VBAC info/support

Lownthwaite, mine didn't either. Maybe because I didn't ask?
Lownthwaite, mine didn't either. Maybe because I didn't ask?

Maybe.......althought to be honest it was the last thing I was thinking about after such a traumatic experience!! :cry:
Lownthwaite, mine didn't either. Maybe because I didn't ask?

Maybe.......althought to be honest it was the last thing I was thinking about after such a traumatic experience!! :cry:

Me too, I actually snapped at the visiting postnatal midwife, she asked when the next one would be coming, I responded 'never' and she laughed and replied 'we will see in 2 years, that's what they all say'. If I wasn't half incapacitated I would have removed her myself. I hate it when people say that.
When my surgeon was finished stitching me she said "I would think very carefully before you have any more children". So we checked with the doctors who checked my notes and checked with the surgeon, who said we were fine to go ahead and try (when lo was 3 months)?????
I think sometimes it really sepends ont eh Dr/OB personal experience.

Unless there has been some real extreme trauma to the uterus. cervix or vagina then there is no reason you cant attempt a VBAC in the future unless there are other mitigating factors which you may have underlying the initial reason you had a CS anyway.

We are INCREDIBLY lucky in the UK that you can choose to birth how you want, you can be told all sorts of things but ultimately it is your choice 9unless you want to choose CS for no reason LOL).

There are still lots of Dr's out there who are still 'once a CS always a CS' despite all the studies and guidance pointing towards VBAC being healthier than ELCS and not to mention NORMAL!!

If you are in the UK and find yourself with a Dr/MW or OB that isnt supportive of your choice tell them you want to swap, contact someone higher up the chain than them - the head of Midwifery, head of OB/GYN and demand to swap other wise you will be forced to continue your pregnancy without medical monitoring - see how quick they jump then.

It's stupid its a time we shouldnt have to fight or even prepare for a fight yet we know how things can turn out and HAVE to be prepared.

...Things aren't always difficult, I was prepped and ready to fight at every turn yet found my 2 MW's really supportive, one told me 'well done you'll get better care at home, I have 2 other HBAC ladies on my books at the moment I think it's great'.

Funnily enought eh 2 hospital based clinicians I saw, 1 senior MW who rant the VBAC clinic (obviously HUGELY pro-VBAC) and my OB. Teh VBAC lady was great really informative the meeting helped my husband greatly it was of no use to me as I had already done my research and wanted to HB she wanted me in hospital covered in monitors LOL and unsurprisingly my OB who also wanted me in hospital covered in monitors where he felt comfortable.

I only had to go to the VBAC clinic once so no problem there as for the OB, well I didn't bother going back to see him, I didnt bother making an appointment and if one had been made I would have cancelled - my pregnancy was uncomplicated so why bother?

There is in fact if you read the official guidance for birth after CS stating that ladies should be made aware of the benefits and risks of both types of birth after a CS along witht eh recommendations for both.

If you have tried to have a discussion with your healthcare providers about birth after CS and they have only given you info about repeat CS they havent been doing their job and you should report this to PALS, AIMS and their superior.
I was given a birth after CS leaflet on the postnatal ward....ergh I could barely think because of the morphine, I'm sure if I had been able to think straight I would have sniped at the bugger who gave me that.

I got that leaflet but no painkiller to go home with after having major surgery...go figure?!
Here we are the NICE guidlines have been updated to include telling mothers about VBAC now

1.8 Pregnancy and childbirth after CS
When advising about the mode of birth after a previous CS consider:
• maternal preferences and priorities
• the risks and benefits of repeat CS
• the risks and benefits of planned vaginal birth after CS, including the risk of
unplanned CS. [new 2011]
I actually declined my appointment to discuss birth methods with the consultant as I'd already decided to VBAC and have done all my research. I knew being a big lady (very high BMI) that they'd probably try to coach me into a ELCS (or my DH at least, easily scared). I have had my birth discussion with my MW to discuss preferences though.

Just waiting to prove myself right now.
Just a little update
Today's my due Date and no signs of baby. Had an appointment with consultant, she discussed options of an elective section, I declined so she offered a stretch and sweep, turns out It wasn't an option as cervix was high and undilated, on a very big plus side she said I was very soft and favourable and they will induce me at 12 days over, she said she thought it would go quick. She also commended me for opting for the VBAC.

I'm attributing the softness to the amount of EPO I've been munching.
Urgh, Ive been talking with a good friend of mine who is an anaesthetist and she was horrified to hear I was considering HBAC next time and has told me off for even considering VBACing in a MLW with a birthing pool due to my risk of UR. She's not going it to be nasty, unfortunately being a Doc she's seen it happen, but I feel sick now reading her email. Im not worried about UR, I know the risk is higher than a NVD but its still rare and the NICE guidelines say so. Its more the whole being strapped to the bed and continuously being monitored thing.

