VBAC info/support

Omiomen thats such a difficult decision for you. Whats the medical reason for having to have epidural straight away?
He said so it is in right away so they do not have to put me under a general anaesthetic if I need a c-section (but he sort of phrased it a lot more like when I end up with an EMCS). I have looked online and have seen some reference to it but that it is not mandatory. I feel like a lot of what he said was to put me off a VBAC. :shrug: I am going to talk to my midwife about it when I see her next. Also I am classed as high risk for pre-eclampsia and should get extra checks but he basically said don't worry about it. I feel a bit down after that appointment.
I'd be telling him where to stick that plan tbh. He seems to want you to struggle as much as possible and have another EMCS. Can you ask to speak to someone else, or request a different consultant?
My and DH talked about it some more this morning and think we are going to try an push for a better plan. So I will ask my midwife about how I go about it when I see her at 24 weeks. I think the 36 week scan might be so he can give me a reason for a planned one now I have had some time to think about how he worded things.
Sorry I'm not sure if you said why you had a c section last time but what your consultant says sounds very unnecessary and just to give himself an easy ride. He doesn't seem to be considering your wishes at all.

Firstly it's not necessary to go in immediately. I had heard this but queried it and was told to head in when contractions are 1 minute long every 6-7 minutes. Secondly, the epidural thing is crazy. If that's the real reason I would tell them where to go. That's completely unnecessary and will increase the chances of another c section. The epidurals now are better than the were and often you can move etc but it's not a given.

The cannula and monitoring is also not necessary but you'd have to put up more of a fight to resist those. I did and was told I didn't have to have them but ended up with them anyway.

I also went overdue by 13 days so I'm surprised they are only letting you go over by a week.

I would suggest booking an appointment with your supervisor of midwives to discuss.

At the end of the day they can't make you do anything you don't want to do. Xx
Thank you I will try that. I know the statistics and research in the area and it seemed like he was ignoring it all, he was trying to make out like if I did not do exactly as he wanted that I would end up with uterine rupture and die! From what I have read that happens in less than 1% of cases when labour started naturally.

The official reason I had a c-section last time was breach positioning but I was told that it was a mix of reasons and I was just too high risk to try a vaginal birth. My son was breach and because I had low-ish waters along with pregnancy-induced hypertension since about 22 weeks (which meant there were concerns about the quality of the placenta) they could not attempt to turn him. I also had pre-eclampsia by the end of pregnancy and step-b.
It's even less than that as the 1 in 200 is just it thinning.

I would tell them that you would like to see how this pregnancy goes. Of course, if your baby is breach then it may be tricky but hopefully this one will be in a better position.

Good luck xx
Hi, can I join you girls :)

I had an emergency section with my last pregnancy due to severe HELLP syndrome, I am planning a VBAC this time :)
I was speaking to a lady at playgroup who had a vbac. First person I've met in real life who has had one!
Some more inspiring VBAC successes.


VBAC after 4 sections!!

