Valentine's BfP ladies

That's fantastic, Jbell! I'm amazed that they could already see enough to determine (maybe) the sex and is great that you get to go back! Did DH go with you? I remember mine being blown away by the scan though it took him another few weeks before he seemed excited!

I'm doubly looking forward to Monday now!
Thank you ladies! :) Yes DH went with me and he was so thrilled. Its the most excited I've seen him so I'm really happy.

I hope your scan is perfect! We want pictures!
Hi everyone!

How are you all feeling? I feeling so much better. Unfortunately, I put my back out picking DD up yesterday and am in absolute agony, unable to move easily, dress myself or anything. I have a slipped disc from an injury when I was 18. :'(

I had my scan today! It was great! Finally real for DH but I'm still finding it hard to believe need to feel some kicks this time I think before I'll remember I have a baby in me!


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I feel tue same way Emma... I can't wait to feel the baby move... I think that finding the fender is what will kick hubby into gear witg our pregnancy... once we know the gender I am going on a spree! :) Sorry you threw you back out, I wonder if there is anything you can do for it while pregnant, a massage or acupuncture.
Ouch Emma! That sounds painful you poor thing! However, your baby looks cute as a button if that helps any :)

JBell, congratulations on your (probably) little boy. :) he's a cracker!!

Well, I am out of the closet! :) started telling family when I was home last weekend and now that I've told I seem to have popped! I have a very definite pot belly and...couldn't get my work trousers to close today :( all my jeans fit but not my work trousers for some weird reason! :(

Hope everyone is better. I'm way better. Getting mild headaches and not so mild indigestion regularly but I'd take that over nausea any day! Eating gaviscon like they're sweeties but they work! :) anyone else got these symptoms? Xxx
12 weeks 12 weeks 12 weeks!!! Ahem, sorry about that just very excited!!

No major developments here, got scan in 2 days which can't come quick enough. As for symptoms, I'm suffering nausea bouts here and there - usually when hungry/thirsty, lower back ache and peeing so much! I think I got up 4/5 times in the night on Saturday, ridiculous!

Have used my Doppler twice in the last week and able to find heartbeat in a minute or 2 now.

All your scan photos are adorable, I'm so happy we're all doing well!
Contrary to all I've always been told in the UK I've been put on bed rest for three days and the week off work for my back. It seems to be recommended everywhere outside of the UK. After that analgesics, local heat and maybe physio massage to relax the muscles.

I was as tempted to try acupuncture as I thought it might help the pain. I know it's totally off topic but have any of you tried it?

Every so often I think I might be able to feel the baby but it's very early yet. I first noticed movement at 16 weeks last time, earlier than usually expected for a first pregnancy, and realised what it was at 17. It's said you feel it earlier second time but they usually quote 16 weeks.
Congrats Emma on your Scan! Super cute! did they give you the 'gender' option that early?? Sorry your back is out - worst thing ever!

My symptoms are - I get super sick around midday for the last week = this morning i vomited again... and headaches.. I am getting over my massive cold from last week though so hopefully this will all taper out..

My 12.5 week scan is tomorrow at 2pm... I am so nervous. just praying all is ok and baby is well and healthy.

I am a fat cow by the way - in maternity pants already and eating a chocolate bar a day - its GROSS - Its the only thing that makes me feel better though :( *sigh* Will start pregnancy exercise soon though as soon as this sickness is over. Its killing me not being active.

No, no gender option yet. I am curious but I'm starting to think I might wait though that's impossible in Spain as we found out last time... but I do want to be able to do some shopping... I have loads of neutral things to get me started though as I knew they might be wrong last time.

I'm sorry you still feel sick. Hopefully as soon as the cold passes it'll go as you'll feel better all round.

What exercise were you looking at? I have found a maternity yoga place I may try when my back is better. They also do acupuncture so I may kill two birds with one stone when I find the time to pop in and enquire.

I've also got my maternity trousers out, my jeans were starting to feel so uncomfortable so I'm in my early maternity jeans now. Belly really starting to pop though I don't know if that's from not holding my core muscles properly with my back.

