VBAC info/support

Thanks Fishy.. Starting to get nervous now!! Eek
Come on baby!! How's life with two?
Had the sweep, cervix still posterior but the consultant managed to get her finger in and stretch it & sweep the membranes. Booked another for Wednesday am... Otherwise it's c section on Thursday if breaking my waters doesnt move things along! Had a show since he sweep... But no pains xx
Ooh a show is a good sign! Good luck!

Two so far is good, although ask me again on Friday when my dh goes back to work :s
Really random question but one that I'm really curious to ask. Does anyone here know what type of hysterotomy closure they had?
Anybody? :cry:

Hey ladies,
I just need some....:wacko:....good thoughts maybe, positive thinking? I live in Massachusetts, and after switching my doctor numerous times, I finally found one that is all for my vbac :thumbup: I'll give you a little back story.

My water broke for my first at 41 weeks 4 days, at 2:45 am. I went right into the hospital was told I was 2 cms and offered an epidural. I didn't take the epi, and fell asleep. I woke up at 11am, was checked and asked for the epidural. I was 10 cms, they wouldn't give me an epi. I pushed from 12pm until 2:30pm, and was told I needed a c section. My first child, a girl named Madison Celeste, was born on January 14th 2007, she had to be pulled out and pushed up the birth canal at the same time. She was 9 pounds 2 ounces and was facing upwards. I was told my reason for needing a c section was she was too big, she was facing up, and she had a nuchal cordx3.

My second child, a boy names Jacob Daniel, was born on may 6th 2008 by repeat c section. I was never told about vbac. He was 9 pounds 9 ounces and even though his apgar scores were 8 and 8 he was in the nursery for 7 hours due to breathing issues.

I am due January 25th 2013, and was told I can have a vbac. I had an ultrasound yesterday (32 weeks 5 days) and my baby is weighing in at 5 pounds 8 ounces and in the 92nd percentile. :dohh: I am SO scared of uterine rupture, but I am also SO scared of another c section. THREE C SECTIONS?! I don't know what to do. I want to try, but I am so scared I'll rupture and something will happen to my son, or me. I have two other children who need me here....I'm such a baby :baby: I have another ultrasound in a month to find out how much he has grown. I just am hoping there are some ladies in here who have had a VBA2C and have good stories. Any help or advice would be nice. :cry:
Gingersnap, I have not had a vbac (although I hope to have one with my next, whenever that may be) but I wanted to wish you good luck and send some positive, courageous, trusting vibes your way.:hugs:
Hi lovely, I'm afraid I've only had the one c section so am not that knowledgeable about the risks involved. With a vbac after one c section the risks of the scar 'weakening' is 1 in 200. The risk of it actually opening is much much lower and it's extremely uncommon for it to be fatal.

They will strap you up to monitors etc so that they can keep a close eye on you. Also if your scar starts to weaken you will probably feel pain in between contractions.

Basically there are signs before things start going wrong so you could always try and if things start getting complicated you could then opt for a c section.

My first was 9lb and got stuck mainly due to his enormous head. My 2nd son was 8lb 4oz and again with a large head but he was in a better position so I was able to birth him vaginally. So it is possible xx
Well I saw the midwife for my booking in appointment. It went really well. She asked how it went last time, I told her what happened and she said I really had no chance of a natural delivery....but she then asked me what I wanted to do this time. I said VBAC and she clapped saying it is what they would want and recommend I do. I got to 9.5cm the last time so have a very good chance, also as I wasn't induced and the fact that my waters went themselves gives me better odds?

Anyway positive appointment and feeling good. I want to discuss birth plans just in case I do end up with another EMCS. I want to see my child born and I want to hold my baby and possibly have skin to skin. I would want a more positive section, not the trauma of the last one that led to pnd.

But yay, ball rolling!
Also, was wondering can you take raspberry leaf capsules if you have had a previous section. I can't find a definite answer!
Hello ladies, just wondered if and when you had a sweep?
My MW said not to book an appointment for next week and just go along the the hospital appointment that the consultant booked at T+7. With my DD i had already had a sweep by this point so a bit worried that if i have one at this appointment its not really going to give me much of a chance to get things moving, do you think i should ask for one before then especially as i want a vbac!? x
Ooh happy due date!

I had my first sweep at 40+2 at my consultants appointment. Fx your little one joins you soon! How are you feeling? X
I am not sure how true it is but I have read that you shouldn't take raspberry leaf if you have had a c-section.
Ooh happy due date!

I had my first sweep at 40+2 at my consultants appointment. Fx your little one joins you soon! How are you feeling? X

Im not feeling to bad thank you, dont think i worded my post very well, in due next week but had my first sweep a couple days past my due date with my first, i really don't want to wait until Im a week over this time x

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