VBAC info/support

The so called 'stats' are just rubbish and mean nothing for us individually. So UR is 'more' common but it doesn't mean for all, shoulder dystocia is more common in a normal pregnancy and we don't see every women being pre-warned about it. I just wish OB'S would stop going on about it to everyone in their care, and all other discouraging talk. I am not even thinking of conceiving for many years but it p!sses me off.
Opalfruits I have flatly refused to watch OBEM because I know I would end up throwing my TV out of the window out of rage that I didnt get to have a NVD :haha:

Irishmammy, its hard because Im a Doctor myself. During my pregnancy I was all very pro-NHS, pro-intense monitoring and defended the NHS a lot on here etc etc because I also believed the professionals knew what was best because I know the mindset of being a medical professional and it was so horrible being on the other side of the fence. Having been through what Ive been through will make me a better Doctor for my patients and hopefully will give me the strength to fight for my VBAC. When I was told I had pre eclampsia and was going to be induced, I was heartbroken and all my friends who were medical were like 'why are you upset, you need to be induced blah blah blah' and it was at that moment I realised how important having the birth experience you want is to a mother-to-be. It was a tough moment, caught between the medical professional I am and the scared mother to be I was.
It is difficult, I'm gutted I'm going to be induced again this time I can't understand why my body won't go into labour on its own, i have comes to terms with the induction as there is a good change I will deliver. With my first my induction failed, foetal distress and failure to procress and whilst it was the most horrible experience of my life it was what was best at the time, with my second though I was determined that if baby was happy I was not having a section, didn't really want an induction as it increases your risk but i did everything I could to make sure it was a Success and having the support of my consultant was a blessing. (I see your northwest, I am too what hospital do you attend?) still had to be induced but it was low dose and took longer as a result.
They have fully supported me this time with VBAC cause of last time so aside from being induced it should go ok

You never know your next pregnancy will be a different one and it could have very different out outcomes, I also think you will be more aware of everything cause experiencing it goes beyond everything we read on the run to having the baby and second time round every decision is more informed. You know the risks but you also know the signs for them and ultimately at the end of the day you won't makes decision that puts you or baby at risk so there is nothing to stop you trying for the birth you want. That was how I looked at it and if it was deemed at any point risky then I would let the drs take over. They were happy when they knew this and it worked out in my favour. Sorry if this is ranty I'm not very good at writing it down
Thanks Mrs Pop, I know I wont stop watching it as I do enjoy it too haha.

That's a very honest thing to say, I'm sorry you had a negative experience too xxx :hug:
OBEM, is a factually inaccurate programme and should be monitored.
Irishmammy...you can still decline an induction if you dont want it...there are risks to going post dates as with anything in pregnancy, labour and birth you just have to weigh up what you'd rather have.

Perhaps you just have long pregnancies, there are a few ladies I've spoken to here that always go up to 42 weeks just because thats how they cook em!

If you do go for the induction it'll be gentle. Hannabanan had an induced VBAC for her little girl Harper and that went swell.
Chuck, I had pre-eclampsia which is why I was induced. Although pre eclampsia is more common in 1st time mothers, I'm at increased risk of developing it again. If I did develop pre eclampsia, do you think I would be able to refuse induction and request ELCS? I think tbh I've got more fear of induction than I do of another c section.
snap! I'm lucky that my hospital won't induce you if you've had a section. I obviously want to have VBAC but if I can't have that I can cope ok with knowing that I'm having a c-section.
Chuck, I had pre-eclampsia which is why I was induced. Although pre eclampsia is more common in 1st time mothers, I'm at increased risk of developing it again. If I did develop pre eclampsia, do you think I would be able to refuse induction and request ELCS? I think tbh I've got more fear of induction than I do of another c section.
I was also induced due to PE and ended up with an EMCS. My consultant told me they wouldn't attempt to induce me again as I'd had a previous failed induction. I said good because I wouldn't have agreed to one anyway x
My postnatal recovery from hell continues. So I started with a fever on Mon 2nd, with them thinking it was the stitches and giving me oral antibiotics. By the Friday I was feeling better.... But on Sunday 8th (day 12 postnatal) I was rushed into A&E with a temp of 38.8 and feeling like I was on my last legs.

My Hb (iron count) was 7.6, and went down to 6.3 at its lowest. I needed IV antibiotics, IV paracetamol, countless drips and a blood transfusion. They did a scan which showed some left over products in my uterus. As the products weren't making me bleed they tried to get me better with IV antibiotics and avoid a D&C. The D&C meant a 1 in 10 risk of perforating my uterus, which would not be good on an already scarred uterus. By Friday it was clear antibiotics alone wouldn't get me better, so after 11 days on being unwell with a high temp they finally sent me for the operation and removed the offending left overs. It went well and I felt instantly better.

