VBAC info/support

She?? Is that your prediction?? LOL, I have a gender scan on Saturday morning, hoping "she" is actually a "he"!

I will be high as a kite, honestly. I feel so incomplete not having a vaginal birth!! Plus, it means I can have more babies afterwards LOL :winkwink:

Ohhhh I dunno lol It came out without even thinking of it.......:shrug: But I know when you comment I am always drawn to your picture and always think how pretty your girls are and how lovely thier dresses are :flower: So maybe I just think girl as I look at your three girls in your pic often, I imagen you eldest daughter to look a lot like you........ I don't know why lol!!! :shrug:

I know I feel the same..... it doesn't help that I have a friend who is so anti c section it borders on ridiculous! :dohh:
Which makes me feel just wonderful! She has had 2 children both vaginally and one was 5lb and the other 6lb......... I feel like she thinks she is superior some times which gets me, BUT it is most probs my issue if I am honest:blush:

Oh I do hope that first of all you get your long awaited son and secondly everything is OK and thirdly that you get your VBA3C no pressure or anything but I'm counting on you! :D All the best with saturday :hugs: xx
She?? Is that your prediction?? LOL, I have a gender scan on Saturday morning, hoping "she" is actually a "he"!

I will be high as a kite, honestly. I feel so incomplete not having a vaginal birth!! Plus, it means I can have more babies afterwards LOL :winkwink:

Ohhhh I dunno lol It came out without even thinking of it.......:shrug: But I know when you comment I am always drawn to your picture and always think how pretty your girls are and how lovely thier dresses are :flower: So maybe I just think girl as I look at your three girls in your pic often, I imagen you eldest daughter to look a lot like you........ I don't know why lol!!! :shrug:

I know I feel the same..... it doesn't help that I have a friend who is so anti c section it borders on ridiculous! :dohh:
Which makes me feel just wonderful! She has had 2 children both vaginally and one was 5lb and the other 6lb......... I feel like she thinks she is superior some times which gets me, BUT it is most probs my issue if I am honest:blush:

Oh I do hope that first of all you get your long awaited son and secondly everything is OK and thirdly that you get your VBA3C no pressure or anything but I'm counting on you! :D All the best with saturday :hugs: xx

hmmm you are quite the little psychic then, she is the spitting image of me, minus her olive skin...And thank you, obviously I think they are gorgeous however I may be a little biased :haha:
Can I join? Havent had the time to read through the entire thread. In the process... :) This is my second baby and trying for a VBAC. Was induced at 39 weeks with my previous pregnancy and had to have an EMCS due to fetal distress. Hoping to get my VB this time as this is my last pregnancy. Everything has been going gud so far. My DD is on Jan 26th. He is head down and dropping. At my 36th week appt, I was 50% effaced but not dilated. Hoping to hear some progress at my appt this week at 38 weeks. I have started taking RLT capsules from 34 weeks and planning on starting EPO today. Anything else I can do to get this baby out by my due date. I have been told that if I dont go into labor on my own by DD, I will have to schedule a section. So hoping he arrives by then...
COME ON MELISSA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can I join? Havent had the time to read through the entire thread. In the process... :) This is my second baby and trying for a VBAC. Was induced at 39 weeks with my previous pregnancy and had to have an EMCS due to fetal distress. Hoping to get my VB this time as this is my last pregnancy. Everything has been going gud so far. My DD is on Jan 26th. He is head down and dropping. At my 36th week appt, I was 50% effaced but not dilated. Hoping to hear some progress at my appt this week at 38 weeks. I have started taking RLT capsules from 34 weeks and planning on starting EPO today. Anything else I can do to get this baby out by my due date. I have been told that if I dont go into labor on my own by DD, I will have to schedule a section. So hoping he arrives by then...

Welcome hun!

Why were you induced last time and why have you been given a cut off of your EDD if you dont mind saying?

If you think labour is imminent you can always not turn up for the CS date...you were ill honest!
Thanks for the welcome!!!
I was induced coz of my high blood pressure. This time so far my BP has been fine. So hoping it stays that way. I was told my chances of a successful VBAC is when I go into labor on my own by my due date. If not, it can end up again as an EMCS. I dont know how far this is true but at this point I am so done with the pregnancy. Hope he comes soon...
Looks like Melissa may be up for a CBAC after all, I do hope she gets a great one!
Thanks for the welcome!!!
I was induced coz of my high blood pressure. This time so far my BP has been fine. So hoping it stays that way. I was told my chances of a successful VBAC is when I go into labor on my own by my due date. If not, it can end up again as an EMCS. I dont know how far this is true but at this point I am so done with the pregnancy. Hope he comes soon...

