Valentine's BfP ladies

So... I apparently over did it. My dr put me on restriction (sit once every hour for 5 minutes) and my work refused to adhere so I am officially considered completely and total disability starting immediately! Other jobs will accept these restrictions and work around them but my job!? I am so upset, this means less money for when Anjelica comes and I'm going to go crazy for the next 3 months!!!!
Aww Sasha I'm so sorry! At least they have to pay out your disability. How silly. I would think it would cost them a lot less and be less hassle to just comply. My husband says they are dumb lol. So eloquent. :haha:

At least you and Anjelica will be safe. If you weren't allowed those accommodations it would definitely increase your risk for premature labor or pre-eclampsia.
Sasha so sorry your work are being a pain. I think here if it was doctors orders they would be forced to comply. Will this kick start your maternity leave? In the UK, mat leave isn't kick started until about 35-36 weeks if you are signed off due to a pregnancy related issue x
Mammy, personally I prefer the red, it's so gorgeous and bright but either would be fine if you want to keep it as gender neutral as possible. Ours is grey which is boring but only because the red fabric for the make and model I chose was ugly. Our car seat is red and I wanted to get red as the new one but I don't think it's available where I found it.

Sasha, I'm so sorry that you can't work at the moment. Maybe your work won't abide by it because they suddenly realised how much they were asking of you and don't want to put you at any more risk.

Newborn babies don't need a lot. If you just had babygros and some nappies you'd get by for months, so don't worry about the financial side either - you and your DH will be the most important things in your baby's life, not the things you buy her. Just take the opportunity for a well deserved rest and put your feet up.

I work a 5 hour a day desk job, commute an hour each way then look after DD until DH finishes and that's enough to wipe me out completely!! I can't remember the last time I was awake when he came to bed! To be on your feet all day must make it super tiring.
Ahh Sasha sorry you're having a rough time. Try not to worry and rest up!

Had my gtt results back, 7.5 which I'm told is fine. Phew! I'm actually majorly relieved as I have read loads about it limiting birthing options. I want to hopefully deliver in a birthing pool so hoping this will be ok....
Emma I bet that 2 hour commute does not help your cause!

Miss I'm so glad your tests were normal.

Well its officially back to the real-world for me. Pre-planning started today and we get kids back on Friday. I had meetings all day and got to spend a grand total of 45 minutes in my classroom. I don't know why they call it "planning". Just call it pre-meetings. Thats what it is.

But after my long, boring day, I got to go to the doctor and see my little man. He is doing well and is head down for now. We are so in love and I can't wait until he is here!


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JBell it's funny how similar teaching is all over the world! We call our days before the kids come back 'in service' and you are supposed to have a meeting or two and most of the time in class to prepare but it always works out as hours and hours of meetings with half an hour left in your class before the kids come back! It drives me nuts lol :) we still have a few weeks left of holiday before we go back though.

When does everyone's maternity leave start? (Sorry Sasha I know you're already on yours). Mine doesn't officially start until 2 days before baby is due but I have 2 weeks hol before that so will be working until 38 weeks. I, like you Emma, also have a 2hr commute to work which is what I'm most worried about. Being in school is fine - tiring, but I can walk about when I want, use a gym ball and time always flies by but I am still struggling to be in the car for 15 mins to go to the hospital for physio so not sure how I will manage the commute :shrug:

I have my mum staying at the moment and its lovely. We bought car seat and base yesterday and my changing bag and it's so nice to have my mind taken off the pain. I usually get about 4 hrs sleep a night but she has been getting up through the night when she hears me up so it's lovely to have some company! :)

Lovely pics of little Sam JBell, Hope you are all well xxx
JBell, I love the picture of the foot! How cool is that?! How many weeks summer holiday do you have? It seems very short to me unless you finished earlier than they do in the UK. My cousins who are teachers in Wales only finished about 2 weeks ago which I thought was a bit later than usual.

My commute isn't too bad now that it is summer and there is little traffic but I do find that I need to wee almost as soon as I get in the car no matter how recently I went! It is beginning to take its toll on my lower back, hips and pelvis though.

I am starting early this time, my last day in work is 13th Sept and I CAN'T WAIT!!!

