Valentine's BfP ladies

Bam, I'm so glad I'm not the only one not feeling anything! I'm 19 weeks on Wednesday and still feel nothing!!! I have my 2nd scan a week tomorrow so will find out gender and placenta position. Your gender reveal party looks ace, pool! I'm very jealous! :) jBell I can't believe how teensy you are! I'm way bigger than that now and am definitely noticeably pregnant.

I'm still off work for another fortnight so have been busy knitting and have made baby's first mittens!! Aren't they cute? :)

Mammy these mits are too cute!!!!!! you are so good at knitting! I couldnt do it to save my life!! Can you let me know when you feel a kick? I know I shouldnt worry and so far I am not.. but I will also be 19 weeks in a few days... then again everything I have read said it can easily be up to 20-22weeks.. *sigh* - thank god for the doppler i tell you!! Cant wait to find out what your having!!
Today we had our fetal anatomy scan!!! Baby is very active and super strong the heart is prefect and I am measuring 5 days further along... we also found out we are having a GIRL!!!!
Hurray Sasha! Congratulations! Super cute graphic! So now it is two boys and one girl? Am I right? Me and Bam are having boys and you are having a girl. My mind is mush lately. Did I miss anyone?

I feel Sam kick alllll the time now. He wasn't super active today but around 10 tonight he just went crazy. I looked at my husband and said, "Guess who is up!" He just smiled and looked at my belly. Sam is still shy though. He will kick away until I put my hand on my stomach then he stops. Its funny.

We leave on holiday in about 7 hours! I need to get in bed or I'm going to have a tough time. When I am tired I am just miserable. We are going to the Gulf Coast in Florida for a week. Yay! I love the beach and I want to get lots of sun!

Ladies we are almost half way there! I have my 20 week scan on June 10th, so two Mondays. I can't wait to see him. Its been about 7 weeks!

BTW, is anyone team yellow?
Jbell have fun on holiday... my brain is mush too! Its been awful, I lose my phone every other day it seems. Anjelica is very active, she moves all the time eapecially when she hears Eddie! I swear she is more in love with him than I am! Lol...

Oh one more crazy thing.... I woke up at 3am today and was craving GUMBO!!! How weird is that? Lol
Ahh sasha that's great news!! Great scan photos too.

I am really struggling waiting until my 20 week scan which is also 10th june, the wait is killing me.

I'm feeling a bit fed up atm as DH is not being very supportive emotionally and not making any effort to bond with bump, I think it's because there is no visible bump as such, just a podgier tummy.I'm really hoping the scan will change things once we find out the gender. Fingers x'd!!

Have a fab holiday jbell, the sun is out here in the uk and it makes all the difference!
My 20w scan is next Tuesday. I (and everyone else) seems completely convinced it's a Gil so will be very surprised if it's a boy although equally delighted as we have no preference. I think we are going to find out but then not tell anyone as my mum really wants a surprise and if I say we know then people will read into everything I say so we are just going to pretend we didn't find out and keep it as our little secret. I will tell you just on here though so I have somewhere to scream from the rooftops about what we are having...just don't tell my mum haha :)

Still no kicks but dopler still picking up strong heartbeat so will find out on Tuesday what's going on. :( I now have a very obvious bump which is growing by the day. We should really start posting our bump pics up!

Sasha congrats on your girl and gorgeous bump xxx
My 20w scan is next Tuesday. I (and everyone else) seems completely convinced it's a girl so will be very surprised if it's a boy although equally delighted as we have no preference. I think we are going to find out but then not tell anyone as my mum really wants a surprise and if I say we know then people will read into everything I say so we are just going to pretend we didn't find out and keep it as our little secret. I will tell you guys on here though so I have somewhere to scream from the rooftops about what we are having...just don't tell my mum haha :)

Still no kicks but dopler still picking up strong heartbeat so will find out on Tuesday what's going on. :( I now have a very obvious bump which is growing by the day. We should really start posting our bump pics up!

Sasha congrats on your girl and gorgeous bump xxx
Missus... hubby wasn't very interested in much but himself till we found out the gender. Since then he seems alot more excited/nervous/ vocal about everything to do with our little jellybean! I am sure your DH will come around! I'm so excited for your scan!!!! Yay

Mammy, also super rxcited for your scan... all of my co-workers and friends thought I was going to have a boy, even a friend who has accurately predicted the gender of 23 babies said I was having a boy (Anjelica and I tarnished her record)! You never know but I would love to have another baby girl in this mix :) Also I am glad you have the support of the doppler... honestly I think if I had one I would have used it all the time. Also my scan showed that Anjelica is sitting right on my bladder so its very easy to tell when she is moving, perhaps your baby is growing more up and the placenta is in such a way that you cant feel the movement, either way you are nearly to your scan and I am sure you will feel the first flutters soon! (Oh Anjelica HATED the sonogram, she kept trying kick/push it off, only I could feel it but still I think babies react to outside stimuli, in other words poke your belly it won't hurt the baby and you might stimulate movement)
Thanks Sasha. Had my scan and I was right about having an anterior placenta which might be why I'm not feeling anything. Baby was super active but the lady doing the scan said she felt a massive kick through my tummy so I think I just need to tune in to it more.

