Valentine's BfP ladies

Wow! It sounds like a bit of a can of worms! Anyway, I hope all goes well for you and the baby and you get to enjoy a nice break! Maybe you can have a holiday! ;-)
Hi all,

Mammy hope your tests come back ok, keep yourself away from any trouble! Also, now whose the one jumping ahead!! :-D

Emma - you poor thing! I was out in the sun on the weekend, the worst I got is a sunburnt nose!

Had my nuchal translucency/combined test results back, very relieved to be given low chance results at 1/5510. Also given my 20 week scan date which is 10th june, roll on!

Everyone thinks my scan shows a boy, but I'll wait until scan before believing it.

Lastly, I just want my energy levels to come back. Sleeping well apart from visiting the loo, but I am just so flipping tired all the time!
Makemeamammy - GIRL - definitely! hehe (my uneducated guess)

Missus - glad your scan all came back well :) isnt it such a relief!!
Thanks ladies. Missus, I was saying that to DH! Now I'm the one cheating :)

I couldn't get the nuchal done as baby wouldn't lie down despite 45 mins of trying and me throwing my legs in the air on the bed (dignity gone already :) ) I hope I won't have this trouble getting baby to lie down after he/she is born :)

Now I have to wait til 15 weeks for blood test but as I'm 14 weeks tomorrow :happydance: that's not too bad :) xx
Hey now mammy I was supposed to be in the lead :winkwink:

AFM - It's a boy!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
I just knew it! After all my dreams I just knew it had to be a boy. We are so excited (especially DH). We definitely wanted our "little man" and we are so over the moon.

We are very blessed to know the u/s tech as her son goes to the school I teach at. She told me to call her this week and she would let me come in off the books and she would see if she could tell the gender. She has been doing this for 18 years and is very skilled so we were so happy when baby FINALLY cooperated for about 5 seconds yesterday and we got to see his boy parts.

Here are some pictures of our little guy :cloud9:


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    Its a boy!.jpg
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Wow, that's so clear! Poor little man having pics of his boy bits broadcast and annotated! Ha ha! He won't Thank you for that one day!
Aww yay, congratulations!!! And sorry for skipping the queue :cloud9: Those pics are great! Although you definitely need to keep the potty shot and turn it into posters for his 18th birthday :)

I was so sure mine was a girl based on skull theory but everyone on First Tri thread has said boy so I have no clue lol! :) xx
What is skull theory?

I may have picked it up wrong but at this stage there are supposed to be two ways to tell, one is by the 'nub' the other is the skull. I don't think you can see the nub in my pic so I was just going by the skull theory.

Don't quote me on this but I think it says that if the skull is quite flat (at forehead) it's a boy and if it's quite rounded it's a girl. Apparently archaeologists use this method to predict whether skeletons were male or female. I might have my facts wrong though but if you google it there should be more info.

I think I've got it wrong as EVERYONE is saying boy for me but baby's got a really rounded skull so what do I know :haha: xx
Ah - I have done some UG modules in anthropology and archaeology and there are subtle differences but they are on a sliding scale and just help to say if a skull is more likely to be male or female. Things like men having more pronounced brow ridges (which does give a flatter profile), squarer jaws, bigger muscle attachments, etc...

I agree yours has a rounded skull and I've noticed more prominent facial features on the boy scans, so I would go with girl for you! I would also lean towards girl for mine based on the same criteria. I'll have to find my scan for DD for comparison... here it is, even less clear than the one for this little baby! So, this IS a little girl... (and an even poorer resolution scan than the one I just had!)


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Mams based on that info I think it's a girl. my baby's forehead is much flatter than your's. Your's is very round compared to his. Maybe those people are just guessing based on something else.
I think a lot of people are going on what looks like the nub (the angle of the dangle ;) ) but when we were looking at the screen that was his/her hand as he/she was moving it up and down (either that or an extremely flexible penis :haha: )

I guess we'll just have to be patient for a little while longer. As it's our first we're really not fussed. My grandma is desperate for a boy and when I asked why she said 'because I had 3 girls'. I pointed out to her that she also had 3 grandsons and 3 granddaughters and she just said 'yeah but they don't count' haha! I love my grandma :) xx

P.S. Emma you are so clever!!! :) xx
:rofl: No, I'm just the most indecisive person in the world! I originally applied to do archaeology and anthropology at uni, then changed my mind and just HAD to find out more about quantum physics which was a bit of a let down as it was just statistics. Though I don't regret the choice, I've since been trying to make up for the last minute change (I had to go through clearing) and given the opportunity would actually retrain now! Or be a maths teacher... or... or...
By the way, this is on my mind a bit recently...