May I join? I just got back from hospital today after seeing the Dr who gave me a flyer about the pro/cons of a VBAC. To me it seemed like her attitude was leaning more towards another c-section but of course she didn't say that but she said enough to scare me to death about the possibility of a still born or loss of my uterus...It really freaked me out.
I had an emergency c-section with my DD because of several reasons
1. high blood pressure, 2. She was head down but looking up so her head was at a weird angle and I was told they couldn't use a vacuum or forcepts because of the way her head was positioned and 3. They thought she had done meconium inside me and were concerned she may inhale it. After my c-section I had to endure 2 blood transfusions and total bed rest for the first 3 days and really felt like I couldn't be the mother to my child I was suppose to be. My DH had to do everything from swaddling, changing nappies, her first bath...etc. I really felt like she wasn't even mine and I was just observing. I really was hoping for a VBAC this time round but now I am scared.
Sorry for the long story. Has anyone else experienced similar attitudes from their hospital? or faced a similar post-csection drama?
oh hey Missfox...I know you from the other forum. Good to see a familiar face! I am so confused right now...I went to the hospital with my ideal birth plan and feel like it has just been stomped on. Dr did say she would need my medical records from my previous pregnancy so I get home and the midwife calls me up saying they forgot to give me the form for consent and will need to mail it to me and then I need to mail it back...It is almost like they want to make it difficult for me...sigh. vent over.
:hi: The reasons for your last c section makes me wonder why they're being pro c section as the chances are this baby will be in a better position. My c section was due to incorrect positioning and they were very pro vbac. X
Hi libbys! I had a few moments in myappointment with one of the high risk obs that seemed like he was skeptical. The femal dr said I have a 50-50 chance, more if I done put on much weight as I'm over weoight and less if this baby is bigger than my DD was. The male dr said they will start with a sweep a week from 37 weeks to try to get me moving early and hopefully avoid induction/repeat section.
There is a lot of information in the first post and lots of information to take a look at.
I don't know what a sweep is! They said they will probably do a scan on me at 24weeks to see size of baby, position etc...in the meanwhile they will try and get my hospital records and previous medical notes from the other hospital and stuff. That will be mid-March so I got some time to read up about it all and hopefully get less confused.
May I join? I just got back from hospital today after seeing the Dr who gave me a flyer about the pro/cons of a VBAC. To me it seemed like her attitude was leaning more towards another c-section but of course she didn't say that but she said enough to scare me to death about the possibility of a still born or loss of my uterus...It really freaked me out.
I had an emergency c-section with my DD because of several reasons
1. high blood pressure, 2. She was head down but looking up so her head was at a weird angle and I was told they couldn't use a vacuum or forcepts because of the way her head was positioned and 3. They thought she had done meconium inside me and were concerned she may inhale it. After my c-section I had to endure 2 blood transfusions and total bed rest for the first 3 days and really felt like I couldn't be the mother to my child I was suppose to be. My DH had to do everything from swaddling, changing nappies, her first bath...etc. I really felt like she wasn't even mine and I was just observing. I really was hoping for a VBAC this time round but now I am scared.
Sorry for the long story. Has anyone else experienced similar attitudes from their hospital? or faced a similar post-csection drama?

Did she give you a pro-con of a repeat cesarean? This is something that is commonly and conveniently left out by OB's.

The risk of rupture after one prior low transverse cesarean is comparable to other obstetrical emergencies, like cord prolapse, placental abruption and shoulder dystocia, but we don't see OB's suggesting surgery in every pregnant woman do we?

I would seek a different health provider.
Thanks ladies, I don't go back til March so I am going to do a lot of reading up on the pros and cons...I talked to DH about it and he is from USA and he assumed that I would get another c-section automatically...I told him about the pros of trying for a vbac and I explained that another c-section would double my risk of heavy bleeding after and probable transfusion...due to the amount of blood I lost with my first c-section I am very hesitant to have another c-section and want to at least try to do it normally if I can.
Hi ladies,

Has anyone on here had a sucessful VBAC with a back to back baby?

I am only 35 weeks so my little man still has time to turn but I'm worried about what will happen if he doesn't. I've heard that labour with back to back babies is slower and more painful through all stages and my labour with my daughter was long, painful and resulted in a section at the end of it even though she was in an anterior position.

I've got a consultants appointment next week to formulate my birth plan but it would be good to here some stories, especially (though not excusively) positive ones before I go.

Thanks ladies :flower: x
DS decided to go back to back just before labour. Took 3 days of niggles to get going and about 12-15 hrs of latent labour to establish, which I managed with water and mobilising. Little monster just wouldn't turn around. Eventually he was born face to pubes (ie STILL the wrong way round) with a little help from forceps. No epidural, just a lot of gas and air and a block before episiotimy and forceps.

DD was the right way round, but I was epiduraled from about 5cm with her so I can't compare.

I don't think being a VBAC made it any different than any other back to back labour.

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