Have any of you ladies tried hypnobirthing? I want to stay at home for as long as possible if i do go in to labour and wondered if hypnobirthing would be helpful at all? any experiences with it? x
Have any of you ladies tried hypnobirthing? I want to stay at home for as long as possible if i do go in to labour and wondered if hypnobirthing would be helpful at all? any experiences with it? x
I did Hypnobirthing (Mongan method) last time but lost it in the chaos of induction. Doing Natal Hypnotherapy this time as there's a specific VBAC version. I've been doing it for a few weeks and I think I feel better about my EMCS and my chances of VBAC (HBAC).
Have any of you ladies tried hypnobirthing? I want to stay at home for as long as possible if i do go in to labour and wondered if hypnobirthing would be helpful at all? any experiences with it? x
The VBAC natal hypnotherapy CD was nice.
I cant say I hypnobirthed but I found it useful in pregnancy to relax and to ensure I would be in the right mind set in labour.
I found just taking steps to make sure I was in control of the process and not allowing things to overtake me (esp my own thoughts/fears) or to be taken out of the process allowed me to have a wayyy better experience this time.