Valentine's BfP ladies

It seemed to do something. Had contractions building in intensity ever since but they're irregular though they were heading to be less than 5 mins apart. They got better and I had a shower - were perfect in there - then MIL was chatting at full volume on her phone downstairs and it drove me insane and they got further and further apart. Went outside then for a short walk with DH. Don't know if it helped get them back as now my back just kills. Hope MIL can manage to shut the F up for the rest of the evening I think I've had an adrenaline surge that's killed all potential labour feeling.
Ugh that sucks. Sounds like she's doing more harm than good. I walked for 30 minutes and came in and did an hour of nipple stimulation. Tried to take a nap but DH just woke me up. I'm having some pain so I'm going to try and bounce on my ball.
Good luck girls, hoping the next 12 hours sees things really happening for you!

Afm, well I have done a complete u turn and hoping junior isn't ready yet. I am in so much pain with my haemmarhoid I just don't know what to do. I know the pain will pale in comparison to labour but I'm seriously freaking out about coping :-( I'm trying lots of things to help but it's taken away all of my focus on getting junior out. I'm feeling really down about it. Sorry to be in such a negative mood ladies, I'm just distraught as I thought I'd got away with any problems, and now this.
Miss I'm not sure about it being less painful, its a different pain and it's constant. I'm sorry you're going through this. :hugs:
Thanks lovely ladies, you're all fab! DH just thinks it's funny, which I kind of agree I NEED to laugh about it, but oh my it hurts.

Eeeek d-day has arrived. Definitely no signs!

How are you all getting on?
Thanks Jbell!! Still nothing.. So surprised...!! Thought he would have come by now given my bloody show 3 days ago!!!! I feel like apart from constantly pooing (sory tmi) and having some pressure, NOTHING!!

Jbell what will u do with yourself now that your on leave???!

Missus sometimes they say, if you don't laugh, you cry!! I know that sucks and it's so not ideal.. I feel like u need to be spoilt right now!!

Also ladies- anyone else started getting 50 messages and phone calls from family and friends saying- anything??!! - omg it is doing my head in...!
Those are good signs in themselves bam! And yeah we are getting people crawling out of the wood work. I just say no news is no news!

As far as what I'm going to do, I'm hoping Sam man will decide to grace us with his presence :) I'm going to do whatever I can to get him to come out so I don't have to be induced. My doc doesn't want me to go more than a week over :saywhat: I'm hoping my little guy will come before then or his mommy is going to have to do some major negotiating!
Fingers crossed he comes really soon Jbell!! Your signs seem good like you are progressing! I have had no pains or anything... :-s

If I have to get induced on Thursday I'm getting the epidural first before they give me the hormone drip!!!
I don't blame you! I might have to see if that's an option for me.

... introducing Edwin Blake Hatton, born this morning at 8 am Central European Summer Time. He's a teeny little thing at 5lb 13oz but healthy and feeding wonderfully compared to DD's first day.


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OMG emma! He is beautiful!!!! You snuck away and had your baby! Birth story when you get a chance!

I love his name and little face awwwww!
Aww congratulations Emma! What a wee tote! He's beautiful!

Ok ladies, I'm back and I'm human again :) wanna hear a story?! Here goes... Haven't actually written it all down or gone through it start to finish before so it may be long but I guess it's therapy for me lol!

So went in on Sat night and went on monitor first. Baby was having a riot and I was pressing the movement button constantly. It looked like baby's hb was high and decelerating but it was actually through all the activity. They made DH stay til 1am as they thought they might just break my waters there and then if baby didn't settle but luckily she did. I was given first pessary and a stretch and sweep and left to sleep.

Sunday - another pessary, no real change as cervix was still high and I was just under 2cm. Another stretch and sweep and this one was a bit sore. Not sure if it was as doc was rougher than midwife or because I was a bit tender from all the internals.
I started feeling constipated and midwife said on feeling tummy it was tightening a but to me it was a constant pressure in bum not a coming and going tightening feeling like I had expected.

All of a sudden at 4pm with no change to cervix they decided delivery suite was quiet so I was going up to have waters broken and pitocin drip started. Having my waters broken didn't hurt, in fact it was weirdly quite a pleasant sensation but them trying to reach and pull down my cervix beforehand was a bit nippy.

