Baby Theo born 8:37pm on 20th December 2011, weighing 7lb 11oz.
And the gory details... 3 days of stop start labour. Latent phase started about 1am 20.12.11. Asked to come into hospital around 4am. Baby back to back and stuck at 3cm from 5am to 12:30pm. Eventually in established labour around 1pm. Gas and Air for pain relief, pushing for half an hour. Eventually delivered by forceps as heart rate dropping and I was knackered and could feel he wasn't going to arrive in the half an hour they gave me. Easy forceps, just a little lift out, but remained back to back whole time. And a bit of a PPH (1200mls). Hb now 7.8 but was discharged on iron.
Feel like I've been kicked in the foof and swum across the channel and the low HB making me really tired, but its so much easier than C-Section recovery was.
Even though he was lifted out at the end I still feel like I gave birth to him this time.