Mammy, I am so sorry you are in so much pain and having so many problems with sleeping and things. I am glad that your mum is there to cheer you up!

Last night I actually was awake when DH came to bed... at about 2:30am... I was tired but couldn't sleep and after a really disturbed couple of nights before I have to admit to feeling a bit like a zombie now... this is probably borne out by the fact when I had my glucose test I was punctured 3 times before they found my blood for the first test! I've not had any news back about mine so that means they aren't worried, I just have to pick up my results at my next appointment on 15th.
Jbell- such cute pics of Sam! Also my hubby says my work is dumb too! We can't understand what their reasoning is!

Mammy- it is normally forced at 36 weeks but if my restrictions are too much for my work they can force me onto disability early. So I am on leave 10 weeks early! 38 weeks seems like a late leave considering that anything after 37 weeks isn't considered peremature!

Emma- thanks for the reassurance. I spo ke with my inlaws and they said they had noticed me barely even able to walk when I got home not to mention exhausted and short tempered, and then i would do errands and plan the shower etc. they said this is a good thing for me... they say I need to learn to accept help and put myself and my daughter first. Its nice to relax about ths financial implications too!

Missus- I had looked into water birth and it scared me, I am doing a private spa room instead. How did you decide that was right for you?
Hmmm I'm not sure sasha, good question. I haven't been told a lot about it, it's just always something I wanted to try. I'm keeping my mind open though in case things change.

Just got my pram today, it's been at MIL' s for a week. I LOVE it!! Mammy if you do go for the zezu pram you won't be disappointed!
Missus we bought the purple Zezu today! Can't wait for it to arrive now! :happydance:

Sasha, I'm having a water birth too I hope. It's quite common up where I live, all my friends who are pregnant are wanting one too. Some say it can help soothe the pain a bit and others say it can help make contractions more regular etc as it can help to soften the cervix.

I've obviously never done it so can't common but I definitely want to be up and active during labour and birth and I'd like to try it to see if it helps xx
I am so afraid of a water birth! Instead I am going to do a private spa room with light dimmers, a tv, a stereo, shower, balcony and garden! Its the room I will give birth in and recover in! It also comes equipt with a cot for hubby and a space for Anjelica to stay with me! I couldn't imagine being in a shared room or having a bath!
Ahhh sasha that sounds lovely! All the delivery/recovery rooms rooms are private at my hospital with 1 birthing pool delivery room. It may be busy/being used so will be a chance I can't use it but I love being in water so it's my preferred choice. I also have the option to transfer to another, much smaller hospital post birth but to be honest I will probably just want to go home!
I'm in so much pain! With the heat and my tiredness I've not been in the mood much but when we have DTD, I'm in agony afterwards. Pain in my back, hips, bottom, right down the backs of both legs particularly in the backs of the knees. I can't stand, sitting is uncomfortable only walking briskly stops it hurting. It's not the same place I get sciatica from my disc problems but I'm wondering if that's what it is.

I'm quite excited, I ordered a few baby things, a Ewan sheep to help the baby sleep and some lightweight bamboo swaddling cloths. Something is at the post office for collection already!

I also tried to get a nursing pillow but the postage on Amazon was £60! They said they could do it cheaper directly then proceeded to ignore me so I'n just going to get one here.
Oh Emma you are suffering :-(

I got major cramp in my leg dtd the other day, very off putting! :-D all joking aside I am too now finding it hard to get moving after sitting a while noticeably struggling with weight distribution. On top of that I've got a stomach bug and have been up all night, stayed home from work today and have been shopping online for nursery decorations to cheer myself up!

I've got a midwife appt tomorrow morning but not holding out much hope of anything interesting happening, they feel a complete waste of time lately.

Junior has been super active past 48 hours, I can can feel rolling/kicking and unfortunately his favourite trick is too trampoline on my bladder!

Hope you're all doing good this week?

Mammy has your pram arrived yet!?
:hugs: Emma, that sounds horrible...this is rather embarrassing but DH and I haven't DTD since about 23 weeks and if things keep up with my ribs I don't think we will be until after baby comes. The thought of the 'rocking' iykwim :blush: just sounds like agony for my ribs but DH seems okay with it. We still have lots of hugs and kisses but I do feel a bit bad about it all.

