Valentines Babies, 2013!

Wamommy is this it? When Kiara was coming my contractions hurt mostly in my back and down just one side of bump. Praying baby is on his way!!!..they weren't continuous but maybe you ar further on? Get checked!..xx
Sierra - we are still not yet organized and we have been home two days! Lol. Only just bought breastfeeding bras and a changing mat yesterday after little miss peed and pooped through a towel on my bed! But she has my boobs and a lot of love and blankets so she will be fine :)
The most useful thin I have is a breastfeeding pillow that doubles as a bean bag chair for her. She sits on it a lot and has even slept in it in her cot last night. So comfy and supportive. She only woke to feed twice! Yaaaaaaaaay!
haha---thanks for the encouragement helena! I feel that I will be a bit unprepared, too---but glad to know it's perfectly okay and baby is content without all of the "stuff" in place! Glad to hear she slept so well last night!!!!

yes, wamommy---can't wait to hear if that was it for you!! Here's hoping you're snuggling a cute little baby right now (or shortly!)

Kellen---how'd your appointment go?

I have an appointment at 1p.m. today. . .I'm not expecting to hear anything different, but I told DH maybe she'll tell me I'm in labor somehow. . . lol :rofl: I know I'm not, but dang, I wish it were true! :)

I keep having dreams about labor, the baby, and breastfeeding. Surprisingly in the dreams, labor isn't that bad, but the breastfeeding is a nightmare every time! I always seem to dream that I am fumbling with baby, a breast pump hanging off one side, baby crying and not latching on on the other side, and not having enough hands to make everything work! DH says I'm too worried about breastfeeding---I definitely think I have some irrational fears! :haha:
Morning Everyone,

Helena - your little girl has the longest fingers. She is just gorgeous. And you can't beat kids for the off the wall comments they come up with. That is just awesome.

Wamommy - I hope that this is it for you and that the pain ends soon.

My appointment went well yesterday. DH's boss would not let him off so it was the first time I had to go by myself. Every single person in the office asked: "Where is your husband?" followed by: "Why are you in the afternoon? You always have morning appointments." Midwife was happy with everything. Baby is measuring 38 weeks with a HB of 155. She told me to begin taking a natural supplement called "W5" that is like a super version of EPO to start contractions and get my cervix ready. Her husband wanted to take her out of town for Valentine's Day, but she had him book the trip for 2/28 so that she can be the one to deliver our little girl.

The play last night was funny. However, the first act was painful. I kept having contractions on top of a full bladder that was being punched by a vengeful baby. The second act was better as she was kicking up instead of down on my bladder. We didn't get home until 11:20 and I pretty much fell into bed.

Had to take DH to work this morning because we are having severe thunder storms and tornado watches/warnings. I really didn't want him out on his motorcycle in 40 mph wind gusts. So it took me 2 hours to drive to work. By the time I arrived I needed to pee so badly I was practically willing to murder people to get to the bathroom. Of course when it rains people completely forget how to drive and there are a million accidents. But even though I didn't get here until 9:20 I will probably be leaving around 2:00 so that I can A) get DH from work and B) not fall asleep at my desk. I cannot wait for next week...

I told DH that we can start trying to jump start labor by DTD any time. His response: "My leave doesn't kick in until the 9th. We won't have sex until then. I don't want her coming when I have to work." My mom comes in on the 9th... great... awkward...
Kellen---glad your appointment went well! Hopefully the new supplement will work! My midwives are more of the "wait and see" type. . .they don't suggest anything to start labor! I have to do all of the research on my own, and I feel that I'm taking the EPO "behind their backs" because they haven't suggested it. :haha:

I'd tell DH that since dtd doesn't make labor happen immediately, he needs to start before the 9th! Or if your mum is there, try to figure out quiet ways to do it---or run the shower while you're doing it! :haha: Good luck with that one!!
My midwife is really cool. She asked me if I had started taking EPO, which I had, and if I had felt my contractions get any stronger. Honestly, I haven't. So she told me to head to the natural food store and pick up a bottle of W5, which has EPO and Black/Blue Cohosh which is supposed to be really good. We didn't have time yesterday, but I need to go grocery shopping anyways so I'll get some tonight.
I heard Cohosh helps A LOT --that's what the health food store told me. . but I was warned against it unless your midwife prescribed it. :( Bummers!
It is too bad that your midwife isn't take a more proactive approach.

