VBAC info/support


Mia is gorgeous hun, and it was intense reading your link. I can imagine how emotional getting to that stage having to make that inevitable decision when they suggested the c-section route - I did expect mine to lead to an EMCS, as the second stage of my labour went along the same lines as my first born (forceps, but obv. minus the EMCS bit) I obviously don't know your previous labour's history, but my thoughts are that as long as the baby is born safe and well then I'm just going to go with the flow (as would anyone else) but I do have to admit I get very tiny fleeting moments when I do think I came sooo close to just doing it all by myself (without having to go to theatre, having a spinal block and forceps or any other implement!) and knowing that I (probably) won't go on to have anymore its somehow strange to know I'll never fully experience a natural labour (although forceps assisted is obviously still classed as is) but it's not a disappointing depressing thought, just a reality on that's the way it is, and I'm ok with that!

So give yourself time to heal hun, it's been an emotional ride but you came through amazingly and what a lovely family you have :hugs:
Hi everyone,

Just wondering if there is anyone else hoping for a vbac in 2013? I'm newly pregnant with #2 after having a little girl on the 20th May last year.

After doing a hypnobirthing course and hoping for a waterbirth things didn't quite go according to plan...I started contracting at 40+11 but she was back to back and the contractions were sporadic, coming every 5 minutes, then 10, then 7 etc. and lasting anything from 30seconds to five minutes. I ended up having diamorphine which I'd said I definitely wouldn't do, ARM which I didn't want to do, then picotin and finally an epidural at 7cm. By this time I was at 42 weeks and hadn't slept for three days. I didn't get past 8cm and after 6 hours at 8cm was taken for the section. I don't really know whether I should have refused and kept trying or whether she would never have come out.

Anyway, I hated labour but I hated the section recovery more and it was upsetting not being able to look after my newborn properly. I would hate to go through that again, especially with a toddler too. I would love to have a vbac this time around.

I'd like to say thanks Chuck for setting this thread up and for all of the information, it's been great reading through it all.

In an ideal world I'd love a home waterbirth but think I'm too much of a scardy cat. Our nearest hospital is 30mins away without traffic and I think I might be slightly higher risk for uterine rupture as I'm 35, 5'5 BMI is 27, Rosie was born at 42+1 so chances are this one will be pretty late too and she was 8lb8.5 so on the bigger side.

I would hope instead that I could stay at home for as long as possible - I plan on getting a birth pool and then head to hospital hopefully more dilated than the 2cm I was when I got there last time!

Good luck to all of those with vbacs coming up :) I'll be checking in to see how everyone gets on and it would be fab to hear from any other 2013 hopefuls.

Jo x
Congrats on your pregnancy. Based on the recent stats here Your risk is around 0.2% statistically speaking. If you REALLY want a home birth you should at least discuss it with your midwife. Mine really surprised me, I asked about hb in the hope I'd be offered MLU but she's totally ok with it!!!
Another thing is to ask for a debrief of what happened. I found it really helpful. (I was induced at 42wks, had gel, ARM, syntocinon, diamorphine, epidural, emcs - bit different from the drug free, hypnobirthing, waterbirth I had planned!)
Thanks Fifi, it's great that you've found such a supportive midwive! I have my booking in appointment on the 4th July so will see what mine says then.

I like the idea of a home birth but think I'd be too worried. My ideal would be a hospital waterbirth but from what I've read that's pretty much an impossibility!

Do you know how I can get hold of my previous labour notes?

Hey JJay, my mw made me 2 appts - one with a consultant surgeon and one with a consultant mw - both of whom had my notes and went through them with me to help inform my decision about how to have this baby (hopefully vbac). I would ask if this is the same for you hon - it really helped me xxx
Congrats on your pregnancy JJay, hope you get the birth you want.
My midwife had them with her when she came to do my booking appt at home. Then the consultant had them, so i think they are kept with your hospital notes. You can also specifically ask for a debrief with a supervisor of midwives (I think). If you ask for a homebirth they are likely to offer you anything else! The consultant was offering me a waterbirth in the midwife led unit to talk me out of a home birth. She failed though :lol:
Thanks guys, I'll let you know how my first appointment goes. I'll take your advice and mention a home birth to see if I can get birth centre as a compromise.