Are you all planning on going back to work after the baby? When (I know the US maternity leave is much shorter than UK)? Same job or a different one?

With this being my second I am really struggling with this at the moment. I went back 25 hours a week after DD, over 5 days but with an hour commute each way it turns out to have been a bad choice.

If DH gets a new job he's applied for I will definitely leave BUT I know at 10 months home with a baby I was going slightly insane and was more than ready to get some sense of normality back.

Whatever I do, I know I need to make sure I have some time at home without children or DH so I can clean the house. I can't stand the mess I live in at the moment! :)
Emma, I'm like that too! I've though of retraining a couple of times too but I'm just not brave enough! Once you get used to having a monthly wage and start putting down roots it's hard to give it all up.

I currently work full time (still at home at the mo and I'm going mad! My house has never been cleaner :haha: ) and also have an hour commute to work. I will get 9 months maternity leave which I'm planning on taking as close to baby coming as possible so I can have longer on the other side (obviously all this is dependant on my health before the birth).

I plan on going back part time (probably 3 days a week) and at the moment I think I will try and get a childminder near where I work so that baby won't be too far away from me when I'm working (don't like the thought of them being over an hour away if something happened). I would LOVE to be a SAHM but we just can't afford it as we bought our house last year and if DH was paying mortgage and bills himself there would just be nothing left!

The one thing I'm struggling with is taking baby so far in the car 3 days a week so I can go to work but I figure they'll be so little they'll probably just sleep. Did you take DD with you or did you leave her where you lived?

My mum has also jokingly talked about giving up work and looking after little one when I'm working. I would LOVE this as ideally would prefer baby to be with family but my mum lives on an island and it would require her coming on a ferry say every Sunday and staying with us 3 days a week. I think this would be too hard on her (all the travelling), unreliable when ferry doesn't sail and might be difficult for DH and I to have my mum staying so often.

Any ideas ladies? Xx
That's so sweet of your mum but I agree it might get a bit difficult, my mum would drive me MAD!

I am lucky, DH works quite close to home so about 10 minutes from the nursery. I just feel bad if he's working away but that's not too often. I think I have to stay away overnight more frequently which I really hate!

If there's an emergency DH will collect her and I'll meet them at home so he can go back to work. So far she's been fine. FX.
Aargh! My blood results are still not in today so I'll be off again tomorrow! I feel so terrible about this. My boss is saying the right things but I get the feeling she's not happy with me but she knows she can't say anything because both consultant and midwife have said to stay away. She said to me today if I'm not immune I can just take a vaccination. I told her I didn't think there was one and she just sighed and said there must be something. :shrug:

Teaching's not exactly the kind of job you can do from home! :(

Anyways, has anybody else thought of names now that a few of you know what you're having? We have completely changed our minds and now think Calum for a boy (my dad's name) or Lydia Kate for a girl (spelt Ceit the Gaelic way though). Honest opinions on those most welcome as we aren't decided :) xx
It must be lovely to get 9 months. We only get three :( I am planning on returning to work. I had three months off one time and I went crazy.

Emma I am just like you. I'm constantly thinking about changing careers. I started as a mathematician then pre-pharmacy then psychiatrist, and finally math teacher. I'm wanting to move to the college level now.

Mamms I really like those names. They aren't too popular here in the states but I still think they are cute.
I'm glad I'm not alone in my grown up "I don't know what I want to be when I grow up" phase! :rofl:

I like Lydia Kate but neither like nor dislike Calum. It's a "new" name for me, I've yet to get used to it! I only recently came across it when a friend choose it for their baby but with two Ls. They are from Yorkshire and Durham so maybe it's a name that spans Scotland and the North or North East. Being a South Westerner it was the first time I heard it. DH who is from Yorkshire says he knows a couple of Callums and that lots of things are shared across the border as far as Yorkshire, they use words like bairn, to bray, etc, so maybe that is why I've not heard it before!

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