VBAC info/support

I don't think they can legally make you stay, but I don't know what you might go through trying to show back up. This is a really tough spot to be in. I am very sorry. Could your friend be around the house and do a couple of internals on you to help judge where you are at?

yes she has everything for a home labor. I am going to purchase a kit online as well just in case. I don't know how long or fast my labor will progress and just in case I want to be prepared . she can check me to see how im progressing etc.
Well that is good at least. I know it may still be scary. Maybe the closer you get, you may warm to the idea of staying at home. If not, I hope you get your vbac!!
Well that is good at least. I know it may still be scary. Maybe the closer you get, you may warm to the idea of staying at home. If not, I hope you get your vbac!!

After doing much more research, I am way more confident in a home birth. I found a woman who has had 9 children total. first 4 were vaginal hospital births, next 4 were c sections and her last baby was a home birth! that is so encouraging! I have found ppl who think im crazy but many many more who are supportive. I am now gathering a team of support to be there during labor and delivery:) counting down the weeks!! unless my water breaks sooner, I am planning the 2nd week of may!
Hi ladies, just wanted to update I achieved my vbac! It didn't go quite to plan as I didn't manage to go all natural but even with an epidural syntocin and forceps I still pushed him out myself. The recovery is... Different to say the least! I couldnt sit down properly for a week due to stitches but doing ok now.

Good luck to everyone.
Congrats Little Lady!!! Even though it didn't go as planned I am glad you seem okay with it.
It was a completely different experience, although I had forceps it was only because I was tiring and it was still a calm experience with immediate skin to skin which is what I wanted :)
That is great. That is really important to me too after not being able to see my son until he was 5 hours old.
that is so amazing to hear little lady! I am so proud and happy for you! I would love details about your labor process as I don't know what to really expect myself!!
Hi every one, I am expecting my 6th baby this will be my 5th VBAC after an emergency section on my first baby 12 years ago,,

I have had to stay strong and push for a vbac every time more soon my 3rd and 4th baby and I found my last labour very stressful

with the exception of my second baby who was my first VBAC whom I went in to natural labour 10 days late and he was 10,1 and I am only 4ft 10 :thumbup: I knew in my heart I could do it
My last 3 babies I have been induced at 38 to 39 weeks because of gestational diabetes.

At each of those inductions there has been worry because of
Cord prolaspe
Drip to bring on contractions
From midwife and doctors

I found my last labour very stressful, as doctor was very concerned over cord coming down and starting the drip to bring on contractions because it was my 4th baby after my c-section 12 years ago, she said because it was my 5th baby that the chance of my scar rupturing was much higher:dohh:

I had faith and I believed my body would not let me down at all, when they did eventually go in to labour (midwife went over doctors head and went to consultant on call he ok drip)

my DS did start to show declaration’s but it was because he had himself in an funny position, I did panic a little at this point as it was a little deja vue the same happened in my first pregnancy, the doctor came back to take some blood from his head and check his oxygen levels, while she was there she checked his position and decided to turn him which instantly sorted out him out he was much happier, it hurt like hell but I was so relieved, I was 5 cm and as he was now in a better position labour progressed very quickly and he was born within 20 minutes.

I always longed for the first touch, I felt everyone else got to hold touch my first with my c section, so I always looked forward to having my new baby lifted straight on to my tummy, not this time he was delivered on to my leg and cord was cut and he was whisked away and I felt it ruined it a little from me.

I know this time I will be induced again as GD is back and I am insulin dependent 5 injections a day but I want to avoid pressure for CS and have a birth I want not what suits my midwife : dohh:

I just wonder will they use oh 6th baby old scar higher case of rupture to try and pressure me and is this true!!!