Mork, could be anytime! Wishing you the very best for a wonderful vbac.

J x
Congrats on your pregnancy JJ! I hope your able to achieve your ideal birth!!

Just a thought, since it's something I've recently went through, but at your later ultrasounds, starting 20 weeks and after(request a later one if need be, like 30 weeks) You'll want to find out how your scar has healed and how it's fared through the pregnancy so far. I was all set for a vbac and asked to have my scar measurements taken by ultrasound and it turns out my incision is very thin, thinner then it should be. And that increases my risk of rupture so I've very reluctantly agreed to a repeat c-section.

Good luck with everything!
Thanks TTCinBC did they say that anything can effect how thin the scar is or is it just luck? I'm wondering as I got so huge in my last pregnancy; people would stop me in the street and say they'd never seen such a big bump. I was taken for a growth scan at 38 weeks as I was measuring 44. I was just wondering if that would be more likely to affect the scar?

J x
Not that im aaware of. It just depends on how its healed and how much it thins out while your baby is growing. As far as i know the more c-sections you have the high chance it will be thin. But your like me in that you've just had the one section. I think its just luck of the draw sometimes. But i sure hope that your able to have a vbac. The benifits are so great! Im still wishing i could. Gets harder to accept it as i get closer to my due date too.
Just read this thread from start to finish!
I'm struggling at the moment and feeling really confused.
My history in brief is this -
DS1 -normal vag delivery
DS2 - normal vag delivery
DS3 (twin 1) - Vag delivery with episiotomy and forceps
DS4 (twin 2) - crash section under GA for cord prolapse and arm presentation (transverse lie)

So I am now 24 weeks pregnant with DS5 and would like a vbac in water with minimal intervention and intermittent monitoring.

No one is in support of this, not one person.
I am an anxious patient at the best of times but talk of CP, rupture and death is giving me sleepless nights.
Consultant says no, oh says go with dr, family and friends say do what they advise, it's in baby's best interest.

I don't want to be irresponsible but I know I can't labour strapped to a bed.
I wanted a water hypno birth.
If I stuck to my guns and something went wrong I couldn't live with myself.
I'm having an internal battle with myself.
Any advice? x
Well, I think that you need to weigh your options and decide what is going to bring you the most peace of mind as its your body that will be going through this. At least that's how I felt/feel. How long ago was your c-section?
Oh that's pretty good! They usually don't advise vbacs if your c-section was within 2 years from what I've been told. So I don't understand then why they are soo against a vabc for you. Maybe it's just where you live I guess and your doctor. Your body seems to know how to give birth just fine and the reason for the c-section wasn't to do with your body really.

But again, it's going to be what YOUR comfortable with. There's some really great links on the front page. They sure helped me, maybe take a look at those if you haven't already.
They are happy for a vbac but not in water and with constant monitoring from start to finish.
No natural 3rd stage and cannula in :( xx
They are happy for a vbac but not in water and with constant monitoring from start to finish.
No natural 3rd stage and cannula in :( xx

Where are you?

I attempted a vba3c last week with cannula, continuous monitoring and even though I was allowed to labour in water in theory, in reality they would not allow it because the wireless monitors they used weren't picking up a good signal. And it wasn't so bad, I could walk/bounce/ etc and was barely near the bed. Monitoring doesn't always mean on your back. I ended up with a clip on baby's head which allowed me a good reception, and mobility.

But my vbac failed, probably more to do with the doctors pressure and their fears, than anything to do with monitoring or anything else.

But like pp said, you shouldn't have any issues with a vbac - what kind of scar do you have? Are there any other concerns? It can be hard to get loved ones on board with a vbac, especially against the doctors personal preference, because docs know all eh!! :dohh:

The only advice is to research, research, research. Read Ina may gaskin guide to childbirth. And then talk your choices through with your hubby, and hopefully, agree the best outcome.

Good luck! X
My hospital also won't allow me a water vbac and I also have to be monitored constantly. However, I am allowed to use the portable monitors to walk around because my dr is very pro natural. Have you asked if your Dr. has portable monitors?

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