VBAC info/support

thank you so much for your support. I will be in contact w a lawyer and the hospital cant force me to go there when i have 2 other hospitals closer to where I live. i am going to do this on my own at home w my husband and my best friend. my best friend went to school to be a midwife but hasnt practiced in a while but is currently in nursing school. she delivered all 5 of her babies natural and i wouldnt have it any other way. if i end up going to the hospital for some reason i will just tell them i dont have a dr anymore and was planning a home birth. they cant do anything about it. I am more determined than ever to prove them wrong and do what I know is best for me, my baby and my family. and if in the end i end up w a c section after laboring doesnt work etc then it will be MY choice and I will know that i at least tried. Im pretty darn determined. lol

:thumbup: good I am glad stay strong!! I mean OMG you went in to labour and it was so quick no time to move :haha: well at least you have some one who can check your blood pressure and temp, and baby heartbeat plan plan plan and I wish you the very very best and I can not wait to read your birth story :hugs:
I would be livid! Definitely contact a lawyer. You are the patient and you have say in how you are treated! I wish you a speedy and safe homebirth! so frustrating!!!
i think i want it even more now than i did before! to just prove them wrong and say HA! they failed at trying to take my rights away. im not the only woman going through this. and it really saddens me that so many women are having to literally fight to be able to deliver the way god intended! drs are only telling women one side of everything. because that is what is the easiest for the dr and they rarely tell women the major side effects of a c section. yet they are actually talking first time mothers into an elective c section! it should be illegal! we are being cut open and having horrible damage to our bodies and now they are trying to take our rights away entirely to choose a vaginal birth. If im going to die during a delivery I would rather it be my way, then their way and bleeding out on a cold table . that may sound dramatic but thats how i feel. there is no record of a woman dying during a vbac. but there are plenty that die during c sections yet they tell me im being selfish and irresponsible to have a vbac! it infuriates me so much! i will prove them wrong and get my story out there about what has happened to me. local news, someone. im not going away. they messed w the wrong mama
i think i want it even more now than i did before! to just prove them wrong and say HA! they failed at trying to take my rights away. im not the only woman going through this. and it really saddens me that so many women are having to literally fight to be able to deliver the way god intended! drs are only telling women one side of everything. because that is what is the easiest for the dr and they rarely tell women the major side effects of a c section. yet they are actually talking first time mothers into an elective c section! it should be illegal! we are being cut open and having horrible damage to our bodies and now they are trying to take our rights away entirely to choose a vaginal birth. If im going to die during a delivery I would rather it be my way, then their way and bleeding out on a cold table . that may sound dramatic but thats how i feel. there is no record of a woman dying during a vbac. but there are plenty that die during c sections yet they tell me im being selfish and irresponsible to have a vbac! it infuriates me so much! i will prove them wrong and get my story out there about what has happened to me. local news, someone. im not going away. they messed w the wrong mama

I can not help but feel it is all to do with money!! which option pays them more??? for less of thier time??? makes you wonder does it not!! I know I read one woman story of being forced in to a c section and she brought a case against them and won!! need more of them to stop them!!
i think i want it even more now than i did before! to just prove them wrong and say HA! they failed at trying to take my rights away. im not the only woman going through this. and it really saddens me that so many women are having to literally fight to be able to deliver the way god intended! drs are only telling women one side of everything. because that is what is the easiest for the dr and they rarely tell women the major side effects of a c section. yet they are actually talking first time mothers into an elective c section! it should be illegal! we are being cut open and having horrible damage to our bodies and now they are trying to take our rights away entirely to choose a vaginal birth. If im going to die during a delivery I would rather it be my way, then their way and bleeding out on a cold table . that may sound dramatic but thats how i feel. there is no record of a woman dying during a vbac. but there are plenty that die during c sections yet they tell me im being selfish and irresponsible to have a vbac! it infuriates me so much! i will prove them wrong and get my story out there about what has happened to me. local news, someone. im not going away. they messed w the wrong mama

I can not help but feel it is all to do with money!! which option pays them more??? for less of thier time??? makes you wonder does it not!! I know I read one woman story of being forced in to a c section and she brought a case against them and won!! need more of them to stop them!!

