Valentines Babies, 2013!

Get well soon Sierra. I agree, you need to slow down and rest up xxx

Sorry Jo, I didn't answer you.. Yes the section was fine. Very calm, straight forward. Baby was out in half an hour. It took a while to close me since it was my third and apparently the skin was a bit fibrous from previous scar tissue. Yuk. But all was fine. I am a bit sore, but am only taking paracetamol and an anti inflammatory. A much better than my last one. I was up walking a few steps after 6 hours, and was moving my legs about in bed as soon as I could. I had a catheter in for 24 hours, and a drip, but as of 24 hours I have been walking ok and had a shower. All on my own. It hurts for the first minute of walking, and I get up like an old lady, but after a minute you sort of walk off the pain and I can walk ok. A few times i started aching but the best thing to do is walk or just ask for more paracetamol. dont feel doped up at all.

My cough is a pain, coughing hurts so much I cry. Have just got some cough medicine from the midwives so hoping it helps.

I get contractions when feeding baby. It's all normal, it's the uterus shrinking back down, but my word it hurts! trying to remind myself it is making my tummy smaller. Bt it is horrid. I don't know if it is bad for everyone or worse post section?...

Am rediculously excited that my boys will all visit tomorrow and we will go to the hospital canteen for a drink and snacks. Have mostly been in my room today, apart from a few strolls around some corridors, and am going slightly mad. Me its only been 2 days..
Doctor says I will be here until Monday or Tuesday...we will see.

Baby still lovely. Feeding well.
Oh that's great that you seem so perky and have been up walking Helena! Go you! Thanks for the lo-down on the section! I'm reading all about it now as mine is booked! Tuesday 5th February! 11 days :shock:

I need to pack my bag definitely. It's half packed, I was hanging on to see if it would be a section or an induction to finish it off as slightly different things needed :thumbup: now we know!
Really pleased to hear your recovering well Helena. Must be nice to have your own room, I was on a ward for two nights and it was so noisy, even if your baby was quiet you could guarantee someone else's would be crying!

I had a weird one last night....went to bed shattered about 9ish, but couldn't settle or fall asleep. I got up because I felt like I needed a poo (sorry tmi!) but was also really sick which woke hubby up. I didn't feel I could get back in bed after that, ended up pacing around downstairs. No contractions as such but definite period pain and some back pain but its just not timeable?! I felt so agitated, and today because I've been so tired I've been mega irritable.
Wow Jo, I would love to have a definite date!! 11days isn't long at all!
I mentioned to the MW that I had experienced some 'leaking' for a little while we were all thinking I could be having her a lot sooner as she thought my waters had gone, but did a speculum and found that I was just extra 'moist' down there :blush: I was a bit embarrassed because I thought I looked like a hypochondriac but she was lovely and said better to check these things :haha:
Thanks helena! I can't imagine how much coughing has to hurt for you right now! I was wondering how your family was doing with all of their coughs! Sounds like you continue to do great---and I'm so glad you get to have some time with the boys and get about some!

Jo--how exciting to have a date set!!! That's lovely! Don't worry about the leaking---I've been at the same place! Even today, my panties are extra "moist". .. how gross! haha

blue bear---sorry to hear of your rough night---but maybe it's a good sign!
Sounds like a good sign blue bear!
11 days Jo! Brilliant!!!!!

My postpartum hormones are starting to raise, am homesick. This happened last time, ended up sobbing each evening..oh the joys!? Still, have found emmerdale (uk tv programme) on YouTube from last night so I will waste some time watching that. Having an iPad etc in hospital is such a help!
Sierra, I'm so sorry you're sick again! NO FUN, but I'm glad you stayed home to rest and do what your body needs. I hope you feel better, and THEN baby can make his appearance :D

Helena, it sounds like you're doing great! I'm so impressed that you're only on paracetemol! I'd be begging for the strong stuff, especially with a cough :haha: Hopefully having your boys come for a visit will make you less homesick. The hormones afterward can b so tough! I remember last time a couple of days after DD was born I yelled at my Mom for how she was loading the dishwasher, and then sobbed uncontrollably when she got offended. Fun It will pass!

Jo, 11 days, YAY!! That is so soon! I wonder if you'll be next, or if someone else will surprise us?!

Blue_Bear, those all sound like good signs! Hopefully you're getting close.

