Valentine's BfP ladies

Sorry you're so miserable mamms. I think a back brace would help you a lot! I can't believe you're just now out on break. We've been out for a month already and go back in another month :(

Miss we have found our stroller/pram. We are not getting a travel system as we were warned against them. The bulkiness of most (not all) and someone told us the rubber wheels ride better than the plastic. So we are just getting a jogging stroller that we can put our infant car seat into. Its a schwinn turbo something lol. Plus I run so it will be nice to have. But if i was getting a travel system i was going to get a Britax B-safe. Hope that helps.

Sasha cute picture! I'm glad to hear everything is going well. But the cheetos thing wouldn't fly with me either! Doesn't he know you're pregnant?? :winkwink: My DH is finally getting with the program :) They take work and training!
Hi ladies!

I'm getting a sore back of pelvis, legs, etc quite often now, specially the day after dtd - don't think my body appreciates it as much as I do! I'm quite horny when I'm not shattered or too hot (often now temp is in the mid to high 30s again). I feel massive. I'll pop a pic on in a bit.

We've started buying DD's bedding to free the cot but still need the bed which we've chosen. I'm a very proud mummy today. Last night she tried her potty for the first time and did a wee, sounds like she's just done it again! I can hear DH praising her! 2 out of 2 attempts so we'll probably start training in earnest in early July.

Some travel systems include a carry cot. Is recommend it. If you don't have a moses basket or something it is great for popping the baby into for naps whilst you're busy or temporarily need two hands. It's also much better for their backs than the car seat though that's the safest way to travel in the car. I'm wondering how well get everything in the boot of my car with two of them!

Our little boy has started to kick his daddy in the ear now, he's still very gentle compared to DD.

Though I didn't notice them last time I had a few Braxton Hicks contractions one day after having a huge wee I was desperate for. It was very odd but apparently normal at this stage.

I'm planning my maternity leave now going to start mid Sept so I can enjoy spending some time with DD before the baby arrives. I cannot wait!
Just saw the photos! I'd been catching up on email. Fantastic photos Jbell and Sasha!
Aww, yay to Noelle taking to the potty so quickly! That'll defo help if she's out of nappies before number 2 arrives!

I'm having. A complete meltdown today because of pregnancy weight gain...could you ladies help a girl out and say what you were pre-preggers and what you are now? I've gained almost 2 stone and all the charts say that's way more than I should have :( but when I put my pre-pregnancy weight up it says that I'm ok?! So, if I was heavier before I got pregnant then I'd be ok to weigh what I weigh but because I was smaller then it's bad?! I don't understand! :(

Pre-pregnancy I was 9st 10lb (or 136lbs) and 5ft 7, now I'm 11st 6lb (or 160lbs) :( I'm so depressed I could cry! Xx
Basically over the 40 weeks the combined weight of bigger boobs, baby, placenta and fluid all typically add up to about an extra 28lb. So in week 40 you should weigh approximately your original weight whatever it was + close to 28lb. The midwife should keep a rough eye on the evolution of your weight and tell you how it is going.

In the first two trimesters you don't need to really eat much more than usual, in the third only about 300 extra calories a day. That's like a bowl of cereal and semi-skimmed milk or a chocolate bar, very little really.

If it is any consolation, when DD was 5 weeks old I rejoined an online weight watching programme which included a breastfeeding allowance and the combination of exclusive breastfeeding and good diet meant I went into this pregnancy much lighter than the last. It does come off quickly when you eat well (not just biscuits like I was for the first few weeks!).

If you take any medication or anything that may well have an effect on your weight too.

Have a chat with your midwife too, she might be able to help. X
Mammy you should be fine... I was worried about gaining weight too but on the bright side you know baby is getting bigger. I weigh significantly more than you and I am still in the normal range of weight gain... on my weight tracker it says you should have ganed between 13 and 18 lbs so your still on the cusp! Every pregnancy is different and the weight distributes at different times in different ways! Not to mention it sounds like your muscles are needing to tone up and support the baby weight... a back brace will not only help with that but I assume your muscles are starting to bulk a little which weighs much more than fat!

Emma sorry about your achiness... I know sometimes I wish I could just soak in a hot tub or sauna. I'm glad you are taking time off to spend with your daughter... I want to takr a babymoon with hubby for a few days before my maternity leave... I would go insane if I had to stop working before the 8 month mark.

