VBAC info/support

You so havent got long now kcbmama...any signs?...did you go to the appointment this morning? I know what you mean about the OH, we were very upset and scared at our last vbac and mine is the same, obviously going with what i want to decide but prefering i do the section instead! I totally see why he feels like this, i think im settled on vba2c.

I know what you mean, its hard going against medical advice when its ya baby...may be leaving it to fate of baby deciding to come before section or not is a good idea, be great for you to assess progress yourself to be able to make that decision instead :) I think you are doing the right thing and only you know what is best for you and your baby :) Either way its not long for you now! Hope you are ok today and if you went to app that it went well...crossing my fingers baby gets a wriggle on xxx

Yeah I went to the appointment and it wasn't that bad. The swabs they do were a bit...unexpected I had to ask her to repeat perineum just to make sure that was what she was asking me to swab in private! Aw the joys!
Anyway the Dr. I saw was really nice and said it was definitely up to me if I went into labour what to do. Makes me feel a lot better, but also is a mixed mind as to whether to have the op if any signs are happening.
I have had a 'show' and it just keeps coming so I am hoping I go into labour well before Friday, and DH is backing me up to labour naturally, but he is still adamant he thinks Friday should be the day I have the c-section! Either way it is up to me and he'll support me, what he says is he'll be in the room, holding my hand whether I'm normal delivery or c-section...bless him.
Hmm so it looks like I might have Obstetric Cholestasis, I'm just waiting to get my bile levels back tomorrow. So unless my sweep tomorrow works it looks like I'll be having an elcs :(
kcbmama...lol always nice to be suprised with swabs!! Well thats a great sign, looks like you could well get to see how it goes first before friday :) I think if the signs are there you will know what to do and you are prepared for it possibly happening so that is a good thing, they will keep a close eye on you so you know you are in safe hands what ever you decide :) i recon you are nearly there n gonna get your wish to go into labour first :happydance:! I spoke to midwife yest and describing how my last labour went with the contractions being 1-2 mins at 2cm but 5 hours later only just reaching 4 then stopping, baby heart and contractions being affected by laying down and sitting she thinks it could (but obviously nothing solid) a position thing, could be a one off thing but as my first was breech it could also be perlvic disproportion and that i could have a trail labour this time if i put it in a birth plan and spoke to the doctor about it all. What i was thinking as trail being like 12 hours of slow to no progression she said they would no doubt be disgussing it sooner than that anyway! So unless anything is proved etc, i will be having a vbac and seeing how i go :) ...anything more happening with you today after your show?

Tannembaum i hope you are ok, you poor thing, do you have to have the section, can they not give you an induction? Seems a bit mean not to if thats what you want! Hope your sweep goes well and gets baby moving a bit. :hugs: xxx
That sounds like a good plan babybean :)

Yes they have suggested an induction if I do have OC but I can't go through an induction again, I'm far too scared after last time and I know my fear will be the thing that will hold me back and potentially make it go wrong. I'd be happier to just go straight to an elcs rather than to labour get to 10cms and get rushed for an emcs....I know this wouldn't defo happen.....but in my head its a sure thing iygwim?! I think I'm still too traumatised from my last emcs to go through it again.

Leaving for the hospital now (Eeekkk) wish me luck!
Good luck. Keep us updated. I think feeling in control of your birth is one of the most important factors, even if that control is gained through a planned c-section.
Aw yeah hon i know completely what you mean about the trauma of an emergency one and not wanting to ever have those feelings of fear for your child ever again. I often think with some inductions if baby isnt ready sometimes they just arent ready and you going through that last time would make anyone go for the section instead plus im not sure on where vbacs stand with inductions anyway, i know i had pitocin on and off with my last vbac but a full on one im not sure! You are so totally doing the right thing, even if its not what you want its the right thing for you and baby :)...at least you can prepare yourself this time and know you and baby are going to be safe, everything happens for a reason ay :) planned will be so much more calm and you know what to expect...good luck at the hospital honey, il cross my fingers for ya, is it just sweep or are you booking section too? xx
Good luck with the Bile levels.

An ELCS ma not be what you had planned but as has been said you do get to control many more aspects of an ELCS than an EMCS.

Look at some gentle CS sites.
kcbmama...lol always nice to be suprised with swabs!! Well thats a great sign, looks like you could well get to see how it goes first before friday :) I think if the signs are there you will know what to do and you are prepared for it possibly happening so that is a good thing, they will keep a close eye on you so you know you are in safe hands what ever you decide :) i recon you are nearly there n gonna get your wish to go into labour first :happydance:! I spoke to midwife yest and describing how my last labour went with the contractions being 1-2 mins at 2cm but 5 hours later only just reaching 4 then stopping, baby heart and contractions being affected by laying down and sitting she thinks it could (but obviously nothing solid) a position thing, could be a one off thing but as my first was breech it could also be perlvic disproportion and that i could have a trail labour this time if i put it in a birth plan and spoke to the doctor about it all. What i was thinking as trail being like 12 hours of slow to no progression she said they would no doubt be disgussing it sooner than that anyway! So unless anything is proved etc, i will be having a vbac and seeing how i go :) ...anything more happening with you today after your show?

