Valentines Babies, 2013!

Wamommy - Feel you and the too squishy couch. I had to have DH pull me out of our glider because it reclined itself and would not let me out. He stood there laughing as I was complaining that the chair had eaten me.
:rofl: That mental image is priceless, Kellen!

I'm up late afraid to go to sleep again :( Nights are so hard! My 4-year-old was invited to her first birthday party tomorrow, so I'm actually hoping baby doesn't come tonight. She actually told me she wants this little boy to be her boyfriend.... Say what????
Wamommy - I actually did clean the kitchen floor the day before I woke to my waters haing broken! Get tha mop out!

Bless your daughter and her boyfriend request. My 4 year old wants to marry me! Or his friend Ben. Which I explained was ok, but they wouldn't be ale to make their own baby, at which point he grudgingly said "ooh, ok then, I'll marry Ruby" (a friends daughter who wants to marry him). It's all such a serious decision when you are 4! Lol xxxx

Am almost at my wits end with the inlaw visit and we still have until Thursday...,have shed lots of tears and refused to eat at the table dinner party stylee a few like a surly teenager!lol last night they sat at the table, wine,steak, chit chat. I sat on the sofa with baby and a cheese sandwich and tv. Just How i need it. God knows what they think...I saw FIL glance over like "why isn't she sitting with us??"..
DH admitted yesterday when I was in tears about feeling suffocated in our own house tha he didn't know what t do. I feel for him.
The end is almost in sight I guess...
Feeling pretty down about my parents not being able to visit, the doctors won't allow mum to fly, all things considered :( trying to get passport ASAP so I can fly back to uk with baby once she is 2 months old maybe.

Life as a mum to a newborn again is pretty brilliant though, it is incredible how much you love this tiny creature you only just met :)
Today I have completely forsworn wearing shoes. I think I am also going to give up sitting unless absolutely necessary. Last night it felt like I had pulled every single muscle on the right side of my groin. Thankfully it went away once I laid down, but if I sit (even for 5 minutes) the pain comes back. So today is a lazy day with me lounging and doing light laundry.

I have had a couple of strong contractions, but nothing that was painful since beginning the Cohosh as recommended by my midwife. I am hoping that it is helping and I'm going to keep on drinking my raspberry leaf tea.
Helena, I love how you handled the marriage questions with your son! It IS very serious when you're 4!! I asked DD "what if when you ask to be his girlfriend he says no?" SHe smiled and said "oh, he won't." What confidence!

I'm so sorry your inlaws are wearing you out :( I can imagine it feels suffocating, and I'm so glad you only have until Thursday. It's wonderful that you're taking the time you need with LO though. I can't wait to feel that new bond again! Right now it's WAY too easy to forget why we're doing all of this, and it's so nice to have you here to remind us. Oh ya, we get a BABY out of this... haha... eventually, anyhow.

We better all get to cleaning the kitchen floor!
Wamommy, your doing so well to still be hanging on and be upbeat about it! Think I've have killed someone by now! Fingers crossed not much longer!

It's my bday tomorrow, best present ever would be a baby!!

So sorry to hear its rough with your in laws Helena, I think your doing amazingly to be as civil as you are being. I'd have locked myself away!

Jo, are you around? Are you ok?
Yeah I'm here! :wave: I'm checking in. Keeping myself busy and occupied to pass the time! 3 more sleeps!! Getting a little bit nervous now though :shock:

Hope you have a great birthday Blue bear!!
wamommy--I hear you on how hard the nights are! I'm exhausted today because I was up EVERY hour on the hour because of painful contractions! I was so excited because they were coming so evenly every hour, I thought for sure they would get closer together---but come morning, I woke up with no more contractions. :( So, a night without sleep for NOTHING! :( I don't understand why it gets so painful at night!

I understand the sitting thing, too, Kellen--for some reason, sitting makes me have Braxton Hicks. . . argh. :(

Helena---I'm so sorry to hear about the in-law situation! That is so hard and exhuasting! I think if you want to sit on the couch by yourself with the baby, then go ahead! It's your house, you just had the baby---you go ahead and do whatever you darn please! :thumbup:

I hope your birthday goes well Blue bear---and I hope you get that birthday present you want!! :cloud9:

Jo---it's coming up so quickly for you!! I'm so excited!!!

As for mopping the floors. . .today I am flat out of energy! I cleaned up the downstairs---which had exploded with new baby stuff.. cleaned the kitchen, and I have done two loads of laundry.. . once that laundry is done, I'm getting in pjs and laying on the couch! Maybe tomorrow I'll have ambition to clean the floors. . . :flower:
Oooh not long Jo!! Wooooohoooooo!!! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
9 days post op yesterday and we all went to the museum as a family of 5. Very pleased with my recovery. Random strangers were cooing over tiny girl in my baby carrier like she was a museum exhibit., lol. Very proud mummy.

Sounds like your time could be soon Sierra!! Xx
Happy birthday Blue bear!

Wamommy - any news?

