VBAC info/support

Just wanted to share the news that I had a successful vbac on Friday! I'm so pleased I did it! Had my son in Oct 2010 by emcs after forveps failed to turn him and deliver him. Always felt cheated.
I decided next time I'd try for vbac but never imagined I would succeed.
Sebastian was born 24/5/2013 at 23.10. 9lb 2oz!!! I was 40+6 and going to be induced the following day. All day on Friday I had painless contractions but thought they were bh. At 5pm oh convinced me to time them and they were 4-7 min apart and lasting up to a minute. They started hurting to so rang labour ward. Decided to go in to be checked and all of a sudden after I got off the phone they kicked in coming fast and painful. A very uncomfy trip in the car and was seen at 8pm and was 4cm. Used gas and air for the labour and they broke my waters for me to move things along. Started pushing at just after 10pm and he was born 11.10pm. He came out hand first and had a mild should dyslocia but the Dr got him out for me quick and he was fine. It was a very intense and painful labour and I was shocked how hard it was to push him out but I'm so proud of myself. Had a second degree tear but its much easier than my section wound. Home in 12 hours and so happy.

I really didn't think it would happen for me so to all the vbac mummies out there you can do it and its worth it. Good luck!
So pleased for you!! Congrats on your new bubba and on achieving your vbac!! :) xx
Huge congrats on your VBAC and your little baby enjoy and rest up now :flower:
Just wanted to share the news that I had a successful vbac on Friday! I'm so pleased I did it! Had my son in Oct 2010 by emcs after forveps failed to turn him and deliver him. Always felt cheated.
I decided next time I'd try for vbac but never imagined I would succeed.
Sebastian was born 24/5/2013 at 23.10. 9lb 2oz!!! I was 40+6 and going to be induced the following day. All day on Friday I had painless contractions but thought they were bh. At 5pm oh convinced me to time them and they were 4-7 min apart and lasting up to a minute. They started hurting to so rang labour ward. Decided to go in to be checked and all of a sudden after I got off the phone they kicked in coming fast and painful. A very uncomfy trip in the car and was seen at 8pm and was 4cm. Used gas and air for the labour and they broke my waters for me to move things along. Started pushing at just after 10pm and he was born 11.10pm. He came out hand first and had a mild should dyslocia but the Dr got him out for me quick and he was fine. It was a very intense and painful labour and I was shocked how hard it was to push him out but I'm so proud of myself. Had a second degree tear but its much easier than my section wound. Home in 12 hours and so happy.

I really didn't think it would happen for me so to all the vbac mummies out there you can do it and its worth it. Good luck!

YEAH!!!!! CONGRATS!!! thank you for sharing!!!! so hopeful!!! :D
Hello my amazing supportive friends. My son was born Saturday. Thank you all for your concern in wondering how things with me were going. After being in labor for nearly a week, my dh and I had no one to come to our home and monitor me or the baby so after over 24 hours of agony and contractions 4 min apart I made the choice saturday morning to go to the hospital. Even though I had been contracting for such a long time, my cervix was not moving past 4 cm. The hospital could not find a dr that would do a vbac so I let them call my previous dr to come in and do my c section. She came in and still tried to get the hospital to allow the trial of labor, god bless her. She had hoped i had already had the baby at home. She was so supportive, and amazing. My delivery team of drs and nurses knew my fears and were the most amazing group of ppl i had ever met in my life. My son was born 6lbs 3 oz and 19 1/2 inches long w a full head of black hair!

sadly, i cant have anymore babies:( which I knew would happen if i had another c section. I sang during my own c section, and even did a little martina mcbride duet w the attending obgyn lol it was a great experience for everyone. I was able to leave the hospital last night, after only 2 days post care. i came home to an amazing gift. Our church family had completely refurnished my childrens rooms! they all had new beds, dressers, they bought us a crib for the baby, they washed the laundry, even bought us kitchen utensils, bowls etc and are bringing us food for the entire week! I literally dont have to worry about anything but nursing my little man and getting better.

My husband brought his recliner into our room and put it next to the bed and I thought he was crazy. But it saved my life last night. I couldnt lay on the bed so I slept w the baby in the recliner.

I received an angry email from the "midwife" because I had said she backed out. Which she did! She was upset that i had told ppl what happened and she tried to justify it. But she knew that without her i would surely have to have another c section and she didnt care. she knew what she was doing would end my chances of having more children. She played god in this situation and I am still trying to work through my anger on that. If I would have been given the chance to be successful and my body or the baby couldnt handle it then that would have been one thing, but once again someone took that away from me.