Not much, and I have been doing some serious walking! After the hospital appt. Monday I went shopping in Newcastle and was there for 2 hrs walking! And yesterday DH took us up to Asda & then back to Newcastle.
Got some frequent BH's but took some paracetamol and went to bed, just in case they developed, I had had some sleep. Alas it is the morning and still feeling uncomfortable but no frequent stirrings at present :/ probably be Thursday night :p
Good news :happydance:
My bile levels came back normal for the last two days so even though my liver tests are very high and I'm itching like mad, I don't have OC :)
BUT I am getting pre eclampsia again! Grrr!! Back on BP meds though so that should be under control in no time, it does mean I am going to have to stay on the horrible drug addict ward for at least 24hrs after delivery though as baby will have to be monitored :( I've asked OH to pay for a private room for my christmas present lol.

So my VBAC is back on :) I have an app. tomorrow just to check the meds are working and then I have a DUE DATE app. next Thursday!!!
I had a sweep yesterday which was a little disapointing as my bishops score was only 3.
I had had a sweep at 39 weeks exactly with DD and was 3cms already!

Told OH we need to have lots of sex to try and get things moving but then I was so tired from a long day at hospital I went straight to sleep :blush:
Oh good news on the OC hun.

Remember you need to relax and not sweat the small stuff now, you need to be relaxed and happy for labour to happen. Hop OH gets you a private room! That'll be lovely.
I'm glad your bile levels are normal, and you get to VBAC as planned!!

My MW just called me to tell me she received my letter (was struggling to catch them on the phone) and is completely supportive of my choice. Obviously I need to chat to the consultant she said, but I would need to do that for a RELCS anyway, so not fussed about that. Weight off my mind, knowing that's one less fight to have!! :happydance:
Youre prob right kcbmama baby will keep you waiting til thursday just to keep you on ya toes!! Sounds like a lot of walking there lol seems like things could be coming along with the show and the bh...cant believe its wednesday already, come on baba :p !

Thats great news tannenbaum about your bile levels, shame about th BP but YAY you get your vbac, that is so fab bet you are so relieved, very happy for you, congrats :)

I just found out that the reason i FTP last time was i was back to back then my baby boy rolled onto his side into a occipital transverse position (spelling!) so mine was all about position by the looks of it, his head was well into pelvis so was just position...SO am going to ask midwife to check when i see her what this baby boy is up to and hope that when i go into labour this time he is in a better position for mummy, now i know im going to be able to talk to them and keep a better eye on things in this vbac :) xx
Dont stress positioning too much, it does help but babies can move!

www.spinninbabies.com is good to get ideas for he;ping position.

...what I'm trying to say is dont fixate on position and stay relaxed!
DD was LOA (good position) at the start of labour and slipped to LOT (left transverse) after I got the epidural. Birth reflections midwife identified this as a factor in labour slowing down.

This baby has been good and stayed LOA, until last night where he has decided to move round to what feels like a OP position (back to back). Attempting to coax him back into a good position with ball bouncing and spending lots of time on my hands and knees. That way maybe labour will decide to start.
DS1 was ROP and stayed that way with his chin thrust out

DS2 was R/LOA (not sure which) but turned OP when I was fully dilated..thats when we transferred to hospital but he moved and did an extra spin on the way out it made the MW giggle!
Thanks chuck, the link doesnt seem to be working tho but managed to google it :) ! Dont worry im not stressing it, im learning hypnobirthing right now, im all about the relaxed look on things ;)

lol thanks for that celesse im gonna start crawling everywhere now! Im sat here with very good posture at the mo as the midwife said that might help if i slouch a lot (which i do!!) little monkeys ;) hope the ball bouncing and crawling does the trick for you and baby xx
Hi guys!

Found out yesterday that Titch is currently flexed breech :growlmad:. They wanted to scan at 35+6 but luckily due to Xmas they're too busy and I now have until 36+6 to move this baby around! They haven't mentioned ECV (I'm obese, previous section and have an anterior placenta - could these be the reasons?) and have said if Titch is still breech at 36+6 then a c-section will be booked.

From what I've read c-section appears to be safer for baby than a breech vaginal birth??

Any experiences of a VBAC breech birth? ECV?

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