I have to clean the house today, but have been putting it off all morning. I did 2 loads of the kids' laundry yesterday, but still need to wash my own and all of the new baby stuff. I SHOULD mop and vacuum, but I don't know that I'm up to it. Sigh... what I wouldn't give for a maid :haha: or at least a DH who helped clean!
This time next week you can say "in 4 days!" Jo! Yaaaaaay.
We should update the front page Wamommy!!

Eeeeek! I think there will be at least more one born before my c section :thumbup:
We should update the front page Wamommy!!


You're totally right!! I will do that tonight!

DragonflyWing, what was the date the twins were born? I can find it, but feeling supremely lazy at the moment, haha.

Helena, yours was January 23?

how exciting to start updating BIRTHS... EEEEKK :yipee: :yipee:


Dragon, were your babies born December 19th? I better start writing things down!! I don't want to put the wrong birthdays down :dohh:
This is so exciting watching everyone give birth (and I mean that in a metaphorically non-creepy way). I am emotionally a lot more stable tonight. DH is no longer mad that I made him go pick up his friend so that reduced a lot of stress.

I passed my instructor training practical presentation test today. I did lose my breath during one part due to a rather intense BH. I think the instructor just about passed out after class when I told him I'd been having minor contractions throughout the entire 1 hour period that I was presenting. This was after he mentioned that I walked around the classroom a lot more today... about that.

I can't believe that we are all getting so close! I only have 8 more days to work and not all of those will actually be at work. Tuesday I telework. Thursday we are throwing a going away party for my boss who accepted a new position. Friday the office is taking me out to lunch and probably throwing a small shower. The next week I will telework Tuesday again. Wednesday I have a meeting and then that is my last day! I guess I need to call and make appointments for the rug cleaning people to come...
January 24. Thanks xxx
Up at 4.30 feeding :) she is a little pro. Amazing that she knows what to do, so pleased
The first page is updated! I can't wait to add more :D

Helena, thank goodness she's a good feeder! I'm crossing my fingers SO hard that I can breastfeed this time.

Kellen, I'm glad you're having a better night tonight. Come on, 8 days, so you can just relax!

I just got home from a dinner out where I ordered a hamburger called "Burnin' Love." I truly am an idiot :dohh: It may be a long night! LOL
:haha: @ the hamburger!

I'm trying to steer clear of spicy food and anything else that could make me go earlier than 5th! I have everything planned for that now :haha: I know she'll come before if she's ready but I'm trying not to encourage it!
I just went a little crazy and cleaned the house. The last load of baby clothes is in the dryer. I managed to fold all the little clothes and organize her dresser. I also took stock of the diapers we have a realized that while we do indeed have diapers we don't have any wipes :dohh:. I've also registered online at a bunch of places that will apparently send free stuff or extra coupons. Now I think I will go make some sugar cookies...
Kellen--does that mean you are nesting!? I hear that's a really good sign! One of my friends said she cleaned her entire house, got everything situated for baby, etc., and that very evening went into labor! She told me that if I feel the need to nest, IGNORE it and rest, because she was so tired from all of the work that she did, she didn't know how she made it through labor! I'm not saying that will happen, but hopefully the nesting means that you're close! :thumbup:
I hope so. I kind of want the baby to hold off until after Tuesday night. DH and I have tickets to see a Broadway musical (not on Broadway, but rather at the Fox Theatre here in Atlanta). I'd hate to waste my Christmas present. I have also concocted a new sauce for chicken over rice. My sugar cookies turned into maple syrup sugar cookies just because I saw it sitting on the shelf. Those are tasty... we'll have to see how the chicken turns out!
Ooo yes---baby should wait until after Tuesday evening! :) I keep telling mine that it has to wait until after Monday evening, as that is our last child class (Monday's class is on baby care basics, which I think will help DH a lot since he hasn't changed ANY diapers in his life!). But, Sunday is supposed to be a full moon, and although I am not superstitious, I hear the labor wards fill up during a full moon! :thumbup: (When I was in L&D to be checked last week, it was EMPTY and quiet! I couldn't believe it! They said it was super unusual because they had only had two births for the last couple of days! The nurses actually looked BORED! Apparently that is highly unusual, so I'm suspecting it to be super full next time I go! :( But, I hope not, because if it's not full, I might have a chance at a bigger room!) :)

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