I think I'll send my mom to the grocery store when we need some privacy. She loves to shop for us... DH will just need to make it fast and snappy. Shouldn't be too hard since he hasn't been getting much lately...

Oh, and my MIL won't be able to make it to see us at all. Unfortunately my FIL was in a wreck yesterday. He drives a semi and hauls stuff for people. Well, a guy fell asleep at the wheel and hit my FIL's truck head-on. Thankfully neither one of them were seriously injured, but the truck is completely totaled. I'm sorry this happened, but it makes it easier for DH to accept the fact that his mom won't be here.
Thanks---in a way, it's nice because she wants to do things so naturally, but at this stage, I really want help to go into labor! :)

Good idea about sending your mom on an errand! :)

Sorry to hear about your in-laws. . .I'm glad that makes things easier on your end, though!
Just had my appointment. Again, as soon as she measures me, the midwife says---"wow! This is a good-sized baby!" She says he is really really long, and is guessing that he's EIGHT pounds already!! I requested that she check me even though they usually don't, so she did---I'm only 1 cm dilated, but 75% effaced and a really soft cervix. I know that doesn't mean anything, but you bet I'll be trying to dtd tonight to get this baby to come! :rofl: 8 lbs scares me! If he comes at the regular time, he'll be huge!!

I'm beginning to think wamommy is either in labor or having her little one----I feel like she'd be on here by now! ;)
helena congrats on having Kiara, she is gorgeous.

Sorry to hear the sad news about your mum.

Kellen sorry to hear about your FIL,

Still trying to get organised. all I do is moan and groan as I am in so much pain...and ofcouse sleep on the couch becoz the bed is so uncomfortable!!!Not so many days for me as C-Sec is on Monday but have been down with a flu bug despite having the jab.DS brought the bug from sch.Now I am nervous about having a cough after a C-sec

Talk about being prepared I have my bag packed but cot bed is still in the hallway in boxes and the pushchair is yet to come:nope:!!! I blame DH and God knows I want to kill the mothercare people for delaying the deliveries

Good luck ladies not too long till all the babies are here!!!
Congrats on your upcoming, Kim! That is so exciting to think that you'll be holding your little one in your arms come Monday.

Lots of excitement around here. I think we've had 4 tornadoes touch down so far. Lots of power outages. I think I'll leave a little early because traffic is bad. I managed to snag an extra weather radio from our supply closet so that will be going home with me. Thankfully we haven't had to fully activate or deploy.
I'm sorry I haven't checked back in yet!! I WISH I was holding my little man, but I am unfortunately not quite there yet :(

I've had SO much pain that I've been sitting around crying, which is totally not like me. I finally went in to see the doctor today and she said I'm in "prelabor" which technically could go on for a while... ugh. I'm 4-5 cm dilated and 75% effaced, but my cervix is still behind the baby's head (posterior) which is causing so much pain, along with the baby's backward position. She says once the cervix snaps down where it should be (which could happen any time) I'll pop to 10 cm very rapidly. She said not to go far from home or the hospital, and to be prepared for a very fast labor.

The thing is, she told me all of this 2 weeks ago! The only new info is that I've dilated enough that it really could be any second that "real" labor starts. For now, all I can do is keep a heating pad on my back and wait it out. I'm both excited and a little scared, and just really can't wait to have this baby. DH is predicting tonight... I vote for tomorrow. My Dr. is going out of town for a week this Saturday, so I would LOVE to have him before then.

Anyhow, it sounds like things are getting moving with you too, Sierra! My Dr. told me the same thing, that baby is super long. I told her that was fine, as long as he has a small head :rofl:

Kim, only a few days to go!! Wooohoooo!! So we will for SURE have a couple of babies next week! I can't wait to hear about and see Baby Kim and Baby Jo!!

