VBAC info/support

Lexi, I guess you need to make the most of the situation. Maybe try and stay at home a bit longer and labour in the bath. You can always make contact with labour ward early on in labour before you are ready to go in.

Maybe you could even try talking to your community midwife and if you go into labour during normal office hours have one of them come and visit to listen into baby, do an internal and decide when to go in. It's not what they normally do but you could at least ask. After all its not your fault they are closing labour ward.

And delivering with just curtains??!! Thats shocking! They can't really expect women to be ok with that?
Looks like I joined this thread a little late. I was admitted to hospital yesterday and diagnosed with preeclampsia. They've since discharged me, but booked me in for a section on Wednesday. I'm completely devastated. I wanted a vbac so much. I never got a chance to go into labour last time either, and they told me after 2 c sections, they'll only advise one more baby, I wanted 2 more, and that would have to be a c section too. My last experience was awful with a recovery that took months, I don't know how I'm going to do that again. People just keep saying "oh it's not that bad, you're lucky you can have one, wish I knew when I was meeting my baby". How is it lucky to have to deliver her early, in a way that I don't want to, knowing I'll never get the birth I want?! That's not lucky!! The one thing I've said I wanted since the day I found out, was a vbac. Just feel like a failure. I can't do the one thing a woman's body is meant to do, grow and birth a baby :( xx
Looks like I joined this thread a little late. I was admitted to hospital yesterday and diagnosed with preeclampsia. They've since discharged me, but booked me in for a section on Wednesday. I'm completely devastated. I wanted a vbac so much. I never got a chance to go into labour last time either, and they told me after 2 c sections, they'll only advise one more baby, I wanted 2 more, and that would have to be a c section too. My last experience was awful with a recovery that took months, I don't know how I'm going to do that again. People just keep saying "oh it's not that bad, you're lucky you can have one, wish I knew when I was meeting my baby". How is it lucky to have to deliver her early, in a way that I don't want to, knowing I'll never get the birth I want?! That's not lucky!! The one thing I've said I wanted since the day I found out, was a vbac. Just feel like a failure. I can't do the one thing a woman's body is meant to do, grow and birth a baby :( xx

Honey- Please i understand I do- But Do NOT let these people tell you these things - I have had 3 c sections - and in fact my Dr that performed the last ASKED me if i want to go ahead and haver another back in 2011. I waited became preg in 2012 but lost it and on my last visit a few months ago- he advised me that there is no risk to having another c section- the only thing he said was the most they would be concerned about it where the placenta attached itself -he advised me that i can have another if I wanted to. I have 7 children. I had my last daughter, my twins and my last son after my twins via c section.
I also am trying for a VBAC when i conceive and have done research connected with a midwife and joined this thread and absolutely can tell you I still have a chance at VBAC. I am WTTC in July or August. Im no Dr- But sometimes they dont tell you all the facts either. I read that removing scar tissue can also help after c sections as well. A Dr that can sit down and actually have a consultation with you -rather than what I refer to as a 5 min curtain call - is one that wants to keep you informed- but dont be fooled we as women still have rights and knowledge is key- I know that you will have the desires of your heart. DOnt be down... Not sure of the situation completely right now because ultimitley you want the best for you and baby- but next time- just push yourself to the limit of research , getting support from other women out there. Etc . dont let these people tell you this is it-without you doing your homework with a thorough understanding of all things involved. I scheduled with 2 Dr's that specialize in VBAC's and they requested my surgical records to understand the type of incisions i had and anything else remarkable. I also have consulted with a midwife and she has a back up Dr with experience and supports VBAC's after mul c sections. Stay hopeful dont let them steal your hopes and faith. I'll be praying for you and Have a happy and healthy delivery!!! :hugs:
And ALSO - U ARE NOT a FAILURE by NO MEANS!!!!!!!!!! You are a powerful force!!! I have had vaginal and c section - wither way - i gave birth - I understand wanting the experience because I want it back- But i took my body back- from these discouraging Dr's that say no- we are women and that in itself is powerfully beautiful!! I have hope for you!
Lexi if they have let you home so not a supper emergency then why are they pushing a section!! why will they not induce you instead, plus if they tell you the risk of a tear is so great! well think of me I have been induced 4 times since my emergency section by breaking my waters and a drip to start contractions, they take it slow

also I agree with Jaycrew you can have more than 3, I know some here in Ireland who have 5 and that was 30 years ago! :hugs:

I hope your blood pressure behaves!! you so deserve an easy end to your pregnancy :hugs:
Thank you so much. I honestly feel they've booked my section out of ease for them. When I saw my consultant last week, we asked about early induction so I could deliver at that hospital with no worries. His words then were, we wouldn't induce till 38 weeks, and because you turn 38 weeks a few days before delivery suite closes, we wouldn't be able to do it as you're high risk, but, if you go overdue, we'll still consider induction before c section.

