Valentine's BfP ladies

Missus, do you have cream for them? Mine got worse after labour and I told the midwife who came back with some cream and it's WONDERFUL! Lol! I don't really think you'll notice them during labour tbh. But concentrate on getting as comfortable as you can in advance anyway. Even if they heal first, chances are you might get some during labour or first few BM afterwards anyway.

JBell, I hope that something progresses soon for you.

Bambola, you'll be fine even if they do break the water, the pain won't start suddenly, you'll have plenty of time to get the epidural nice and early.
Yep emma I've been using cream from Dr's but not doing much and the pressure of little man is just making it worse. Just called the labour ward and community midwife team and both were not much help. Suggested new cream and suppositories which I'll hopefully get from Dr's later.

I'm just going to have to wait for my sweep tomorrow to see if that works. I just want to get this over with now!
Miss ss your uncomfortable (though that may be an understatement). I am sure you will not be thinking about them much until after labor and even then it will seem so much better without all that added pressure!

Emma I am excited for your story! It keeps me hopeful(read as sane) to read them :D

Jbell- I am glad you get some sort of answer later... here they won't even talk about induction until 41 weeks and won't schedual it till almost 42! I am glad that I am not the only one with a baby going in the opposite direction though I am sorry that you dont see much progression.

Bam- I have read that it ca take hours after they break your water to feel any contractions... as an added bonus I have talked to a few women who have said that when their water was broken it felt more like a massive pressure release than anything!
Bam - my contractions took 2 hrs to kick in after waters were broken and drip set up and even then they weren't full on straight away. They have control over how many mls of the drip you get and they start off at just 1ml then double it every half hour so if there was ever a time you weren't coping they can hold off turning it up if needed.

Emma - can't wait to hear your story

Missus - so sorry about your pain! If it helps, Mother Nature is usually quite kind to us poor ladies after birth in the bowel movement department. They will be soft and urge docs can give you stuff to help make it really soft (lol very tmi subject but it was a serious worry of mine afterwards and that was without the heamarhoids!)

Sasha - yay to dress shopping! I can't wait until I get to put my gorgeous girl in all her pretty outfits. Right now she's between tiny baby and some newborn babygros but too little for clothes yet and she's not a small baby, having already gone back up to her birthweight!

JBell - how are the mood swings and nausea? Hope they've eased for you.

I don't really have any updates but thought I should give you a wee sneak peek of my little beauty... ;) sorry it's upside down! Xx


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Aww mamms she is absolutely adorable!

So went to the doctor. I'm still 3 cm but I'm now 75% effaced. I got a sweep and I'm really hoping it kicks things off because my doc is on call tonight. I go back Thursday and if nothing has changed I go in for an induction on Monday. So Monday at the latest. I'm feeling better now as I feel like my doc and I are on the same page. He's giving me ample time to go on my own and I really appreciate that but he is also trying to do what's best for Sam. I really feel like, even though I may not get exactly what I want, its a win-win for everyone.

Bam how's everything going?

Sasha anything yet?

Emma are you home yet?

Miss your sweep is tomorrow? I hope it works for you and me!!!
Oh mammy she is simply beautiful!

I hear what you're saying sasha, in my head I know that labour will overshadow any silly haemarrhoids. I have quickly learnt that I have a very low pain threshold...uh oh!

I'm also hoping my waters breaking will release some pressure. I can feel him sitting and wiggling right in my pelvis! The boy is blatantly being lazy and stubborn like his dad!

We've had a storm down here and I've just popped out to the shops and discovered our route to hospital is currently blocked by fallen trees...eeek!
Jbell -yep sweep tomorrow morning. DH coming with me as I don't fancy driving after it.

Can you explain to me what 'effaced' means as I have no idea!
Aww, she's gorgeous, Mammy! What a beautiful head of hair! DD had dark hair when she was born (not as much) and I was so surprised, then it started to fall out and grow back blonde, she had a two tone do at one point. I knew eyes changed but it was a real surprise to find that hair did too!

Good luck with the sweeps, I think it's a good idea JBell, it really takes it out of you to go through weeks of contractions.

I'm home now! Very happy to be here!
Yay Missus! Blocked route - cue labour! Lol! An ex colleague of mine lived near Tewkesbury and was unable to get out of her village due to floods when she was due. She was told to call for an air ambulance if she went into labour! Can you imagine it?!

Effaced means thinned. The cervix starts as a few cm in length and as it opens it also shortens (sometimes together, sometimes before it opens) until it is about as thick as paper.
Mamms she is adorable... I know what you mean about wanting her to fit in all of the cute clothes already! FIL says that he doesn't think Anjelica will even fit in 3 mo clothes because of how huge I am! Lol

Jbell- no there has been no change for me... I have my next appointment Thursday afternoon but I am not expecting much to happen. Did your dr tell you how engaged your lo is?

Missus do you have another route? DH has found us 4 different routes... he is a bit paranoid!

Emma so glad you are home. Hopefully that means the birth story and sibling introduction story come next :)
The ultrasound tech said he is very very low. She was surprised but it makes sense since I'm effacing and dilating. Right now I'm bouncing on my ball just hoping. I'm having lots of shooting pains so fx.
I have everything crossed for you jbell...keep on bouncing!

The only other route involves going in the other direction to the hospital before turn in back towards it...atleast an extra 20-30 minutes on to the journey! Hopefully they will clear the quick route before anything happens...
Miss I hope so. You don't have any damage to your house do you?

Just went to the bathroom and had quite a bit of blood floating around and on the paper. I'm so excited my Dh thinks I'm crazy. :haha:
That's a great sign, ooh little Sam is on his way! Damn right you're excited, we've waited long enough for these little pumpkins!

Which actually reminds me that when I first found out about positive bfp, I actually calculated due date as Halloween so maybe I had it right the first time?

No damage to my house luckily, I live in an old house dating back to 1500's so it has withstood alot!
I'm glad miss you do not need to be dealing with that right now! Maybe you'll have a Halloween baby :)
JBell, that's a good sign!

Sasha, I think this photo says it all!


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Jbell so excited for you! And its weird that he is both high in your ribs and low!!!

Miss I hope they get it all cleaned up for you... a detour does not sound like a good idea!

Emma that picture is adorable... keep it on hand for when she gets grumpy at him!
Hi everyone!

Firstly, mams your little angel is just divine! Absolutely beautiful!! Xx

Secondly, thank you everyone for all your reassurance and sweet words! You guys are fabulous.

Sorry I can't write back to everyone right now.. I do hope your ok Missus and I'm glad u got further insight and more of a plan Jbell!

As for me- I was woken at 3am with a contraction and my waters breaking!! Rang the hospital and they said to go in right away- by the time I got in my contractions were painful but manageable. That changed really fast!! Within half hour they were coming every three minutes and quite painful- I demanded the epidural at about 6am and OMG- (excuse the French) FUCKING amazing- pure bliss- I am sitting in the delivery room right now relaxing- absolutely pain free- I am euphoric!! Thank you God! Last time they checked me (about 3 hours ago) I was 4cm so they think ill have baby around lunch time!! Will keep u ladies posted..
Wow! Bambola, that's great news! I'm so excited for you, hope it all continues well! X

I also noticed that I could feel high and low movement, I got more heartburn and things to which made me wonder if he had moved up but I wonder if in moving down there's just a bit more space for the legs so you feel more again. Who knows?!

I'm afraid my birth story may be a bit long. I'm also worried about worrying you all! It wasn't traumatic but I wasn't dealing with the pain at all. Do you want me to hold off for a bit?

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