:hi: , welcome!

I dont think it matters whether you go into labour before your due date or not, your chances of a successful VBAC vary person to person, but usually about 75% I think. Just remember its your body, and your baby, and YOUR choice what you do. Dont let the docs push you around none :winkwink:

But i can totally understand the being done with pregnancy, with my last LO in November 2010. I was snapping at my husband all the time "get her out NOW", & th famous last words "I am NEVER doing this again". Time does pass, albeit slowly, but you will get there :)
Hi girls!
Thanks fOr the great support on here... Seems like my pelvis is too small for my gigantic babies haha. I ended up with a repeat cesarian after a 20 hour trial of labour. I am so happy to just have experienced going into labour on my own and my waters breaking and all that. The c section went as well as it could have and they even let ^me hold her for quite a long time in the OR. I was so happy to have that time to connect with her, she stopped crying as soon as she was in my arms :cloud9: and now we're doing amazingly well with BFing.
I feel so amazingly blessed to have my second beautiful baby girl with me :cloud9::cry:
Thanks for the welcome!!!
I was induced coz of my high blood pressure. This time so far my BP has been fine. So hoping it stays that way. I was told my chances of a successful VBAC is when I go into labor on my own by my due date. If not, it can end up again as an EMCS. I dont know how far this is true but at this point I am so done with the pregnancy. Hope he comes soon...
I was induced because of high BP last time too. I was hopeful that I would escape it this time but unfortunately yesterday, with one week to go until my section date, it decided to go haywire again so I was packed off to the DAU for assessment, with a recall for tomorrow :dohh:
I hope you have better luck :)

I have said that I will try for VBAC if I go into labour naturally before my section date and a week ago when I lost some of the mucus plug over a couple of days and had horrendous back pain I really thought it might happen, but everything seems to have stopped now, and with my BP now being an arse my gut feeling is that it won't be happening early and my section will go ahead.

And I too am sooooooo over pregnancy now! :hugs:
Thanks for the welcome!!!
I was induced coz of my high blood pressure. This time so far my BP has been fine. So hoping it stays that way. I was told my chances of a successful VBAC is when I go into labor on my own by my due date. If not, it can end up again as an EMCS. I dont know how far this is true but at this point I am so done with the pregnancy. Hope he comes soon...
I was induced because of high BP last time too. I was hopeful that I would escape it this time but unfortunately yesterday, with one week to go until my section date, it decided to go haywire again so I was packed off to the DAU for assessment, with a recall for tomorrow :dohh:
I hope you have better luck :)

I have said that I will try for VBAC if I go into labour naturally before my section date and a week ago when I lost some of the mucus plug over a couple of days and had horrendous back pain I really thought it might happen, but everything seems to have stopped now, and with my BP now being an arse my gut feeling is that it won't be happening early and my section will go ahead.

And I too am sooooooo over pregnancy now! :hugs:

Oh, sorry ur BP is back again. Thats something I am nervous abt too. It was at this point in my last pregnancy that I was diagnosed with high BP. I hope ur LO decides to arrive before ur section date. Is there anything u r trying to bring on labor? I dont know if anything works. I tried nipple stimulation on sunday and had irregular contractions that dint last long. And so far I havent had any contractions at all, not even BH's. I was wishfully thinking it will turn into something but stopped once I rested :-(. Gud luck and hope u get ur VBAC!!!

Congrats Melissa!!!
Thanks for the welcome!!!
I was induced coz of my high blood pressure. This time so far my BP has been fine. So hoping it stays that way. I was told my chances of a successful VBAC is when I go into labor on my own by my due date. If not, it can end up again as an EMCS. I dont know how far this is true but at this point I am so done with the pregnancy. Hope he comes soon...

:hi: , welcome!

