VBAC info/support

I got my MW to do a sweep every week (even a short week lol) from 37 weeks as I was due to move over an hour from the hospital. I told her that I had so many contractions (labor stopped at 34.5 weeks) that it would be great. If my baby cam before 40 weeks. She said sure and I had 3 sweeps by 40 weeks.
Lots of walking and bouncing on a birthing ball to get baby to fully engage and to help things start to open up. Go for as many walks as you can without over doing it. The more upright you are, the better chances of baby engaging and pushing down into your pelvis and everything opening.

Maybe ask/request the sweep a week or 2 before 40 weeks. I think thats fair if he's telling your 40 weeks and its a c-section. At least I know I would be pushing the sweeps for sure.
I also did all of the above so maybe that helped to. Also sex apparently helps if you can bare it :s
I think I have a bit of a plan: which obviouslywill change again next week haha!!

I shall try and get a couple of sweeps in before my 38 wk consultant app, ask for an internal to see if things are looking positive or not and then make my decision based on whether or not cervix looks favourable.

Will try and chill for a while!
A HUGE screaming row!

I had a massive full on screaming and yelling row with my mum the day beofre my EDD.

We made up and walked to town to get cake and I remember telling her I felt like new woman and I was sorry but i really needed it, walking home I had a massive show and that as they say was that.

Walking bouncing etc all good but you gotta be relaxed and let go of stress..I was soooo stressed out at the lack of support I had for my HBAC I didnt realise how tense I was until I let it all out!
Hey Ladies, I am in the same boat as you all. Had an emcs 3.5 years ago and have the decision to make now to vabc or opt for a section. The consultant seems keen for me to vbac which is great as I thought she would just steer me towards a section. I am consultant led as I am high risk, had previous big baby (10lb13.5oz) and am borderline for GD but being treated as if I have it although thankfully sugars are being managed very well. Diabetic team told me I cant go over 39 weeks and cant be induced due to previous section whereas obs consultant told me she would let me go to full term and she would induce mildly. I would really love to deliver normally but I am not sure I can do it and also am nervous about the risk of UR if she decides to induce. Apparently I can have one pessary and he drip also. My waters went last time and then things stopped as baby was too bit so I was put on the drip and not allowed the pessary. I really dont want to go to full term either which I know prob decreases my chance of delivering normally but it also gives baby more chance to get bigger. At the minute we are keeping an eye on the bay size and leave it open to see how that goes. ideally I wish they would start sweeping me from 37/38 weeks and if nothing happen to give me a section at 39 weeks. Maybe I am being unrealistic and need to be more determined if I want to vbac. Oh and baby is 5lb 2oz a mo which is apparently average although seems big to me at this stage.
Thay sounds about right. My LO was measuring just over 6lbs at 33weeks and 1day. At my scan in wednesday(37 1/2weeks) he was measuring 10lbs 1oz. So big boy for me.

Its really a matter of what your comfortable with. Personally if it were me i'd ask for the sweeps early like you said. I hope your able to make a decision that your most comfortable and at peace with.

Im scheduled for my c-section for aug 3rd. So not long now, and even thougj i was and am disappointed, i know at the end of the day i will just be happy he is here.
I have put forward my case to the head mw and they have agreed to let me labour and deliver in the mw led unit, in a birth pool, with no cannula unless necessary, no time limits and intermittent hand held under water monitors!
I will be able to go overdue and placenta will be monitored rather than rushing to a section.
They agreed to all my wishes! So pleased x
Thats really great news! I wish you lots of luck for your vbac!!

We've got 6 days until our c-section. My body has started into early laboir i think. Lost a bit of my plug yesterday and started getting period type cramps on the top of my bump but went away after a few hpirs then they started again this evening but again went away. I have been getting lots of tightenings tonight, kinda braxton hicks i guess, but not? Ive been having routin fetal monitoring the last few weeks and i had 3 this week because of blood pressure, and ive been having tightenings show up on that thing.

Frustrates the crap out of me because my body is doing what its supposed to for labour and at a good time(38weeks) but it wont be allowed to progress into actual labour because my thin scar tissue.
Its makes me sad. I kinda wish my body wasnt doing anythinf at all! Would make it easier to deal with the section.
I have put forward my case to the head mw and they have agreed to let me labour and deliver in the mw led unit, in a birth pool, with no cannula unless necessary, no time limits and intermittent hand held under water monitors!
I will be able to go overdue and placenta will be monitored rather than rushing to a section.
They agreed to all my wishes! So pleased x