yup exactly!! they make nearly 3 times more money off of the c section because not only is it major surgery, but the mother requires more time in the hospital, and a lot of the time the baby has to stay in the nicu longer as well. plus there are more dr appointments, follow ups etc. so they make a heck of a lot more money with a c section than a vbac. its all about money
sooo i met w the midwife and due to the current microscope my pregnancy is now under by the hospital, She is not going to help with my care or delivery. :( she is too well known and she said that the hospital could actually shut down her birth center. She has faith that I will be able to do it on my own at home and will be cheering me on. My good friend is still wanting to help but my husband is pretty terrified. I got quite upset with him because he thinks i should just do the surgery. I told him that if he wants the damn c section so bad then he can climb his happy ass up on the table and volunteer to be cut open! after explaining to him everything i went through with those surgeries that were NOT necessary and I felt that I deserve the chance to have labor my way, he came back around. some ppl just seem to think its sooo easy to have a c section. but when you have had nearly every complication possible with c sections its not exactly easy to just jump up there again . I am going to stay strong no matter what! I feel like I have to do this for other women as well. And when i am successful I will come out in the open and take a stand and tell ppl my story.
sooo i met w the midwife and due to the current microscope my pregnancy is now under by the hospital, She is not going to help with my care or delivery. :( she is too well known and she said that the hospital could actually shut down her birth center. She has faith that I will be able to do it on my own at home and will be cheering me on. My good friend is still wanting to help but my husband is pretty terrified. I got quite upset with him because he thinks i should just do the surgery. I told him that if he wants the damn c section so bad then he can climb his happy ass up on the table and volunteer to be cut open! after explaining to him everything i went through with those surgeries that were NOT necessary and I felt that I deserve the chance to have labor my way, he came back around. some ppl just seem to think its sooo easy to have a c section. but when you have had nearly every complication possible with c sections its not exactly easy to just jump up there again . I am going to stay strong no matter what! I feel like I have to do this for other women as well. And when i am successful I will come out in the open and take a stand and tell ppl my story.

Good luck at least you have her confidience you can do it!! just inform and give your DH any information he needs to feel more confident he needs to be on board and your support :flower:
hi :wave:

Im not pregnant yet or planning on being for a while but i think i need to ease my mind. bit of a back story.

I have had 2 planned sections. the first - twins - one twin blocked the exit :haha: DD was breech and laying across my pelvis (hip to hip) so there was no way of naturally getting them out, she had been that way since 28 weeks and by 39 weeks hadnt moved so i decided it would be best for a section.

second - was planning a vbac - had to go in for monitoring at 38 weeks due to lack of movement. after 2 hours monitoring was told by midwife i could go home only for the consultant to come in and say she wanted to talk to me. DD2 felt very small, going by scan meassurements was on the small side and i was carrying alot of water. she was worried. wanted me back in every 3 days for monitoring and back in for a scan in a weeks time. week later got told they were worried she was getting enough nutrition as she hadnt grown much and basically telling all the problems under the sun they could think of, scared me into making the desicion for another section. i was booked in for a week later.
at first they didnt believe i had had a previous section as i didnt have a scar (i had healed that well externally they couldnt locate it at all) wasn't until the midwife checked my notes that they believed me!

second scar is visable but still very hard to locate, seems i am a good healer :haha:

now here are the problems - every now and then i get pain which i always assume is my section scar but is actually a little higher if i place my finger where the pain is. no matter how i convince myself i still think its my scar :wacko:

do/did any of you ladies have pain in your scar 'area'?

I really want a natural birth with my next as it will be my last. as i had 2 planned sections will i be at a higher chance of successfully being accepted for a natural? (because planned sections healed better than emergancy apparently) i will be going to a completely different hospital the next time who do support vbacs strongly, i keep thinking should i tell a little white lie and not mention my sections :haha: i know naughty and not very safe and i probably wouldnt tell this little white lie anyway its just my neurotic mind talking nonsence to get me to agree to pushing for a natural when i do get roun to having a baby!

please someone make me feel stronger/safer/positive about having a VBA2C. becuase right now i dont feel that way at all even though its what i want. the crampy pains i get every now and then are a big contributing factor to my anxiety, even though as stated above the pain is probably higher and slightly wider apart from my scar i still keep thinking it must be my internal scar! :wacko:

sorry that ended up being longer than planned!
hi :wave:

Im not pregnant yet or planning on being for a while but i think i need to ease my mind. bit of a back story.