Before I left yesterday my protein had dropped to + instead of ++ and my blood pressure dropped to 130/88. They said with pre e the symptoms wouldn't get better, would only get worse until delivery. I'm really hoping today when I go in that my blood pressure has dropped even more and protein has gone. Then they can't force a c section surely? I'm still going to have the 2nd lot of steroid injections today, just in case.

It's reassuring to hear some of you have had vbacs and inductions after c sections. I honestly feel like they're fobbing me off a little just to plan their schedule. I'm know about the minimal risk of scar rupture, and I was ok with that, my own consultant even said it was rare! Yet now that's their main concern?? I know its all about baby, but just wish my wants and wishes were taken into consideration. My oh doesn't understand why I'm so upset about it, just keeps saying it will be ok, but a vbac was a huge thing for me, and to make it this far and have it ripped away is painful. My mum had section, vbac, section and just keeps saying how her sections were easier. I don't care about other people's sections and how great they were, at least she got to find out what a natural delivery was like!! Meh :( just upset and ranting. Sorry girls xx
Lexi rant away and good luck today and NO they can not force you!! you can pull them up on on one hand saying risk are low to now using it as an excuese arm your self with information! tell you DH how important it is to you and how now more than ever you need him at your back supporting you :hugs: take care xx
I'm so angry. I only found out last night before I left, that my hospital runs a vbac clinic and support group, that I should of been referred too from the very start. I've said I want a vbac from day 1!! The next clinic isn't till Wednesday evening, section booked for Wednesday morning :( I really don't want one and just feel like I'm being ganged up on by everyone. My oh and my mum are both being so unsupportive and just keep saying c section is safest option. I saw one student midwife yesterday that told me to be strong and say no if I want to, that she had to during her birth a lot about intervention. Then, once the head midwife came in with he to run some checks they were both saying how they wouldn't disagree with a consultants opinion. A c section is easier for a consultant though. Are there more risks being induced with pre e/high blood pressure? That's what I'm now being told, but I thought women were induced because of pre e all the time?? Just wish I had some support from my oh, but he really doesn't get why it's so important to me. They just keep saying I'm high risk because we've had a neonatal loss (that wasn't associated to the birth!), because I've never had a vaginal delivery (didn't have a choice), because my c section was only 15 months ago (they gave me the all clear to try again and approved vbac until Friday) and because of the high blood pressure.

I asked for the vbac success rate at my hospital, they couldn't tell me. Not could they tell me how many women tried, but needed emcs. They just keep saying they'll support a mothers choice, BUT a c section would be best. How is that supporting me?

Am I right in thinking the increase risk of scar rupture through induction is 0.52%? I don't want to lose my chance to birth my baby because of scaremongering. Of course they're not going to admit its easier for their schedule, but they already told me they wouldn't book a vbac induction this week because of the ward closures!! If they were happy to do it the week after, surely the risks don't change? Just so confused and feeling bullied into surgery I don't want and might not need?? xx
Lexi I totally get why you are angry. I hate it when they give you the run around. I asked about physio at my first appointment and apparently on my chart it was written that I had been given a referral...nope never got a referral had to phone up on my own and book in myself or I'd still be in a great deal of pain without any help. Sometimes it takes asking over and over before they really listen it seems. Keep requesting your wishes hun :)
I'm so angry. I only found out last night before I left, that my hospital runs a vbac clinic and support group, that I should of been referred too from the very start. I've said I want a vbac from day 1!! The next clinic isn't till Wednesday evening, section booked for Wednesday morning :( I really don't want one and just feel like I'm being ganged up on by everyone. My oh and my mum are both being so unsupportive and just keep saying c section is safest option. I saw one student midwife yesterday that told me to be strong and say no if I want to, that she had to during her birth a lot about intervention. Then, once the head midwife came in with he to run some checks they were both saying how they wouldn't disagree with a consultants opinion. A c section is easier for a consultant though. Are there more risks being induced with pre e/high blood pressure? That's what I'm now being told, but I thought women were induced because of pre e all the time?? Just wish I had some support from my oh, but he really doesn't get why it's so important to me. They just keep saying I'm high risk because we've had a neonatal loss (that wasn't associated to the birth!), because I've never had a vaginal delivery (didn't have a choice), because my c section was only 15 months ago (they gave me the all clear to try again and approved vbac until Friday) and because of the high blood pressure.

I asked for the vbac success rate at my hospital, they couldn't tell me. Not could they tell me how many women tried, but needed emcs. They just keep saying they'll support a mothers choice, BUT a c section would be best. How is that supporting me?