Great news!! x
Hi ladies, we are planning to start ttc in September. I am hoping for a home water birth, but if nothing else, at least a vbac. I have read tons of research, watched videos. I know that vbacs are safer than repeat c-sections and I know that I have the right to try for one. I know that induction leads to c-section, I know that there is no (general) reason baby needs to be out by 40 weeks. I want to go to my first appointment prepared with research in hand in case I have to fight my case (I also know that I may need to try several different dr before I get one that I feel is truely supportive of me and my decisions). So my question is, which particular sites/ books are best for scholarly sources and factual numbers? I know that the ICAN white papers are good, but I don't want to print out a books worth of info when they will likely only look at a couple of the pages. It will be more like a scare tactic:haha:, showing that I have done research and know what I am talking about. So what are the best facts to bring to the table and where get them from (American by the way)?
Also to those wondering, I will consult midwives of course, I am just hoping to get a dr on my side first. If I don't I will certainly move forward without their "okay".
Hi ladies, we are planning to start ttc in September. I am hoping for a home water birth, but if nothing else, at least a vbac. I have read tons of research, watched videos. I know that vbacs are safer than repeat c-sections and I know that I have the right to try for one. I know that induction leads to c-section, I know that there is no (general) reason baby needs to be out by 40 weeks. I want to go to my first appointment prepared with research in hand in case I have to fight my case (I also know that I may need to try several different dr before I get one that I feel is truely supportive of me and my decisions). So my question is, which particular sites/ books are best for scholarly sources and factual numbers? I know that the ICAN white papers are good, but I don't want to print out a books worth of info when they will likely only look at a couple of the pages. It will be more like a scare tactic:haha:, showing that I have done research and know what I am talking about. So what are the best facts to bring to the table and where get them from (American by the way)?
Also to those wondering, I will consult midwives of course, I am just hoping to get a dr on my side first. If I don't I will certainly move forward without their "okay".

Hi hun and welcome to the VBAC group :flower: I am also in the US and am hoping for a vbac. I was met with a bit of resistance by the ob/gyn so be prepared. I did end up switching to another Dr. who happens to be pro vbac and breech vaginal delivery. It was really hard finding him though. You have done GREAT getting yourself some information. https://www.vbac.com/

I am wishing you all the best and I hope everything goes great for you! I did read that doulas were really great to have as a support as well.
Hi ladies!! I just wanted to check in with all of you. I have my 38 week check up on Friday (37+6) and will be getting checked to see if anything has progressed. I am going to ask my Dr. to do a sweep and we shall see what he says. I am really hoping he does one. I can't wait to meet my little girl. Hoping she comes soon all on her own.

How is everyone?
Hi ladies!! I just wanted to check in with all of you. I have my 38 week check up on Friday (37+6) and will be getting checked to see if anything has progressed. I am going to ask my Dr. to do a sweep and we shall see what he says. I am really hoping he does one. I can't wait to meet my little girl. Hoping she comes soon all on her own.

How is everyone?

Good luck! I hope that they are able to do the sweep and that it kick starts labour for you.

Afm- my body has been torturing me. Its been on and off in early labour, which i never had with my DD. So I feel like my body is basically taunting me saying it CAN do this naturally, but since my scar is thin, i cant follow through. So have been trying not to think about it too much. Not a clue if im dilated or anything as they havent been checking me since there's no point lol. But baby is really low and head down.

I go in tomorrow morning for my c-section. Nerves started in yesterday evening big time. Stomach was in knotts and havent gotten much sleep. Really hoping I manage to sleep better tonight as tomorrow is going to be a loooong day!

Oh, and they estimated my LO to be about 10lbd 1oz last wednesday, so even though it can be off, he is still going to be a bigger boy for sure!

Hope everyone else is doing okay
Hi ladies!! I just wanted to check in with all of you. I have my 38 week check up on Friday (37+6) and will be getting checked to see if anything has progressed. I am going to ask my Dr. to do a sweep and we shall see what he says. I am really hoping he does one. I can't wait to meet my little girl. Hoping she comes soon all on her own.

How is everyone?

Good luck! I hope that they are able to do the sweep and that it kick starts labour for you.

Afm- my body has been torturing me. Its been on and off in early labour, which i never had with my DD. So I feel like my body is basically taunting me saying it CAN do this naturally, but since my scar is thin, i cant follow through. So have been trying not to think about it too much. Not a clue if im dilated or anything as they havent been checking me since there's no point lol. But baby is really low and head down.

I go in tomorrow morning for my c-section. Nerves started in yesterday evening big time. Stomach was in knotts and havent gotten much sleep. Really hoping I manage to sleep better tonight as tomorrow is going to be a loooong day!

Oh, and they estimated my LO to be about 10lbd 1oz last wednesday, so even though it can be off, he is still going to be a bigger boy for sure!

Hope everyone else is doing okay

Congrats hon on your little one coming really soon! I hope you get some great sleep tonight that way you are not too worn out in the morning. I can't wait to see pictures of your precious boy. 10lbs 1 oz, big boy. I was 10lbs 2 oz at birth (csection). Can't wait to hear your update momma.
Hi ladies, we are planning to start ttc in September. I am hoping for a home water birth, but if nothing else, at least a vbac. I have read tons of research, watched videos. I know that vbacs are safer than repeat c-sections and I know that I have the right to try for one. I know that induction leads to c-section, I know that there is no (general) reason baby needs to be out by 40 weeks. I want to go to my first appointment prepared with research in hand in case I have to fight my case (I also know that I may need to try several different dr before I get one that I feel is truely supportive of me and my decisions). So my question is, which particular sites/ books are best for scholarly sources and factual numbers? I know that the ICAN white papers are good, but I don't want to print out a books worth of info when they will likely only look at a couple of the pages. It will be more like a scare tactic:haha:, showing that I have done research and know what I am talking about. So what are the best facts to bring to the table and where get them from (American by the way)?
Also to those wondering, I will consult midwives of course, I am just hoping to get a dr on my side first. If I don't I will certainly move forward without their "okay".

