Valentine's BfP ladies

Emma at least if your contractions hold off for the next dayish then your mil will be there at a reasonable time!

Jbell they will develop I'm sure... and contractions are good, they mean you are dilating... the more your body works now the better and easier labor will be.

Bam how are you doing hun? Anything fun happening for you recently?

AFM nothing to report with the exception of MIL having her sister and niece come over and they are supposed to stay till next weekend! Talk about being blindsided... I am not in the mood to entertain!
Yeah I am glad I'm at least having contractions. It makes me hopeful that I won't go too overdue.

Sasha how rude! I plan on trying to send some type of message saying that we don't mind people visiting but please do not show up unannounced. You really need to ask before coming over. Maybe you should give them that message now ;)

Hope mamms is ok...haven't heard from her
Sasha - say what!? How are you even hosting/entertaining right now!? I am so antisocial at the moment, I can only just about cope with DH being around! :)

Jbell/Emma - how annoying for it to be stop/starting. I just assumed once contractions started that would be it.

Nothing new here. AF cramping has ceased and I feel fine. So much pressure on my cervix yesterday when I walked but today I'm walking fine. Do you think this may mean he has moved back up!? No more mucus or any sign of show. It's like being back in the 2 week wait..desperately trying to analyse every twinge and possible sign.

I am just so desperate for him to arrive now!

No update from mammy....hopefully no news is good news!
... Just woken up from a nap to a painful one again, it's 5:30pm here now so it seems like a pattern for me. Each time they come back the intensity is greater but not necessarily the frequency.

I'd just retire to bed with exhaustion, Sasha, and make sure they feed you regularly! I'm sure the the of them can look after themselves as well as you!

I don't necessarily think that the lack of pressure means the baby's moved back up, he might just have moved off a nerve or tilted his head.

As for Mammy, if they've gone for inducing by using prostaglandin pessaries and breaking her water like she mentioned I expect she'll have about 24 hours in which they'll be hoping labour will get going without pitocin. When my waters broke I had 24 hours, then they tried pessaries, then I was being prepped ready for pitocin induction to try and have DD at the 48 hour point but she beat them to it. I think we're unlikely to hear anything for at least another 6 hours or so by which time it'll be night there. Still got my FX it is all going well!
Thanks for the info Emma! It's so awesome to have a BTDT mom hanging with us!
Missus sooo good to hear from you... we are in the same boat as far as progression. Sometimes I feel thay Anjelica is tr ying to push her way out and then I feel her in my ribs again! Lol

I am very very anti-social right now... I have kind of just locked myself away and don't go to the living room unless hubby is home.

I can't wait to hear from mammy... don't sell yourself short Emma, you have been very very helpful through this entire thing. I love the info you shsre with us!
Miss those AF cramps are braxton hicks and they are a good thing. Also, baby on your cervix is a good thing too! Between the two you should be effacing and dilating some. There are some days when Sam is pressing so hard on my cervix I feel like he is going to claw his way out and some days nothing. I don't think your little guy is still moving around, its probably just the angle on your cervix. And as for being back at the TWW! You are totally right! Its weird how pregnancy comes full circle! Who would of known!
How many more nights can this go on?! As a second time mum I seriously never expected anything like it but I've had 10 minute apart contractions tonight, really quite uncomfortable ones. I was feeling paranoid my waters were leaking when I was out earlier but they don't seem to be. I'll cry if that's how this labour starts in earnest. Though it wasn't traumatic last time, it wasn't what I'd wanted and didn't go anything like I thought it would. This time I've a much more open and accepting attitude to everything except my waters breaking first. However with these contractions, if the waters do go things will probably be very different.

I'm getting scared to sleep in case I wake up in labour tonight! As if being awake could change anything!
Just relax as much as you can emma... your mil will be there soon so its okay
Made it, end of panic! DD will be in nursery now until she just before she arrives! I'm hoping she gets here okay!

That'll be the end of my symptoms until I'm overdue! Lol!
Baby GIRL born at 12.54am this morning only 2 days early weighing 7lb 8oz. Will update with birth story when we are home and settled xx
Fantastic news mammy, enjoy your first few hours of being a mum! Ahh this really is wonderful news to wake up to! :-D xx
Wonderful news! I'm so happy, I hope all went well! And... My guess at timing was bang on! ;-)

Jbell, have you mentioned these contractions to your OB? I've been doing the dangerous thing of symptom checking on line (I hope my mum never gets the hang of the internet)... and it definitely sounds like pre-labour/prodromal labour. My next appt isn't until Thurs but I'll obviously mention it then.
Hurray mamms! Congratulations!

Emma I won't see my OB until Thursday. I'll probably mention it then if I haven't gone already. I'm so glad you made it :)
Omg the first baby of the group Mammy!!! Congratulations!! So happy for you!! Hehe

Emma I'm glad you can breathe now and relax a bit!! You poor thing! It's been a bit of a crazy panic for you! Lol

Sasha- I'm doing ok thanks..! Made myself stop symptom spotting so I wouldn't go nuts! I just hope he comes soon! :) I hope that your fam isn't putting any additional stress on you ATM... I can't think of much worse! Your so tolerant! Any more symptoms??

Jbell- sorry all has ceased :-( I was so excited for you!!

Missus- I know what you mean about all the symptoms going and now just wanting it to happen!! Lol
Mammy congrats :) I'm so excited for you!!!!

Emma thank goodness your feeling better and able to relax!

Jbell you and I can just wait and see what happens

Bam I agree symptom spotting is kinds frustrating.

My next appointment is also on thursday so we will see if anything happens between here and there... going bowling tomorrow night so if nothing else I hope Anjelica is engaged!

I can't wait to hear more from you mammy!!!
Good luck with the bowling! I mentioned it to DH the other night but I don't think I could physically manage it! :)

Mil and DH and DD all going to supermarket now I can't wait! I'm looking forward to my first bit of time alone in ages! Don't know what to do with myself!

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