I have had 2 planned sections. the first - twins - one twin blocked the exit :haha: DD was breech and laying across my pelvis (hip to hip) so there was no way of naturally getting them out, she had been that way since 28 weeks and by 39 weeks hadnt moved so i decided it would be best for a section.

second - was planning a vbac - had to go in for monitoring at 38 weeks due to lack of movement. after 2 hours monitoring was told by midwife i could go home only for the consultant to come in and say she wanted to talk to me. DD2 felt very small, going by scan meassurements was on the small side and i was carrying alot of water. she was worried. wanted me back in every 3 days for monitoring and back in for a scan in a weeks time. week later got told they were worried she was getting enough nutrition as she hadnt grown much and basically telling all the problems under the sun they could think of, scared me into making the desicion for another section. i was booked in for a week later.
at first they didnt believe i had had a previous section as i didnt have a scar (i had healed that well externally they couldnt locate it at all) wasn't until the midwife checked my notes that they believed me!

second scar is visable but still very hard to locate, seems i am a good healer :haha:

now here are the problems - every now and then i get pain which i always assume is my section scar but is actually a little higher if i place my finger where the pain is. no matter how i convince myself i still think its my scar :wacko:

do/did any of you ladies have pain in your scar 'area'?

I really want a natural birth with my next as it will be my last. as i had 2 planned sections will i be at a higher chance of successfully being accepted for a natural? (because planned sections healed better than emergancy apparently) i will be going to a completely different hospital the next time who do support vbacs strongly, i keep thinking should i tell a little white lie and not mention my sections :haha: i know naughty and not very safe and i probably wouldnt tell this little white lie anyway its just my neurotic mind talking nonsence to get me to agree to pushing for a natural when i do get roun to having a baby!

please someone make me feel stronger/safer/positive about having a VBA2C. becuase right now i dont feel that way at all even though its what i want. the crampy pains i get every now and then are a big contributing factor to my anxiety, even though as stated above the pain is probably higher and slightly wider apart from my scar i still keep thinking it must be my internal scar! :wacko:

sorry that ended up being longer than planned!

hello there hun. I think that you are a very good candidate for a vbac. i myself have had 4 c sections, all emergency because i went into active labor before my scheduled ones and they said it was too "risky" at the time for vbac. But I am having a home birth in roughlly 3 weeks time. i myself did the research, thought id found a dr and a hospital to support it. but last week the hospital forced my dr to cancel my vbac and schedule surgery. I had horrible experiences w my c sections, and i also have pain still associated with my scar. even some areas on numbness. i envy your healing powers. my last surgery went horrible and they didnt stitch me up properly and i ended up tearing open and w an infection so it took 3 months for my incision to heal, and now my scar looks horrible.

I have spoken with mothers who have had a successful vbac after as many as 6 c sections. I have been told that labor is different and that the scar can kinda bulge out but that its normal. I wish I had known about vbac when I had only had 2 c sections. Many mamas will be very envious. i think the female body is amazing. Being pregnant again will help break up scar tissue, which can be painful in the scar area. But I really dont think you have anything to worry about. :) SUPPORT is always huge. surround yourself with supportive, understanding ppl that will let you know just how strong you are and that you CAN have the labor/birth that you have always wanted. good luck hun and trust yourself to know you, not a dr, or statistics etc.
sooo i met w the midwife and due to the current microscope my pregnancy is now under by the hospital, She is not going to help with my care or delivery. :( she is too well known and she said that the hospital could actually shut down her birth center. She has faith that I will be able to do it on my own at home and will be cheering me on. My good friend is still wanting to help but my husband is pretty terrified. I got quite upset with him because he thinks i should just do the surgery. I told him that if he wants the damn c section so bad then he can climb his happy ass up on the table and volunteer to be cut open! after explaining to him everything i went through with those surgeries that were NOT necessary and I felt that I deserve the chance to have labor my way, he came back around. some ppl just seem to think its sooo easy to have a c section. but when you have had nearly every complication possible with c sections its not exactly easy to just jump up there again . I am going to stay strong no matter what! I feel like I have to do this for other women as well. And when i am successful I will come out in the open and take a stand and tell ppl my story.

