everyone else seems to have an expectation of your baby, I've been experiencing this too, when to be honest, I'd rather not see anyone at all!

Wamommy, sounds like you've been really busy! Have a good rest today! You deserve it x
That was a lesson I learnt last time...different with family though obviously. But I quickly realised baby would sleep beautifully while being cuddled and passed around, and you don't rest because your 'entertaining guests' then once they leave the baby comes to life and won't sleep for hours! This was just my experience obviously.... Lol. Will be restricting visitors this time for sure though and DH is well versed in what to say to get people to leave!
This is worth bearing in mind if your BF'ing as you probably won't want to do it in front of the whole world to start with.

Been up since 3am as my hips are so painful, it's like one big spasm and i could little man also has a bad cough so we all ended up getting up.
MW later on, will find out if this young lady is the right way up or not!
Thanks girls.
I am angry Jo. As you understand - and its so great you get me - It is the fact there is little we can do that really pisses me off. And this is our las baby, or last special first few weeks...I could burst with annoyance. It has happened too many times that we didnt get things our happened with both babies previously, and even or wedding..
And I am so annoyed DH was put in this position - he can't win, upse his wife or upset his mum. Ether way he is feeling pretty shite. While i don't want it to be me tha is upset or loses out, I don't want some mega family drama now either....I just want them to realize and suggest they leave of their own free will. Why can't they see what is obvious!?! Blue bear, we were also restricting visitors, we made it very clear....the inlaws just found a way around the rules when baby arrived early and we asked them to come and help while I am in hospital...return flights earlier are expensive I am told..I will check! And tbh I don't care about more right now.
Am just going to see how it goes, but my hormones are high and it may be ...urm...interesting. I am going to focus on my family and just appreciate every second of being with the boys and baby girl....yes that's what I will do...I won't rise to the annoyance...(trying to coach myself here....I be it snt working!!! If it is really tough I will have to suggest they return earler...oh lord..least we live in different countries, I can avoid them after..)
Good news is I have passed my checks and doc agrees I can go home, just got to check baby with pediatrician first.Baby hadn't regained any weight b this morning, but they weighed her before and after a feed and she took plenty of milk, so they said so they are happy. Hopefully we will be home tonight. (Nervous though that my hormones and stress wont keep in check, I will be disappearing to the nursery a lot to feed and come online with my iPad! watch this space xx)

Good luck at midwife blue bear :)
Helena - that is a terribly frustrating situation. We asked my mom to come out and help a week before our due date and then leave a week after the baby is born so DH and I will still have two weeks alone with the baby. However, due to the inconsistency of babies arriving on time she paid an additional $35 for flight insurance so she can change her flight whenever for no extra cost. Is this something that your in-laws might have thought of?
helena, I'm so sorry about this whole situation! How awful! I hope they come to their senses, and your DH doesn't have to choose! Poor guy!

DH and I are all good now. . .so I'm happy. :)

AND, my office just threw me a surprise baby shower! They had tons of food and all pitched in for some really nice gifts! We got tons of clothes, bath stuff, diapers, toys, and a full-sized baby swing! I'm so grateful and happy right now! :)
Oh Helena :hugs: I would be feeling exactly the same way.

The only thing I can think of is that maybe you see how it goes and then after a few days be really honest with them and ask them to leave. Or suggest that they stay in a local hotel so that you can have some time to yourselves?

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