Also EMMA gave me a great idea... it would be nice to continue our journey togethet post pregnancy in discussing what we are doing to lose weight and post our fitness goals... maybe join the same group. I know it will be busy and stressful but I am sure we know eachother well enough to understand and keep in touch

Also... I love baby shopping!!! I am helping with my own baby shower (as my friends are all vacationing out of the area and my family lives no where near me) and its a lot of fun!
Hi ladies - sorry I have not been responsive for so long. Work has been insane - stressed out of my mind.

I am sorry I dont have time right now to go back and respond to everyone's comments - please dont think me rude!

All I want to say quickly is Mammy - DO NOT feel guilty and depressed lovely = it will be ok- i too gained WAY TOO MUCH WEIGHT (Especially in the first trimester when I had to eat every 30 minutes or vomit everywhere) - Trust me - just try and be a tiny bit careful with sugar (i am worried about the gestational diabetes test - i eat too much sugar!) As long as you are not unhealthy, it should not be your priority right now (superficially speaking). Once bub comes you can just eat healthy and you will drop the weight! Sometimes I get a little down (thinking that I look tubby etc) and then I just think - you know what, as long as I am eating healthy for my baby - I will lose the weight when he arrives! I have a year off to do that!

Hope this rant assisted you to not feel bad :( xox
Just over 16 weeks to go! I don't think I can make it through the Summer this time, it's 37+ degrees here now and it's awful! It's dry but with the baby and heat I feel I can barely breathe any more.

I have my glucose test next week which I really don't want to have, it makes me feel so ill. Does anyone else get one routinely done? In the UK I think they only do it for people who considered at risk of gestational diabetes.

How's everyone else doing?
Mine is Tuesday Emma. I'm not looking forward to it to say the least. We do start our birthing classes tomorrow though. It's a 10 week series. My husband is not thrilled but I hope he likes it once we start.

Its not been too hot here, luckily. It's been raining for about 4 days straight now so that's helped with the heat. But I'm so tired all of the sudden. I sleep about 11 hours each night and it really doesn't matter what time I go to bed I just can not shake it. Hopefully when the rain stops I can start walking/jogging again and wake up some.

Sasha our first baby shower is Saturday. I'm so excited. But we have started getting gifts in the mail. We've gotten a bouncy seat, neck support for the car seat, and a stuffed giraffe that plays soothing white noise that is so soft and sweet. We are also about to get a huge box of bath stuff...wash cloths, hooded towels, aveeno baby washes, etc. So we are excited about that too. We have some great friends but every time I think about everything we need I get so overwhelmed. Pile that on with the house not even being close to done (we have 1 room done out of 4 and its taken over a month) I'm just trying not to stress out because I'm so ready to nest its not even funny.

Hope everyone is doing well.
I'm so jealous of you ladies who get baby showers! It's just not the done thing here! I've ordered some wallpaper for the nursery and hoping to get the nursery organised over the next few weeks. We are also looking at getting a bigger car at the moment so lots going on.

Emma - I will NEVER be pregnant over summer again if I can avoid it! My hay fever has been absolutely horrendous for weeks now! I've had to start using my inhalers two to three times a day and have now started avoiding going outside because I immediately start sneezing, wheezing and itchy eyes when I do (and in Scotland you don't get many opportunities to get out in the nice weather!) :) I also can't sleep most nights because it's so close so I don't envy you at all!

Has anybody got any nursery pics to share yet? Xx
No nursery pics here, I've got to do a pile of things still... Change the chest of drawers back into a changing table if I can trust DD not to swing on the attachment. Put the side back on the cot and raise the base back up again. That'll go in our room to begin with. I've just moved it to the spare room to get DD used to not seeing it and our room feels huge!

For her room we bought a portable air con unit and children's bed with bed rail. She loves it, she's more than happy to have moved simultaneously out of our room (not for the first time, she ended up back in with every illness and every summer for the air con) and moved into her "big girl's" bed! Maybe it's down to the noisy air con but she's sleeping through really consistently.

I still need some new-born boy's vests and wanted a Mothercare 5-pack but they've only got sleeveless ones here at the mo which is annoying for people preparing for a new baby.

Mammy, I feel your hay fever pain! I haven't taken anything since I got pregnant the first time, barely even any paracetamol. And if I can manage to keep up with the WHO breastfeeding guidelines that's another 2 years after the birth of this baby too. I keep having a bit of a crisis about this actually. When I started BF DD I struggled a bit but by the time she was 6 months old we were old hands, I knew nothing about WHO recommendations then and just assumed I ought to wean onto bottles but she hated all other milk and as she had more and more solids it was still so much less faffing to stick with BF so I did. I made sure she would take some formula for nursery but by 10-11 months, when she started, a milk feed was outside her hours there. As it dropped to morning and bed time feeds (now only bed time) it seemed harder work to force her to wean. The thing is having gone so long with DD I am really struggling with the idea of doing it again, I want to go out and have several drinks, I want to be able to self medicate with all kinds of rubbish when I feel ill! Then I feel really guilty thinking this way, how can I offer DS a different start in life than that I gave DD even if it wasn't planned?
Emma are you still breast feeding DD now? How are you going to manage to feed both? Even if DD only is once a day that seems like a lot with a newborn also feeding!

