VBAC info/support

What a horrible experience Patch :( Have you been through your notes with your midwife? They might be able to give a better explanation of what happened and why. It may be that your wee one wasn't in the right position to press on the cervix, that's the only thing I can think of just now.
I contracted from 37 weeks, was 2cm with bulging waters at that point but didn't go into labour. I had every stage of induction at 42wks but ended up with an EMCS after DS' heart rate went up and there was meconium, but I had dilated with the drip, it took a long time though. The heartbeat disappearing may have just been the monitor slipping or baby moving and given longer on the drip you may have dilated/contracted etc, it may have been a co-incidence that his HB went at that point. I would ask the m/w or consultant that! From what I've read/heard it's really uncommon for women not to labour. When's your cons appt?
Happy to report that our son Dean Lucas was born yesterday at 8:50am via planned c-section. He weighed 10lbs 8ozs and 21 3/4inches long. Everything went and has been going very smoothly. Its been a great experience for us. I was able to hold him in the OR for 10mins and then they brought him right to me for skin to skin and breast feeding as soon as i got into recovery.

He's been cluster feeding most of the night and seems to be doing amazing.

Thanks to everyone for their support when i was trying to decide which road to take.

Oh and they said he looked to be overdue(he was born at 38 and 6) and the OB said there had been no change in my cervix at all. So i think we made the right choice for us for sure!
What a horrible experience Patch :( Have you been through your notes with your midwife? They might be able to give a better explanation of what happened and why. It may be that your wee one wasn't in the right position to press on the cervix, that's the only thing I can think of just now.
I contracted from 37 weeks, was 2cm with bulging waters at that point but didn't go into labour. I had every stage of induction at 42wks but ended up with an EMCS after DS' heart rate went up and there was meconium, but I had dilated with the drip, it took a long time though. The heartbeat disappearing may have just been the monitor slipping or baby moving and given longer on the drip you may have dilated/contracted etc, it may have been a co-incidence that his HB went at that point. I would ask the m/w or consultant that! From what I've read/heard it's really uncommon for women not to labour. When's your cons appt?

They tried to find his heartbeat with the ear trumpet thing (no idea what that's called) when the monitor lost it, and it had decelerated before disappearing, so I'm pretty confident it wasn't just a monitor slip :( Whether it just got weaker or he moved, I have no idea. I know they didn't find it again until I was given an oxygen mask in the theatre. I didn't really want to risk it at that point though! I'll definitely ask them about that bit, as that was the deciding factor in the c-section.

It could have been a positioning thing. I don't know what more I could have done to get him into position - I sat on a birthing ball every evening from about 34 weeks and walked miles daily. I never sat reclined in a chair, and I spent a fair bit of time on all fours. Again, it's totally worth asking about!

I think the appointment is in October, but it's not 100% clear. They're pretty hopeless round here at telling you anything. I have about 4 appointments booked over the next 2 months, and I've only had a letter about one of them.

I don't want to just book a c-section on some arbitrary date, but I'm not sure I could cope with going so far over and not knowing what's happening again.

Congrats TTCinBC on the birth of your LO. Glad you had a good experience and feeding is going well :flower:
Happy to report that our son Dean Lucas was born yesterday at 8:50am via planned c-section. He weighed 10lbs 8ozs and 21 3/4inches long. Everything went and has been going very smoothly. Its been a great experience for us. I was able to hold him in the OR for 10mins and then they brought him right to me for skin to skin and breast feeding as soon as i got into recovery.

He's been cluster feeding most of the night and seems to be doing amazing.

Thanks to everyone for their support when i was trying to decide which road to take.

Oh and they said he looked to be overdue(he was born at 38 and 6) and the OB said there had been no change in my cervix at all. So i think we made the right choice for us for sure!

CONGRATS mommy!!!
So ready to be done. I am so uncomfortable.

I saw my Dr on Friday at 37+6 and had a cervical check. I am 0% effaced and NO dilation. The Dr. said not to expect to go into labor on my own on time. He offered me a repeat csection this coming Friday (38+6). After some tears I agreed. Then after I agreed, waited for them to schedule it (45 minutes)and then they say the hospital said no because I am ONE day before 39 weeks and repeats can not be done at that time. The doc will be out of the office my entire 39th and 40th week and therefore they can't do it until 41 +6 (since he only does sections on Fridays). I was told if I go into labor this weekend he is on call and will let me vbac however if I go into labor after that and before he is back his replacement will do an emergency c-section. :cry: I just don't know what to do! Karlee is already over 8lbs and I'm only 38+1, I have had protein in my urine for my last 5 visits, I am ALWAYS swollen to the point where my shoes and rings don't fit, dizzy, something just isn't right and they are just letting me suffer. Ugh I am just frustrated beyond anything. I have been walking 3 1/2 miles a day and NO progress at all. LO is way to comfy in mommy's belly.
My C-section baby was born at 42+1. I went into labour naturally at 42+0.
My VBAC baby was born at 39+2.

Just cos your first baby was late doesn't mean your second baby will be late.
I agree- my first emcs baby was 16 days past due date, my second vbac was 8 days before :) xx
I also went early, 38+6, having NEVER done so with the other three (or even went into labour at all!!)
Hi everyone, so glad I found this thread! I'm hoping for a VBAC after an emcs 5 years ago - will be 6 by time baby is due. They have already told me that my water birth is out as they don't have monitors that go underwater. I'm worried that I'm going to spend days strapped to a bed! I have my 20 week scan this week, then another scan at 30 weeks. Will they tell me at this scan if I can try to Vbac? I'm a bit worried as the area over my scar has been a bit tender to the touch since about 16 weeks. Is this normal or is this a sign that something isnt right with my scar tissue?
Hi Melly, congratulations on your pregnancy! I don't know much about the scar tbh. Hopefully one of the other ladies could help advise. Re the monitoring etc, I spoke to my mw as I was contemplating changing hospitals, and she's arranged for me to see a consultant in the hope that they will let me go without. I've got an appointment for a couple of weeks time and am going to do as much research as possible so I'm prepared. Could you do the same? X
Not sure what its like there, but at my 28 week ultrasound, i requested that the tech take some info on my incision site. For me it turned out to be considered thin.

Good luck and i hope you get your vbac!
mamabirth blog have just done a series of interviews with VBAC/VBAMC/HBAC mums with some wonderful stories and glorious piccies

Hello ladies, im a VBAC hopeful!
I had a section with my DD due to slow progression, she was B2B and had several comments that her size might have also had some thing to do with it and i would have had problems delivering her natrally, she was 9lb 3.5oz and im a 5ft2 size 8 so everyone was surprised i had such a large baby.

My MW knows i want to try for a vbacs but said they might want to do growth scans on the baby to check its not going to be another big one.
I'm due to have my first consultation meeting with a midwife tomorrow and worried about what they might say as ive read on many sites that having a big baby is not a valid reason to have a elective CS.

Any advice for me please ladies? xxx:flower:
I had my scan but she said she can't properly see scar tissue. My placenta is at the back though so thats a good thing. They said my 30 week scan is to check size of baby not my scar tissue either.
I asked yesterday could they check scar tissue to see how it was and they said they couldn't, it would really only been about 6 weeks after the section they could do that. What's that all about?!
:hi: Heidi. Your c section reason sounds similar to mine. My consultant said they only consider the baby to be large enough for intervention if it's 11lb or over which I was really surprised about. I asked for a growth scan at 32 weeks to help make my mind up but more because my son had a massive head and I want to see how big this one's head is. X

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