Nothing happened for 2 hrs then at 6.30 my established labour began. I bounced on ball and stood shaking my butt around :haha: using my tens machine til 8.30. I found it easy to cope but coz they were still in my bum I struggled to sit on ball for them.

8.30 I went on bed and started using gas and air and DH would press tens machine for me. Gas and air made me a bit sick initially but I still liked it.

9.30 and I was ready to push. I kept telling midwife she was stuck in my bum :haha: and that I wanted to push and I kept being told there was no way I could be ready as I would only dilate 1cm every 2hrs so could only have been 4-5cm max. I begged to be checked but they wouldn't. I found this stage VERY hard as I was sure I was ready but they were telling me (without checking) I was only 4. I decided to get an epidural as I figured if that was 4cm I wouldn't have been able to cope with 7-10cm - how wrong I was!

They eventually checked me at 10 - 3 and a half hrs into established labour and, what do you know, I had been right! I was 10cm and had been transitioning when they were telling me I was only 4-5cm! Also, by this point I knew the epi definitely hadn't worked at all. They again didn't believe me so I eventually jumped out of the bed and started walking about to convince them! It did the trick :haha:. They asked what I wanted to so about failed epi but I said I just wanted to push as I would never have had the epi if I'd known I was at 10cm. It was a very quick first stage but I found it easily manageable with gas and air and tens.

So began the second stage! I pushed for an hour and nothing at all happened. By this time I was convinced baby was coming out of my bum :haha: and according to DH I was obsessed with telling anyone who would listen that baby was stuck in my bum. When they would check my cervix I would tell them they were looking in the wrong place and to look up my butt coz that's where she was :haha:

They decided to get me to stop pushing for a while as baby was getting distressed from all the pushing and nothing happening. I found this stage VERY hard as my body just wanted to push but I knew she was stuck. I was on bed and when I would contract I would hold onto the handles at the side and levitate off the bed to ease the pressure on my bum. Hubby was in charge of the gas and air (btw when the nozzle came off the gas and air at the start of a contraction it was probably the scariest moment of my life :haha:)

I got through an hour like that and was pretty out of it between contractions. They let me start pushing again and I pushed like a mad woman for another hour (3 hrs pushing at this stage). Eventually they decided baby was too stuck and because she was still distressed they were going to use forceps and would need to perform an episiotomy to get her out of my bum.

Before labour I was terrified of forceps and episiotomy but I have to say that when they did it all I felt was relief from the pressure in my bum. Her head came in one push using the forceps and the rest of her came in the second push. She had just needed someone to pull her round the corner.

Her coming out and being placed on top of me was by far the best moment of my life and actually makes me cry still when I think of it. I had to have major internal and external stitches due to them cutting into my bum but I was completely unaware of what they were doing as I was just so besotted staring at my girl. They kept offering me the gas and air but I was just stuck staring at her whilst she fed on me for half an hour (thirsty work being born!)

So that's kind of it! My story. I hope it doesn't scare any of you as it really wasn't a bad one. 3 and a half hrs contracting from 2-10cm which was easily manageable but 3 hrs pushing was not so good. I wish they had just done the forceps after the first hour as she was distressed and, in hindsight, obviously 2 more hrs was going to make no difference.

Also, just to warn you about epidurals - they don't work in 1 in 8 cases and can't work in 'bum labour' I was told afterwards. I wish I had known it wouldn't work for my labour and that I was already transitioning when I asked for it as I definitely wouldn't have taken it had I known and it wasn't a nice experience knowing it hadn't work but trying to convince them. In hindsight it caused me more distress than relief and I would never get one again for that reason. However, I know others who have had them and they worked brilliantly so def don't think my experience is the norm but if it's 'bum labour' you have just be prepared that it might not work.

Ok, I'm done now lol! Any other questions? :haha: xx
Brilliant story mamms! I'm so happy for you and I'm encouraged by your story! Now I just can't wait till my little man gets here :)
Wowzer Emma....didn't expect that update! Wonderful news, huge congratulations! He is adorable!

Great to read your story mammy, if a little scary! I am definitely scared of 'bum labour' with my haemmarhoid :-( glad you and your little one are doing good and feeding was a quick success! How awful you had to convince them on more than one occasion!! Are you home and settled no or still in hospital?
Lol! I just couldn't face posting another update after my walk.

I'll post a proper update when I'm less tired!

Great update Mammy, glad my epidural worked, though one of my legs is still partially numb after 12 hours!

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