I would love a home birth but it is 100% out of the question where I live I love to go in to labour myself but on less by some miracle that happens at 38 weeks it will be induction for me
Did everyone trying for a vbac speak to someone about the process ect? Its just appart from a quick consultant appointment at 22 weeks where they said yes go for VBAC i've had no specific advise. My community MW is nice but not said anything to me about birth plan ect. Plus i live between two hospitals and the one i'm going to is not hers so she doesn't know about their policies ect. I know from my own research about the risks ect but no one has said anything to me about continous monitoring, cannulas, when to go in once labour starts, induction ect. Is that normal???? I'm 35 weeks tomorrow.
Did everyone trying for a vbac speak to someone about the process ect? Its just appart from a quick consultant appointment at 22 weeks where they said yes go for VBAC i've had no specific advise. My community MW is nice but not said anything to me about birth plan ect. Plus i live between two hospitals and the one i'm going to is not hers so she doesn't know about their policies ect. I know from my own research about the risks ect but no one has said anything to me about continous monitoring, cannulas, when to go in once labour starts, induction ect. Is that normal???? I'm 35 weeks tomorrow.

A community midwife means little if the hospital you are VBACing isn't vbac friendly. Being VBAC friendly means much more than just agreeing to it. It means being flexible and relaxing CFM, cannula etc. I would suggest you find out the hospital policy and speak to head of midwifery to sign your specific birth plan if you do not want CFM/cannula/stuck on your back. You don't want the stress of struggle in labour.
Did everyone trying for a vbac speak to someone about the process ect? Its just appart from a quick consultant appointment at 22 weeks where they said yes go for VBAC i've had no specific advise. My community MW is nice but not said anything to me about birth plan ect. Plus i live between two hospitals and the one i'm going to is not hers so she doesn't know about their policies ect. I know from my own research about the risks ect but no one has said anything to me about continous monitoring, cannulas, when to go in once labour starts, induction ect. Is that normal???? I'm 35 weeks tomorrow.

A community midwife means little if the hospital you are VBACing isn't vbac friendly. Being VBAC friendly means much more than just agreeing to it. It means being flexible and relaxing CFM, cannula etc. I would suggest you find out the hospital policy and speak to head of midwifery to sign your specific birth plan if you do not want CFM/cannula/stuck on your back. You don't want the stress of struggle in labour.

Yeah I'm just not certain who to call if you know what i mean. I work as a nurse within the hospital trust so i've accessed all the guidelines for the midwives which say no cannula unless neccassary and continous CTG with telemetry so i can move around ect but I know that guidelines are just guideline plus it would be nice to speak to someone. :-/
Hi every one, I am expecting my 6th baby this will be my 5th VBAC after an emergency section on my first baby 12 years ago,,

I have had to stay strong and push for a vbac every time more soon my 3rd and 4th baby and I found my last labour very stressful

with the exception of my second baby who was my first VBAC whom I went in to natural labour 10 days late and he was 10,1 and I am only 4ft 10 :thumbup: I knew in my heart I could do it
My last 3 babies I have been induced at 38 to 39 weeks because of gestational diabetes.

At each of those inductions there has been worry because of
Cord prolaspe
Drip to bring on contractions
From midwife and doctors

I found my last labour very stressful, as doctor was very concerned over cord coming down and starting the drip to bring on contractions because it was my 4th baby after my c-section 12 years ago, she said because it was my 5th baby that the chance of my scar rupturing was much higher:dohh:

I had faith and I believed my body would not let me down at all, when they did eventually go in to labour (midwife went over doctors head and went to consultant on call he ok drip)

my DS did start to show declaration’s but it was because he had himself in an funny position, I did panic a little at this point as it was a little deja vue the same happened in my first pregnancy, the doctor came back to take some blood from his head and check his oxygen levels, while she was there she checked his position and decided to turn him which instantly sorted out him out he was much happier, it hurt like hell but I was so relieved, I was 5 cm and as he was now in a better position labour progressed very quickly and he was born within 20 minutes.

I always longed for the first touch, I felt everyone else got to hold touch my first with my c section, so I always looked forward to having my new baby lifted straight on to my tummy, not this time he was delivered on to my leg and cord was cut and he was whisked away and I felt it ruined it a little from me.

