I had my booking in appointment today and was pleased to find my midwife very pro vbac, in fact an ELCS wasn't even mentioned. She said that vbac is an area that is being looked into in hospitals at the moment and in the future there will be much more flexibility in vbacs including hospital waterbirths. She did say that some consultants and midwives are more pro than others and she suggested I go to my consultant appointment armed with a list of questions and gauge how supportive they will be. If I'm not happy she suggests trying a different hospital - I'm lucky in that I have the choice of 5 hospitals all around 30-35 minutes away.
Fishnchips, I asked about the monitoring today my midwife said its something to discuss with the consultant and again, different consultants will have different views. I believe you can refuse to be continuously monitored but I'd rather try and find someone supportive in the first place as I can't imagine I'll want to argue about it in the middle of labour!