Ive got a funny feeling when I eventually am pg at the first hurdle they will start to harp on about the risks and I will capitulate out of fear and end up with an EMCS due to my shitty attempt at VBACing. :cry:
Not necessarily MrsPOP, at my appointment I was just given the facts with no bias either way and sent away to think about it for the next 16 weeks.

My friend (same hospital) said she was steered more towards VBAC.
Well I know Ive been deemed VBACable in my discharge letter but I do not want to be strapped to a bed with a fetal scalp electrode on like last time. Is it possible to VBAC in a pool?
Not sure about the pool but I know my hospital have said I won't be strapped for Constant monitoring if baby is happy as lying down can slow you down. They use a portable monitor and place it on bump at intervals.

Mrspop just wanted to share with you my friend who is a doctor and Thought I was nuts going for VBAC, when i presented her with facts she quitened down. She always said section was forward, well since having her own little one her opinions changed
She had to induced (big shock to her) she screamed for an epi and got one due to positions of her and partner at hospital, then require an assisted delivery which was a long slow recovery that she milked completely.
Next time she will try what she calls mumbo jumbo aka raspberry leaf and epo

Just because they have medical knowledge doesn't necessarily mean they know what's bet for us, speak to your consultant when the time comes, ive found them to be pro VBAC if your an ideal candadiate.
Mine said yesterday they look for a soft cervix and stuff. I took epo to help this and they were pleased with the results.

Good luck hun
You don't always get a fight I didn't.

If you wan t to VBAC in hospital just firmly tell them no constant monitoring. They can't force you.

A pool would be tough, you'd need a letter signed by a consultant okaying you to use the pool and then it may be in use or being cleaned.
just need to have a moan to ladies who understand!!!

Iam just heading towards 14wks so a long time till i get to birthing but i can feel myself already feeling like i could scream with everyone thinking they know better or people telling me "oh so you'll be a section again then" and when i say no iam going to to my best to vbac everyone looks repulsed and follows by telling me of there own story of not being "allowed" or they know someone who tried but HAD to have another section!!! :grr:

Where is all the support :shrug: especially my close friend, dont get me wrong she is fab but she just had her 3rd baby in oct, she was aloud one week after due date to go into labour then she was booked in for a section. She wasnt really bothered if she had to have a 3rd section so didnt fight for it, she is one of these people that think doctors know everything and believes that every decisions they make are always for the best! so cut a long story she had the section and recovered quickly but she keeps making comments saying well your going to end up with one or its really dangerous trying to vbac and youd never forgive yourself if anything happened eh, most important thing is that you keep that baby safe. I know its because she cares but she didnt bother having the section, i really would but she makes me feel sometimes that iam being selfish wanting to vbac and possibly putting baby in danger.:dohh:

So sorry for the long rant, its just good to be able to say it to people who really understand how i feel :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Just watched this weeks OBEM and I've burst into tears four times now! It may be due to having my Implant out on tuesday but I'm so emotional I dont really know what to do with my self, I go through so many feelings watching other women give birth naturally I just get so upset because I know one way or another I'm going to be forced to lay don and have my child cut out of me again, suffer with the pain of a section AGAIN get and infection or several AGAIN and I dont want to, but I want another child..... why does it have to be this way for me :cry: My DH has left the room I dont think he knows what to say, he just says "its just something you have to go through" is it?? I'm sick of it, it's seriously putting me off and that's awful I want my children to have siblings, I'm sorry for this rant its just :cry: I dont know what to do or how to feel......... I'm not naive to the pain of labour Ive done it, for a LOOOONG time and its fine, it hurts yeah. But laying in a bed cut open tubes everywhere, not being able to move and your baby is screaming for your breast and having to rely on an overworked MW to hand the baby to you hurts too.

It all boils down to the fact I'm EXTREMELY independent, strong and proud and this whole c-section thing because I "cant" give birth kills me. It's embarrassing.
hello heavyheart :hug: seems were along the same lines I know I'm going to be met with constant battles along the way and it is getting to me and I havn't even started trying yet I don't know what to suggest but I understand your frustration :hug:
I wont watch birthing programs now because I know I'll shout at the telly and bawl my eyes out I just cant do it.

Heavyheart, it is tough making the decision to VBAC when all around you are iffy about it, but remember it is only your decision and your decision only, you know what you need and what you want, you know you can do it and do it well no matter how it turns out, no one can do it for you so go with what feels right.

If people keep asking just say we'll see how things go, dont try and garner their support, you only need to the support of your care team and a birth partner (I didnt even really have that - I realised I could only count on me and I DID IT!!!)

You'll have loads of wobbles yet missus, it is normal and to be expected.

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