I know this time I will be induced again as GD is back and I am insulin dependent 5 injections a day but I want to avoid pressure for CS and have a birth I want not what suits my midwife : dohh:

I just wonder will they use oh 6th baby old scar higher case of rupture to try and pressure me and is this true!!!

I would love a home birth but it is 100% out of the question where I live I love to go in to labour myself but on less by some miracle that happens at 38 weeks it will be induction for me

i admire your continued strength on doing another vbac! i am attempting my first vbac w baby number 5 after 4 prior c sections. But I found an amazing youtube video about a mother who had a successful home birth with her 9th baby! She had her first 4 vaginal in the hospital, next 4 via c section and the 9th baby at home! Now if that isnt inspirational I dont know what is! I have met with midwives in my area that have delivered vbac and home births of upwards of 12 children where half were born via c section. One woman delivered a water birth for a mother who had 6 prior c sections and number 7 was at home. Just keep your head up! i have had to stand my ground with getting a vbac because my hospital is refusing to let me do it. Even with my drs support. So I am laboring at home god willing!
that is so amazing to hear little lady! I am so proud and happy for you! I would love details about your labor process as I don't know what to really expect myself!!

I feel proud too!! Ok so my first labour I got to 10cm and baby was back to back with a high head and getting tired. When I tried to push, her heart rate was dropping, they couldnt do an instrumental delivery so I had to have a section. It was a very long process and by the end I was worried and upset about what was happening. I refused skin to skin when she was born as I felt so ill and bonding took a while as did recovery.

When I got pregnant again I was put under a consultant. My notes said I had a small pelvis, however when I questioned this I was told baby's position was at fault, not my pelvis. I did a lot of online research about optimal positioning (spinningbabies.com) and determined to try a vbac next time. I was sent for a growth scan at 34 weeks to check I wasn't going to have a huge baby, but he was bang on average, so at 36 weeks my consultant agreed to let me vbac. I was worried in case I went overdue and needed an elcs but I got a vaginal examination at 40 weeks and was told I could have my waters broken artificially if necessary.

At 40+5 weeks my waters burst. I was told to go straight in to hospital and they would need to monitor me until I went into active labour. Fortunately my contractions got going immediately and after an hour of painful ones I got examined and was 5cm. At this point the only interventions I had was a baby heart monitor and a contraction monitor strapped round ny belly. I then got moved to delivery suite.

When on delivery suite I lasted another 4 hours with no pain relief at all, the midwives thought I was doing really well and thought I would deliver soon. I asked them to examine me again at 6am as I thought I was in transition, however I was still only 5cm. Also, baby's heart rate was dropping and I was made to lie on my left side, I became dehydrated and my pulse rate went up to 128. These factors made me decide to have an epidural to relax me and keep me calm.

So I got my epidural put in, baby got a trace put on his head, and I got some fluids in me. The consultant then came in and said I was to have some syntocin for 2 hours and if I failed to progress after that then it would be another c section. Well, at 9.30am I was examined and had got to 9cm! So a quick dilation after I had stalled. At 10.30am I started pushing, I had a lot of energy and tried really hard but after an hour I was flagging. My consultant came in and said as I had little energy left he would use forceps, but he could guarantee a natural delivery. I had to have an episiotomy as well and I also tore a little. Baby's head was slightly twisted which was probably why he wasn't so easy to push out, he also had the cord round his neck which explained the heart rate dropping.

I got immediate skin to skin, he was delivered onto my chest and hubby cut the cord, none of which we did with my first birth. I was home the next day too.

Overall I feel I was a lot better informed with this birth and I had a good medical team who let me know what was happening. I don't regret the epidural even though it wasn't in the birth plan, as I was getting quite tired with the intense contractions and also extremely dehydrated.