I've been assured its just bad luck and nothing to do with previous section. As they were careful and didn't damage anything I am free to have another VBAC next time. If they had perforated the uterus during the D&C it would have been elective section for all future pregnancy.
My postnatal recovery from hell continues. So I started with a fever on Mon 2nd, with them thinking it was the stitches and giving me oral antibiotics. By the Friday I was feeling better.... But on Sunday 8th (day 12 postnatal) I was rushed into A&E with a temp of 38.8 and feeling like I was on my last legs.

My Hb (iron count) was 7.6, and went down to 6.3 at its lowest. I needed IV antibiotics, IV paracetamol, countless drips and a blood transfusion. They did a scan which showed some left over products in my uterus. As the products weren't making me bleed they tried to get me better with IV antibiotics and avoid a D&C. The D&C meant a 1 in 10 risk of perforating my uterus, which would not be good on an already scarred uterus. By Friday it was clear antibiotics alone wouldn't get me better, so after 11 days on being unwell with a high temp they finally sent me for the operation and removed the offending left overs. It went well and I felt instantly better.

I've been assured its just bad luck and nothing to do with previous section. As they were careful and didn't damage anything I am free to have another VBAC next time. If they had perforated the uterus during the D&C it would have been elective section for all future pregnancy.

:hugs: Sorry you're having such a hard time, glad they've managed not to damage anything so you still have the option of vbac x
My HB level is at 6 now :(

I've agreed to consider early induction (37wks) as he doesn't really want to do a c-section before 38wks and i want baby out as soon as i'm full term. A bit scared since my scar isn't very old but he seems to think i've got a good chance as i had VB with DD. I haven't been induced before but i had the drip as my contractions stopped at 6cm and that worked well for me, just hope i have a chance and can avoid a section. I have the option to change my mind and wait for a csec if i'm too anxious to let them induce me.

Just wanted to ask if i have to have the epidural in? I had it will DD and it didn't work well, then i was stuck on my back to deliver, they said they can monitor me while i stand/lean over the bed so i don't have to be lying down but the advice is to have the epi in in case of csec, which i don't want but i do want to be awake for the birth if i can (had GA last time).

I'm just confused, not sure what i want to do, will have to read the entire thread to give me some idea's xx
MrsPOP, I would assume that yes given you have a previous CS you would be within your rights to request an ELCS if you develop PE again.

Celesse...I was thinking of you only last night wondering how were feeling now, I'mso sorry these early days have been so hard but here's hoping its all going to improve now they've err given you a clear out LOL

Kelsey...you dont have to have an epi for an induction, many people do have them as synto can be pretty intense. But a VBAC induction would be a fairly gentle affair to start with, so you might not need to much to get things going
I think the scariest thing was when the told me the risk of perforating my uterus during the operation, essentially the same as a uterine rupture but not along a nice neat scar. A 1 in 10 chance of a perforation seems likely to happen, whereas the 1 in 200/300 chance of uterine rupture during a VBAC seem very unlikely to happen. Puts it into perspective how low the UR risk during VBAC really is.

It would have been crap to get through a VBAC only to end up with a torn uterus anyway.
I think the scariest thing was when the told me the risk of perforating my uterus during the operation, essentially the same as a uterine rupture but not along a nice neat scar. A 1 in 10 chance of a perforation seems likely to happen, whereas the 1 in 200/300 chance of uterine rupture during a VBAC seem very unlikely to happen. Puts it into perspective how low the UR risk during VBAC really is.

It would have been crap to get through a VBAC only to end up with a torn uterus anyway.

Hmmm you know that is a good point, how many ladies have a D&C and aren't fully aware of the possible consequences for subsequent births?
Is the risk for a d&c the same for someone without a uterine scar already? x
Congrats Melissa!

Hope you start feeling better now celesse.

I think I might have an infection in my incision :( it smells quite offensive and I've just noticed it's quite red! :(
I'm pretty certain this is it in terms of children for me, even though my two are awesome I can't go through this again lol!

I managed to get my strong painkillers in the end from my gp but I'm still hurting a lot as I've had to take care of dd1 which has ment lifting a 21lb toddler from day 3 when I came out of hospital. My mum has been really good and has come over ever day this week to stop me from lifting too much.
If the wound is smelly and red/swollen get straight to your GP missus
Yeah I'm going to on Monday, just a shame I can't do anything about it sooner.
It's quite embarrassing as oh has noticed the smell now :(
Is the risk for a d&c the same for someone without a uterine scar already? x

I asked and yes it is. The 1 in 10 risk is for a post natal D&C. They called it a ERPC (evacuation of retained products of conception). I think the risk for ladies having a D&C in early pregnancy for miscarriage is a lot lower.

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