Big hugs to you x
Yep, still going! It helps her to fight infections, even now, and if she's been ill with a sore throat or high fever it has been the only way I could get any fluids or nutrition into her.

I do wonder how I'd manage with tandem feeding if I need to do it much but I wouldn't be alone, many women do it and there's apparently a book available as well as a lot of support on this forum in the BF section. I anticipate her finishing soon anyway, most children stop around 24 - 30 months and I'll be encouraging her to stop. Though she barely speaks, now she understands, it is much easier to do things like that.

Anyway, it can't be as bad as feeding twins as she probably feeds for as little as 10 minutes a night now and that's it (though I also use it to diffuse tantrums at home sometimes). Milk supply keeps up with demand so supply won't be an issue, I guess I'll just have to make sure I feed her right after the baby at her bed time. Whatever the literature says, you never fully empty a breast of milk, if I'd gone by the book I'd have failed long ago but I trusted to nature (it has after all been around a bit longer than books on BF) and instinct most of the time. For example, if DD got restless on one breast during her colicky phase, and later her distraction phase, I would do what you're told not to and move her to the other and keep changing until she was full. It never caused me problems with supply, mastitis or for her with weight gain as the books said it would.

So I'll be encouraging her to stop but I'll just try to do what feels right with DS having the milk priority.
Hey ladies- I don't begrudge anyone the hot weather! I am very blessed that most of my preg is in winter!!

Sorry no nursery shots yet- I am having an interior designer coming to my place next week to start planning- very exciting!!!

Anyone heard of or know anything about the Epi-no?? My OB recommended it to avoid tearing..

Hope everyone is well!! Xxxx
No, but perineal massage with can help to prevent tearing. You can use vit E or almond oil or even just a water based lube. It's not something you can really do for yourself though.

At my doc's office I had it done regularly by the physio (there goes a bit more dignity) they taught DH to do it too. Basically, if you lie on your back (or half recline if it's comfier), the person doing it puts 2 fingers up to 2nd knuckle into the vagina finger pads down and feels from one side all along the back of the vaginal wall to the other side for knots. If they find one, they pass hard for a minute or two until it begins to release, then move on to the next spot. They don't usually move so you keep working the same ones up to birth. It made a huge difference for me as DD was born with a hand wrapped to her head by the cord around her neck. The midwife was really impressed with my perineum (!) and didn't need to give me an episiotomy so I can really recommend it.
Emma.. its been hot here too record breaking heat... one day dry the next humid its aweful!!!

Jbell my baby shower is next month on the 24th we are doing a garden party and so far I have had 17 people Rsvp but we invited 50 so we will see. We have already been given an infant car seat abd a toddler car seat plus a bouncer a feeding pillow and a daytime napper and so many hand me downs that are brand new! We are very lucky for sure. Also for the baby shower we are giging guests a "theme" card with an age range such as out and about 3-6 months (spring) so that we get a range of gifts for age and situations!
That sounds great Sasha! I never thought about doing that.
Mammy- hubby and I just purchased a bigger car... scary story, today while I was driving a break caliper (holds the break fluid and the pads) popped. I lost all of my fluid and had no control over my breaks... cost 600 to repair and was the scariest moment of my life... in other words please make sure that everything is up to date before you buy.

Emma- I am surr you will fihure out what to do about the breast feeding you seem very educated and resourceful so I have no doubts both of your babies will get what the need from you. Also thanks for the info on perineal massage... I spoke to hubby about it because I have been terrified of tearing but too nervous to ask ob about it!

Bam- So jealous of your winter! I told hubby that I refuse to ever be pregnant during another summer. Also INTERIOR DESIGNER??? I wish I could get hubby to agree to that but I have to twist his arm for vinyl wall decor!

As for nursery pics... mine isn't completed yet but I recieved a beautiful gift for Anjelica from her Abuelita(grandma). All hand made in pink and chocolate brown and it is beautiful!!!! Here is a picture
OMG Sasha that is so cute!!!!!!!!! I love it! Knitted stuff is the CUTEST for babies!!

AND great idea regarding the theme cards! I have just set up a registry - i will upload a pic of my invitations for you guys to see! Mine is 25 August

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