I dont think it matters whether you go into labour before your due date or not, your chances of a successful VBAC vary person to person, but usually about 75% I think. Just remember its your body, and your baby, and YOUR choice what you do. Dont let the docs push you around none :winkwink:

But i can totally understand the being done with pregnancy, with my last LO in November 2010. I was snapping at my husband all the time "get her out NOW", & th famous last words "I am NEVER doing this again". Time does pass, albeit slowly, but you will get there :)

Thanks!!! I have been thinking about cancelling my section date on Jan 30th. I have been feeling a little nervous as I realise that I may have a section even if everything goes well and my little man just decides to come a little late. I think I might be little less stressed if I wait and see what my body does. I would so love to experience going into labor on my own.... And knowing definitely that this is my last pregnancy, I am trying my best to enjoy it as much as possible!!!
So today I decided to put out some VBA2C feelers with my local nurse and GP whilst having my implanon removed, the first reaction from nurse was "why on earth do you want to do that when you can "just" have a c-section" :dohh: my response was because I dont enjoy having major surgery..... Then my GP asked what reason my previous two sections were I told her and got a lot of gasps and hmmm'sss then the dreaded rupture talk lol! To which I agreed it is an awful risk just as high as shoulder dystocia in ANY birth issnt it? she then saidshe did not know the actual figures but it was a relaxed coversation after all she was holding a scalpul :haha:

She said they could do examinations to get an idea of my pelvic opening but thought that would something my consultant would do once I was under a consultant???? surely it should be done while im not pg?
so yeah anyway this was my first talk with someone about it and the impression I got was that I was a bit mental for even asking....:growlmad:
As far as I understand any investigation of your pelvis for size would be done by ultrasound or x-ray...but the true CPD is very rare.

Its usually failure to wait on the part of your hospital.
Thanks for the welcome!!!
I was induced coz of my high blood pressure. This time so far my BP has been fine. So hoping it stays that way. I was told my chances of a successful VBAC is when I go into labor on my own by my due date. If not, it can end up again as an EMCS. I dont know how far this is true but at this point I am so done with the pregnancy. Hope he comes soon...

:hi: , welcome!

I dont think it matters whether you go into labour before your due date or not, your chances of a successful VBAC vary person to person, but usually about 75% I think. Just remember its your body, and your baby, and YOUR choice what you do. Dont let the docs push you around none :winkwink:

But i can totally understand the being done with pregnancy, with my last LO in November 2010. I was snapping at my husband all the time "get her out NOW", & th famous last words "I am NEVER doing this again". Time does pass, albeit slowly, but you will get there :)

Thanks!!! I have been thinking about cancelling my section date on Jan 30th. I have been feeling a little nervous as I realise that I may have a section even if everything goes well and my little man just decides to come a little late. I think I might be little less stressed if I wait and see what my body does. I would so love to experience going into labor on my own.... And knowing definitely that this is my last pregnancy, I am trying my best to enjoy it as much as possible!!!

Although at the end of my last pregnancy I would have underwent a whole bloody face swap with shrek to get her out a day or two early :blush: I would really consider it if I were you, after my last c-section I was absolutely gutted (with the luxury of no longer being pregnant!) that I had a cs, and didnt get a vb.... although she was breech so I had little choice really....but afterwards I wished I could go back in time. Maybe you will be different, but just think really hard about it before you make a decision :thumbup:
Hi ladies can I join you? We are NTNP currently. I was induced with ds at 42wks, had all of induction (gel, ARM, syntcinon, then adding in diamorphine and an epidural), ds's heart rate went up, lots of fluids pumped into me, 30 mins of pushing before being taken in for emcs.
I knew about the cascade of interventions so held out as long as possible before giving in to induction, tried everything I could to get ds moving but ended up in theatre :( I grieve for the loss of positive birth experience. I really hope our next (and final) child has a better start. I was told when I got out of theatre that I could vbac so fingers crossed. My hospital won't induce you after section so that's one good thing!
Hi ladies can I join you? We are NTNP currently. I was induced with ds at 42wks, had all of induction (gel, ARM, syntcinon, then adding in diamorphine and an epidural), ds's heart rate went up, lots of fluids pumped into me, 30 mins of pushing before being taken in for emcs.
I knew about the cascade of interventions so held out as long as possible before giving in to induction, tried everything I could to get ds moving but ended up in theatre :( I grieve for the loss of positive birth experience. I really hope our next (and final) child has a better start. I was told when I got out of theatre that I could vbac so fingers crossed. My hospital won't induce you after section so that's one good thing!

Hi Fifi-folle :hi: welcome!

I have heard a few times now that women have been told (after their sections) that they can / can't try for a VBAC with their next babies.

My doctors / midwives didn't even discuss another labour with me - is that normal? :shrug:

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