I want to say THANK YOU to all of you for being supportive of my dream. And i will continue to be supportive of all of you. Congrats to the recent vbac success stories! love you all


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Congrats Mama!!! I'm happy that you got to labor for a while and I'm happy that your LO was OK through it all. I'm sorry that you wont be able to have any more children though and I am so happy to hear that you can stay home and focus on your LO. <3 You are an amazing and brave woman!!!
Congratulations on your beautiful boy Mamma. I've been following along for a while now and was thinking of you. I'm glad that it ended up being positive in some ways and that you were able to have a go of it.

Congratulations again.

mamatrujillo Huge congrats on your beautiful boy and you are so brave and amazing :hugs: I am so sorry for the news on no more children, why is that becuase it would mean another section? you have done amazing! I am so gald to hear all is ok :hugs: I hope you sent a very angry reply back to that midwife!! :growlmad:
Congrats Mama on the birth of your son! I am sorry it turned out the way it did, but so very happy that it was a good experience for you. How wonderful of your church family to be so hopeful! You are blessed!
Congratulations mumma! Sounds like it was still an amazing experience and how lovely of your church!!! :cloud9:
Oh mama! What beautiful photos...you look simply glowing. How wonderful that the Dr ended up on your team...just as well! Glad everything is working out and that you have such a healthy little boy to love...I was so worried for you. DH and I been wondering how things went. :)
Hey, can I introduce myself?

I had my son by c section last year at 34 weeks. He was suffering with iugr, I had very low fluid, he was transverse breech, and my placenta was beginning to fail, so my specialist decided he was better out than in. Joshua was born on 6th feb 2012 and sadly died in my arms at 13 hours old.

6 months later I was given the all clear to ttc again, and we got pregnant first month of trying. I'm now 37 weeks with a little girl. Really hoping for a vbac. My consultant is supporting me in my choices which is great. Having a few problems with my hospital. Found out 2 weeks ago they're closing delivery suite on 8th June. All deliveries will be taking place either in rooms on a different ward, on the ward itself with just a curtain for privacy, or you can deliver at a different hospital. My birth plan is now not allowed. We had agreed I would be allowed to labour in water, but deliver her 'on dry land', which I was ok with, but the ward doesn't have any pools. It was also very important for me to have my mum with me, as well as my oh, but they're saying you're only allowed one birthing partner due to space issues. They were meant to be inducing me next week at 38 weeks, but have now decided they won't induce a vbac 3 days before delivery suite closes. I don't have the option to deliver at the other hospitals. We have a 50% chance that this lo might have the same fatal condition as Joshua, and our hospital has a fantastic nicu, my specialist and Joshua's neonatal team. The other hospitals don't have nicu's.

Best case scenario is that this lo turns up within the next 7 days and I can have my vbac with my water labour and both my mum and oh, but I know you can't force a baby's arrival! The most important thing is that she arrives healthy. My oh has tried convincing me to have a repeat c section. It's taken me a long time to get over the feelings of failure by having a c section. I couldn't do the most natural thing for a woman to do, grow and birth a healthy baby. I feel sad that I never even got to experience labour. I had a pretty horrific recovery that took months and still causes me pain now. Obviously if at any point my specialist says he thinks c section is safest for baby, I'll go along with him, I trust him 100%, but at the moment, he doesn't see a problem with me trying.

Sorry that was a bit long! But that's my story. Wish I'd found this group months ago!! xx
Hi Lexi so sorry for your loss, I so understand the getting over a c section and the fear of another one, it is awful we have to fight so hard to birth naturally:hugs: may be they will let you have a bath in labour for pain relief or a shower were you are! FX baby comes on her own time before the closure :thumbup:

best of luck :hugs:
So sorry for your loss of beautiful Joshua :hugs:

Hope that everything works out for you with the birth of your darling girl xx
Lexi I am sad to read about your loss and the difficulty with the hospital. I hope all works out for you and your baby girl. I would be uncomfortable with the situation if I was told that...I haven't even laid eyes on the birth suites at my current hospital I hope they are good. Is there a way they can birth her at a different hospital and if there is problems transfer her to the NICU ? I know they do that option here between hospitals so the baby gets the best of care?
If this baby does have the same condition, she would be tk unstable to be able to transfer. The hospitals are over an hour apart, and they wouldn't have the equipment needed to keep her alive during the transfer :( x

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