Anyway, all is well, baby loves to suck it's little thumb and I'm so ridiculously excited now! Roll on the next 20 weeks :) xxx
Yay mammy! Did you find out the gender or did you decide not to? Congrats on the kicks (even though you can't feel them)!!!
No we decided to wait for a surprise in the end. Still convinced it's a girl though :) x
I was convinced I was having a boy! Completely ignored the signs for a girl... I was so wrong!
Mammy I know what you mean re anterior placenta. At night when I lie down, sometimes if I concentrate really hard I can feel little kicks!! Given how active my little boy is though, all of the sonographers are telling me to enjoy the peace while it lasts!! Lol congrats on half way!! Woohoo!
12 hours and counting until my scan, my God I'm like a kid at Christmas!! I feel sick with nerves and excitement :)

Hope all you ladies are good and had a great weekend?
Wow Ladies, so much has happened. I had been intending to respond before, but I was tired, DH studying, DD ill and the more you guys wrote the harder it was to reply by phone so I have bitten the bullet and got my laptop out.

My bladder issues subsided, then I had a really bad fall on Thursday running through the airport whilst carrying DD - I managed to save her and the bump from the floor but really bruised my knees, anyway, for a day or so I had some bladder issues again but last night the baby turned over (from experience I can feel the bottom) and now I can barely feel a kick and I think he's pulling and poking as it is very uncomfortable! I went to hospital on Thurs night and they said everything was probably okay so long as I could still feel the baby (which I had for the first time in 6 hours in the waiting room).

Bambola - the gender reveal looks amazing!

JBell - Love the bump pic! You missed me! I found out at 14 weeks we are having a little boy this time. Hope you had a great holiday. I just got back from a weekend in the UK so I could go and see Bon Jovi in Manchester - it was fantastic!

As for baby brain .... well, I haven't made it to a single Yoga class yet cos I keep forgetting, I had started hanging up the dry washing back on the line the other day and did something else completely daft that I have forgotten now (surprise, surprise!).

Mammy, I love the mittens! Glad you and Bambola found out about the placenta and everything is good.

Sasha, congrats on the baby girl! They are such fun! :) I'm only realising now I feel disappointed looking at boys clothes how much this un-girly mummy treats her little girl like a doll! I love the bump and balloon photo!

Missus, I hope DH is bonding a bit more now, but don't be too disheartened about it, he'll change the moment of the birth! Good luck for your scan!

Good luck to all who are having a scan tomorrow and over the next few days! I have mine in the afternoon. :happydance:
Morning ladies!!

Soooooo, results are in and I'm team........BLUE!! :-D I'm so happy!

Cheeky little man was being difficult though and curled up in a ball so they couldn't see everything they needed, which means I have to go back for another scan in a week, yay!

I have been shopping and bought some super cute boy clothes already.

They also said I have an anterior placenta which would explain why the movement isn't getting much stronger and why DH can't feel anything really.

Emma- hope you're feeling better? You picked a good time to come to the UK, the sun has been shining!
More anterior placenta here which is why I guess I think my boy is so lazy! I'm just waiting for my notes at my 20 week scan, it is very definitely a little boy, though I still wonder how they can tell so easily!

Due date is between 27th and 29th so still bang on!

I feel much better after the scan now I know everything is normal after my fall!
Emma I'm so glad everything is ok! Sorry about missing you earlier!

Miss congratulations on team blue! I'm glad everything went so well. I have to go back for a front on face shot in a few weeks too! Yay!

Good for you staying team yellow mams! I'm not that strong ;)

We got to see Sam today at our 20 week u/s and he is so cute :) Of course I'm biased! He kicks me constantly and is always on the move so I told the ultrasound tech as a fore warning. Well she looked at me like I was crazy and boy did she learn the hard way. She kept moving that wand and bam he was gone or shifted. Hahaha. I tried to warn her but no. She said he is such a wriggle worm, as if I didn't know. Kiddo kicks me all day long! I know! My husband was enthralled like usual. Its all so sweet. He truly forgets and when he sees his little guy its like it dawns on him all over again. Maybe now I can get him to try and feel Sam kick for more than 10 seconds lol.

I'm glad to hear everyone is doing so well. How is everyone sleeping? This past week my sleep has gone down hill. Any suggestions?

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