VBAC info/support

Hi Nicky.

What a coincidence. I am also a Nicky and recently attempted a Vbac after 3 csections (3 weeks ago). It ended in an emergency c section. Nothing scary like a rupture, just got stuck and not dilating and they got nervous. So off to theatre we went.

I felt crap afterwards. But I gave it my best shot, you know? And
If I hadn't, I doubt I would have got over it. But that's me, you gotta make your own mind up.

Anyway, I'm about if you need to chat or anything. Bet of luck with whatever you decide to do
Thanks Nicky I'm so xonfused it's making me quite upset! I feel like I have not been told anything about how it will be and I could go into labour before I even see my consultant again!! All I was told was there would be no induction etc and it had to progress naturally in it's own.
I think I'm going to bring my appointment forward to 38 wks, I'm really surprised they didn't want to go through it all with a fine tooth comb!
Did you have a sweep Nicky
I have a friendcwjos a midwife who will give me sweeps from 38 wks. I've never been in labour before xx
I was booked in for a sweep at 39+4, but went into labour at 38+6. Never went into labour before either (1st cs was after failed induction/fetal distress @ 40+11, second was elective @ 39+4, third was elective (breech baby) @ 39 weeks).

I'd never ever went into labour and still haven't been past 3cm :( although I've now went into labour and my waters broke so that's a positive :)

In my experience this is what will happen - you go into labour/waters break. You go immediately to hospital and get put on a monitor. Then you wait it out. If you take too long, they start getting antsy. I had a clip on babies head so I wasn't chained to the bed. They let me walk around the hospital for 15 mins only. Then I was monitored again. No water labour, as I was told was ok, as the wireless monitors weren't pickig up a reliable reception . I went in at 1.20, up to labour ward and checked at 2.30am 1cm dilated, 2 cm thick, 6.30am, 2cm dilated & 1cm thick, then 11am was paper thin and 3cm. Again at 3pm was checked and no progress. Yey tried to get me to go to theatre then, I asked for more time. They agreed to 2 hrs and checked again at 5.10 - still nada. So csection was advised very strongly. I gave in. They checked me again in theatre and still no progress. 19 hrs total. Not very long really but sometimes that's how it rolls!

I've got a birth story kicking about in the baby section with all details in it if you're interested. I only got to 2-3 cm after 27hrs with the drip, burst waters etc, with dd1 so I knew it was a long shot but I tried!
Thanks Nicky!

What did they say to you about rupture etc?

Did they give you a spinal or general? X
I had a spinal and an epidural backup :)

They didn't give me any specific percentages or anything, just really "if it ruptures it is very serious". I know this!!

To be 100% truthful, I got all my info from here and the links on page 1. My consultant just pissed me off (see posts from mid-February on here ;))
Just thoughf I'd update because baby brain is making me question if I have or not lol

So I'vr been having pain in and around my incision site, so that and knowing my scar is thin is making me feel confident in our choice for the elcs. Which, has FINALLY been booked. We will be going in to have our boy on August 3rd. Not sure on time as I wont know until the day before.

Im of course nervous about the c-section itself, but then, I'd be nervous about ANY major surgery or surgery period. I have just been trying to not focus on it. Keeping myself busy with other things.

I am going to be trying to attend a meeting here put on by ICAN, which is a cesarian awareness support group. The one doula I was going to have assit me suggested I go(she puts it on). I figure it could help me in knowing what I can do for a better expereince.

I am quite upset thay my DH will not be aloud in recovery with me and baby may not if there isnt enough staff. They will be leaving the OR fairly quickly and this is the one thing that is bothering ke and I feel as if there isnt much I can do about it.
Congratulations Nickynack she is amazingly beautiful and you fought like a trooper for your vbac! You did your self proud well done! x x x
Well this decision is not getting easier for me to make, but I have at least made the decision to bring my consultant appointment forward 2 weeks as I think 40 wks is kind of a bit too late to prepare!!!

I find out next week if I'm pink or another blue.... X
I've never been in labour before xx

Being nosey here, but what where your previous C-Sections for? Reason for previous C-Section has an impact on chances of successful VBAC. As does how far dilated you were during an EMCS.
Hi Celesse no not nosey!

This is what I'm worried about as number 2 was failed induction at 42 wks. Not even any dilation.