Missus, sorry about your tummy bug! I had one a couple of months ago and it was horrible. Had what I now think were mild BH contractions and everything but luckily it only lasted 24 hrs. Hope you're feeling better very soon!

Pram, carseat and base have all arrived now and I LOVE LOVE LOVE them! :) that's all our big buys sorted now - just things like nappies, muslins, a couple of bottles and a breast pump etc to get.

Does anyone else feel like time is dragging now? I don't know if it's coz I'm on holiday from work but the last few weeks have taken aaaages to pass. Just want it to fly by now! :) xxx
:flower: Thank you all! Fortunately it is short-lived and any seems to happen for about 24 hours, so I am a bit closer to my usual self today.

If it is any consolation though nothing is particularly WRONG with me ever I feel that rubbish and so much more tired during this pregnancy that I can probably count the number of times we have DTD on one hand. :blush:

I am suffering like mad with the heat and it reduced me to tears yesterday, the fact that there is no relief from it and it will go on and on and on... In 2011, when I had DD, they already had put the heating on in the hospital which was overkill considering you only needed a coat at night, a jumper was plenty for the evenings. It is depressing me now just to think about it. At least the delivery suites were cool. Think DH embarrassed the nuns by appearing in his boxers! :haha: He gets to stay which is brilliant as they keep you in for 48 hours or until you have had a BM.

Anyway, I have booked a holiday to the mountains for a week - outdoor pool, max temperature about 26C which is 10-15 deg cooler than forecast there, though it goes up to the mid-high 40s in the built up areas or direct sun. It feels like too long to wait but... :happydance::happydance::happydance:

My Ewan the Sleep Sheep arrived and I think I may have to buy another one - DD has fallen in love with it! :) It even relaxes her for sleep which is brilliant.

As for time dragging... I have been feeling that way since even before 20 weeks! I thought it was just because it was my second time and I can barely function with the weather and because I am so tired. Obviously I want my LO to go full term but why do we have to be pregnant for 40 WEEKS?! Why didn't I get pregnant at least 3 months earlier?! :D

It just occurred to me, I was on iron tablets last time... That might explain why I feel so drained and my blood results were very similar. Might mention that at my next appointment.

Has anyone heard from Bambola? I am going to PM her if no one has and make sure she's okay.
Oh god Emma! How are you standing that heat? I was struggling when we were at 29 degrees (don't think I'm a wimp guys, I'm Scottish - that's tropical to us :haha: )

Haven't heard from Bam in a while although she made apostrophe on one of the other threads a few days ago about having period like pains. Hope she's ok.

Baby has turned on me and is making my pain quite bad at the moment. Midwife was talking about early induction the other day and physio thinks I should take crutches although I've said no at the moment as I despise crutches. I'm still holding out hope that baby might drop in a month or so and make things a bit easier for me though :)

Jebel, how's your first week back going? Xx
Hey ladies! Sorry I haven't been on in awhile but now I'm worried about Bam too!

I've been MIA because school started back and its been hectic. But I've got it pretty much sorted now. As for our summer break it starts in the middle of May and we go back at the end of July so we get about 2 1/2 months which is pretty good.

Mamms I'm sorry your rib cage is hurting. I really hope you find something that works for you. Also, how exciting for all your purchases! We got our stroller Sunday and I love it. I'll try and post a picture soon.

Emma that heat must be awful. It actually hasn't been too hot here, which just means it hasn't hit 100 degrees F which isn't even close to 40C. Thats just madness! Find a walk in freezer I say!

Sasha your birthing place sounds A-MAZING! I wish they had places like that here! I would totally be there. I do want to try for a natural birth with no drugs though.

Miss what decor are you buying for your nursery? We are doing a baseball theme so we are trying to find that kind of stuff.

As for pain and joint management I've been doing yoga, pilates, and believe it or not belly dancing! The belly dancing is fantastic and Sam just loves when I do the workouts, he just wriggles and stretches. I think he likes all the extra room. As for the weeks starting to drag, yes I think they are too. It seems like I've been 28 weeks forever!
Hi ladies- sorry I have been m.i.a - had some issues :-( baby is fine though but just being monitored - also having very painful Braxton hicks..

Sorry for short MSG- will write bak properly soon. Hope yur all ok xx

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