Am still here!
Got a bit panicky this afternoon though as my contractions where irregular and In my back, I phoned midwife, they told me to come for an appointment
In a nut shell - baby no longer engaged, very happy and had good heartbeat, she said Labour wasnt fully established yet as I'm just 3cm and cervix length was 2.5 but with a good sweep she pulled it forward and got me to dilate further, she seemed very hopeful that I'd go myself before the weekend.
I'm thinking positive thoughts!
Sorry I've bit a bit off radar, had a family funeral this week so I've been in Devon and now I'm visiting friends in Ipswich, so on my iPhone.
Hope Irishmanmy has met her LO!!
How are we all ladies?
I'm still waiting! 1 day to EDD (by dating scan, my LMP EDD was 1 Feb...).