Number 1 was unstable lie due to low placenta @38 wks.

Number 3 was just because of number 1&2!

What do you think??

Also this baby is different dad to when I tried VBAC with number 2 - I have heard different genes can make a difference.

I don't want to be on a hiding to nothing here, I'd rather book an ELC if I think my chances are minimal; consultant said 30% chance of success, which let's face it is a 70% chance of failure!!

Nicky x
I guess you could always wait and see what your body does closer to your due date. Me for example, im almost 36 weeks and when my doctor did my cervix check today, there wasnt any changes at all. Which isnt surprising as i had 6 inductions with my DD and only got to between 1-2 cms. So my body just doesnt seem to do labor. Doesnt help that my little guy is no where near my pelvis right now lol
Yes I'm beginning to feel
VBA3CS is too big an ask with a failed induction under my belt.
Yes I'm beginning to feel
VBA3CS is too big an ask with a failed induction under my belt.

You have to try and stay positive. I know how hard it is because I have said " well if they do a csection then that's what they do". My husband actually told me to stop talking like that and to keep thinking positive. :flower: I have read some amazing stories of ladies who had successful vbacs after 3 csections. https://www.pregnancybirthandbabies.com/vbac stories.htm
This website has amazing stories of ladies who did vbacs.

I wish you all the best.
I have read this one before, but despite all my googling finding successful VBA3CS is rare, and it's as important to be realistic as it is to be positive. If i'd had one or even two, and had previously laboured I might feel more optimistic, but I have to face the obvious facts and be realistic about my chances. If I go to 42 weeks and end up with no dilation which is what happened with #2, I have list 2 or 3 precious weeks of maternity leave with my baby.
Had my ob appointment and talked about my vbac today. So I guess my little monkey is already 6lbs 7 oz and measuring at 36 weeks 2 days. That puts her 1 weeks and 3 days ahead. He said she will easily be 8 1/2 -9 lbs at 40 weeks.
We talked about the vbac and what would happen. If I have not had her by 40 weeks, naturally, I am being taken to have a csection He said he will not induce me because he said pitocin ups the chances of rupture. He says my scar looks great and that he will let me try, but I have to be continuously monitored and will not be given pitocin.

So I need help! We are starting "get baby out before 40 weeks"! How do I do that? What can I do to help her decide to come at 37/38/39 instead of 40/41?
For me a sweep worked. At the time they said it hadn't as she couldn't reach my cervix but it obviously did something as I lost my plug the following morning and then went into labour 2 days afterwards. Would they give you a sweep so early? X
For me a sweep worked. At the time they said it hadn't as she couldn't reach my cervix but it obviously did something as I lost my plug the following morning and then went into labour 2 days afterwards. Would they give you a sweep so early? X

Thanks hun. I don't think they do sweeps until 40 weeks. I am praying he will do that at 40 if she hasn't come rather than just taking me back to theater that week. He originally was soooooooooooooooooooo supportive and now he seems a little scared. He did say that he had someone who refused a section and ended up rupturing two weeks ago, so maybe he is still shaken by it. :shrug: I am just really hoping I can do this
That's really interesting to read. My consultant said same about no induction, but said 41/42 wks was neither here or there she just wouldn't let me go past 42.

If I do decide on VBAC, I am lucky to have a close friend who is a midwife who said sweeps are precept safe from 37 wks when baby is full term!
I think 40 wks kinda fits in more with hospital birth lists etc!

And she is happy to do several On me!

Just need to make a decision lol.
That's really interesting to read. My consultant said same about no induction, but said 41/42 wks was neither here or there she just wouldn't let me go past 42.

If I do decide on VBAC, I am lucky to have a close friend who is a midwife who said sweeps are precept safe from 37 wks when baby is full term!
I think 40 wks kinda fits in more with hospital birth lists etc!

And she is happy to do several On me!

Just need to make a decision lol.

I thought it would be 41/42 weeks also. But I do have to admit that we in the US are very quick to induce/csection before 40 weeks. Maybe that is why he said that. I have no idea I just hope I can vbac, but a csection is NOT a failure and if I have one I know that bubs will be here safe.

That is awesome that your mw is willing to do those sweeps for you. I am going to ask my Dr. about it next appointment.

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