VBAC info/support

It is a tear in the muscle? Or parts that hold your insides in. Mine is in my belly button though they can happen other places. It hasn't made it stick out yet but you can see bulging when I cough and my belly button looks more like a cresant shape because the bulge is misshaping it.

It is right in my belly button I just checked and It sticking out quite a bit now :wacko:

I too have an umbilical hernia. i got it after my last c section and now my button is sticking out quite badly but it doesnt hurt anymore. my dr said that it isnt anything to worry about and it usually heals on its own after a couple of weeks. I hope both of you heal very fast ! dont stress too much!
LOL Miss Fox...my midwife had it written that I had been given a referal to see the physiotherapist but nobody had given me anything so I ended up looking up the number myself on the hospital website and booking myself an appointment. It didn't cost anything for the appointment thankfully.
My belly button has a bulge too and when I poke it it feels like slushy stuff moving about...even DD has commented and kissed it saying "oh mumma sore?" It isn't too painful just weird.
Yea I was told as long as it doesn't get much bigger and is easily pushed back in then not to worry but if it won't push back on call the Dr office.
That is good to know! Seriously I feel like because this isn't my first pregnancy I am just left to my own vices...I haven't even been weighed regularly like I was with my first. The only time they have asked me to jump on the scales was at my first hospital appointment. I also feel like the doctors and stuff expect you know EVERYTHING if it is a subsequent pregnancy which I certainly do not. Has anyone else felt this way?
I do. I keep saying how much pain I'm in and their response is yeaaaa pregnancy. Wtf? And like how my iron is REALLY low but the Dr hasn't mentioned it. wic did. So now I'm wondering if I have GD and they just haven't told me. Ugh. I hope not. They would be less in favor of a vbac if so.
I dont think anyone has checked my iron or vitamin d or anything in ages...maybe I am not being assertive enough?
I do. I keep saying how much pain I'm in and their response is yeaaaa pregnancy. Wtf? And like how my iron is REALLY low but the Dr hasn't mentioned it. wic did. So now I'm wondering if I have GD and they just haven't told me. Ugh. I hope not. They would be less in favor of a vbac if so.

what makes you think you have GD :hugs: ps I am and I am on insulin and will be having my 5th VBAC 4th with insulin dependent GD and induction as well so it is still possible :flower:
I don't really. I'm just freaking out that they didn't tell me about my iron so who knows if they will tell me about gd
my most recent dr did the same thing to me. they ran blood work once but that was it. it wasnt until last week when my midwife came over and tested my urine and told me my iron was really low. and started me on supplements. i found out that the vitamins the dr gave me didnt have iron in them at all . dr wouldnt check me, ultrasound, nothing. i started feeling like they wanted me to have some reason to not be able to do a vbac and i guess i was right cuz she totally turned on me. I havent seen her in 3 weeks now and they have not called once to find out why i havent scheduled anymore visits. I feel like some drs just go w the motion of things. My midwife jumped in when i was 33 weeks pregnant and has shown more attention and caring towards me than my dr ever did. my dr just wanted the money. midwife isnt charging me. because of the whole mess ive been in. baby will be here soon. im 35 weeks now, and had pink cm today. taking more vitamins and eating a lot of healthy foods to give me an extra boost to make sure everything goes well in the next week or two.
hello everyone! well after bein checked I am now roughly 3 cm and fully effaced. been having regular contractions for a couple days. today they are hurting for sure. pretty sure i am now in early labor stages which can take a while. as long as i make it to saturday/sunday before active labor kicks in I can still deliver at home. Did anyone else experience a lot of cervical pain? baby is low but hasnt fully dropped yet but i am having almost a burning feeling during some contractions in my cervical area. my bowels are also kicking in so my poor bum is sore. i would have expected to be constipated with the extra iron im taking, which is another reason why im pretty sure labor is starting soon because its very very soft stool.

I am always looking for other womens experiences. since this will be my first official labor and all my prior babies were c sections at even the sign of labor starting, I need advice. did you have diarrhea? when did your water break? bloody show? etc :)
hello everyone! well after bein checked I am now roughly 3 cm and fully effaced. been having regular contractions for a couple days. today they are hurting for sure. pretty sure i am now in early labor stages which can take a while. as long as i make it to saturday/sunday before active labor kicks in I can still deliver at home. Did anyone else experience a lot of cervical pain? baby is low but hasnt fully dropped yet but i am having almost a burning feeling during some contractions in my cervical area. my bowels are also kicking in so my poor bum is sore. i would have expected to be constipated with the extra iron im taking, which is another reason why im pretty sure labor is starting soon because its very very soft stool.

I am always looking for other womens experiences. since this will be my first official labor and all my prior babies were c sections at even the sign of labor starting, I need advice. did you have diarrhea? when did your water break? bloody show? etc :)

if your up to it get dtd in to speed things up :winkwink: yep diarrhea is a sign of early labour :thumbup:
Definitely sounds like early labor. Hopefully not false labor. I had that with my DD
hello everyone! well after bein checked I am now roughly 3 cm and fully effaced. been having regular contractions for a couple days. today they are hurting for sure. pretty sure i am now in early labor stages which can take a while. as long as i make it to saturday/sunday before active labor kicks in I can still deliver at home. Did anyone else experience a lot of cervical pain? baby is low but hasnt fully dropped yet but i am having almost a burning feeling during some contractions in my cervical area. my bowels are also kicking in so my poor bum is sore. i would have expected to be constipated with the extra iron im taking, which is another reason why im pretty sure labor is starting soon because its very very soft stool.