Kellen, take care of yourself! The weather sounds exciting, but scary too! The worst we ever get here is rain... and the occasional snow. Be safe!
Ooh I was starting tk get a bit exciting about checking this thread this morning! Sounds like it could be any minute though Wamommy! Sorry to hear it's so painful. I hope things all happen now, nice and quickly and you'll be holding him very soon xx
Wow wamommy, they class 4cm as active labour here so you would have been taken in. Well done you on getting so far with no pain relief etc. hope the rest happens quickly for you!
Woohoo wamommy, that is exciting that things are moving on!
Can't wait :)

Kim - I too have a cough and had it post c section. I won't lie, it bloody hurts. But the midwives insisted I couldn't burst anything and that although it hurts it won't do any damage. Which was some comfort. Make sure to tell the hospital so they can get you a suitable cough syrup though, I had one and I guess it helped, as I was suddenly able to cough up (sorry tmi) with less effort, so that helped reduce the times I coughed.

Midwife coming today to remove my staples. Usually they stitch you here but I had staples as it was my third and my skin was tough from scar tissue. Delightful.
Can't believe my angel has been here a week already. And what a week! Dfinately the most intense emotionally of my life.
Have justs been out for tea and croissants with two friends, without baby or any children. It's at a bakery just around the corner so I could easily come home if bab needed me. It was so nice to just chat with friends after such an intense week. M head feels like it may burst sometimes with all that is going on.
But through it all Kiara is a little gem :) she lost weight and hasn't gained yet which is a shame, and worries me a bit. she is now only 2.5 kilos, but hoping to change that in the next few days by pumping milk and giving her the breast plus some extra pumped milk from a bottle. Because she is so small I think feeding me tiring for her, so we will supplement her with bottle breast milk for a few days to give her a boost. The midwife's idea. She is like a tiny little doll.
Wow wamommy---you are so close! I'm surprised you aren't in more active labor with that dilation! I'm sorry for all of the pain, but hopefully he will be born soon and you'll forget all about it! :hugs:

helena--I'm glad you got out for a bit with friends! That's wonderful! And, as usual, Kiara is darling!! She looks so content in that picture!

Is pumping going okay? All of my classes here told us to wait until 6 weeks until we start pumping because bottle will confuse baby? But my sister pumped right away and had no problems---and actually reccommends pumping right away in order to let DH help with the feedings. That's what I want to do, but the warnings scared me a bit! Are they just being overly cautious?
Wamommy - that sounds very exciting. I hope that you get to meet your little man sometime today or tomorrow before your doctor goes out of town. I am praying, however, that I do not end up in your situation with days of pre-labor pain. I'd rather just get it over with. Like you and Sierra I have been told that I have a very long baby.

Helena - that sounds nice that you were able to get out of the house a little bit. Sorry that your little gem isn't gaining any weight, but I am sure that will change very quickly. At least you were able to escape for a little bit!

Can someone please remind me why I thought it would be a good idea to work up until next Wednesday? With all the commotion around here I really feel like I should be at home and in bed. Our governor has official declared a state of emergency for the two affected counties that were hit by tornadoes yesterday. This means that the office is practically empty because everyone is onsite helping with assessments. For some reason they aren't too keen on having a pregnant woman help... such is life. It means I'm stuck all alone writing boring grant letters and crunching numbers so that my supervisor isn't too overwhelmed next week.

I will say that I was very thankful that my little girl did not decide to come while we were in the midst of 40+mph winds. And I guess none of us were too affected by the full moon either. It is becoming more painful to sit as she is sinking lower, which is good, but geez! DH was kind enough to remind me last night: "You wanted this baby so now you have to deal with it." He said it jokingly, but that didn't prevent me from wanting to strangle him.
Hi everyone :D

No signs here but I am happy with that. I would like to get to due date so not rushing along yet :D

Love and hugs to all x
Pumping isn't ideal sierra, but when needs must..
Midwife tells me it should be a short term thing, just to help her gain weight so she gets more energy to feed more herself.
I did the same with my first because I was so sore. He gained wight super fast. we stopped pumping t 6 weeks and he never wanted a bottle again.
I also did it with my second but he chose bottle over breast :( o I guess it depends on the child Sierra.

My midwife says to try to give baby the pumped milk with a syringe if I can and have the patience...we will see!

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