Am I right in thinking the increase risk of scar rupture through induction is 0.52%? I don't want to lose my chance to birth my baby because of scaremongering. Of course they're not going to admit its easier for their schedule, but they already told me they wouldn't book a vbac induction this week because of the ward closures!! If they were happy to do it the week after, surely the risks don't change? Just so confused and feeling bullied into surgery I don't want and might not need?? xx

Lexi-- Just checking in on you :hugs:
I'm so angry. I only found out last night before I left, that my hospital runs a vbac clinic and support group, that I should of been referred too from the very start. I've said I want a vbac from day 1!! The next clinic isn't till Wednesday evening, section booked for Wednesday morning :( I really don't want one and just feel like I'm being ganged up on by everyone. My oh and my mum are both being so unsupportive and just keep saying c section is safest option. I saw one student midwife yesterday that told me to be strong and say no if I want to, that she had to during her birth a lot about intervention. Then, once the head midwife came in with he to run some checks they were both saying how they wouldn't disagree with a consultants opinion. A c section is easier for a consultant though. Are there more risks being induced with pre e/high blood pressure? That's what I'm now being told, but I thought women were induced because of pre e all the time?? Just wish I had some support from my oh, but he really doesn't get why it's so important to me. They just keep saying I'm high risk because we've had a neonatal loss (that wasn't associated to the birth!), because I've never had a vaginal delivery (didn't have a choice), because my c section was only 15 months ago (they gave me the all clear to try again and approved vbac until Friday) and because of the high blood pressure.

I asked for the vbac success rate at my hospital, they couldn't tell me. Not could they tell me how many women tried, but needed emcs. They just keep saying they'll support a mothers choice, BUT a c section would be best. How is that supporting me?

Am I right in thinking the increase risk of scar rupture through induction is 0.52%? I don't want to lose my chance to birth my baby because of scaremongering. Of course they're not going to admit its easier for their schedule, but they already told me they wouldn't book a vbac induction this week because of the ward closures!! If they were happy to do it the week after, surely the risks don't change? Just so confused and feeling bullied into surgery I don't want and might not need?? xx

Lexi-- Just checking in on you :hugs:

Lexi got her VBAC :happydance: and has a beautiful little baby girl as well :happydance:
Hi _Lexi_ id ask to talk to another DR/consultant if I was you I was told I have preE as well and Iv been given TOL/VBA3C as long as I do go into labour by 39ish weeks as they won't induce and won't risk me going over, my symptoms have also gone my bp used to be 134/95 now its gone down to normal (can't remember what it was last time) and the protein is confusing them as it goes up and down and then to none then back up again etc but they are still happy to let my have TOL :happydance:

Ok as above my consultant said yes to TOL/VBA3C (which I nearly fell of the chair as my MW was saying they won't agree to it and I had this whole story to back up my TOL/VBA3C to talk the consultant into it and as soon as I ask she came out with "of course you can" didn't even get to have my rant :haha: )
iv got a growth scan at 36 weeks booked but I have got to say I am so scared about going into labour but Im looking forward to it as well but the risks are scaring me Iv done loads of reading on vbacs but im looking for people who are also going for VBA3C or is it just me that's nuts :haha:
[/QUOTE]Lexi got her VBAC :happydance: and has a beautiful little baby girl as well :happydance:[/QUOTE]

oh didnt see this congrats to her and well done :hug:

Dam it my quote ain't working :dohh:
Lexi got her VBAC :happydance: and has a beautiful little baby girl as well :happydance:[/QUOTE]

oh didnt see this congrats to her and well done :hug:

Dam it my quote ain't working :dohh:[/QUOTE]

lol here is her update https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/b...nts/1880895-shes-arrived-13.html#post27756045

so happy for her
how lovely and what a pretty little thing she is! Awww Such a blessing!
Thats so AWESOME!!! IM SO HAPPY!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!! CAnt wait to see update on how everything went!!!! :)
I haven't wrote on here for a while but I didn't get my VBAC. :nope: my uterus scar ruptured, teared down my vagina and bladder too so DS2 was very lucky to make it. I'm disappointed but mostly just happy that we are both okay.
I haven't wrote on here for a while but I didn't get my VBAC. :nope: my uterus scar ruptured, teared down my vagina and bladder too so DS2 was very lucky to make it. I'm disappointed but mostly just happy that we are both okay.

OMG! I happy that your both ok though!! how far in between was your last c section? (im sorry I dont mean to be personal- please forgive me if i am-I dont mean any harm) Being that I want to try but had 3 c sections last one was 4 yrs ago... Im being optimistic but want to be fully educated on both sides of the spectrum- what the pros and cons are. How do you feel? Are you happy that they let you Labor and try- how do you feel. Thatmust have been a lot for you to take in. But I thank GOd your baby and you are fine. :hugs:

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