VBAC info/support

Thanks chuck :)

Fingers crossed I'm a good pusher naturally and she pops out in no time :)
I just pushed as my body told me to, no one could have got me to push any other way by that point. They did try and get me to stop vocalising and concentrate on pushing but I couldn't, I hate to scream very loudly with every contraction/push as it was my way of coping. But I could feel he wasn't coming any time soon and when I was given half an hour to get him out because his heart was dipping I knew it would take longer and got the doctor to get the forceps out. They told me when to push with the forceps. They hadn't realised he was still posterior which is why my pushing was ineffective and he arrived sunny side up.

So in my experience it doesn't matter how anyone else wants you to push, your body will tell you what it wants you to do.
I found pushing very hard, but then I had never done it before. I know the stirrups didnt help but i had absolutely no ability to move what so ever, I am in awe of women who are able to move around in labour I laid on my side and could not move unless I absolutely had to and then it took more effort then I thought possible!

Anyhoo...hope you are all fab ladies, I'm starting to feel a little more chipper.

Had a lovely blog post pop up in my feeds today


Its got a lovely table of risk factors for VBAC and VBAMC all side by side so handy for reference.
I thought you might like that one NickyNack...been thinking of you the past few days...how are you feeling and how are your beautiful girls?
In doing ok :) my SPD is getting intense - mostly over the last day or two :( but can't complain. Starting to get close to my due date and getting really excited about birthing this bubba!!

Girls are all fine - moving to a bigger house soon so just packing everything up - not an easy task lol.
Moving is never easy let alone with kids and being pregnant! I'm sure it'll all fall into place.

I cant remember your back story (sorry) did you spontaneous labour with your little ladies or was it earlier ELCS?

I had a couple days pre-labour then a long slow labour with DS1 I LOVED the labour I had with DS2 being what I would consider to be normal, cramp building to a pattern of strong ctx during the day and birthing within 18 hours of my first hint of labour being imminent.
I was induced with my first, 27 hours, ARMd, hormone drip, failure to progress, fetal distress, emergency c section....that old chestnut....

The other were RCS's - first for pure fear of labour and second for breech :)
Still being a 4th baby she should arrive fairly promptly!

You can do it missus, theres nothing l.ike it labouring under your own steam in your own time.

I felt so powerful labouring on my own it was so intense!
Im of the opinion that any little victory will be cherished - My waters breaking ALL BY THEMSELVES. Spontaneous labour starting. getting into established labour... All things that have never happened to me before!!

Even if I end up haemorrhaging, with forceps, tears, grazes, whatever, I'll still have pushed her out. So I'll be over the moon whatever happens to me, as long as I get to have a "normal" birth :)

Dont get me wrong, I hope for a speedy, no-meds, pain-free labour and birth, but I know its never gonna be that easy :haha:
Nicky nack I took raspberry leaf and epo at the end of my pregnancy, like you said I celebrated every little victory going into labor having a show etc etc

I took the RL from 32 weeks and EPO from 36 weeks still went 2 over but I felt it helped I didn't really have to push much my notes said established labour was 57 mins with 7 min second stage and through the first few intense urges to push I did nothing cause I didn't think I was ready in my mind I still thought I was 5 cms.
I didn't really push hard Aoife kinda just came out, I do remember stinging and the midwife pouring warm water on me which was the nicest feeling ever.
I didn't tear at all. With Niamh I pushed really hard for fear of ending up with a section and tore as I had pushed her out to quick. Saying that my second stage with her was only 11mins.
Im of the opinion that any little victory will be cherished - My waters breaking ALL BY THEMSELVES. Spontaneous labour starting. getting into established labour... All things that have never happened to me before!!

Even if I end up haemorrhaging, with forceps, tears, grazes, whatever, I'll still have pushed her out. So I'll be over the moon whatever happens to me, as long as I get to have a "normal" birth :)

Dont get me wrong, I hope for a speedy, no-meds, pain-free labour and birth, but I know its never gonna be that easy :haha:

The thing is you know exactly what can happen and how you want it to go in each of those circumstances so no matter what the outcome it will have occurred after proper thought and education and you will have done it YOUR WAY.
Hey ladies! I have had 3 c-sections in a row and would really like to have a vbac. My ob told me that after 3 sections you have to have a c-section. We ended the conversation after that. Can you ladies share with me how you convinced your doctor to do a vbac and any supporting links and advice?
Hey missus are you in the UK?

If you are in the UK you cannot be forced to have a CS, in the states its a little different there are policies and laws in different states and hospitals governing VBAC practices.

Stand your ground, make them aware you intend to VBAC, if they will not 'allow' it in the hospital then tell them you will home birth - watch them change their tune.

Really though look through the links in the first post in the thread in the spoilers there are a bunch of reference links.

Tell them you are aware of the risks and you choose to VBAC thank you very much.

IF your MW/OB will not support you then get a different one.
I am in the states, and am having issues finding support about this. My spouse is hesitant as well because he thinks me and the baby will die. Did anyone else have a spouse who wasnt for VBAC?
Being stateside does make things more difficult, can I suggest you contact ICAN and look at the birthwithoutfear blog as they are based in the staes and have a large network of readers who may be able to help with VBAC friendly practitoners.

No worries, birth without fear is brilliant a great site and really helpful, they have a FB site too. There's always lots of people helping each other find MW/OB that are natural birth friendly.
Hi ladies! I wanted to check on everyone and see how we are all doing.

I have a question. I read that the hospital will NOT induce someone who had a previous c-section. Does this mean that if I don't go into labor "on time" the doc will force me to have a csection? And if i refuse will they drop me as a patient? I am really worried.
In the UK you can be monitored (amniotic fluid levels) instead but they're not keen to do this. You won't be dropped as a patient, thet may make it difficult for you but can't force you into surgery.

As for me my midwife said ok in principle to HBAC!!!!

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