I think sometimes it really sepends ont eh Dr/OB personal experience.
Unless there has been some real extreme trauma to the uterus. cervix or vagina then there is no reason you cant attempt a VBAC in the future unless there are other mitigating factors which you may have underlying the initial reason you had a CS anyway.
We are INCREDIBLY lucky in the UK that you can choose to birth how you want, you can be told all sorts of things but ultimately it is your choice 9unless you want to choose CS for no reason LOL).
There are still lots of Dr's out there who are still 'once a CS always a CS' despite all the studies and guidance pointing towards VBAC being healthier than ELCS and not to mention NORMAL!!
If you are in the UK and find yourself with a Dr/MW or OB that isnt supportive of your choice tell them you want to swap, contact someone higher up the chain than them - the head of Midwifery, head of OB/GYN and demand to swap other wise you will be forced to continue your pregnancy without medical monitoring - see how quick they jump then.
It's stupid its a time we shouldnt have to fight or even prepare for a fight yet we know how things can turn out and HAVE to be prepared.
...Things aren't always difficult, I was prepped and ready to fight at every turn yet found my 2 MW's really supportive, one told me 'well done you'll get better care at home, I have 2 other HBAC ladies on my books at the moment I think it's great'.
Funnily enought eh 2 hospital based clinicians I saw, 1 senior MW who rant the VBAC clinic (obviously HUGELY pro-VBAC) and my OB. Teh VBAC lady was great really informative the meeting helped my husband greatly it was of no use to me as I had already done my research and wanted to HB she wanted me in hospital covered in monitors LOL and unsurprisingly my OB who also wanted me in hospital covered in monitors where he felt comfortable.
I only had to go to the VBAC clinic once so no problem there as for the OB, well I didn't bother going back to see him, I didnt bother making an appointment and if one had been made I would have cancelled - my pregnancy was uncomplicated so why bother?
There is in fact if you read the official guidance for birth after CS stating that ladies should be made aware of the benefits and risks of both types of birth after a CS along witht eh recommendations for both.
If you have tried to have a discussion with your healthcare providers about birth after CS and they have only given you info about repeat CS they havent been doing their job and you should report this to PALS, AIMS and their superior.