Thanks ladies! Missus I'm sorry i really didn't want to scare anyone. I really don't think you'll feel your heamarhoid if you did have bum labour. I was cut into my bum and didn't feel it. Weirdly I don't have any heamarhoids (yet anyway!)
Also, all the things you'll be terrified of afterwards like going to the toilet and your bowels moving are nowhere near as scary as you think they'll be. We are both home now and baby girl is doing much better.
She fed beautifully after birth and was very very sleepy for the following 20hrs due to being distressed and forceps but fed easily for a few mins each time. However, the next 32hrs were really hard! She fed constantly (not joking or exaggerating there) and it hurt like hell after a while. I cried A LOT and seriously considered giving up on breast feeding but then she got my milk through within 2 days of birth which is very quick apparently and it has been soooo much easier since! I'm no longer sore and she feeds efficiently and sleeps well afterwards most of the time.
Again, not trying to scare anyone but rather reassure you that even if the feeding is hard at first it will get easier. Xxx