Sierra - I find sitting down uncomfortable too at the moment. I wriggle about and can't get comfortable. I could lay in bed all day really if it weren't so boring! Mostly I enjoy a nice bath, it seems to help the best.

Helena - that's great! Is that the first outing since the op? Sounds wonderful to get out of the house and show off your little princess!
I would have done the same about sitting on the sofa, kind of like a small protest and victory over their thoughtless stubborn. You have to take those small wins, to make yourself feel better :hugs:

I have woken up this morning feeling like I could eat an entire house! Starving!
Happy Birthday, Blue_bear! I hope you get completely pampered today!!

Jo, I can't believe it's so close! I can imagine you're super excited! (probably some serious nerves in there too)

Helena, the day at the museum with your whole family sounds amazing :) It must be so nice to get out of the house and other people admire your gorgeous LO.

Sierra, it sounds like we're at the exact same point. I was up all night last night with contractions. At one point I thought they were becoming regular and started trying to time them, but then they went all wonky again. I really thought this morning was it! I simply can't believe I'm still pregnant. I'm trying really hard not to be totally grouchy, but it's getting really hard. All I can say is, this labor better be fast! I can't imagine going through all of this and THEN a long, hard labor.

I'm off to church. I'm not feeling up to it. It's too early and I'm feeling bleh, but this may (hopefully!) be our last chance to go for a while. I probably won't bring anewborn because of all of the coughing/germs... :haha:
Thanks ladies. Have been busy decorating today lol. I am just desperate to keep busy, decorated the bathroom this week and started the kitchen yesterday. All with a toddler running about, I must need my head testing!
Happy Birthday, Bluebear!

Jo - that is so exciting. Only a couple more days and you'll actually get to hold your precious baby. I'm a bit jealous that you actually know when.

Sierra and Dragon - I too had painful contractions last night. DH put in a movie (which I fell asleep to), but kept waking up during because of the contractions. They never became regular and really didn't last all that long, but they were super annoying. Started having period type pain today in church as well as a rather ouchy contraction. I am hoping that this is the beginning of something..., but I'm not really counting on it.

We did quickly hit up the baby store on the way home. Our poor little one has a million receiving blankets, but no just snuggly ones. It took us forever to find one because they all seem to be made out of the same material as DH and I's bathrobes and couch throw. Normally this would be okay, except for the cat believes that anything made out of the microfleece material belongs to her. We won't want to confuse her by bringing a baby in wrapped in the same feeling material, it just wouldn't be fair or nice. So now our baby girl has a nice blue blanket with puppies on it. lol I shot down the frogs and pink butterflies.

I also realized yesterday that we have a good stock of diapers, but absolutely no wipes. Awesome! So we also picked up a big box of wipes for $10. Then I made DH go buy me a milkshake.
Thanks! I was thinking that I don't know how I would be coping right now if I had a potential 4 more weeks to go! They let you go to 42 weeks here. But then I perhaps wouldn't be as big as I am now if I didn't have a giant baby that they need to get out early!

I do quite like knowing, but at the same time, I'm really nervous!!!!!
Happy Birthday Blue Bear!!!

My DH woke up this morning and says: "What, no baby!?" He's getting tired of waiting too. . . I just got done with 2 hours of cleaning floors! I told DH that if that doesn't make baby come, then nothing will! :haha: As with anything physical I do, my bump has gone rock hard and has been like that for an hour now. . .I'm hoping it's my uterus pushing this baby out! :haha:

I was going through our diapers yesterday, and realized that with what we had bought and gifts from people, we have over 450 size ONE diapers! I'm not sure how long baby will need that size, but it seems excessive to me?

helena---the museum sounds wonderful! That's so great that you feel so good after such a short time post op!
Oh, ladies... I'm so frustrated!

I've been having contractions all night. I just started timing them a little while ago (10:00 pm) and have been having them every 10 minutes for almost 2 hours. I am beyond tired and SO frustrated! I just want to sleep, but they're too painful. This is incredibly different from my other two babies, and I'm at my wits end. I think I'll try to shower and lie down and hope to sleep a little. I just wish they'd either turn into REAL labor or go the heck away... :cry:

Sorry :( Vent over!

Sierra, and new contractions for you? I hope cleaning the floor gets things going!

Jo, almost there!!!
Wamommy - can you take a bath? It's supposed to help with the pain xx
I wish I could take a bath! That sounds SO nice. We have one of those big jacuzzi tubs, but bought a tiny hot water heater to save money on power... The combination means we can only get enough hot water to fill the big tub about 3 inches full!! It's incredibly annoying, lol... A shower still feels lovely, though. DH just put a couple contraction timer apps on my phone :) He seems awfully cheerful! I think he thinks this will turn into labor.
Oh bless you. That is like seeing a massive chocolate cake and being told not to eat it!

Bless him for getting the contraction timers! How exciting!
So... my waters broke about two hours ago. Contractions are incredibly irregular, which is annoying me. Anyways, I decided to get up and do a load of laundry. DH is snoozing on...

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