Hope this story is useful!!
i admire your continued strength on doing another vbac! i am attempting my first vbac w baby number 5 after 4 prior c sections. But I found an amazing youtube video about a mother who had a successful home birth with her 9th baby! She had her first 4 vaginal in the hospital, next 4 via c section and the 9th baby at home! Now if that isnt inspirational I dont know what is! I have met with midwives in my area that have delivered vbac and home births of upwards of 12 children where half were born via c section. One woman delivered a water birth for a mother who had 6 prior c sections and number 7 was at home. Just keep your head up! i have had to stand my ground with getting a vbac because my hospital is refusing to let me do it. Even with my drs support. So I am laboring at home god willing![/QUOTE]

Thank you, are you going to prepare yourself, I am thinking of doing some acupuncture leading up to my due date/ induction to help prepare my body.
I took raspberry leaf capsules and some homeopathic remedies for pregnancy and labour before my first VBAC and I had acupuncture, I guess this helped me feel in control and more prepared.
I am living in Ireland and it is very hard to have a home birth with a normal pregnancy never mind a high risk like mine :dohh::haha:

you are better off doing it at home, I love watching home births baby gets cuddled straight away no rush to cut the cord I am going to demand my baby is lifted straight in to my arms before they even think about taking him away like my last baby.
Tristan's mum, I spoke to my community mw who arranged an appointment with the supervisor of midwives. She talked through my options and signed off my request for no cannula etc. X
Well ladies. I bring discouraging news. I was ordered into my drs office today. She is being hassled so much regarding my vbac that she was forced to pull out her support. The hospital forced us both to sign a document stating that if i come to the hospital in labor that I am to have a c section. The politics are showing their ugly face. Now i know why there are so many women out there who say they had to fight to have their vbac. I am still in shock. I am 3 weeks away from my expected date. the hospital wont schedule a c section til 39 weeks, i always deliver by 37. But they threatened to have me escorted by the police or via ambulance if I dont show up for my scheduled surgery.

I couldnt even leave my dr office without signing that damn piece of paper. My dr wont even check my cervix, or do a group b strep test on me because she said if she does that, the hospital will be on her again. they dont feel its necessary to perform those tests on c section patients. My dr wants me to call the midwife and have the midwife perform the tests and do the delivery and only come to the hospital if theres a complication. But now the midwife is spooked because of the whole situation. I have the emotional support of another midwife who is going to talk to a lawyer. but she is licensed and can only perform a vbac for a max of 3 c sections because of her license restrictions in my state.

The hospital is making me sound like Im a total crazy person for wanting a vbac. or even trial of labor. I feel like im being bullied into being cut open again even though I know my risks for complications are far higher with a repeat c section. But they just care about their liability. I have ZERO medical reasons to keep me from a successful vbac. I am going to continue with my plan to deliver at home. God willing. And if something does go wrong I will go to the hospital nearest me. And it sure isnt the one that made me sign that paper. how am I suppose to feel safe in the hospital and safe delivering my baby when they will do such horrible things to me? I am not done fighting. I wont. And In a few weeks I hope to have an amazing home birth story to empower other women. I have my family, my faith, and my body.
Omg I'm in total shock that they can treat you like this! I really hope you get your vbac xx
So am I, I would diffidently get in touch with a lawyer now to cover my back if nothing else that has to be against your rights!! Also you can write to the hospital and tell them you’re changing to one closer to you and F them how dare they!!!

Keep strong and keep fighting if you feel VBAC Is for you then you hold strong :flower:
thank you so much for your support. I will be in contact w a lawyer and the hospital cant force me to go there when i have 2 other hospitals closer to where I live. i am going to do this on my own at home w my husband and my best friend. my best friend went to school to be a midwife but hasnt practiced in a while but is currently in nursing school. she delivered all 5 of her babies natural and i wouldnt have it any other way. if i end up going to the hospital for some reason i will just tell them i dont have a dr anymore and was planning a home birth. they cant do anything about it. I am more determined than ever to prove them wrong and do what I know is best for me, my baby and my family. and if in the end i end up w a c section after laboring doesnt work etc then it will be MY choice and I will know that i at least tried. Im pretty darn determined. lol

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