Hi hun and welcome to the VBAC group :flower: I am also in the US and am hoping for a vbac. I was met with a bit of resistance by the ob/gyn so be prepared. I did end up switching to another Dr. who happens to be pro vbac and breech vaginal delivery. It was really hard finding him though. You have done GREAT getting yourself some information. https://www.vbac.com/

I am wishing you all the best and I hope everything goes great for you! I did read that doulas were really great to have as a support as well.

Thanks. I have a great recommendation for a dr in the area, it came from a midwife that doesn't do home vbacs (just cause of all the political crude going on here). I am hoping he will be supportive of my decision to try and home birth, just because I will feel better about.
Also, thank you for the site. I like this:
"Per the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG, 2010), VBAC is a “safe and appropriate choice for most women” with one prior cesarean and for “some women” with two prior cesareans. Being pregnant with twins, going over 40 weeks, having an unknown or low vertical scar, or suspecting a “big baby” should not prevent a woman from planning a VBAC (ACOG, 2010)."
Hi all!

I would love to avoid another c-section with this LO, but I've got no idea what happened during my last 'labour' and what, if anything, I could do differently. I went 18 days overdue by LMP and 15 days over by scan dates. I'll use scan dates here, as this is what the consultant will go by (although I believe the LMP dates)

I was given 4 sweeps last time between 41 and 42 weeks. Each time, they said I was 2-3cm dilated, soft and favourable and should 'labour within the next day or two'. At 42 weeks, I went in to be induced. I was given the final sweep, and put on a monitor which confirmed that LO was fine and something was happening, so induction wouldn't be necessary. I was told to go for a walk while they got a room ready for me in the midwife led unit. Went for a walk, but kept getting a really intense urge to urinate, so it wasn't comfortable to walk too far. We managed it for about 45 mins, before going back to triage.

We waited in triage for another 3 or 4 hours while they got the room ready for us. Finally wheeled down to the room, where I was told that I wasn't in labour, and why was I there. We were allowed to stay there for an hour, and they gave my OH massage oils to use on me, which should stimulate labour. Nothing happened in the hour I was there, so I was told I'd be taken back up to the normal delivery unit and induced, probably just by having my waters broken.

A consultant came to see us and basically sent us home. He theoretically gave us a choice, but he said 'you can either stay here and have a more painful, chemically induced labour where you're strapped to the bed, or you can go home and it'll happen naturally overnight. You'll probably be back here during the night, and if not, come back in the morning and we'll induce you then'. So off home we went.

That was about 8 hours sat waiting around the hospital for nothing.

The next day, we went in at 9am. We were left sat until 11, when a woman finally came and offered us a drink. We were taken into a room and the midwife put me onto a monitor. LO was struggling. His heart wasn't accelerating and decelerating like it had been the day before - it was steady, but not as good as she'd have liked. I was put onto a saline drip to rehydrate me, as she thought that might have been the problem. She was finally happy to break my waters. She broke them, but there was no water really, it was all meconium. The midwife's face fell, but she remained positive.

I went to the toilet while she found a consultant. He gave the go ahead for induction. I was hooked up to the drugs, and she left to get a resuscitation machine, which she figured we'd need. About 15 seconds after the drip started, LO's heart rate disappeared. OH called the midwife back. She tried to find the heartbeat for a few seconds, and then she pulled the emergency cord. We were taken for a c-section. They managed to find a heart beat just in time for me to be able to stay awake during the op. LO was suctionned and messed with at birth (I've got no idea what they actually did), and he had trouble with his blood sugar and temperature in the first day. He was kept on a heat mat and given formula as he wouldn't latch on.

Sorry this is so long! I'm almost done...

So my question basically is does anyone have any idea what happened? I was dilated from 41 weeks (possibly earlier - no-one checked) and in theory, I should have laboured. I was very active - walked to and from the hospital for all the appointments and was still walking a few miles a day.

If my body just doesn't labour, then I can't see how I'm going to avoid another c-section. I know they're reluctant to induce after a c-section, although they might break your waters. I'm also not sure whether it was the drugs that caused LO's heart problems before birth, or whether they were just the straw that broke the camel's back.

I just don't know anyone else who's gone so far overdue, been apparently 'favourable' for labour, but has ended up with an EMCS after never being in labour.

I don't want to get my hopes up for a VBAC, only to learn it really is a problem with my body that I just don't labour.

Thanks to anyone who's read this lot. If anyone has any ideas (about what to ask the consultant, about what happened last time, about anything) I'd be so interested to see them :flower:

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