I am always looking for other womens experiences. since this will be my first official labor and all my prior babies were c sections at even the sign of labor starting, I need advice. did you have diarrhea? when did your water break? bloody show? etc :)

if your up to it get dtd in to speed things up :winkwink: yep diarrhea is a sign of early labour :thumbup:

lol im going to wait until saturday because thats when im technically 36 weeks. i want to be able to have him at home so im not doing anything to speed it up at this point. they are getting more painful and im still trying to get my hub to understand just whats going on. he is shaken up. a local woman died the other day because she had placenta previa and it detached and she bled to death. she had 5 prior c sections and was being monitored and died during her 6th c section. he seems to think its a sign or something.
hello everyone! well after bein checked I am now roughly 3 cm and fully effaced. been having regular contractions for a couple days. today they are hurting for sure. pretty sure i am now in early labor stages which can take a while. as long as i make it to saturday/sunday before active labor kicks in I can still deliver at home. Did anyone else experience a lot of cervical pain? baby is low but hasnt fully dropped yet but i am having almost a burning feeling during some contractions in my cervical area. my bowels are also kicking in so my poor bum is sore. i would have expected to be constipated with the extra iron im taking, which is another reason why im pretty sure labor is starting soon because its very very soft stool.

I am always looking for other womens experiences. since this will be my first official labor and all my prior babies were c sections at even the sign of labor starting, I need advice. did you have diarrhea? when did your water break? bloody show? etc :)

if your up to it get dtd in to speed things up :winkwink: yep diarrhea is a sign of early labour :thumbup:

lol im going to wait until saturday because thats when im technically 36 weeks. i want to be able to have him at home so im not doing anything to speed it up at this point. they are getting more painful and im still trying to get my hub to understand just whats going on. he is shaken up. a local woman died the other day because she had placenta previa and it detached and she bled to death. she had 5 prior c sections and was being monitored and died during her 6th c section. he seems to think its a sign or something.

my mother had the same thing with my brother they both surrived and she deliverd him naturally no c section!!! that was 30 years ago here in Ireland as well and our health system was not very good!! may be tell him that of course if you showed signs all was not well ie bleeding you would of course go to hospital. my mum started bleeding so she went straight to hospital :hugs:

good luck :hugs:
thank you everyone for your support and input lately! my hub and i dtd tonight because i was just in the mood lol. i was tired the first half of the day and still having diarrhea. we all took a walk this evening w the kids to the park which got me out of the house. labor has been starting and stopping for several days now. by the time everyone reads this i will be officially 36 weeks! cant believe i made it! i dont know if things will pick up over the weekend or not but it would be kinda cool. our wedding anniversary is the 13th. dh is still concerned about the home birth but hes trying to keep it to himself. Once I know for sure labor is really here i will be sure to let everyone know!
I ended up going to the hospital yesterday,thought i was leaking fluid. the paper test came back positive, but because i told them i was a home birth they did an advanced swab and it was negative so they let me go home. i also requested a gbs test because i havent had one yet. i have been contracting so much lately im completely exhausted. cervix hasnt changed. my midwife told me that she wont be able to attend a home birth before 37 weeks so she wants me to stay in bed until at least friday.

im experiencing terrible back pain. and i have a feeling that if i do go into labor that i will be doing it at home without my midwife. she wants me to go to the hospital if my water breaks before 37 weeks but judging from my visit yesterday, i would end up being forced to stay flat on my back and end up w a c section against my will.

is it horrible that i still want to have him at home even if im 36 and not 37 weeks?
No. I was told after preterm labor with my daughter they wouldn't stop labor at 36 weeks because if baby chose to come then chances are lungs (biggest concern) were developed. Good luck!!
I ended up going to the hospital yesterday,thought i was leaking fluid. the paper test came back positive, but because i told them i was a home birth they did an advanced swab and it was negative so they let me go home. i also requested a gbs test because i havent had one yet. i have been contracting so much lately im completely exhausted. cervix hasnt changed. my midwife told me that she wont be able to attend a home birth before 37 weeks so she wants me to stay in bed until at least friday.

im experiencing terrible back pain. and i have a feeling that if i do go into labor that i will be doing it at home without my midwife. she wants me to go to the hospital if my water breaks before 37 weeks but judging from my visit yesterday, i would end up being forced to stay flat on my back and end up w a c section against my will.

is it horrible that i still want to have him at home even if im 36 and not 37 weeks?

Sure as soon as you know baby is on his way out if your worried call an ambulance so they get there just after so if any problems they can help but like Missfox says if baby is saying I am ready then they must be :hugs:
Considering a vbac. First baby was breech, only option at my hospital was c-section. Procedure was quite easy and recovery fairly quick and not too painful, but I figure I'll heal faster from a vbac. Anyone else have a breech first baby who is now a vbac candidate?

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