I am sorry the midwife won't be able to help you and I am sorry that your oh is scared and therefore not being very supportive. I think if you are comfortable with it, then go for a home birth, but I really think having good support will increase your chances of success greatly. Your friend can help with that, but I think you need to get your hubby on your side.
hello everyone! soo i have an update. I have been talking on the phone w a midwife for a couple months now and she has been such a huge support. She lives farther away so we were mostly just talking on the phone and she was giving me advice etc. Well, after i told her what has happened w my dr, the hospital and the other midwife she decided it was her calling to help me!

So yesterday she drove up to my house and did a prenatal visit, checked my urine, cervix etc. eh news is that im anemic, was a little dehydrated, need to eat much more protein and have to start taking calcium supplements. fabulous news is that little guy is head down still a little up, hasnt totally dropped yet but I am 1 cm dilated and 75 percent effaced :) so it looks like the timeline of mothers day is right on track! we have a plan in place for during and after delivery etc. I am so happy!!:happydance:
hello everyone! soo i have an update. I have been talking on the phone w a midwife for a couple months now and she has been such a huge support. She lives farther away so we were mostly just talking on the phone and she was giving me advice etc. Well, after i told her what has happened w my dr, the hospital and the other midwife she decided it was her calling to help me!

So yesterday she drove up to my house and did a prenatal visit, checked my urine, cervix etc. eh news is that im anemic, was a little dehydrated, need to eat much more protein and have to start taking calcium supplements. fabulous news is that little guy is head down still a little up, hasnt totally dropped yet but I am 1 cm dilated and 75 percent effaced :) so it looks like the timeline of mothers day is right on track! we have a plan in place for during and after delivery etc. I am so happy!!:happydance:

that is brilliant double up on the iron tablets :thumbup: good luck :hugs:
That is great news that you found someone you can trust to help!!
I went to a physiotherapist yesterday to get help with my pelvic/groin area. I have been suffering with symphysis pubis dysfunction I have to wear this support belt now during the day especially when standing for prolonged periods of time like while cooking etc. She also gave me some other hints and tips on how to deal with the pain. It helps a lot! I noticed the difference as soon as she helped me put it on. :thumbup:


  • 31 weeks eeek.jpg
    31 weeks eeek.jpg
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Glad to hear you're getting help!!!
Libbys glad to hear the belt is helping. I was s given one also but at the same time since I work with kids I spend too much time getting up and down that I haven't been wearing it. My belly button has also herniated and is causing some pain. Really hoping it doesn't get worse or decrease my vbac chances.
Miss Fox...I need to talk to the midwife at the hospital about that belly button popped out a couple of weeks back and I wondered the same thing! I dont see her until next Friday. I understand about getting up and down...I find I try to wear it as much as I can but certain things prevent me doing so like going to the bathroom...I find I have to do lots of re-adjusting. Maybe ask your physiotherapist what else you can do to minimize the pains. Mine said eat lots of fruits and veg so I don't strain going to the bathroom. Every little handy hint can help. I went to get more heartburn medication today and was told it would be cheaper if I got a script from the doctor. I did have one but lost it somewhere between moving house. So I really felt like it is another trip in the car and time wasting when I can just buy over the counter just to save a few bucks.
They haven't sent me to physical therapy yet! I keep saying but I get nowhere. The Dr gave me the belt in office. Also though they haven't called to tell me I'm anemic. I would have gone about life normally but luckily I had a WIC appointment and they told me I needed more iron.
Glad to hear you're getting help!!!
Libbys glad to hear the belt is helping. I was s given one also but at the same time since I work with kids I spend too much time getting up and down that I haven't been wearing it. My belly button has also herniated and is causing some pain. Really hoping it doesn't get worse or decrease my vbac chances.

is that were it bulges out at the bottum mine is still in but there is a bulge underneath it if I pull the skin up if that makes sense!! sorry you have some pain. :flower:
It is a tear in the muscle? Or parts that hold your insides in. Mine is in my belly button though they can happen other places. It hasn't made it stick out yet but you can see bulging when I cough and my belly button looks more like a cresant shape because the bulge is misshaping it.
It is a tear in the muscle? Or parts that hold your insides in. Mine is in my belly button though they can happen other places. It hasn't made it stick out yet but you can see bulging when I cough and my belly button looks more like a cresant shape because the bulge is misshaping it.

It is right in my belly button I just checked and It sticking out quite a bit now :wacko:

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