VBAC info/support

Evening ladies. I today had my first midwife consultation about my next labour. It's interesting to read about the monitoring and canula as that was my main concern. I explained to them today that I really want to do everything possible to avoid another c section and that means being able to move around freely. They explained that they have one set of wireless monitors but that it will depend on if they're being used. I was also told to go in to the hospital at the first sign of established labour or if my waters go as I will need to be monitored from the on set of labour and that 2nd labours can be much quicker.

Soooo in short. Can I refuse the canula and monitoring? Do you think that's irresponsible? I was thinking of possibly trying a homebirth but after today's chat I'm not sure I'm up for that any more.

I had my booking in appointment today and was pleased to find my midwife very pro vbac, in fact an ELCS wasn't even mentioned. She said that vbac is an area that is being looked into in hospitals at the moment and in the future there will be much more flexibility in vbacs including hospital waterbirths. She did say that some consultants and midwives are more pro than others and she suggested I go to my consultant appointment armed with a list of questions and gauge how supportive they will be. If I'm not happy she suggests trying a different hospital - I'm lucky in that I have the choice of 5 hospitals all around 30-35 minutes away.

Fishnchips, I asked about the monitoring today my midwife said its something to discuss with the consultant and again, different consultants will have different views. I believe you can refuse to be continuously monitored but I'd rather try and find someone supportive in the first place as I can't imagine I'll want to argue about it in the middle of labour!
Thanks JJay. I'm going to contact a hospital in the next county to us to see what their thoughts are x
Fish&Chips: I know that you can refuse to be continually monitored, however I think it depends on your Dr. and how he/she feels. Definitely ask and see what they say. I know that my hospital has a policy of continuous monitoring. So I am hoping that the wireless/portable monitor is available.
WOW amazing news Mork!

in the spirit of the births we've had recently here (FINALLY) is a pic or two of me moments post VBAC.

Hubby has finally gotten around to sorting the pics.

WARNING they are quite graphic! No there are no photos of me cuddling my new baby with an exultant smile with hubby in the background beaming...we're just not that kind of couple but you have no idea just how effing amazing I felt right then!



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WOW! Those photos are amazing and so precious!! Massive congratulations and thank you so much for sharing. I am so longing to have a successful vbac. Do you have any tips? Were you monitored and if so were you still able to move about? x
I chose to homebirth so I wouldnt have those concerns, I managed to get to 10cm under my own steam at home but I was bleeding a bunch so we went to hospital.

I didnt have the energy to not consent to the monitor and cannula when I arrived despite my protestations throughout my pregnancy LOL

HOWEVER there was no way I was moving ANYWHERE by then for the pushing LOL

My best advice is to know what you want and make sure you have someone with you that knows and understands why you want what you do and will make sure you get it.

Now I didnt have that hence I ended up in stirrups with the monitor and a cannula...but it was only the very end of my labour.

I can honestly say I would never have gotten to 7cm with no pain relief what so ever and then only gas and air if I hadn't have been at home and free to do what ever I pleased.

Although I am VERY pro HB and HBAC I wouldnt advise every one to do it. It opens up some doors but it closes others. If you are happier and more relaxed being in hospital then make sure you have that person who will get you what you want. If you know the FOB or who ever is going to be with you just doesn't understand then hire a doula. Its worth it.

I spend a few moments every day wishing I had a doula as my hubby spent most of the time I was pushing with his head between his knees and the MW was asking me if he was ok....so I kinda did the whole thing on my own LOL (bless him he's blimmin useless).

Have your preferences set out clearly and succinctly in your birth plan -bullet points no waffle not open to interpretation so anyone who glances at your notes can see..NO CONSTANT MONITORING, NO CANNULA...be vocal about it. You mayhave a number of MW's attending you. Tell them - get your birth partner to tell them
Thank you I appreciate the advice. I was considering a home birth but I'm not anti hospital and after a bit of research I think I would be happier there but I really don't want to have the canula etc as I want to do whatever I can to avoid another c section. My dh is a great support both in pregnancy and labour so I know he will push for my wishes to be carried out.

My one main concern with hospital is that I will give in to an epidural at an early stage and start the slippery slop to a c section.
Thank you I appreciate the advice. I was considering a home birth but I'm not anti hospital and after a bit of research I think I would be happier there but I really don't want to have the canula etc as I want to do whatever I can to avoid another c section. My dh is a great support both in pregnancy and labour so I know he will push for my wishes to be carried out.

My one main concern with hospital is that I will give in to an epidural at an early stage and start the slippery slop to a c section.

Then stay at home as long as you can, put in your Birth Plan tht you do not want to be offered x, y, z pain relief options and ensure your birth partner wont cave in on your behalf.

It is difficult but believe in your self. Get a lot of distractions while you're in early labour, when you're in hospital try to create a good environment for you, turn the lights down get and beg/borrow/steal LOL) an ipad or something to have music or a favourite film.

Think about doing a little hypno to give you some confidence and relaxation techniques. Natal hypnotherapy doa VBAC specific set of CD's I found quite useful.

You can do it, and remember no matter what you are better informed this time - IF you end up needing assistance of any kind it'll be on your terms. You will have tried everything from visualisation , changing positions and non instrumental manipulation to get what you want.

You will not fail no matter what the outcome because this time you know better and you will try everything, an assisted birth on your terms is till your birth a repeat CS is till your birth if you make it yours.
Thanks I have been looking in to pregnancy yoga which is similar to hypno-birthing but much cheaper (we can't afford hypno-birthing classes). I also have got a relaxation cd. I'm phoning an alternative hospital to see what their views are on vbac so I'm getting there. I was told to come in immediately as we live 30 mins away and my first labour was relatively quick but I will ask them about staying at home as long as possible.

Thanks again. xx
At the end of the day it is totally up to you and what you are comfortable with.

If your first labour was quick and you get the feeling it's going quickly once you get into labout then go....if you feel comfortable at home then stay.

Trust yourself. You'll know what's right at the time.

...I live 30-40 mins from each hospital near me.
Chuck - your photos are great and i have a pretty good idea of how you were feeling at that time and if its like me nothing compares to that feeling of amazement and rush of 'wow'!!!!!! Well done again!!!!
I have to say that i got to the hospital at 9cm and was strapped to monitor and given 2 cannulas (as i knocked first one out!!) but I just ignored them when they said they wanted me to sit on the bed and not move as i knew the contractions were easier to bear if i was kneeling, they dealt with it!!!! I then asked twice asap to have remaining cannula removed - to which they said that they liked to leave them in and would have to put another in if need be, to which i replied i would be happy to have another at that point (cant stand the bloody things!!!) Hope that helps.
MORK...get off the computer and go snuggle that baby that is still tummy shaped!!
lol!!!!!!!!!!! he is sleeping :) and ditto!!!! xx
Gawd those photos are over a year old now..he's anything but tummy shaped the little so and so is a babbling little monster who runs around causing mischief!!

I was looking at him in his cot earlier thing holy crap how did I ever manage to push you out of my hoohaa?
Hi hope someonecan help me, haven't had chance to read through all previous posts yet?

I have a consultant who won't stand in my way of attempting a natural labour after 3 c/s and am shocked. Was elated at first but am now full of doubt and frightened and in the verge of changing my mind.

I don't have to see her again until mh due date - what if I go into labour before that?? I feel my chances of success will be hindered through my lack of knowledge/empowerment. She said my chance of succes was probably only around 30%, especially as #2 son was a failed induction at 42 wks attempting a VBAC.

Hope someone can help xx

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