I was going to tell my team and office today, management already know but as I'm off it'll be another week and I think by then my belly walking into the room before me will give it away!
Mammy... I have been getting the headaches and hubby gets grumpy because I can't help my indigestion lol

Missus... I feel the same way getting up all night, try to drink all your water a few hours before bed I now only go twice a night :)

Emma... I have done acupuncture and it does release a lot of toxins so be prepared to not feel so well for about a day after and be sure to do it after yoga not before also you will need to drink an extra couole glasses of water (with massage too) Also you may want to ask to have your back readjusted. Oh one more thing, in my pregnancy apps on my phone they all say that if it is your second pregnancy you can feel baby move regularly at 14 weeks so don't be surprised if you feel a flutter already :)

Bam... I am still getting m/s too occaoccasionally. As a result I eat a lot if crackers and bread to keep it at bay so I am gaining weight... I have been in maternity pants for a week and people are already guessing by my bump that I am sure is mostly pudge and gas.
Thanks Sasha! That's really helpful advice about the water - I don't drink enough at the best of times.
Oh you guys make me feel so much better! I was so depressed when I had to wear my maternity trousers to work yesterday as I thought it was too soon. And I kept moaning to DH that I looked so pregnant (always met with a very perplexed hubby saying ' are pregnant?' - sometimes men just don't get it!)

Now I know it's not just me I can relax though! Maybe it is normal after all :) xxx
Haha mammy thats funny, they really don't get it do they!

I had a complete hormonal meltdown today as my sat nav went mad on me and I ended up driving up and down miles of a motorway 3 times. Cue sobbing and complete hysteria....hehe
hahaha Sasha - I am sure mine is mostly pudge, gas and fluid too!! So bad!! (may also be a bit of chocolate as well! lol)

Hope everyone is well today! I have my scan this afternoon. Can someone tell me what to expect?? Im so nervous.. hurry up 2pm!
Oh bam I hope your scan went well!

Mams how did everyone take the news? Are you scheduled for any more tv shows?

Enma how is your back? I love yoga but sasha is right you have to drink lots of water. I've never done acupuncture before. You'll have to let me know how it is.

Sasha I HATE waking up to use the bathroom. Its so annoying.

Miss do you know when 2nd tri officially starts? I think it's 13 or 14 weeks. Based on math its 13 weeks and 3-4 days.

Here is my baby bump. I'm all belly. Does it look like its high or low? (Boy vs. Girl question)
Speaking of that have any of you ladies done any gender "tests"?


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Ha ha! I shall now confess to having been in floods of tears at an episode of NCIS the other day where Gibbs delivers a marine's baby!

My back is horrible. I thought it would have improved much more by now but it is so painful. I am so glad I actually went to the doc to be signed off! I am dreading today, DH flew to London First thing as he is speaking in a conference so I'm on my own with DD all afternoon and evening and I'm not even supposed to pick her up. He gets in about 11:30. I don't even know how I'm going to manage to change her nappy which I need to do in a minute before nursery because I can't bend at all.

Bambola, I hope your scan was great from the time difference I guess it's a bit late to answer your question now, you've probably been!

Mine was much less formal here as done in OB's office, she just looked as normal, measured baby, listened to heart looked at placenta, cord and baby. Then measured the nuchal space and told me to come back in morning for a blood test. In UK it was similar but I had to go to the local hospital and was shouted at for getting my blood test the following day but as I'd been waiting almost all afternoon for my scan I had decided to I had had enough!

In the UK they also made a huge fuss about going with a full bladder, I was not allowed to pee all morning apart from first thing. They were so late when I went in I was in agony and they couldn't see anything but my bladder! I was sent for 2 partial pees then just told to empty my bladder before they could carry on. Here they don't do that if they can't see abdominally they'll look vaginally.

JBell, I love the bump photo it looks low to me. My old ones were so hight but they didn't look very bump like just like I was getting fat for weeks and weeks!
Jbell what an adorable bump! It looks low to me too. The only test I have done so far is the Chinese gender calendar, which said girl but I think it's a boy :).
2nd tri officially starts at 13 weeks then 3rd starts at 27 weeks and technically goes to 42 weeks. I dunno why it is split up that way, maybe its easier than 13 weeks 3.5 days! Some people claim that it is because of the physical and emotional happenings in each trimester rather than actual length of time. I hope thay helps jbell
Hey ladies

The scan went wonderfully yesterday! I am so grateful. Also the results from the NT Scan were great, my chances of baby having a genetic deficiency are 1:17890 so I am over the moon.

Also - Sonographer told us she is 80% sure its a......... BOY!!!!:baby: I KNEW IT!! this little guy has attitude already!! he was getting really pi$$ed off when she was trying to get him to move around lol We are so in love! :happydance:


  • BB12+4.jpg
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That's wonderful, Bambola! It looks like a boy in the face to me! :)

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